109 resultados para imputation hedonic method
The role of catecholamines in the control of the GnRH pulse generator is unclear as studies have relied on the use of peripheral or intracerebroventricular injections, which lack specificity in relation to the anatomical site of action. Direct brain site infusions have been used, however, these are limited by the ability to accurately target small brain regions. One such area of interest in the control of GnRH is the median eminence and arcuate nucleus within the medial basal hypothalamus. Here we describe a method of stereotaxically targeting this area in a large animal (sheep) and an infusion system to deliver drugs into unrestrained conscious animals. To test our technique we infused the dopamine agonist, quinpirole or vehicle into the medial basal hypothalamus of ovariectomised ewes. Quinpirole significantly suppressed LH pulsatility only in animals with injectors located close to the lateral median eminence. This in vivo result supports the hypothesis that dopamine inhibits GnRH secretion by presynaptic inhibition in the lateral median eminence. Also infusion of quinpirole into the medial basal hypothalamus suppressed prolactin secretion providing in vivo evidence that is consistent with the hypothesis that there are stimulatory autoreceptors on tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Six Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum) genomic DNA fragments were isolated, using RAPD techniques and cloning, from the three genetically diverse strains: ACH092 (Biovar 4), ACH0158 (Biovar 2) and ACH0171 (Biovar 3) (1). One of these cloned fragments was selected because it was present constantly in all bacterial strains analysed. The remaining five clones were selected because Southern hybridisation revealed that each showed partial or complete specificity towards the strain of origin. A seventh genomic fragment showing a strain-specific distribution in Southern hybridisations was obtained by differential restriction, hybridisation and cloning of genomic DNA. Each of these clones was sequenced and primers to amplify the insert were designed. When DNA from the strain of origin was used as template, PCR amplification for each of these fragments yielded a single band on gel analysis. One pair of primers amplified the species-constant fragment of 281 bp from DNA of all B. solanacearum strains investigated, from DNA of the closely related bacterium which causes ''blood disease'' of banana (BDB) and in P. syzigii. The sensitivity of detection of B. solanacearum using these ubiquitous primers was between 1.3 and 20 bacterial cells. The feasibility and reliability of a PCR approach to detection and identification of B. solanacearum was tested in diverse strains of the bacterium in several countries and laboratories.
Smoothing the potential energy surface for structure optimization is a general and commonly applied strategy. We propose a combination of soft-core potential energy functions and a variation of the diffusion equation method to smooth potential energy surfaces, which is applicable to complex systems such as protein structures; The performance of the method was demonstrated by comparison with simulated annealing using the refinement of the undecapeptide Cyclosporin A as a test case. Simulations were repeated many times using different initial conditions and structures since the methods are heuristic and results are only meaningful in a statistical sense.
OBJECTIVES: 1. To critically evaluate a variety of mathematical methods of calculating effective population size (Ne) by conducting comprehensive computer simulations and by analysis of empirical data collected from the Moreton Bay population of tiger prawns. 2. To lay the groundwork for the application of the technology in the NPF. 3. To produce software for the calculation of Ne, and to make it widely available.
In this paper we present the composite Euler method for the strong solution of stochastic differential equations driven by d-dimensional Wiener processes. This method is a combination of the semi-implicit Euler method and the implicit Euler method. At each step either the semi-implicit Euler method or the implicit Euler method is used in order to obtain better stability properties. We give criteria for selecting the semi-implicit Euler method or the implicit Euler method. For the linear test equation, the convergence properties of the composite Euler method depend on the criteria for selecting the methods. Numerical results suggest that the convergence properties of the composite Euler method applied to nonlinear SDEs is the same as those applied to linear equations. The stability properties of the composite Euler method are shown to be far superior to those of the Euler methods, and numerical results show that the composite Euler method is a very promising method. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article discusses the design of a comprehensive evaluation of a community development programme for young people 'at-risk' of self-harming behaviour. It outlines considerations in the design of the evaluation and focuses on the complexities and difficulties associated with the evaluation of a community development programme. The challenge was to fulfil the needs of the funding body for a broad, outcome-focused evaluation while remaining close enough to the programme to accurately represent its activities and potential effects at a community level. Specifically, the strengths and limitations of a mixed-method evaluation plan are discussed with recommendations for future evaluation practice.
A new wavelet-based method for solving population balance equations with simultaneous nucleation, growth and agglomeration is proposed, which uses wavelets to express the functions. The technique is very general, powerful and overcomes the crucial problems of numerical diffusion and stability that often characterize previous techniques in this area. It is also applicable to an arbitrary grid to control resolution and computational efficiency. The proposed technique has been tested for pure agglomeration, simultaneous nucleation and growth, and simultaneous growth and agglomeration. In all cases, the predicted and analytical particle size distributions are in excellent agreement. The presence of moving sharp fronts can be addressed without the prior investigation of the characteristics of the processes. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
A flow tagging technique based upon ionic fluorescence in strontium is investigated for applications to velocity measurements in gas flows. The method is based upon a combination of two laser based spectroscopic techniques, i.e. resonantly-enhanced ionisation and laser-induced ionic fluorescence. Strontium is first ionised and then planar laser-induced fluorescence is utilised to give 2D 'bright images' of the ionised region of the flow at a given time delay. The results show that this method can be used for velocity measurements. The velocities were measured in two types of air-acetylene flames - a slot burner and a circular burner yielding velocities of 5.1 +/- 0.1 m/s and 9.3 +/- 0.2 m/s, respectively. The feasibility of the method for the determination of velocities in faster flows than those investigated here is discussed.
We describe the progress towards developing a patient rated toxicity index that meets all of the patient-important attributes defined by the OMERACT Drug Safety Working Party, These attributes are frequency, severity. importance to patient, importance to the clinician, impact on economics, impact on activities, and integration of adverse effects with benefits. The Stanford Toxicity Index (STI) has been revised to collect all attributes with the exception of impact on activities. However, since the STI is a part of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). impact on activities is collected by the HAQ. In particular, a new question asks patients to rate overall satisfaction, taking into consideration both benefits and adverse effects. The nest step in the development of this tool is to ensure that the STI meets the OMERACT filter of truth, discrimination, and feasibility. Although truth and feasibility have been confirmed by comparisons within the ARAMIS database, discrimination needs to be assessed in clinical trials.
The application of the N-1-(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidene)ethyl (Dde) linker for the solid-phase synthesis of oligosaccharides is described. The oligosaccharide products can be cleaved from the resin by hydrazine, ammonia or primary amines, but the linker is stable under the conditions of oligosaccharide synthesis. The first sugar can be attached to the resin linker via a vinylogous amide bond, or by ether linkage using a p-aminobenzyl alcohol converter. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We develop a new iterative filter diagonalization (FD) scheme based on Lanczos subspaces and demonstrate its application to the calculation of bound-state and resonance eigenvalues. The new scheme combines the Lanczos three-term vector recursion for the generation of a tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian with a three-term scalar recursion to generate filtered states within the Lanczos representation. Eigenstates in the energy windows of interest can then be obtained by solving a small generalized eigenvalue problem in the subspace spanned by the filtered states. The scalar filtering recursion is based on the homogeneous eigenvalue equation of the tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian, and is simpler and more efficient than our previous quasi-minimum-residual filter diagonalization (QMRFD) scheme (H. G. Yu and S. C. Smith, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 283, 69), which was based on solving for the action of the Green operator via an inhomogeneous equation. A low-storage method for the construction of Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements in the filtered-basis representation is devised, in which contributions to the matrix elements are computed simultaneously as the recursion proceeds, allowing coefficients of the filtered states to be discarded once their contribution has been evaluated. Application to the HO2 system shows that the new scheme is highly efficient and can generate eigenvalues with the same numerical accuracy as the basic Lanczos algorithm.