140 resultados para zone method


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A rapid spherical harmonic calculation method is used for the design of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance shim coils. The aim is to design each shim such that it generates a field described purely by a single spherical harmonic. By applying simulated annealing techniques, coil arrangements are produced through the optimal positioning of current-carrying circular arc conductors of rectangular cross-section. This involves minimizing the undesirable harmonies in relation to a target harmonic. The design method is flexible enough to be applied for the production of coil arrangements that generate fields consisting significantly of either zonal or tesseral harmonics. Results are presented for several coil designs which generate tesseral harmonics of degree one.


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Axial X-ray Computed tomography (CT) scanning provides a convenient means of recording the three-dimensional form of soil structure. The technique has been used for nearly two decades, but initial development has concentrated on qualitative description of images. More recently, increasing effort has been put into quantifying the geometry and topology of macropores likely to contribute to preferential now in soils. Here we describe a novel technique for tracing connected macropores in the CT scans. After object extraction, three-dimensional mathematical morphological filters are applied to quantify the reconstructed structure. These filters consist of sequences of so-called erosions and/or dilations of a 32-face structuring element to describe object distances and volumes of influence. The tracing and quantification methodologies were tested on a set of undisturbed soil cores collected in a Swiss pre-alpine meadow, where a new earthworm species (Aporrectodea nocturna) was accidentally introduced. Given the reduced number of samples analysed in this study, the results presented only illustrate the potential of the method to reconstruct and quantify macropores. Our results suggest that the introduction of the new species induced very limited chance to the soil structured for example, no difference in total macropore length or mean diameter was observed. However. in the zone colonised by, the new species. individual macropores tended to have a longer average length. be more vertical and be further apart at some depth. Overall, the approach proved well suited to the analysis of the three-dimensional architecture of macropores. It provides a framework for the analysis of complex structures, which are less satisfactorily observed and described using 2D imaging. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The artificial chaperone method for protein refolding developed by Rozema et al. (Rozema, D.; Gellman, S. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117 (8), 2373-2374) involves the sequential dilution of denatured protein into a buffer containing detergent (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) and then into a refolding buffer containing cyclodextrin WD). In this paper a simplified one-step artificial chaperone method is reported, whereby CTAB is added directly to the denatured solution, which is then diluted directly into a refolding buffer containing P-cyclodextrin (P-CD). This new method can be applied at high protein concentrations, resulting in smaller processing volumes and a more concentrated protein solution following refolding. The increase in achievable protein concentration results from the enhanced solubility of CTAB at elevated temperatures in concentrated denaturant. The refolding yields obtained for the new method were significantly higher than for control experiments lacking additives and were comparable to the yields obtained with the classical two-step approach. A study of the effect of beta-CD and CTAB concentrations on refolding yield suggested two operational regimes: slow stripping ( beta-CDXTABsimilar to1), most suited for higher protein concentrations, and fast stripping (beta-CD/CTABsimilar to2.7), best suited for lower protein concentrations. An increased chaotrope concentration resulted in higher refolding yields and an enlarged operational regime.


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1. Cluster analysis of reference sites with similar biota is the initial step in creating River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) and similar river bioassessment models such as Australian River Assessment System (AUSRIVAS). This paper describes and tests an alternative prediction method, Assessment by Nearest Neighbour Analysis (ANNA), based on the same philosophy as RIVPACS and AUSRIVAS but without the grouping step that some people view as artificial. 2. The steps in creating ANNA models are: (i) weighting the predictor variables using a multivariate approach analogous to principal axis correlations, (ii) calculating the weighted Euclidian distance from a test site to the reference sites based on the environmental predictors, (iii) predicting the faunal composition based on the nearest reference sites and (iv) calculating an observed/expected (O/E) analogous to RIVPACS/AUSRIVAS. 3. The paper compares AUSRIVAS and ANNA models on 17 datasets representing a variety of habitats and seasons. First, it examines each model's regressions for Observed versus Expected number of taxa, including the r(2), intercept and slope. Second, the two models' assessments of 79 test sites in New Zealand are compared. Third, the models are compared on test and presumed reference sites along a known trace metal gradient. Fourth, ANNA models are evaluated for western Australia, a geographically distinct region of Australia. The comparisons demonstrate that ANNA and AUSRIVAS are generally equivalent in performance, although ANNA turns out to be potentially more robust for the O versus E regressions and is potentially more accurate on the trace metal gradient sites. 4. The ANNA method is recommended for use in bioassessment of rivers, at least for corroborating the results of the well established AUSRIVAS- and RIVPACS-type models, if not to replace them.


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A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.


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In this work a new approach for designing planar gradient coils is outlined for the use in an existing MRI apparatus. A technique that allows for gradient field corrections inside the diameter-sensitive volume is deliberated. These corrections are brought about by making changes to the wire paths that constitute the coil windings, and hence, is called the path correction method. The existing well-known target held method is used to gauge the performance of a typical gradient coil. The gradient coil design methodology is demonstrated for planar openable gradient coils that can be inserted into an existing MRI apparatus. The path corrected gradient coil is compared to the coil obtained using the target field method. It is shown that using a wire path correction with optimized variables, winding patterns that can deliver high magnetic gradient field strengths and large imaging regions can be obtained.


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Objective: To target antigen-loaded liposomes to myeloid APC in vivo for immunotherapy and to manipulate immune function through liposome composition. Method: Liposomes were loaded with ovalbumin, the lipophilic red fluorescent marker, DiI, with or without QuilA adjuvant then injected either i.v. or s.c. to naı¨ ve C57Bl/6 mice. Spleen, liver and draining LN were stained with MHC class II and various myeloid markers to determine the uptake of liposomes. Frozen sections of spleen and draining LN were stained with FITC-labeled mAb to determine which cells take up the liposomes. To determine the effect on OVA-specific T cell responses, liposomes were administered to Balb/c mice which received DO11.10 OVAspecific TCR transgenic T cells labelled with CFSE. Results: The DiI fluorescence was visualized in MHC class II+ macrophages and DC in draining lymph nodes after s.c. injection and in spleen and liver after i.v injection. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows liposome uptake in marginal zone macrophages and some DC in the T cell areas of the spleen after i.v. injection. Administration of ova-liposomes with or without QuilA stimulated a specific T cell response as measured by CFSE dilution. Conclusion: APC of liver, spleen and LN, and subsequent antigen presentation to T cells can be targeted for immunotherapy by the administration of liposomes encapsulating antigen and adjuvant. Varying the composition and routes of liposome administration is expected to alter the function of the targeted APC and the T cell response.


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Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An improved method for counting virus and virus like particles by electron microscopy (EM) was developed. The procedure involves the determination of the absolute concentration of pure or semi-pure particles once deposited evenly on EM grids using either centrifugation or antibody capture techniques. The counting of particles was done with a Microfiche unit which enlarged approximately 50 x the image of particles on a developed negative film which had been taken at a relatively low magnification (2500 x) by EM. Initially, latex particles of a known concentration were counted using this approach, to prove the accuracy of the technique. The latex particles were deposited evenly on an EM grid using centrifugation (Modified Beckmen EM-90 Airfuge technique). Subsequently, recombinant Bluetongue virus (BTV) core-like particles (CLPs) captured by a Monoclonal antibody using a hovel sample loading method were counted by the Microfiche unit method and by a direct EM method. Comparison of the simplified counting method developed with a conventional method, showed good agreement. The method is simple, accurate, rapid, and reproducible when used with either pure particles or with particles from crude cell culture extracts.


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MCM-41 samples of various pore dimensions are synthesized. Plotting of nitrogen adsorption data at 77 K versus the statistical film thickness (comparison plot) reveals three distinct stages, with a characteristic of two points of inflection. The steep intermediate stage caused by capillary condensation occurred in the highly uniform mesopores. From the slopes of the sections before and after the condensation, the surface area of the mesopores is calculated. The linear portion of the last section is extrapolated to the adsorption axis of the comparison plot, and this intercept is used to obtain the volume of the mesopores. From the surface area and pore volume, average mesopore diameter is calculated, and the value thus obtained is in good agreement with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements. The principle of the calculation as well as problems associated are discussed in detail.


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The data of nitrogen adsorption on pillared clays (PILC) are converted to comparison plots (t-plots) to derive their pore size distribution (PSD). As in the MP method, the surface area of a group of pores having similar pore sizes is calculated from the slopes of tangent lines at two succeeding points on a comparison plot. By the modified MP method in this work, the tangent line is extrapolated to the adsorption axis on the t-plot, and the difference between intercepts is used to obtain the volume of the group of pores. From the information of surface area and pore volume, the average width of the pore group can be calculated and hence the PSDs of PILCs are obtained by carrying out such calculation procedures from high to low t. With this method, PSDs of several pillared clays are calculated over a wide pore size range, from micropores to mesopores. It is found that the modified MP method could result in the underestimation of the width of ultramicropores due to the enhancement in adsorption energy in these pores. Nevertheless, the method can be very useful in calculating the surface area and pore volume, as well as a mean width of these pores. For super-micropores and mesopores, pore size can also be underestimated, due to deviation of the pore shape from a slit. The principles of the improved MP method, as well as problems associated with it are thoroughly discussed in this paper. In general, this modified method provides practically meaningful results which are consistent with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements, but involves no complicated theoretical treatment or assumptions.


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The role of catecholamines in the control of the GnRH pulse generator is unclear as studies have relied on the use of peripheral or intracerebroventricular injections, which lack specificity in relation to the anatomical site of action. Direct brain site infusions have been used, however, these are limited by the ability to accurately target small brain regions. One such area of interest in the control of GnRH is the median eminence and arcuate nucleus within the medial basal hypothalamus. Here we describe a method of stereotaxically targeting this area in a large animal (sheep) and an infusion system to deliver drugs into unrestrained conscious animals. To test our technique we infused the dopamine agonist, quinpirole or vehicle into the medial basal hypothalamus of ovariectomised ewes. Quinpirole significantly suppressed LH pulsatility only in animals with injectors located close to the lateral median eminence. This in vivo result supports the hypothesis that dopamine inhibits GnRH secretion by presynaptic inhibition in the lateral median eminence. Also infusion of quinpirole into the medial basal hypothalamus suppressed prolactin secretion providing in vivo evidence that is consistent with the hypothesis that there are stimulatory autoreceptors on tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.