146 resultados para 6th Sunday after Epiphany
Background: A follow-up study was undertaken of all Western Australian women who had a new diagnosis of boast cancer during 1989. The aims were to determine survival, frequency of recurrence and quality of life (QoL) of Western Australian women 5 years after a diagnosis of breast cancer; to determine reasons for choice ol rejection of reconstructive surgery in those women treated by mastectomy, and to determine if the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy affects subsequent QoL. Methods: The vital status as at Ist June 1994 of all 692 women who had a new diagnosis of breast cancer in 1989 was ascertained by electronic linkage to official mortality registrations. A subsample of 215 survivors who had originally been treated by the nine surgeons who had managed 20 or more cases each was sent a reply-paid postal questionnaire asking about follow-up treatment since diagnosis, recurrence of disease, current QoL and attitudes to, and use of, reconstructive surgery. Results: The overall survival rate at 5 years was 80.8% (85.9% and 78.8% for Stage I and II, respectively). Cumulative mortality was 35% lower among the third of patients treated by the nine most active surgeons (14% vs 22%, P < 0.02), but this may be subject to referral bias. The subsample was representative of all surviving cases except for being an average of 2.7 years younger at diagnosis (mean ages 55.2 and 57.9 years). The response rate of the subsample to the postal questionnaire was 78%. Of women who had had a mastectomy. 40% had considered having a reconstruction, but only nine (78%) had undergone this operation. Median QoL on the Rosser scale (maximum = 1.0) was 0.9. QoL was worse for the 23% of patients with a recurrence of breast cancer. Patients treated by breast-conserving surgery showed a trend toward a better QoL compared with those treated by mastectomy. Conclusion: At 5 years after the diagnosis of breast cancer, one in five women had died and an estimated one in four of the survivors had recurrent disease. Quality of life in the remaining patients, half of whom had undergone adjuvant treatment, was very good. These are important baseline data against which to judge the impact of mammographic screening.
Egr-1 and related proteins are inducible transcription factors within the brain recognizing the same consensus DNA sequence. Three Egr DNA-binding activities were observed in regions of the naive rat brain. Egr-1 was present in all brain regions examined. Bands composed, at least in part, of Egr-2 and Egr-3 were present in different relative amounts in the cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, thalamus, and midbrain. All had similar affinity and specificity for the Egr consensus DNA recognition sequence. Administration of the convulsants NMDA, kainate, and pentylenetetrazole differentially induced Egr-1 and Egr-2/3 DNA-binding activities in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. All convulsants induced Egr-1 and Egr-2 immunoreactivity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. These data indicate that the members of the Egr family are regulated at different levels and may interact at promoters containing the Egr consensus sequence to fine tune a program of gene expression resulting from excitatory stimuli.
As part of an institutional closure programme, 95 individuals with an intellectual disability were relocated to community-based group homes. Each individual was assessed 6 months prior to the relocation and then again after 1, 6, and 12 months of community living. Assessments involved ratings of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour, choice-making, and life circumstances. The group means comparing institution to community ratings showed improvements in adaptive functioning but no significant change in maladaptive behaviour. There were also improvements in life circumstances and increased opportunities for choice-making following relocation to the community. These outcomes suggest that relocation to the community was associated with a more active and normalised lifestyle than experienced in the institutional setting.