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Radio-frequency (RF) coils are a necessary component of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. When used in transmit operation, they act to generate a homogeneous RF magnetic field within a volume of interest and when in receive operation, they act to receive the nuclear magnetic resonance signal from the RF-excited specimen. This paper outlines a procedure for the design of open RF coils using the time-harmonic inverse method. This method entails the calculation of an ideal current density on a multipaned planar surface that would generate a specified magnetic field within the volume of interest. Because of the averaging effect of the regularization technique in the matrix solution, the specified magnetic field is shaped within an iterative procedure until the generated magnetic field matches the desired magnetic field. The stream-function technique is used to ascertain conductor positions and a method of moments package is then used to finalize the design. An open head/neck coil was designed to operate in a clinical 2T MRI system and the presented results prove the efficacy of this design methodology.
Time series of vertical sediment fluxes are derived from concentration time series in sheet flow under waves. While the concentrations C(z,t) vary very little with time for \z\ < 10d(50), the measured vertical sediment fluxes Q(zs)(z,t) vary strongly with time in this vertical band and their time variation follows, to some extent, the variation of the grain roughness Shields parameter 02,5(t). Thus, sediment distribution models based on the pickup function boundary condition are in some qualitative agreement with the measurements. However, the pickup function models are only able to model the upward bursts of sediment during the accelerating phases of the flow. They are, so far, unable to model the following strong downward sediment fluxes, which are observed during the periods of flow deceleration. Classical pickup functions, which essentially depend on the Shields parameter, are also incapable of modelling the secondary entrainment fluxes, which sometimes occur at free stream velocity reversal. The measured vertical fluxes indicate that the effective sediment settling velocity in the high [(0.3 < C(z,t) < 0.4] concentration area is typically only a few percent of the clear water settling velocity, while the measurements of Richardson and Jeronimo [Chem. Eng. Sci. 34 (1979) 1419], from a different physical setting, lead to estimates of the order 20%. The data does not support gradient diffusion as a model for sediment entrainment from the bed. That is, detailed modelling of the observed near-bed fluxes would require diffusivities that go negative during periods of flow deceleration. An observed general trend for concentration variability to increase with elevation close to the bed is also irreconcilable with diffusion models driven by a bottom boundary condition. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
A central problem in visual perception concerns how humans perceive stable and uniform object colors despite variable lighting conditions (i.e. color constancy). One solution is to 'discount' variations in lighting across object surfaces by encoding color contrasts, and utilize this information to 'fill in' properties of the entire object surface. Implicit in this solution is the caveat that the color contrasts defining object boundaries must be distinguished from the spurious color fringes that occur naturally along luminance-defined edges in the retinal image (i.e. optical chromatic aberration). In the present paper, we propose that the neural machinery underlying color constancy is complemented by an 'error-correction' procedure which compensates for chromatic aberration, and suggest that error-correction may be linked functionally to the experimentally induced illusory colored aftereffects known as McCollough effects (MEs). To test these proposals, we develop a neural network model which incorporates many of the receptive-field (RF) profiles of neurons in primate color vision. The model is composed of two parallel processing streams which encode complementary sets of stimulus features: one stream encodes color contrasts to facilitate filling-in and color constancy; the other stream selectively encodes (spurious) color fringes at luminance boundaries, and learns to inhibit the filling-in of these colors within the first stream. Computer simulations of the model illustrate how complementary color-spatial interactions between error-correction and filling-in operations (a) facilitate color constancy, (b) reveal functional links between color constancy and the ME, and (c) reconcile previously reported anomalies in the local (edge) and global (spreading) properties of the ME. We discuss the broader implications of these findings by considering the complementary functional roles performed by RFs mediating color-spatial interactions in the primate visual system. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Trypanosomatidae comprise a large group of parasitic protozoa, some of which cause important diseases in humans. These include Tryanosoma brucei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness and nagana in cattle), Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative agent of Chagas' disease in Central and South America), and Leishmania spp. (the causative agent of visceral and [muco]cutaneous leishmaniasis throughout the tropics and subtropics). The cell surfaces of these parasites are covered in complex protein- or carbohydrate-rich coats that are required for parasite survival and infectivity in their respective insect vectors and mammalian hosts. These molecules are assembled in the secretory pathway. Recent advances in the genetic manipulation of these parasites as well as progress with the parasite genome projects has greatly advanced our understanding of processes that underlie secretory transport in trypanosomatids. This article provides an overview of the organization of the trypanosomatid secretory pathway and connections that exist with endocytic organelles and multiple lytic and storage vacuoles. A number of the molecular components that are required for vesicular transport have been identified, as have some of the sorting signals that direct proteins to the cell surface or organelles it? the endosome-vacuole system. Finally, the subcellular organization of the major glycosylation pathways in these parasites is reviewed. Studies on these highly divergent eukaryotes provide important insights into the molecular processes underlying secretory transport that arose very early in eukaryotic evolution. They also reveal unusual or novel aspects of secretory), transport and protein glycosylation that may be exploited in developing new antiparasite drugs.
A long-term experiment was conducted to compare the effects of flowing and still water on growth, and the relationship between water flow and nutrients, in Aponogeton elongatus, a submerged aquatic macrophyte. A. elongatus plants were grown for 23 weeks with three levels of nutrition (0, 0.5 and 1g Osmocote Plus(R) fertiliser pot(-1)) in aquaria containing stirred or unstirred water. Fertilized plants grew much better than non-fertilized. The highest fertilizer level produced 29% wider leaves and 58% higher total dry weight in stirred water. Stirred water increased leaf area by 40% and tuber size by 81%, but only with the highest level of nutrition. These results suggest that this plant depends on its roots for mineral uptake, rather than from the open water, and the major limitation to growth in still water is the supply of dissolved inorganic carbon. It was the combined effects of nutrient availability and stirring that produced the strongest response in plant growth, morphology and composition. This study provides some explanation for the observations of others that these plants grow best in creeks or river systems with permanently flowing water.
Microhabitat use and feeding behavior of the rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau) were investigated in a slow-flowing stream adjacent to riparian forest in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Fish were more abundant in vegetated areas, but did not enter dense Vallisneria beds, where predators were observed. In sunny conditions shoals of juveniles occurred near the water surface feeding floating material on the surface, but larger fish tended to occur at the bottom near submerged vegetation, often utilizing the overhanging aquatic plant community as a refuge and food source. In the middle of the day, juveniles and small fish seemed to show behavioral thermoregulation at the surface in the warmest site. Under cloudy conditions, however, fish of all sizes preferred deeper water. The present study suggests that in still and sunny pools thermal change caused by sunlight influences the microhabitat choice of small fish. A field experiment using a kingfisher model implies that fish swimming at the surface could escape from aerial predators in sunlit conditions by responding to moving shadows, but could not do so under cloudy conditions.
A new modeling approach-multiple mapping conditioning (MMC)-is introduced to treat mixing and reaction in turbulent flows. The model combines the advantages of the probability density function and the conditional moment closure methods and is based on a certain generalization of the mapping closure concept. An equivalent stochastic formulation of the MMC model is given. The validity of the closuring hypothesis of the model is demonstrated by a comparison with direct numerical simulation results for the three-stream mixing problem. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
The Caridina indistincta complex is a group of closely related atyid shrimps that inhabit coastal freshwater streams throughout north-eastern Australia. Using mitochondrial DNA sequence data (cytochrome oxidase 1, CO1), we (1) inferred the timing of speciation in the C. indistincta group and (2) examined the intraspecific phylogeographic patterns within the group. Assuming a shrimp-specific rate of CO1 evolution, the level of sequence divergence among species suggests that speciation took place during the Miocene epoch. Within one widespread mainland species, phylogeographic patterns suggest strong geographic 'regionalisation' of mtDNA lineages that are most likely of Pleistocene origin. By contrast, another species comprises two highly divergent mtDNA lineages that occur in sympatry. We suggest that although Pleistocene sea-level regressions appear important in generating population-level phylogeographic patterns, these events were largely unimportant in the formation of species in this group.
This study reports on a block clinical trial of two types of central venous catheters (CVCs): antiseptic-impregnated catheters (AIC) and non-impregnated catheters (non-AIC), on catheter tip colonization and bacteraemia. In total, 500 catheters were inserted in 390 patients over the 18 month study period, 260 (52.0%) AIC and 240 (48.0%) non-AIC. Of these, 460 (92.0%) tips (237 AIC and 223 non-AIC) were collected. While significantly fewer AIC, 14 (5.9%), than non-AIC, 30 (13.5%), catheters were colonized (P < 0.01), there was no difference in the rates of bacteraemias in the two groups (0.8% vs. 2.7%, respectively, P = 0.16). There were 6.87 (95% CI 3.38-14.26) and 16.92 (95% CI 10.61-27.12) colonized AIC and non-AIC catheters, respectively, per 1000 catheter days, a difference that was significant (P < 0.01). However, no difference emerged between bacteraemias in AIC and non-AIC catheters per 1000 catheter days measured at 0.98 (95% CI 0.24-5.54) and 3.38 (95% CI 1.29-9.34), respectively (P = 0.10). Of the 444 CVCs that were sited in the subclavian or jugular veins and had tips collected, significantly more catheters were colonized in the jugular group, 19 (20%), compared with the subclavian group, 24 (6.9%; P less than or equal to 0.01). Overall, the low rates of colonization and bacteraemia may be explained by the population studied, the policies used and the employment of a clinical nurse dedicated to CVC management. (C) 2003 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A bituminous coal was pyrolyzed in a nitrogen stream in an entrained flow reactor at various temperatures from 700 to 1475 degreesC. Char samples were collected at different positions along the reactor. Each collected sample was oxidized nonisothermally in a TGA for reactivity determination. The reactivity of the coal char was found to decrease rapidly with residence time until 0.5 s, after which it decreased only slightly. On the bases of the reactivity data at various temperatures, a new approach was utilized to obtaining the true activation energy distribution function for thermal annealing without the assumption of any distribution function form or a constant preexponential factor. It appears that the true activation energy distribution function consists of two separate parts corresponding to different temperature ranges, suggesting different mechanisms in different temperature ranges. Partially burnt coal chars were also collected along the reactor when the coal was oxidized in air at various temperatures from 700 to 1475 degreesC. The collected samples were analyzed for the residual carbon content and the specific reaction rate was estimated. The characteristic time of thermal deactivation was compared with that of oxidation under realistic conditions. The characteristic times were found to be close to each other, indicating the importance of thermal deactivation during combustion of the coal studied.