51 resultados para Wideband Receivers
In electronic support, receivers must maintain surveillance over the very wide portion of the electromagnetic spectrum in which threat emitters operate. A common approach is to use a receiver with a relatively narrow bandwidth that sweeps its centre frequency over the threat bandwidth to search for emitters. The sequence and timing of changes in the centre frequency constitute a search strategy. The search can be expedited, if there is intelligence about the operational parameters of the emitters that are likely to be found. However, it can happen that the intelligence is deficient, untrustworthy or absent. In this case, what is the best search strategy to use? A random search strategy based on a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) is proposed. When the search is conducted for emitters with a periodic scan, it is shown that there is an optimal configuration for the CTMC. It is optimal in the sense that the expected time to intercept an emitter approaches linearity most quickly with respect to the emitter's scan period. A fast and smooth approach to linearity is important, as other strategies can exhibit considerable and abrupt variations in the intercept time as a function of scan period. In theory and numerical examples, the optimum CTMC strategy is compared with other strategies to demonstrate its superior properties.
We consider blind signal detection in an asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system employing short spreading sequences in the presence of unknown multipath fading. This approach is capable of countering the presence of multiple-access interference (MAI) in CDMA fading channels. The proposed blind multiuser detector is based on an independent component analysis (ICA) to mitigate both MAI and noise. This algorithm has been utilised in blind source separation (BSS) of unknown sources from their mixtures. It can also be used for estimating the basis vectors of BSS. The aim is to include an ICA algorithm within a wireless receiver in order to reduce the level of interference in wideband systems. This blind multiuser detector requires no training sequence compared with the conventional multiuser detection receiver. The proposed ICA blind multiuser detector is made robust with respect to knowledge of signature waveforms and the timing of the user of interest. Several experiments are performed in order to verify the validity of the proposed ICA algorithm.
Choice of the operational frequency is one of the most responsible parts of any radar design process. Parameters of radars for buried object detection (BOD) are very sensitive to both carrier frequency and ranging signal bandwidth. Such radars have a specific propagation environment with a strong frequency-dependent attenuation and, as a result, short operational range. This fact dictates some features of the radar's parameters: wideband signal-to provide a high range resolution (fractions of a meter) and a low carrier frequency (tens or hundreds megahertz) for deeper penetration. The requirement to have a wideband ranging signal and low carrier frequency are partly in contradiction. As a result, low-frequency (LF) ultrawide-band (UWB) signals are used. The major goal of this paper is to examine the influence of the frequency band choice on the radar performance and develop relevant methodologies for BOD radar design and optimization. In this article, high-efficient continuous wave (CW) signals with most advanced stepped frequency (SF) modulation are considered; however, the main conclusions can be applied to any kind of ranging signals.
This paper introduces a blind multiuser detection algorithm for MIMO channels. The receiver is required to separate and recover the information signal of the desired user(s) based on independent component analysis (ICA) of the received sequence. The received sequence is assumed to be independent identically distributed. Experimental results show that the proposed blind ICA multiuser detection works well with a short symbol sequence, even if the channel time span is not accurately estimated. It is concluded that the proposed blind multiuser detection performs better than the conventional matched filters in a noisy environment.
Simple design formulas for designing ultra wideband (UWB) antennas in the form of complementary planar monopoles are described and their validity is tested using full electromagnetic wave simulations and measurements. Assuming dielectric substrate with relative permittivity of 10.2, the designed antennas feature a small size of 13 mmtimes26 mm. They exhibit a 10 dB return loss bandwidth from 3 to more than 15 GHz accompanied by near omnidirectional characteristics and good radiation efficiency throughout this band
In Electronic Support, it is well known that periodic search strategies for swept-frequency superheterodyne receivers (SHRs) can cause synchronisation with the radar it seeks to detect. Synchronisation occurs when the periods governing the search strategies of the SHR and radar are commensurate. The result may be that the radar is never detected. This paper considers the synchronisation problem in depth. We find that there are usually a finite number of synchronisation ratios between the radar’s scan period and the SHR’s sweep period. We develop three geometric constructions by which these ratios can be found and we relate them to the Farey series. The ratios may be used to determine the intercept time for any combination of scan and sweep period. This theory can assist the operator of an SHR in selecting a sweep period that minimises the intercept time against a number of radars in a threat emitter list.