72 resultados para 671400 Instrumentation


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The technique of permanently attaching piezoelectric transducers to structural surfaces has demonstrated great potential for quantitative non-destructive evaluation and smart materials design. For thin structural members such as composite laminated plates, it has been well recognized that guided Lamb wave techniques can provide a very sensitive and effective means for large area interrogation. However, since in these applications multiple wave modes are generally generated and the individual modes are usually dispersive, the received signals are very complex and difficult to interpret. An attractive way to deal with this problem has recently been introduced by applying piezoceramic transducer arrays or interdigital transducer (IDT) technologies. In this paper, the acoustic wave field in composite laminated plates excited by piezoceramic transducer arrays or IDT is investigated. Based on dynamic piezoelectricity theory, a discrete layer theory and a multiple integral transform method, an analytical-numerical approach is developed to evaluate the input impedance characteristics of the transducer and the surface velocity response of the plate. The method enables the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the electrical characteristics of the excitation circuit, the geometric and piezoelectric properties of the transducer array, and the mechanical and geometrical features of the laminate. Numerical results are presented to validate the developed method and show the ability of single wave mode selection and isolation. The results show that the interaction between individual elements of the piezoelectric array has a significant influence on the performance of the IDT, and these effects can not be neglected even in the case of low frequency excitation. It is also demonstrated that adding backing materials to the transducer elements can be used to improve the excitability of specific wave modes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fixed-point roundoff noise in digital implementation of linear systems arises due to overflow, quantization of coefficients and input signals, and arithmetical errors. In uniform white-noise models, the last two types of roundoff errors are regarded as uniformly distributed independent random vectors on cubes of suitable size. For input signal quantization errors, the heuristic model is justified by a quantization theorem, which cannot be directly applied to arithmetical errors due to the complicated input-dependence of errors. The complete uniform white-noise model is shown to be valid in the sense of weak convergence of probabilistic measures as the lattice step tends to zero if the matrices of realization of the system in the state space satisfy certain nonresonance conditions and the finite-dimensional distributions of the input signal are absolutely continuous.


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The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of MRI magnets with both superconducting coils and ferromagnetic rings. The work is directed to the automated design of MRI magnet systems containing superconducting wire and both `cold' and `warm' iron. Details of the optimization procedure are given and the results show combined superconducting and iron material MRI magnets with excellent field characteristics. Strong, homogeneous central magnetic fields are produced with little stray or external field leakage. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method for both current coil and iron material sources. Design examples for symmetric, open and asymmetric clinical MRI magnets containing both superconducting coils and ferromagnetic material are presented.


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Numerical modeling of the eddy currents induced in the human body by the pulsed field gradients in MRI presents a difficult computational problem. It requires an efficient and accurate computational method for high spatial resolution analyses with a relatively low input frequency. In this article, a new technique is described which allows the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to be efficiently applied over a very large frequency range, including low frequencies. This is not the case in conventional FDTD-based methods. A method of implementing streamline gradients in FDTD is presented, as well as comparative analyses which show that the correct source injection in the FDTD simulation plays a crucial rule in obtaining accurate solutions. In particular, making use of the derivative of the input source waveform is shown to provide distinct benefits in accuracy over direct source injection. In the method, no alterations to the properties of either the source or the transmission media are required. The method is essentially frequency independent and the source injection method has been verified against examples with analytical solutions. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields and eddy currents in a complete body model.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets have very stringent constraints on the homogeneity of the static magnetic field that they generate over desired imaging regions. The magnet system also preferably generates very little stray field external to its structure, so that ease of siting and safety are assured. This work concentrates on deriving, means of rapidly computing the effect of 'cold' and 'warm' ferromagnetic material in or around the superconducting magnet system, so as to facilitate the automated design of hybrid material MR magnets. A complete scheme for the direct calculation of the spherical harmonics of the magnetic field generated by a circular ring of ferromagnetic material is derived under the conditions of arbitrary external magnetizing fields. The magnetic field produced by the superconducting coils in the system is computed using previously developed methods. The final, hybrid algorithm is fast enough for use in large-scale optimization methods. The resultant fields from a practical example of a 4 T, clinical MRI magnet containing both superconducting coils and magnetic material are presented.


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[1] In this paper a detailed design, development and performances of a 5 GHz microstrip Yagi antenna, which uses a two-dimensional (2-D) electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure in the ground plane, are presented. The results indicate that the use of the EBG structure improves the radiation pattern of the antenna. The cross polarization is suppressed by properly choosing the period and dimensions of EBGs. Also, the broadside gain is improved in comparison with the analogous antenna without the EBGs.


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A method is presented for calculating the currents and winding patterns required to design independent zonal and tesseral shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging. Both actively shielded and unshielded configurations are considered, and the region of interest can be located asymmetrically with respect to the coil's length. Streamline, target-field and Fourier-series methods are utilized. The desired target-field is specified at two cylindrical radii, on and inside a circular conducting cylinder of length 2L and radius a. The specification is over some asymmetric portion pL < z < qL of the coil's length (-1 < p < q < 1). Arbitrary functions are used in the outer sections, -L < z < pL and qL < z < L, to ensure continuity of the magnetic field across the entire length of the coil. The entire field is then periodically extended as a half-range cosine Fourier series about either end of the coil. The resultant Fourier coefficients are then substituted into the Fourier-series expressions for the internal and external magnetic fields, and current densities and stream functions on both the primary coil and shield. A contour plot of the stream function directly gives the required coil winding patterns. Spherical harmonic analysis and shielding analysis on field calculations from a ZX shim coil indicate that example designs and theory are well matched.


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Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.


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In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, time-varying gradient magnetic fields that may be able to induce electric fields (E-fields)/currents in tissues approaching the level of physiological significance. In this work we present theoretical investigations into induced E-fields in the thorax, and evaluate their potential influence on cardiac electric activity under the assumption that the sites of maximum E-field correspond to the myocardial stimulation threshold (an abnormal circumstance). Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient coils were included in the model. The calculations of the induced fields are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, whole-body model. The potential for cardiac stimulation was evaluated using an electrical model of the heart. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were simulated and inspected for arrhythmias caused by the applied fields for both healthy and diseased hearts. The simulations show that the shape of the thorax and the conductive paths significantly influence induced E-fields. In healthy patients, these fields are not sufficient to elicit serious arrhythmias with the use of contemporary gradient sets. However, raising the strength and number of repeated switching episodes of gradients, as is certainly possible in local chest gradient sets, could expose patients to increased risk. For patients with cardiac disease, the risk factors are elevated. By the use of this model, the sensitivity of cardiac pathologies, such as abnormal conductive pathways, to the induced fields generated by an MRI sequence can be investigated. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In small, cylindrical gradient coils consisting of a single layer of wires, the limiting factor in achieving large magnetic field gradients is the rapid increase in coil resistance with efficiency. This behavior results from the decrease in the maximum usable wire diameter as the number of turns is increased. By adopting a multilayer design in which the coil wires are allowed to spread out into multiple layers wound at increasing radii, a more favorable scaling of resistance with efficiency is achieved, thus allowing the design of more powerful gradient coils with acceptable resistance values. By extending the theory used to design standard cylindrical gradient coils, mathematical expressions have been developed that allow the design of multilayer coils. These expressions have previously been applied to the design of a four-layer z-gradient coil. As a further development, the equations have now been modified to allow the design of multilayer transverse gradient coils. The variation in coil performance with the number of layers employed has been investigated for coils of a size suitable for use in NMR microscopy, and the effect of constructing the coil using wires or cuts in a continuous conducting surface has also been assessed. We find that at fixed resistance a small wire-wound two-layer coil offers an increase in efficiency of a factor of about 1.5 compared with a single-layer coil. In addition, a two-layer coil of 10-mm inner diameter has been designed and built. This coil had an efficiency of 0.41 Tm-1 A(-1), a resistance of 0.96 +/- 0.01 Omega, and an inductance of 22.3 +/- 0.2 muH. The coil produces a gradient that deviates from linearity by less than 5% over a central cylindrical region of interest of height and length 6.2 mm. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Subtractive imaging in confocal fluorescence light microscopy is based on the subtraction of a suitably weighted widefield image from a confocal image. An approximation to a widefield image can be obtained by detection with an opened confocal pinhole. The subtraction of images enhances the resolution in-plane as well as along the optic axis. Due to the linearity of the approach, the effect of subtractive imaging in Fourier-space corresponds to a reduction of low spatial frequency contributions leading to a relative enhancement of the high frequencies. Along the direction of the optic axis this also results in an improved sectioning. Image processing can achieve a similar effect. However, a 3D volume dataset must be acquired and processed, yielding a result essentially identical to subtractive imaging but superior in signal-to-noise ratio. The latter can be increased further with the technique of weighted averaging in Fourier-space. A comparison of 2D and 3D experimental data analysed with subtractive imaging, the equivalent Fourier-space processing of the confocal data only, and Fourier-space weighted averaging is presented. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.