59 resultados para dynamic capabilities of the territory


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This paper reports research conducted among theaged residents of a rural, Southwestern Ugandanvillage. It documents their knowledge ofHIV/AIDS, their perceptions of their own riskof infection, and the multiple impacts of thecurrent HIV/AIDS epidemic on their lives. Mostolder individuals have a sound understanding ofthe sexual transmission of HIV, and someconsider themselves to be at risk of infectionthrough having multiple sexual partners. Theyattempt to limit their children's exposure toHIV, but many of these children have left thevillage to live in urban areas of relativelyhigh HIV prevalence. The loss of adult childrendeprives the aged of any support these childrenmight have provided as their parents'capabilities declined with advancing age.Female-headed households were more affected inthis way than were male-headed households. TheAIDS epidemic has increased the number ofburials taking place in the village, and theiraccumulated costs, both in time and money, andcreated new hardships for the aged, who alsohave to cope with grief that accompaniescontinuing deaths among their children andtheir contemporaries' children.


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DCC (deleted in colon cancer), Neogenin and UNC-5 are all members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of transmembrane receptors which are believed to play a role in axon guidance by binding to their ligands, the Netrin/UNC-40 family of secreted molecules (Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 56 (1999) 62; Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 7 (1997) 87). Although zebrafish homologues of the Netrin family of secreted molecules have been reported, to date there has been no published description of zebrafish DCC homologues (Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 9 (1997) 293., Mol. Cell. Neurosci. I I ( 1998) 194; Mech. Dev. 62 (1997) 147). We report here the expression pattern of a zebrafish dcc (zdcc) homologue during the initial period of neurogenesis and axon tract formation within the developing central nervous system. Between 12 and 33 h post-fertilisation zdcc is expressed in a dynamic spatiotemporal pattern in all major subdivisions of the central nervous system. Double-labelling for zdcc and the post-mitotic neuronal marker HNK-1 revealed that subpopulations of neurons within the first nuclei of the zebrafish brain express zdcc. These results support our previous observation that patterning of neuronal clusters in the zebrafish brain occurs early in development (Dev. Bioi, 229 (2001) 271). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study to be presented is the first to use a new physiological device, the electromagnetic articulograph, to assess articulatory dysfunction in children with acquired brain injury. Two children with dysarthria subsequent to acquired brain injury participated in the study. One child, a female aged 12 years 9 months exhibited a mild-moderate ataxic dysarthria following traumatic head injury while the other, a male aged 13 years 10 months, demonstrated a moderate-severe flaccid-ataxic dysarthria also following traumatic head injury. The speed and accuracy of their tongue movements was assessed using the Carstens AG100 electromagnetic articulograph. Movement trajectories together with a range of quantitative kinematic parameters were estimated during performance of ten repetitions of the lingual consonants /t, s, k/ and consonant cluster /kl/ in the word initial position of single syllable words. A group of ten non-neurologically impaired children served as controls. Examination of the kinematic parameters, including movement trajectories, velocity, acceleration, deceleration, distance travelled and duration of movement, revealed differences in the speed and accuracy of the tongue movements in both children with acquired brain injury compared to those produced by the non-neurologically impaired controls. The results are discussed in relation to contemporary theories of the effects of acquired brain injury on neuromuscular function. The implications of the findings for the treatment of articulatory dysfunction in children with motor speech disorders associated with acquired brain injury are highlighted.


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We have studied the spatial dynamics of Sry transcription in the genital ridges of mouse embryos. We find that Sry is expressed in a dynamic wave that emanates from the central and/or anterior regions, extends subsequently to both poles, and ends in the caudal pole. This dynamism may explain the relative positioning of ovarian and testicular tissue seen in ovotestes in mice. Since direct regulatory targets of SRY ought to be expressed in a corresponding or complimentary wave, our observations pave the way for identification of target genes. Sry is expressed in internal cells but not in coelomic surface epithelial cells, indicating that its effect on proliferation of surface cells is achieved non-cell-autonomously. The cellular dynamism of Sry expression revealed in this study thus provides important insights into both the cellular and molecular mode of action of SRY, and how perturbations in Sry expression can lead to anomalies of sexual development. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The suitable use of array antennas in cellular systems results in improvement in the signal-to-interference ratio (StR), This property is the basis for introducing smart or adaptive antenna systems. in general, the SIR depends on the array configuration and is a function of the direction of the desired user and interferers. Here, the SIR performance for linear and circular arrays is analysed and compared.


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Despite growing clinical use, cervical auscultation suffers from a lack of research-based data. One of the strongest criticisms of cervical auscultation is that there has been little research to demonstrate how dysphagic swallowing sounds are different from normal swallowing sounds, In order to answer this question, however, one first needs to document the acoustic characteristics of normal, nondysphagic swallowing sounds, This article provides the first normative database of normal swallowing sounds for the adult population. The current investigation documents the acoustic characteristics of normal swallowing sounds for individuals from 18 to more than 60 years of age over a range of thin liquid volumes. Previous research has shown the normal swallow to be a dynamic event. The normal swallow is sensitive to aging of the oropharyngeal system, and also to the volume of bolus swallowed. The current investigation found that the acoustic signals generated during swallowing were sensitive to an individual's age and to the volume of the bolus swallowed. There were also some gender-specific differences in the acoustic profile of the swallowing sound, It is anticipated that the results will provide a catalyst for further research into cervical auscultation.


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The 'Late Heavy Bombardment' was a phase in the impact history of the Moon that occurred 3.8-4.0 Gyr ago, when the lunar basins with known dates were formed(1,2). But no record of this event has yet been reported from the few surviving rocks of this age on the Earth. Here we report tungsten isotope anomalies, based on the Hf-182-W-182 system (half-life of 9 Myr), in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the 3.7-3.8-Gyr-old Isua greenstone belt of West Greenland and closely related rocks from northern Labrador, Canada. As it is difficult to conceive of a mechanism by which tungsten isotope heterogeneities could have been preserved in the Earth's dynamic crust-mantle environment from a time when short-lived Hf-182 was still present, we conclude that the metamorphosed sediments contain a component derived from meteorites.


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Flying foxes are commonly thought of as highly social mammals, yet little is known about the dynamics of their social interactions at a day roost. The aim of the present study was to examine the nature of the seasonal activities of territoriality and courtship amongst wild flying foxes in Australia. Focal observations were conducted at two permanent roosts of black flying foxes Pteropus alecto during periods of peak social interaction in the summers of 1999 and 2000 in urban Brisbane, Queensland. Observations of male territoriality were conducted at dawn and began eight weeks prior to the commencement of mating. The majority of defense bouts (87%) consisted of ritualised pursuit, while 13% of bouts involved physical contact expressed as either wrestling or hooking. One male with an unusually large territory took significantly longer to defend it than other males with less territory to defend. Observations of courtship revealed repetitive courtship sequences, including pre-copulatory approaches by the males, copulation attempts and grooming/resting periods. Thirty-four complete courtship sequences incorporating 135 copulation attempts were recorded over two seasons. Females actively resisted courtship approaches by males, forcing males to display a continuous determination to mate over time where determination can be considered an indicator of 'fitness'. The courtship bout length of females with suckling young was significantly longer ((x) over bar +/- SE; 230.9 +/- 22.16 s) than that of females unencumbered by large pups (158.5 +/- 9.69 s), although the length of copulations within those courtships was not (45.6 +/- 5.19 versus 36.2 +/- 3.43 s).


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It has been argued that power-law time-to-failure fits for cumulative Benioff strain and an evolution in size-frequency statistics in the lead-up to large earthquakes are evidence that the crust behaves as a Critical Point (CP) system. If so, intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible. However, this hypothesis has not been proven. If the crust does behave as a CP system, stress correlation lengths should grow in the lead-up to large events through the action of small to moderate ruptures and drop sharply once a large event occurs. However this evolution in stress correlation lengths cannot be observed directly. Here we show, using the lattice solid model to describe discontinuous elasto-dynamic systems subjected to shear and compression, that it is for possible correlation lengths to exhibit CP-type evolution. In the case of a granular system subjected to shear, this evolution occurs in the lead-up to the largest event and is accompanied by an increasing rate of moderate-sized events and power-law acceleration of Benioff strain release. In the case of an intact sample system subjected to compression, the evolution occurs only after a mature fracture system has developed. The results support the existence of a physical mechanism for intermediate-term earthquake forecasting and suggest this mechanism is fault-system dependent. This offers an explanation of why accelerating Benioff strain release is not observed prior to all large earthquakes. The results prove the existence of an underlying evolution in discontinuous elasto-dynamic, systems which is capable of providing a basis for forecasting catastrophic failure and earthquakes.


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In the present study we addressed the issue of somatosensory representation and plasticity in a nonmammalian species, the barn owl. Multiunit mapping techniques were used to examine the representation of the specialized receptor surface of the claw in the anterior Wulst. We found dual somatotopic mirror image representations of the skin surface of the contralateral claw. In addition, we examined both representations 2 weeks after denervation of the distal skin surface of a single digit. In both representations, the denervated digital representation became responsive to stimulation of the adjacent, mutually functional, digit. The mutability and multiple representations indicates that the Wulst provides the owl with sensory processing capabilities analogous to those in mammals.


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A new model to predict the extent of crushing around a blasthole is presented. The model is based on the back-analysis of a comprehensive experimental program that included the direct measurement of the zone of crushing from 92 blasting tests on concrete blocks using two commercial explosives. The concrete blocks varied from low, medium to high strength and measured 1.5 in in length, 1.0 m in width and 1.1 m in height. A dimensionless parameter called the crushing zone index (CZI) is introduced. This index measures the crushing potential of a charged blasthole and is a function of the borehole pressure, the unconfined compressive strength of the rock material, dynamic Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. It is shown that the radius of crushing is a function of the CZI and the blasthole radius. A good correlation between the new model and measured results was obtained. A number of previously proposed models could not approximate the conditions measured in the experimental work and there are noted discrepancies between the different approaches reviewed, particularly for smaller diameter holes and low strength rock conditions. The new model has been verified with full scale tests reported in the literature. Results from this validation and model evaluations show its applicability to production blasting. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A research program on atmospheric boundary layer processes and local wind regimes in complex terrain was conducted in the vicinity of Lake Tekapo in the southern Alps of New Zealand, during two 1-month field campaigns in 1997 and 1999. The effects of the interaction of thermal and dynamic forcing were of specific interest, with a particular focus on the interaction of thermal forcing of differing scales. The rationale and objectives of the field and modeling program are described, along with the methodology used to achieve them. Specific research aims include improved knowledge of the role of surface forcing associated with varying energy balances across heterogeneous terrain, thermal influences on boundary layer and local wind development, and dynamic influences of the terrain through channeling effects. Data were collected using a network of surface meteorological and energy balance stations, radiosonde and pilot balloon soundings, tethered balloon and kite-based systems, sodar, and an instrumented light aircraft. These data are being used to investigate the energetics of surface heat fluxes, the effects of localized heating/cooling and advective processes on atmospheric boundary layer development, and dynamic channeling. A complementary program of numerical modeling includes application of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) to case studies characterizing typical boundary layer structures and airflow patterns observed around Lake Tekapo. Some initial results derived from the special observation periods are used to illustrate progress made to date. In spite of the difficulties involved in obtaining good data and undertaking modeling experiments in such complex terrain, initial results show that surface thermal heterogeneity has a significant influence on local atmospheric structure and wind fields in the vicinity of the lake. This influence occurs particularly in the morning. However, dynamic channeling effects and the larger-scale thermal effect of the mountain region frequently override these more local features later in the day.


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This paper conducts a dynamic stability analysis of symmetrically laminated FGM rectangular plates with general out-of-plane supporting conditions, subjected to a uniaxial periodic in-plane load and undergoing uniform temperature change. Theoretical formulations are based on Reddy's third-order shear deformation plate theory, and account for the temperature dependence of material properties. A semi-analytical Galerkin-differential quadrature approach is employed to convert the governing equations into a linear system of Mathieu-Hill equations from which the boundary points on the unstable regions are determined by Bolotin's method. Free vibration and bifurcation buckling are also discussed as subset problems. Numerical results are presented in both dimensionless tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates with FGM layers made of silicon nitride and stainless steel. The influences of various parameters such as material composition, layer thickness ratio, temperature change, static load level, boundary constraints on the dynamic stability, buckling and vibration frequencies are examined in detail through parametric studies.