121 resultados para Casting Alloy
The corrosion behaviour of die cast magnesium alloy AZ91D aged at 160degreesC was investigated. The corrosion rate of the alloy decreases with ageing time in the initial stages and then increases again at ageing times greater than 45 h. The dependence of the corrosion rate on ageing time can be related to the changes in microstructure and local composition during ageing. Precipitation of the beta phase (Mg17Al12) occurs exclusively along the grain boundaries during ageing. The beta phase acts as a barrier, resulting in a decreasing corrosion rate in the initial stages of ageing. In the later stages, the decreasing aluminium content of alpha grains makes the alpha matrix more active, causing an increase in the corrosion rate. Electrochemical testing results also confirm the combined effects of the changes in alpha and beta phases on the corrosion resistance of the aged die cast AZ91D alloy. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Different as-cast microstructures of an AlSi7Mg alloy were produced by controlling the solidification conditions. The as-cast grain size ranged from 1.4 mm to 160 mum and the morphology varied from dendritic to rosette-like to globular. The as-cast materials were then partially remelted and isothermally held at 580degreesC for microstructure evolution. The final microstructure depended on the initial as-cast microstructure and the isothermal holding time. After partial remelting and isothermal holding, coarse-grained dendritic structures were not able to evolve to a globular structure, while structures with medium sized dendritic grains evolved to a globular structure with a relatively large particle size after a long isothermal holding time. Fine-grained structures evolved to well-rounded globular grains within times ranging front 10 min to 5 min as the dendritic nature of the starting structure diminished. An empirical equation has been established to describe the relationship between the evolved microstructure and the as-cast microstructure. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In addition to a change in silicon morphology, modification of aluminium-silicon alloys with strontium or sodium increases the size of the eutectic grains. To determine the mechanism responsible, eutectic solidification in commercial purity and ultra-high purity aluminium-si I icon alloys, with and without strontium additions, was examined by a quenching technique. In the commercial unmodified alloy, nucleation was prolific while in the high-purity unmodified alloy few eutectic grains nucleated. The addition of strontium to the commercial alloy reduced the number of eutectic grains that nucleated. Addition of strontium to the high-purity alloy did not significantly alter nucleation. It is concluded that commercial purity alloys contain a large number of potent nuclei that are susceptible to poisoning by impurity modification. The flake-to-fibre transition that occurs with impurity modification is shown to be independent of any change in eutectic nucleation mode and frequency. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Optical metallographic techniques for grain-size measurement give unreliable results for high pressure diecast Mg-Al alloys and electron back-scattered diffraction mapping (EBSD) provides a good tool for improving the quality of these measurements. An application of EBSD mapping to this question is described, and data for some castings are presented. Ion-beam milling was needed to prepare suitable samples, and this technique is detailed. As is well-known for high pressure die castings, the grain size distribution comprises at least two populations. The mean grain size of the fine-grained population was similar in both AZ91 and AM60 and in two casting thicknesses (2 mm and 5 mm) and, contrary to previously published reports, it did not vary with depth below the surface.
Additions of strontium to hypoeutectic aluminum-silicon alloys modify the morphology of the eutectic silicon phase from a coarse platelike structure to a fine fibrous structure. Thermal analysis, interrupted solidification, and microstructural examination of sand castings in this work revealed that, in addition to a change in silicon morphology, modification with strontium also causes an increase in the size of eutectic grains. The eutectic grain size increases because fewer grains nucleate, possibly due to poisoning of the phosphorus-based nucleants, that are active in the unmodified alloy. A simple growth model is developed to estimate the interface velocity during solidification of a eutectic grain. The model confirms, independent of microstructural observations, that the addition of 100 ppm strontium increases the eutectic grain size by at least an order of magnitude compared with the equivalent unmodified alloy. The model predicts that the growth velocity varies significantly during eutectic growth. At low strontium levels, these variations may be sufficient to cause transitions between flake and fibrous silicon morphologies depending on the casting conditions. The model can be used to rationally interpret the eutectic grain structure and silicon morphology of fully solidified aluminum-silicon castings and, when coupled with reliable thermal data, can be used to estimate the eutectic grain size.
Banded defects are often found in high-pressure die castings. These bands can contain segregation, porosity, and/or tears, and changing casting conditions and alloy are known to change the position and make-up of the bands. Due to the complex, dynamic nature of the high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) process, it is very difficult to study the effect of individual parameters on band formation. In the work presented here, bands of segregation similar to those found in cold-chamber HPDC aluminum alloys were found in laboratory gravity die castings. Samples were cast with a range of fraction solids from 0 to 0.3 and the effect of die temperature and external solid fraction on segregation bands was investigated. The results are considered with reference to the theological properties of the filling semisolid metal and a formation mechanism for bands is proposed by considering flow past a solidifying immobile wall layer.
The flow stress in tension and compression has been measured as a function of plastic strain in Mg-2Zn castings with grain sizes ranging from 55 to 340 mum. Hall-Petch parameters have been calculated and are compared to those previously reported. In contrast to the behaviour of pure Mg grain refined with Zr and of hot-worked and recrystallised pure Mg and Mg-Zn alloys, the cast material shows little tension/compression asymmetry of the flow stress. The possible effects of texture and of twinning are noted. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In cold-chamber high-pressure die castings (HPDC), the microstructure consists of coarse externally solidified crystals (ESCs) that are commonly observed in the central region of cross sections. In the present work, controlled laboratory scale casting experiments have been conducted with particular emphasis on the flow and solidification conditions. An A356 aluminum alloy was used to produce castings by pouring semi-solid metal through a steel die. Microstructures similar to those encountered in HPDC have been produced and the resulting microstructure is found to depend on the melt and die temperature: (1) the fraction of ESCs determines the extent of migration to the central region; (2) a maximum packing determines the area fraction of ESCs in the center; and (3) the die temperature affects the position of the ESCs-a higher die temperature can induce a displaced ESC distribution. It is found that the n-figration of crystals to the central region requires a flow, which is constrained at all melt/die interfaces. Furthermore, potential lift mechanisms are discussed. An assessment of the Saffman lift force on individual particles shows it has no significant effect on the migration of ESCs.
The age hardening response of a sintered Al-3.8 wt% Cu-1.0 wt% Mg-0.70 wt% Si alloy with and without 0.1 wt% Sn was investigated. The sequence of precipitation was characterised using transmission electron microscopy. The ageing response of the sintered Al-Cu-Mg-Si-(Sn) alloy is similar to that of cognate wrought 2xxx series alloys. Peak hardness was associated with a fine, uniform dispersion of lath shaped precipitates, believed to be either the betaor Q phase, oriented along < 010 >. directions and theta' plates lying on {001}(alpha). planes. Natural ageing also resulted in comparable behaviour to that observed in wrought alloys. Porosity in the powder metallurgy alloys did not significantly affect the kinetics of precipitation during artificial ageing. Trace levels of tin, used to aid sintering, slightly reduced the hardening response of the alloy. However, this was compensated for by significant improvements in density and hardness. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corrosion resistance is an important property that could be affected by the ageing process. In order to investigate whether aging affects the corrosion resistance, corrosion rate and yield strength of diecast magnesium alloy AZ91D were measured and analysed after ageing. It was found that the dependence of the corrosion rate on ageing time can be ascribed to the changes in microstructure of the alloy and chemical composition of its matrix. Precipitation of the P phase (Mg17Al12) occurred along the grain boundaries during the initial ageing stages, resulting in a decreasing corrosion rate and an inceasing yield strength. In the later stages, the decreasing aluminium content in the alpha matrix made it more active, causing an increase in the corrosion rate. The decrease in aluminium content in the matrix also leads to a decrease in yield strength.
From recent published data, it is still unclear whether combining additions of Na and Sr have synergistic effects or deleterious interactions, This paper clarifies the interactions between these two modifiers and investigates the effects of such interactions on alloy solidification and castability. It was found that combined additions of Sr and Na do not appear to cause improvement of the modification of the eutectic microstructure even after only a short period after addition. Na addition may promote Sr vaporization and/or oxidation kinetically. leading to a quicker loss of both modifiers, which is blamed for the rapid loss of the modification effect during melt holding. Quenching trials during the eutectic arrest indicate that addition of Sr into Na-modified melts does not alter the eutectic solidification behaviour The effect of Na on eutectic solidification dominates, and the eutectic is observed to evolve with a significant dependency on the thermal gradient, Combining Sr and Na additions produced no beneficial effects on porosity and casting defects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an investigation of the machinability of a Ni50.6Ti49.4 alloy by two machining methods: electrical discharge machining and femtosecond laser machining. The electrical discharge wire cutting used resulted in an average surface roughness of similar to 1.2 mu m and a heat-affected layer of 150 mu m depth. In the laser machining, an ultrashort pulse laser with a width of 150 A was used to minimize the effect of laser-generated heat on the surface integrity. This resulted in a much smaller surface roughness of similar to 0.4 mm and a heat-affected layer of only 50 mu m. The two machining methods were compared as regards machined surface integrity.