94 resultados para nomenclatural changes


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Short versions of four Eysenck personality scales had been included in questionnaires given to several adult samples from the Australian Twin Registry, comprising altogether some 5400 pairs. Means and regressions with age are compared for three samples at average ages of 23, 37, and 61 years, and for two samples of retested individuals, one tested twice at average ages of 29 and 37 years, and one tested three times at average ages of 45, 56, and 62 years, For both males and females the trends for Psychoticism (P), Extraversion (E), and Neuroticism (N) were generally downward with age, and for Lie (L), upward. However, in the longitudinal sample between ages 56 and 62 the trends for P, E, and I stopped or reversed, although N continued downward. Heritabilities were reasonably stable across age for P, E, and N, and the effects of shared environments negligible, but L showed some influence of shared environment as well as genes in all but the oldest age group. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The measured values of specific traits of occlusion may be subject to significant change due to growth and maturation of the dentofacial structures. Some traits may show improvement while others may show deterioration. Rarely is there an opportunity to examine a sample of occlusions 25 years after the acquisition of the original set of records. This study examines the changes in traits of occlusion in a sample of 46 subjects who were originally examined between 1971-1973 and for whom records were again obtained in 1998. Methods: The 46 patients were a sub-group of a previously selected randomised school-based sample and study models obtained in 1971-1973 were still available. New models for each patient were obtained in 1998. Of the 46 subjects, only eight had received orthodontic treatment. Results: Assessments of the changes in specific traits were made using the methods proposed in the Harry L Draker, California Modification (HLD Cal Mod) index. This simple index was chosen because the main component traits were well defined and, when analysed separately, reflected changes with time. The total index score gave a broad indication of the global changes in the individual's occlusion. The five basic traits of the HLD index include overjet, overbite, openbite, mandibular protrusion and labio-lingual spread. Three additional traits (ectopic eruption, anterior crowding and posterior crossbite) are used in the HLD Cal Mod index. These traits provided a useful reflection of occlusal changes with time. Measurements were made with reference to specifications and the details outlined in the HLD Cal Mod protocol. The results revealed an increase in total index scores over time with a significant increase in lower labio-lingual spread associated with an increased score in anterior crowding. Overjet and overbite, however, displayed a significant decrease with time. Conclusions: These findings are in keeping with previous studies and highlight the importance of time as a significant issue in the assessment of occlusion.


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GH is being used by elite athletes to enhance sporting performance. To examine the hypothesis that exogenous 22-kDa recombinant human GH (rhGH) administration could be detected through suppression of non-22-kDa isoforms of GH, we studied seventeen aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) randomized to rhGH or placebo treatment (0.15 IU/kg/day for 1 week). Subjects were studied at rest and in response to exercise (cycle-ergometry at 65% of maximal work capacity for 20 min). Serum was assayed for total GH (Pharmacia IRMA and pituitary GH), 22-kDa GH (2 different 2-site monoclonal immunoassays), non-22-kDa GH (22-kDa GH-exclusion assay), 20-kDa GH, and immunofunctional GH. In the study, 3 h after the last dose of rhGH, total and 22-kDa GH concentrations were elevated, reflecting exogenous 22-kDa GH. Non-22-kDa and 20-kDa GH levels were suppressed. Regression of non-22-kDa or 20-kDa GH against total or 22-kDa GH produced clear separation of treatment groups. In identical exercise studies repeated between 24 and 96 h after cessation of treatment, the magnitude of the responses of all GH isoforms was suppressed (P < 0.01), but the relative proportions were similar to those before treatment. We conclude: 1) supraphysiological doses of rhGH in trained adult males suppressed exercise-stimulated endogenous circulating isoforms of GH for up to 4 days; 2) the dearest separation of treatment groups required the simultaneous presence of high exogenous 22-kDa GH and suppressed 20-kDa or non-22-kDa GH concentrations; and 3) these methods may prove useful in detecting rhGH abuse in athletes.


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The molecular weight changes which occur on the gamma -radiolysis of poly(dimethyl siloxane) under vacuum between 77 and 373 K and in air at 303 K have been investigated using triple detection GPC to obtain the complete molecular weight distributions for the irradiated samples and to determine the number and weight average molecular weights. The results have been interpreted in terms of the relative yields of scission and crosslinking. The total yields for crosslinking predominate over those for scission at all the temperatures investigated for radiolysis under vacuum. Based on a solid-state Si-29 NMR analysis of PDMS irradiated under vacuum at 303 K, which yielded a value of G(Y) of 1.70, the values of G(S) = 1.15 +/-0.2 and G(H) = 1.45 +/-0.2 were obtained for radiolysis under vacuum at 303 K. For radiolysis in air at 303 K, crosslinking was also predominant, but the nett yield of crosslinking was much less than that observed for radiolysis under vacuum. Under the conditions of the radiolysis in air at 303 K, because of the low solubility of oxygen in PDMS, it is likely that the radiation chemistry is limited by oxygen diffusion. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The control of movement is predicated upon a system of constraints of musculoskeletal and neural origin. The focus of the present study was upon the manner in which such constraints are adapted or superseded during the acquisition of motor skill. Individuals participated in five experimental sessions, ill which they attempted to produce abduction-adduction movements of the index finger in time with an auditory metronome. During each trial, the metronome frequency was increased in eight steps from an individually determined base frequency. Electromyographic (EMC) activity was recorded from first dorsal interosseous (FDI), first volar interosseous (FVI), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), and extensor digitorum communis (EDC) muscles. The movements produced on the final day of acquisition more accurately matched the required profile, and exhibited greater spatial and temporal stability, than those generated during initial performance. Tn the early stages of skill acquisition, an alternating pattern of activation in FDI and FVI was maintained, even at the highest frequencies. Tn contrast, as the frequency of movement was increased, activity in FDS and EDC was either tonic or intermittent. As learning proceeded, alterations in recruitment patterns were expressed primarily in the extrinsic muscles (EDC and FDS). These changes took the form of increases in the postural role of these muscles, shifts to phasic patterns of activation, or selective disengagement of these muscles. These findings suggest that there is considerable flexibility in the composition of muscle synergies, which is exploited by individuals during the acquisition of coordination.


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Purpose: The phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) is altered in several arterial pathologies, including the neointima formed after acute arterial injury. This study examined the time course of this phenotypic change in relation to changes in the amount and distribution of matrix glycosaminoglycans. Methods: The immunochemical staining of heparan sulphates (HS) and chondroitin sulphates (CS) in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall was examined at early points after balloon catheter injury of the rabbit carotid artery. SMC phenotype was assessed by means of ultrastructural morphometry of the cytoplasmic volume fraction of myofilaments. The proportions of cell and matrix components in the media were analyzed with similar morphometric techniques. Results: HS and CS were shown in close association with SMCs of the uninjured arterial media as well as being more widespread within the matrix. Within 6 hours after arterial injury, there was loss of the regular pericellular distribution of both HS and CS, which was associated with a significant expansion in the extracellular space. This preceded the change in ultrastructural phenotype of the SMCs. The glycosaminoglycan loss was most exaggerated at 4 days, after which time the HS and CS reappeared around the medial SMCs. SMCs of the recovering media were able to rapidly replace their glycosaminoglycans, whereas SMCs of the developing neointima failed to produce HS as readily as they produced CS. Conclusions: These studies indicate that changes in glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix precede changes in SMC phenotype after acute arterial injury. In the recovering arterial media, SMCs replace their matrix glycosaminoglycans rapidly, whereas the newly established neointima fails to produce similar amounts of heparan sulphates.


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This investigation evaluated the effects of oral beta -Hydroxy-beta -Methylbutyrate (HMB) supplementation on training responses in resistance-trained male athletes who were randomly administered HMB in standard encapsulation (SH), HMB in time release capsule (TRH), or placebo (P) in a double-blind fashion. Subjects ingested 3 g (.) day(-1) of HMB; or placebo for 6 weeks. Tests were conducted pre-supplementation and following 3 and 6 weeks of supplementation. The testing battery assessed body mass, body composition (using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry), and 3-repetition maximum isoinertial strength, plus biochemical parameters, including markers of muscle damage and muscle protein turnover. While the training and dietary intervention of the investigation resulted in significant strength gains (p < .001) and an increase in total lean mass (p =.01), HMB administration had no influence on these variables. Likewise, biochemical markers of muscle protein turnover and muscle damage were also unaffected by HMB supplementation. The data indicate that 6 weeks of HMB supplementation in either SH or TRH form does not influence changes in strength and body composition in response to resistance training in strength-trained athletes.


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This study was undertaken to assess changes in zinc and copper homeostasis in human tissues that could be attributed to human exposure to environmental cadmium, using samples of lung, liver and kidney cortex of 61 Queensland residents, aged 2 to 89 years, who had died of accidental causes. None of the subjects were exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Levels of zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples showed inverse associations with donor age whereas zinc in lung only showed inverse association with gender. Lung zinc levels in females were 14% lower than in males. Zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples were found to exist in at least two pools; one was associated with cadmium that bound to metallothionein (MT) and the other was associated with non - MTbound copper. In liver, the amounts of zinc in the MT pool were smaller compared to those in non-MT pool given that only 7% of zinc variations were explained by cadmium whereas 22% of the liver zinc Variations were accounted for by non - MT bound copper. In sharp contrast, larger amounts of zinc in kidney cortex samples were in the MT pool, compared to those in the non-MT pool given that cadmium was found to explain 69% of total zinc variation whereas copper explained only 17% of kidney zinc variations. The levels of copper in liver were found to be increased by 45-50% in subjects with high cadmium exposure level, compared to subjects of similar ages with medium exposure level. The levels of zinc and copper in kidney cortex samples in the subjects with high cadmium exposure were both found to be significantly elevated compared to those found in the medium-exposure group whereas copper contents were about 19-23% greater than in medium- as well as low-exposure groups. Taken together these results indicate increased sequestration of zinc and copper in liver and kidney cortex samples. The increases in metal sequestrations were observed in liver samples having cadmium contents of greater than 1 mug/g wet weight and in kidney cortex having cadmium contents of greater than 26 mug/g wet weight. Zinc and copper contents in lung of this sample group, however, were not associated with cadmium due probably to lower exposure levels compared to those of liver and kidney.


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Adaptive changes that occur after chronic exposure to ethanol are an important component in the development of physical dependence. We have focused our research on ethanol-induced changes in the expression of several genes that may be important in adaptation. In this article, we describe adaptive changes at the level of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, in the protein expression and activity of the Egr transcription factors, and in the expression of a novel gene of unknown function. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Members of the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Community v State of Victoria was the first case in which a claim for native title was lodged in a non-remote area of the Australian mainland which was the subject of European settlement at an early stage in Australian history - highlights the difficulties in establishing native title claims in long settled regions of Australia - a failure to recognise the strength of oral tradition in establishing Aboriginal connection with the land.


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The photochemical efficiency of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues of two reef-building corals in response to normal and excess irradiance at wafer temperatures < 30 C were investigated using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, Dark-adapted F-v/F-m showed clear diurnal changes, decreasing to a low at solar noon and increasing in the afternoon. However, F-v/F-m also drifted downwards at night or in prolonged darkness, and increased rapidly during the early morning twilight. This parameter also increased when the oxygen concentration of the wafer holding the corals was increased. Such changes have not been described previously, and most probably reflect state transition's associated with PQ pool reduction via chlororespiration. These unusual characteristics may be a feature of an endosymbiotic environment, reflective of the well-documented night-time tissue hypoxia that occurs in corals. F-v/F-m decreased to 0.25 in response to full sunlight in shade-acclimated (shade) colonies of Stylophora pistillata, which is considerably lower than in light-acclimated (sun) colonies. In sun colonies, the reversible decrease in F-v/F-m was caused by a lowering of F-m and F-o suggesting photoprotection and no lasting damage. The decrease in F-v/F-m, however, was caused by a decrease in F-m and an increase in F-o in shade colonies suggesting photoinactivation and long-term cumulative photoinhibition. Shade colonies rapidly lost their symbiotic algae (bleached) during exposure to full sunlight. This study is consistent with the hypothesis that excess light leads to chronic damage of symbiotic dinoflagellates and their eventual removal from reef-building corals. It is significant that this can occur with high light conditions alone.