105 resultados para Diffusion weighthed imaging
A method is presented for computing the fields produced by radio frequency probes of the type used in magnetic resonance imaging. The effects of surrounding the probe with a shielding coil, intended to eliminate stray fields produced outside the probe, are included. An essential feature of these devices is the fact that the conducting rungs of the probe are of finite width relative to the coil radius, and it is therefore necessary to find the distribution of current within the conductors as part of the solution process. This is done here using a numerical method based on the inverse finite Hilbert transform, applied iteratively to the entire structure including its shielding coils. It is observed that the fields are influenced substantially by the width of the conducting rungs of the probe, since induced eddy currents within the rungs become more pronounced as their width is increased. The shield is also shown to have a significant effect on both the primary current density and the resultant fields. Quality factors are computed for these probes and compared with values measured experimentally.
The spatial and temporal evolution of a depleted atomic distribution created by laser enhanced ionisation (LEI) was employed to determine both a diffusion coefficient for sodium (Na) and an electron (e(-)) and sodium ion recombination rate coefficient in an analytical air-C2H2 flame. A depleted distribution of neutral sodium atoms was produced in a flame by ionising approximately 80% of the irradiated sodium atoms in a well defined region using a two step LEI excitation scheme. Following depletion by ionisation, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the depleted region recorded the diffusion and decay of the depleted Na distribution for different depletion-probe delays. From measurements of the diffused width of the distribution, an accurate diffusion coefficient D = (1.19 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) m(2) s(-1) for Na was determined in teh burnt gases of the flame. Measurements of the integrated fluorescence intensity in the depleted region for different depletion-probe delays were related to an increase in atomic sodium concentration caused by electron-ion recombination. At high concentrations (greater than or equal to 50 mu g ml(-1)), where the electron and ion concentrations in the depleted region were assumed equal, a recombination rate coefficient of 4.2 x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) was calculated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Smoothing the potential energy surface for structure optimization is a general and commonly applied strategy. We propose a combination of soft-core potential energy functions and a variation of the diffusion equation method to smooth potential energy surfaces, which is applicable to complex systems such as protein structures; The performance of the method was demonstrated by comparison with simulated annealing using the refinement of the undecapeptide Cyclosporin A as a test case. Simulations were repeated many times using different initial conditions and structures since the methods are heuristic and results are only meaningful in a statistical sense.
We have previously shown that H-1 pulsed-field-gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy provides a facile method for monitoring protein self-association and can be used, albeit with some caveats, to measure the apparent molecular mass of the diffusant [Dingley et al. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, 321-328]. In this paper we show that, for N-15-labelled proteins, selection of H-1-N-15 multiple-quantum (MQ) coherences in PFG diffusion experiments provides several advantages over monitoring H-1 single-quantum (SQ) magnetization. First, the use of a gradient-selected MQ filter provides a convenient means of suppressing resonances from both the solvent and unlabelled solutes. Second, H-1-N-15 zero-quantum coherence dephases more rapidly than H-1 SQ coherence under the influence of a PFG. This allows the diffusion coefficients of larger proteins to be measured more readily. Alternatively, the gradient length and/or the diffusion delay may be decreased, thereby reducing signal losses from relaxation. In order to extend the size of macromolecules to which these experiments can be applied, we have developed a new MQ PFG diffusion experiment in which the magnetization is stored as longitudinal two-spin order for most of the diffusion period, thus minimizing sensitivity losses due to transverse relaxation and J-coupling evolution.
Inverse parabolicity of PDF equations in turbulent flows - reversed-time diffusion or something else
Ussing [1] considered the steady flux of a single chemical component diffusing through a membrane under the influence of chemical potentials and derived from his linear model, an expression for the ratio of this flux and that of the complementary experiment in which the boundary conditions were interchanged. Here, an extension of Ussing's flux ratio theorem is obtained for n chemically interacting components governed by a linear system of diffusion-migration equations that may also incorporate linear temporary trapping reactions. The determinants of the output flux matrices for complementary experiments are shown to satisfy an Ussing flux ratio formula for steady state conditions of the same form as for the well-known one-component case. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.