179 resultados para regional scale
Chromosome number reflects strong constraints on karyotype evolution, unescaped by the majority of animal taxa. Although there is commonly chromosomal polymorphism among closely related taxa, very large differences in chromosome number are rare. This study reports one of the most extensive chromosomal ranges yet reported for an animal genus. Apiomorpha Rubsaamen (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), an endemic Australian gall-inducing scale insect genus, exhibits an extraordinary 48-fold variation in chromosome number with diploid numbers ranging from 4 to about 192. Diploid complements of all other eriococcids examined to date range only from 6 to 28. Closely related species of Apiomorpha usually have very different karyotypes, to the extent that the variation within some species- groups is as great as that across the entire genus. There is extensive chromosomal variation among populations within 17 of the morphologically defined species of Apiomorpha indicating the existence of cryptic species-complexes. The extent and pattern of karyotypic variation suggests rapid chromosomal evolution via fissions and (or) fusions. It is hypothesized that chromosomal rearrangements in Apiomorpha species may be associated with these insects' tracking the radiation of their speciose host genus, Eucalyptus.
Sexual dimorphism among crawlers of the scale insect family Eriococcidae is reported for the first time. The general morphology of crawlers of the gall-inducing genus Apiomorpha (Eriococcidae) is presented and sexual dimorphism described. Sexual dimorphism appears to be associated with differential dispersal and settling-site preference of the sexes during the crawler stage. First-instar males of the A. pharetrata and A. munita species-groups settle only on the galls induced by their mothers or, in the case of A. munita, also galls of nearby females, whereas female crawlers disperse. Female crawlers of all species of Apiomorpha, and male crawlers of most species, are well suited for air-borne dispersal. It is suggested that sexual dimorphism among crawlers of Apiomorpha, and some other scale insects, is the result of loss or reduction of those morphological features associated with dispersal. In addition, male crawlers of some species of Apiomorpha have sensory structures which may assist in the detection of sex-specific settling sites.
PI kinematic trajectory model is used to investigate potential pathways of dust transport from Australia to New Zealand. Historically, these have been assumed to follow rather direct west-east trajectories spanning 2 to 3 days, often resulting in red snow events in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. However, results from the present study which examined the route taken by air parcels originating in southern Australia during dust storms on 24 and 25 May 1994, indicate that trans-Tasman dust transport trajectories are more diverse than previously thought, and display considerable variation during single events. These mon divergent pathways tie in more closely with aeolian dust sedimentation patterns identified by ocean coring in the Tasman Sea, and may account for the deposition of Australian dust on sub-Antarctic islands located well south of the Australian continent. Copyright 2000 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Glucocorticoid excess causes visceral obesity and its accompanying insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Glucocorticoids enhance preadipocyte (PA) differentiation and increase their aromatase activity (oestrogen production) and there is regional variability in these PA processes. Therefore, we studied human PAs for the presence of, and any regional or gender differences in, glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). Confluent subcultured human subcutaneous (Sc) and visceral (Vis) PAs from both genders contained GRs as assessed by GR gene expression and specific glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) binding. The dissociation constant was similar to that of other human cells and there was no difference between Sc and Vis sites or between males and females. There was significantly less GR mRNA in Vis PAs compared with Sc PAs in females (P=0.008) but not in males. There was less glucocorticoid binding in Vis compared with Sc PAs in females, measured by maximal binding capacity (P=0.035) or single saturating dose glucocorticoid binding (Bssd) (P=0.019). There was no regional difference in specific glucocorticoid binding in males. There was a gender difference with fewer GRs in Vis PAs in females compared with males measured by Bssd (P=0.006). In summary, GRs are present in human PAs. There is a lower GR density in Vis compared with Sc PAs in females, and females have fewer GRs in Vis PAs compared with males. These differences are likely to affect regional aromatase activity and to contribute to the smaller visceral fat mass in females compared with males.
Apiomorpha Rubsaamen (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) is one of the most chromosomally diverse of all animal genera. There is extensive karyotypic variation within many of the morphologically defined species, including A. munita (Schrader) which is here reported to have diploid chromosome counts ranging from 6 to more than 100. Each of the three morphologically defined subspecies of A. munita also displays considerable chromosomal variation: A. m. tereticornuta Gullan (2n =6, 8, 20, 22 or 24), A. m. malleensis Gullan (2n =6, 20, 22, 24 or 26), and A. m. munita (Schrader) (2n=54 or >100). Apiomorpha munita appears to occur only on eucalypts of the informal subgenus Symphyomyrtus, with each of the subspecies of A. munita restricted to discrete symphyomyrt sections. Several different karyotypic forms within each subspecies of A. munita appear to be restricted to only one or a few eucalypt species or series. The association between apparent host specificity and chromosomal rearrangements in A. munita suggests that both may be playing an active role in taxon divergence in Apiomorpha. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.
1. Although population viability analysis (PVA) is widely employed, forecasts from PVA models are rarely tested. This study in a fragmented forest in southern Australia contrasted field data on patch occupancy and abundance for the arboreal marsupial greater glider Petauroides volans with predictions from a generic spatially explicit PVA model. This work represents one of the first landscape-scale tests of its type. 2. Initially we contrasted field data from a set of eucalypt forest patches totalling 437 ha with a naive null model in which forecasts of patch occupancy were made, assuming no fragmentation effects and based simply on remnant area and measured densities derived from nearby unfragmented forest. The naive null model predicted an average total of approximately 170 greater gliders, considerably greater than the true count (n = 81). 3. Congruence was examined between field data and predictions from PVA under several metapopulation modelling scenarios. The metapopulation models performed better than the naive null model. Logistic regression showed highly significant positive relationships between predicted and actual patch occupancy for the four scenarios (P = 0.001-0.006). When the model-derived probability of patch occupancy was high (0.50-0.75, 0.75-1.00), there was greater congruence between actual patch occupancy and the predicted probability of occupancy. 4. For many patches, probability distribution functions indicated that model predictions for animal abundance in a given patch were not outside those expected by chance. However, for some patches the model either substantially over-predicted or under-predicted actual abundance. Some important processes, such as inter-patch dispersal, that influence the distribution and abundance of the greater glider may not have been adequately modelled. 5. Additional landscape-scale tests of PVA models, on a wider range of species, are required to assess further predictions made using these tools. This will help determine those taxa for which predictions are and are not accurate and give insights for improving models for applied conservation management.
Environmental processes have been modelled for decades. However. the need for integrated assessment and modeling (IAM) has,town as the extent and severity of environmental problems in the 21st Century worsens. The scale of IAM is not restricted to the global level as in climate change models, but includes local and regional models of environmental problems. This paper discusses various definitions of IAM and identifies five different types of integration that Lire needed for the effective solution of environmental problems. The future is then depicted in the form of two brief scenarios: one optimistic and one pessimistic. The current state of IAM is then briefly reviewed. The issues of complexity and validation in IAM are recognised as more complex than in traditional disciplinary approaches. Communication is identified as a central issue both internally among team members and externally with decision-makers. stakeholders and other scientists. Finally it is concluded that the process of integrated assessment and modelling is considered as important as the product for any particular project. By learning to work together and recognise the contribution of all team members and participants, it is believed that we will have a strong scientific and social basis to address the environmental problems of the 21st Century. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) are a speciose and morphologically specialized group of plant-feeding bugs in which evolutionary relationships and thus higher classification are controversial. Sequences derived from nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA were used to generate a preliminary molecular phylogeny for the Coccoidea based on 39 species representing 14 putative families. Monophyly of the archaeococcoids (comprising Ortheziidae, Margarodidae sensu lato, and Phenacoleachia) was equivocal, whereas monophyly of the neococcoids was supported. Putoidae, represented by Puto yuccae, was found to be outside the remainder of the neococcoid clade. These data are consistent with a single origin (in the ancestor of the neococcoid clade) of a chromosome system involving paternal genome elimination in males. Pseudococcidae (mealybugs) appear to be sister to the rest of the neococcoids and there are indications that Coccidae (soft scales) and Kerriidae (lac scales) are sister taxa. The Eriococcidae (felt scales) was not recovered as a monophyletic group and the eriococcid genus Eriococcus sensu lato was polyphyletic. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Using data from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS), we have searched for neutral hydrogen in galaxies in a region similar to25x25 deg(2) centred on NGC 1399, the nominal centre of the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300-3700 km s(-1) and to a 3sigma lower flux limit of similar to40 mJy, 110 galaxies with H I emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further four velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than similar to90 per cent of our H I galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30degrees across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of similar to20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by similar to500 km s(-1) from south-east to north-west. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our H I detections. Of 62 H I detections within a 10degrees projected radius of the cluster centre, only two are within the core region (projected radius
In this study we report the results of two experiments on visual attention conducted with patients with early-onset schizophrenia. These experiments investigated the effect of irrelevant spatial-scale information upon the processing of relevant spatial-scale information, and the ability to shift the spatial scale of attention, across consecutive trials, between different levels of the hierarchical stimulus. Twelve patients with early-onset schizophrenia and matched controls performed local-global tasks under: (1) directed attention conditions with a consistency manipulation and (2) divided-attention conditions. In the directed-attention paradigm, the early-onset patients exhibited the normal patterns of global advantage and interference, and were not unduly affected by the consistency manipulation. Under divided-attention conditions, however, the early-onset patients exhibited a local-processing deficit. The source of this local processing deficit lay in the prolonged reaction time to local targets, when these had been preceded by a global target, but not when preceded by a local target. These findings suggest an impaired ability to shift the spatial scale of attention from a global to a local spatial scale in early-onset schizophrenia. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
To reconstruct oceanographic variations in the subtropical South Pacific, 271-year long subseasonal time series of Sr/Ca and delta(18)O were generated from a coral growing at Rarotonga (21.5degreesS, 159.5degreesW). In this case, coral Sr/Ca appears to be an excellent proxy for sea surface temperature (SST) and coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and seawater delta(18)O composition (delta(18)O(sw)). Here, we focus on extracting the delta(18)O(sw) signal from these proxy records. A method is presented assuming that coral Sr/Ca is solely a function of SST and that coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and delta(18)O(sw). This method separates the effects of delta(18)O(sw) from SST by breaking the instantaneous changes of coral delta(18)O into separate contributions by instantaneous SST and delta(18)O(sw) changes, respectively. The results show that on average delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga explains similar to39% of the variance in delta(18)O and that variations in SST explains the remaining similar to61% of delta(18)O variance. Reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) shows systematic increases in summer months (December-February) consistent with the regional pattern of variations in precipitation and evaporation. The delta(18)O(sw) also shows a positive linear correlation with satellite-derived estimated salinity for the period 1980 to 1997 (r = 0.72). This linear correlation between reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) and salinity makes it possible to use the reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) to estimate the past interannual and decadal salinity changes in this region. Comparisons of coral delta(18)O and delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga with the Pacific decadal oscillation index suggest that the decadal and interdecadal salinity and SST variability at Rarotonga appears to be related to basin-scale decadal variability in the Pacific. Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
An unusual new species of the gall-inducing scale insect genus Apiomorpha Rubsaamen is described from Queensland. The adult female, its gall, and the first-instar nymph (crawler) are illustrated, and relationships of the new species are estimated using mitochondrial COII data. Adult females induce cigar-shaped galls on leaves of several eucalypts in section Adnataria of subgenus Symphyomyrtus. The bilobed anal lobes of the adult female differ from those of all other Apiomorpha species (single lobe) and the first-instar nymph possesses features, such as broad frontal tubercles and dorsal stripes, that are not present in crawlers of other Apiomorpha species. However, DNA sequence data confirm that the new species falls within Apiomorpha, rather than representing a sister group, and indicate that the new species is not closely related to the A. pharetrata (Schrader) species-group, the only other group within Apiomorpha that induces cigar-shaped galls on leaves. The systematic affiliations of A. gullanae sp. n. are currently not known. Females only are known and there is some indication that reproduction in the new taxon is parthenogenetic. This represents the first putative case of parthenogenesis in Apiomorpha.