58 resultados para query


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In this paper, we propose a novel high-dimensional index method, the BM+-tree, to support efficient processing of similarity search queries in high-dimensional spaces. The main idea of the proposed index is to improve data partitioning efficiency in a high-dimensional space by using a rotary binary hyperplane, which further partitions a subspace and can also take advantage of the twin node concept used in the M+-tree. Compared with the key dimension concept in the M+-tree, the binary hyperplane is more effective in data filtering. High space utilization is achieved by dynamically performing data reallocation between twin nodes. In addition, a post processing step is used after index building to ensure effective filtration. Experimental results using two types of real data sets illustrate a significantly improved filtering efficiency.


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Client-side caching of spatial data is an important yet very much under investigated issue. Effective caching of vector spatial data has the potential to greatly improve the performance of spatial applications in the Web and wireless environments. In this paper, we study the problem of semantic spatial caching, focusing on effective organization of spatial data and spatial query trimming to take advantage of cached data. Semantic caching for spatial data is a much more complex problem than semantic caching for aspatial data. Several novel ideas are proposed in this paper for spatial applications. A number of typical spatial application scenarios are used to generate spatial query sequences. An extensive experimental performance study is conducted based on these scenarios using real spatial data. We demonstrate a significant performance improvement using our ideas.


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Document ranking is an important process in information retrieval (IR). It presents retrieved documents in an order of their estimated degrees of relevance to query. Traditional document ranking methods are mostly based on the similarity computations between documents and query. In this paper we argue that the similarity-based document ranking is insufficient in some cases. There are two reasons. Firstly it is about the increased information variety. There are far too many different types documents available now for user to search. The second is about the users variety. In many cases user may want to retrieve documents that are not only similar but also general or broad regarding a certain topic. This is particularly the case in some domains such as bio-medical IR. In this paper we propose a novel approach to re-rank the retrieved documents by incorporating the similarity with their generality. By an ontology-based analysis on the semantic cohesion of text, document generality can be quantified. The retrieved documents are then re-ranked by their combined scores of similarity and the closeness of documents’ generality to the query’s. Our experiments have shown an encouraging performance on a large bio-medical document collection, OHSUMED, containing 348,566 medical journal references and 101 test queries.


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For determining functionality dependencies between two proteins, both represented as 3D structures, it is an essential condition that they have one or more matching structural regions called patches. As 3D structures for proteins are large, complex and constantly evolving, it is computationally expensive and very time-consuming to identify possible locations and sizes of patches for a given protein against a large protein database. In this paper, we address a vector space based representation for protein structures, where a patch is formed by the vectors within the region. Based on our previews work, a compact representation of the patch named patch signature is applied here. A similarity measure of two patches is then derived based on their signatures. To achieve fast patch matching in large protein databases, a match-and-expand strategy is proposed. Given a query patch, a set of small k-sized matching patches, called candidate patches, is generated in match stage. The candidate patches are further filtered by enlarging k in expand stage. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate encouraging performances with respect to this biologically critical but previously computationally prohibitive problem.


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Management of collaborative business processes that span multiple business entities has emerged as a key requirement for business success. These processes are embedded in sets of rules describing complex message-based interactions between parties such that if a logical expression defined on the set of received messages is satisfied, one or more outgoing messages are dispatched. The execution of these processes presents significant challenges since each contentrich message may contribute towards the evaluation of multiple expressions in different ways and the sequence of message arrival cannot be predicted. These challenges must be overcome in order to develop an efficient execution strategy for collaborative processes in an intensive operating environment with a large number of rules and very high throughput of messages. In this paper, we present a discussion on issues relevant to the evaluation of such expressions and describe a basic query-based method for this purpose, including suggested indexes for improved performance. We conclude by identifying several potential future research directions in this area. © 2010 IEEE. All rights reserved


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The paper provides evidence that spatial indexing structures offer faster resolution of Formal Concept Analysis queries than B-Tree/Hash methods. We show that many Formal Concept Analysis operations, computing the contingent and extent sizes as well as listing the matching objects, enjoy improved performance with the use of spatial indexing structures such as the RD-Tree. Speed improvements can vary up to eighty times faster depending on the data and query. The motivation for our study is the application of Formal Concept Analysis to Semantic File Systems. In such applications millions of formal objects must be dealt with. It has been found that spatial indexing also provides an effective indexing technique for more general purpose applications requiring scalability in Formal Concept Analysis systems. The coverage and benchmarking are presented with general applications in mind.


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In multimedia retrieval, a query is typically interactively refined towards the ‘optimal’ answers by exploiting user feedback. However, in existing work, in each iteration, the refined query is re-evaluated. This is not only inefficient but fails to exploit the answers that may be common between iterations. In this paper, we introduce a new approach called SaveRF (Save random accesses in Relevance Feedback) for iterative relevance feedback search. SaveRF predicts the potential candidates for the next iteration and maintains this small set for efficient sequential scan. By doing so, repeated candidate accesses can be saved, hence reducing the number of random accesses. In addition, efficient scan on the overlap before the search starts also tightens the search space with smaller pruning radius. We implemented SaveRF and our experimental study on real life data sets show that it can reduce the I/O cost significantly.


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Spatial data mining recently emerges from a number of real applications, such as real-estate marketing, urban planning, weather forecasting, medical image analysis, road traffic accident analysis, etc. It demands for efficient solutions for many new, expensive, and complicated problems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of evaluating the top k distinguished “features” for a “cluster” based on weighted proximity relationships between the cluster and features. We measure proximity in an average fashion to address possible nonuniform data distribution in a cluster. Combining a standard multi-step paradigm with new lower and upper proximity bounds, we presented an efficient algorithm to solve the problem. The algorithm is implemented in several different modes. Our experiment results not only give a comparison among them but also illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm.


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Retrieving large amounts of information over wide area networks, including the Internet, is problematic due to issues arising from latency of response, lack of direct memory access to data serving resources, and fault tolerance. This paper describes a design pattern for solving the issues of handling results from queries that return large amounts of data. Typically these queries would be made by a client process across a wide area network (or Internet), with one or more middle-tiers, to a relational database residing on a remote server. The solution involves implementing a combination of data retrieval strategies, including the use of iterators for traversing data sets and providing an appropriate level of abstraction to the client, double-buffering of data subsets, multi-threaded data retrieval, and query slicing. This design has recently been implemented and incorporated into the framework of a commercial software product developed at Oracle Corporation.


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Large amounts of information can be overwhelming and costly to process, especially when transmitting data over a network. A typical modern Geographical Information System (GIS) brings all types of data together based on the geographic component of the data and provides simple point-and-click query capabilities as well as complex analysis tools. Querying a Geographical Information System, however, can be prohibitively expensive due to the large amounts of data which may need to be processed. Since the use of GIS technology has grown dramatically in the past few years, there is now a need more than ever, to provide users with the fastest and least expensive query capabilities, especially since an approximated 80 % of data stored in corporate databases has a geographical component. However, not every application requires the same, high quality data for its processing. In this paper we address the issues of reducing the cost and response time of GIS queries by preaggregating data by compromising the data accuracy and precision. We present computational issues in generation of multi-level resolutions of spatial data and show that the problem of finding the best approximation for the given region and a real value function on this region, under a predictable error, in general is "NP-complete.


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The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) provides a standardized framework for object-oriented models. An instance of a MOF model contains objects and links whose interfaces are entirely derived from that model. Information contained in these objects can be accessed directly, however, in order to realize the Model-Driven Architecture@trade; (MDA), we must have a mechanism for representing and evaluating structured queries on these instances. The MOF Query Language (MQL) is a language that extends the UML's Object Constraint Language (OCL) to provide more expressive power, such as higher-order queries, parametric polymorphism and argument polymorphism. Not only do these features allow more powerful queries, but they also encourage a greater degree of modularization and re-use, resulting in faster prototyping and facilitating automated integrity analysis. This paper presents an overview of the motivations for developing MQL and also discusses its abstract syntax, presented as a MOF model, and its semantics


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Summarizing topological relations is fundamental to many spatial applications including spatial query optimization. In this paper, we present several novel techniques to eectively construct cell density based spatial histograms for range (window) summarizations restricted to the four most important topological relations: contains, contained, overlap, and disjoint. We rst present a novel framework to construct a multiscale histogram composed of multiple Euler histograms with the guarantee of the exact summarization results for aligned windows in constant time. Then we present an approximate algorithm, with the approximate ratio 19/12, to minimize the storage spaces of such multiscale Euler histograms, although the problem is generally NP-hard. To conform to a limited storage space where only k Euler histograms are allowed, an effective algorithm is presented to construct multiscale histograms to achieve high accuracy. Finally, we present a new approximate algorithm to query an Euler histogram that cannot guarantee the exact answers; it runs in constant time. Our extensive experiments against both synthetic and real world datasets demonstrated that the approximate mul- tiscale histogram techniques may improve the accuracy of the existing techniques by several orders of magnitude while retaining the cost effciency, and the exact multiscale histogram technique requires only a storage space linearly proportional to the number of cells for the real datasets.


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Many emerging applications benefit from the extraction of geospatial data specified at different resolutions for viewing purposes. Data must also be topologically accurate and up-to-date as it often represents real-world changing phenomena. Current multiresolution schemes use complex opaque data types, which limit the capacity for in-database object manipulation. By using z-values and B+trees to support multiresolution retrieval, objects are fragmented in such a way that updates to objects or object parts are executed using standard SQL (Structured Query Language) statements as opposed to procedural functions. Our approach is compared to a current model, using complex data types indexed under a 3D (three-dimensional) R-tree, and shows better performance for retrieval over realistic window sizes and data loads. Updates with the R-tree are slower and preclude the feasibility of its use in time-critical applications whereas, predictably, projecting the issue to a one-dimensional index allows constant updates using z-values to be implemented more efficiently.