72 resultados para disco alveolado horizontal e pneumático
Howard and Duke (2003) generated stereograms with a grey transparent square offset from a vertical bar in one eye, and a vertical bar with a gap in the other eye. They argued that these displays were 'without conventional disparity' and that the metrical depth experienced was a new form of unpaired stereopsis due to 'transparency rather than occlusion'. Another possibility is that the perceived depth in these displays was obtained from horizontal contours. To test this possibility, we generated three displays that contained similar horizontal contourterminations, but were inconsistent with transparency. Reliable depth was seen in all stimuli. We conclude that in our stimuli, and those of Howard and Duke, transparency is not responsible for the perception of depth, which appears to be based instead on disparate horizontal contour terminations. Our results also show that disparate contours of opposite contrast polarity can generate depth.
A partially occluded contour and a slanted contour may generate identical binocular horizontal disparities. We investigated conditions promoting an occlusion resolution indicated by an illusory contour in depth along the aligned ends of horizontally disparate line sets. For a set of identical oblique lines with a constant width added to one eye's view, strength, depth, and stability of the illusory contour were poor, whereas for oblique lines of alternating orientations the illusory contours were strong, indicating a reliance on vertical size disparities rather than vertical positional disparities in generating perceived occlusion. For horizontal lines, occlusion was seen when the lines were of different lengths and absolute width disparity was invariant across the set. In all line configurations, when the additional length was on the wrong eye to be attributed to differential occlusion, lines appeared slanted consistent with their individual horizontal disparities. This rules out monocular illusory contours as the determining factor.
Constructing a veridical spatial map by touch poses at least two problems for a perceptual system. First, as the hand is moved through space, the locations of features may be displaced if there is an uncorrected lag between the moment the hand encounters a feature and the time that feature is encoded on a spatial map. Second, due to the sequential nature of the process, some form of memory, which itself may be subject to spatial distortions, is required for integration of spatial samples. We investigated these issues using a task involving active haptic exploration with a stylus swept back and forth in the horizontal plane at the wrist. Remembered locations of tactile targets were shifted towards the medial axis of the forearm, suggesting a central tendency in haptic spatial memory, while evidence for a displacement of perceived locations in the direction of sweep motion was consistent with processing delays.
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is a major survey to discover blue stellar objects brighter than B similar to 18 in the southern sky. It is planned to cover an area of sky of 10 000 deg(2) with \b\ > 30 degrees and delta < 0 degrees. The blue stellar objects are selected by automatic techniques from U and B pairs of UK Schmidt Telescope plates scanned with the COSMOS measuring machine. Follow-up photometry and spectroscopy are being obtained with the SAAO telescopes to classify objects brighter than B = 16.5. This paper describes the survey, the techniques used to extract the blue stellar objects, the photometric methods and accuracy, the spectroscopic classification, and the limits and completeness of the survey.
Previous research has indicated that biotypes A and B of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that infect Stylosanthes spp. in Australia are asexual and vegetatively incompatible. Selectable marker genes conferring resistance either to hygromycin or phleomycin were introduced into isolates of these biotypes. Vectors conferring resistance to hygromycin and carrying telomeric sequences from Fusarium oxysporum replicated autonomously in C. gloeosporioides and gave frequencies of transformation 100-times higher than vectors that integrated into the genome. Monoconidial colonies resistant to both antibiotics were recovered when hygromycin-resistant biotype-A transformants carrying an autonomously replicating vector were paired in culture with a phleomycin-resistant biotype-B transformant carrying integrative vector sequences. Molecular analysis of double antibiotic-resistant progeny indicated that they contained the autonomous vector in a biotype-B genetic background, Results indicate that transfer of the autonomous vector had occurred from biotype A to biotype B, demonstrating the potential for transfer of genetic information between these biotypes.
The sudden release of a mass of fluid in a channel generates a highly unsteady flow motion, called dam break wave. While industrial fluids exhibit sometimes non-Newtonian behaviours, the viscous fluid flow assumption remains a useful approximation for simplified analyses. In this study, new solutions of laminar dam break wave are proposed for a semi-infinite reservoir based upon the method of characteristics. The solutions yield simple explicit expressions of the wave front location, wave front celerity and instantaneous free-surface profiles that compare favourably with experimental observations. Both horizontal and sloping channel configurations are treated. The simplicity of the equations may allow future extension to more complicated fluid flows.
Sediment mobility measurements with a horizontal sand bed under non-breaking waves are reported. Conditions include no seepage and steady downward seepage corresponding to head gradients up to 2.5. The results indicate that infiltration tends to inhibit sediment mobility for a horizontal bcd of 0.2 mm quartz sand exposed to moderated wave induced bed shear stresses. The effect is weak for the parameter range of the present study. The two opposing effects of shear stress increase due to boundary layer thinning and the stabilizing downward drag are successfully accounted for through the modified Shields parameter of Nielsen [Nielsen, P., 1997. Coastal groundwater dynamics. Proc. Coastal Dynamics '97, Plymouth, ASCE, Dp, 546-555] using coefficients derived from independent studies. That is, from the shear stress experiments of Conley [Conley, D.C., 1993. Ventilated oscillatory boundary layers. PhD Thesis, University of California, San Diego, 74 pp.] and the slope stability experiments of Martin and Aral [Martin, C.S. and M.M. Aral, 1971. Seepage force on interfacial bed particles. J. Hydraulics Div., proc. ASCE, Vol. 97, No. Hy7, pp. 1081-1100]. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We wished to identify the different types of retinal neurons on the basis of their content of neuroactive substances in both larval tiger salamander and mudpuppy retinas, favored species for electrophysiological investigation. Sections and wholemounts of retinas were labeled by immunocytochemical methods to demonstrate three calcium binding protein species and the common neurotransmitters, glycine, GABA and acetylcholine. Double immunostained sections and single labeled wholemount retinas were examined by confocal microscopy. Immunostaining patterns appeared to be the same in salamander and mudpuppy. Double and single cones, horizontal cells, some amacrine cells and ganglion cells were strongly calbindin-immunoreactive (IR). Calbindin-IR horizontal cells colocalized GABA. Many bipolar cells, horizontal cells, some amacrine cells and ganglion cells were strongly calretinin-IR. One type of horizontal cell and an infrequently occurring amacrine cell were parvalbumin-IR. Acetylcholine as visualized by ChAT-immunoreactivity was seen in a mirror-symmetric pair of amacrine cells that colocalized GABA and glycine. Glycine and GABA colocalized with calretinin, calbindin and occasionally with parvalbumin in amacrine cells. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose. In the present study we examined the relationship between solvent uptake into a model membrane (silicone) with the physical properties of the solvents (e.g., solubility parameter, melting point, molecular weight) and its potential predictability. We then assessed the subsequent topical penetration and retention kinetics of hydrocortisone from various solvents to define whether modifications to either solute diffusivity or partitioning were dominant in increasing permeability through solvent-modified membranes. Methods. Membrane sorption of solvents was determined from weight differences following immersion in individual solvents, corrected for differences in density. Permeability and retention kinetics of H-3-hydrocortisone, applied as saturated solutions in the various solvents, were determined over 48 h in horizontal Franz-type glass diffusion cells. Results. Solvent sorption into the membrane could be related to differences in solubility parameters, MW and hydrogen bonding (r(2) = 0.76). The actual and predicted volume of solvent sorbed into the membrane was also found to be linearly related to Log hydrocortisone flux, with changes in both diffusivity and partitioning of hydrocortisone observed for the different solvent vehicles. Conclusions. A simple structure-based predictive model can be applied to the sorption of solvents into silicone membranes. Changes in solute diffusivity and partitioning appeared to contribute to the increased hydrocortisone flux observed with the various solvent vehicles. The application of this predictive model to the more complex skin membrane remains to be determined.
This paper addresses two interrelated issues in tourism development: horizontal integration within tourism's component sectors and attempts at vertical integration between them. The paper employs a conceptual framework adapted from regulation theory, to assess the dynamics of these processes, particularly in relation to airlines and hotels. Through examining some of the most important examples of both horizontal and vertical integration, it indicates how these have influenced contemporary strategies in the component sectors. The paper goes on to illustrate how trends towards Fordist organization within airlines have conflicted with post-Fordist trends in hotel operations, to undermine attempts at vertical integration across the tourism industry. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spontaneous and tone-evoked changes in light reflectance were recorded from primary auditory cortex (A1) of anesthetized cats (barbiturate induction, ketamine maintenance). Spontaneous 0.1-Hz oscillations of reflectance of 540- and 690-nm light were recorded in quiet. Stimulation with tone pips evoked localized reflectance decreases at 540 nm in 3/10 cats. The distribution of patches activated by tones of different frequencies reflected the known tonotopic organization of auditory cortex. Stimulus-evoked reflectance changes at 690 nm were observed in 9/10 cats but lacked stimulus-dependent topography. In two experiments, stimulus-evoked optical signals at 540 nm were compared with multiunit responses to the same stimuli recorded at multiple sites. A significant correlation (P < 0.05) between magnitude of reflectance decrease and multiunit response strength was evident in only one of five stimulus conditions in each experiment. There was no significant correlation when data were pooled across all stimulus conditions in either experiment. In one experiment, the spatial distribution of activated patches, evident in records of spontaneous activity at 540 nm, was similar to that of patches activated by tonal stimuli. These results suggest that local cerebral blood volume changes reflect the gross tonotopic organization of A1 but are not restricted to the sites of spiking neurons.
Experimental work has been carried out to investigate the effect of major operating variables on milling efficiency of calcium carbonate in laboratory and pilot size Tower and Sala Agitated (SAM) mills. The results suggest that the stirrer speed, media size and slurry density affect the specific energy consumption required to achieve the given product size. Media stress intensity analysis developed for high-speed horizontal mills was modified to include the effect of gravitational force in the vertical stirred mills such as the Tower and SAM units. The results suggest that this approach can be successfully applied for both mill types. For a given specific energy input, an optimum stress intensity range existed, for which the finest product was achieved. Finer product and therefore higher milling efficiency was obtained with SAM in the range of operating conditions tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
An increasingly comprehensive assessment is being developed of the extent and potential significance of lateral gene transfer among microbial genomes. Genomic sequences can be identified as being of putatively lateral origin by their unexpected phyletic distribution, atypical sequence composition, differential presence or absence in closely related genomes, or incongruent phylogenetic trees. These complementary approaches sometimes yield inconsistent results. Not only more data but also quantitative models and simulations are needed urgently.
Surrogate methods for detecting lateral gene transfer are those that do not require inference of phylogenetic trees. Herein I apply four such methods to identify open reading frames (ORFs) in the genome of Escherichia coli K12 that may have arisen by lateral gene transfer. Only two of these methods detect the same ORFs more frequently than expected by chance, whereas several intersections contain many fewer ORFs than expected. Each of the four methods detects a different non-random set of ORFs. The methods may detect lateral ORFs of different relative ages; testing this hypothesis will require rigorous inference of trees. (C) 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.
Aim. This study examines the extent to which hospital nurses view their working environment in a positive sense, working as a cohesive group. Background. Despite the fact that nursing in Australia is now considered a profession, it has been claimed that nurses are an oppressed group who use horizontal violence, bullying and aggression in their interactions with one and other. Methods. After ethical approval, a random sample of 666 nurses working directly with patients and all 333 critical care nurses employed in three large tertiary Australian hospitals were invited to participate in the study in the late 1990s. A mailed survey examined the perceptions of interaction nurses had with each other. The hypothesis, that level of employment (either Level I bedside nurses or Level II/III clinical leaders) and area of work (either critical care or noncritical care) would influence perceptions of cohesion, as measured by the cohesion amongst nurses scale (CANS) was tested. Results. In total 555 (56%) surveys were returned. Of these, 413 were returned by Level I and 142 by Level II/III nurses. Of this sample, 189 were critical care and 355 noncritical care nurses. There was no difference between Level I and II/III nurses in mean CANS scores. It is interesting to note that the item rated most positively was, 'nurses on the units worked well together', however, the item rated least positive was 'staff can be really bitchy towards each other' for both Level I and II/III nurses. There was no difference in CANS scores between critical care and noncritical care nurses. Conclusions. Nurses working in Australian hospitals perceived themselves to be moderately cohesive but, as would be expected in other work settings, some negative perceptions existed.