103 resultados para Two-dimensional redistribution kernel
The ‘leading coordinate’ approach to computing an approximate reaction pathway, with subsequent determination of the true minimum energy profile, is applied to a two-proton chain transfer model based on the chromophore and its surrounding moieties within the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Using an ab initio quantum chemical method, a number of different relaxed energy profiles are found for several plausible guesses at leading coordinates. The results obtained for different trial leading coordinates are rationalized through the calculation of a two-dimensional relaxed potential energy surface (PES) for the system. Analysis of the 2-D relaxed PES reveals that two of the trial pathways are entirely spurious, while two others contain useful information and can be used to furnish starting points for successful saddle-point searches. Implications for selection of trial leading coordinates in this class of proton chain transfer reactions are discussed, and a simple diagnostic function is proposed for revealing whether or not a relaxed pathway based on a trial leading coordinate is likely to furnish useful information.
MBCNS2 is a small collection of programs for the simulation of transient two-dimensional (or axisymmetric) flows. It is part of the larger collection of compressible flow simulation codes found at http://www.mech.uq.edu.au/cfcfd/. This manual is a collection of example simulations: scripts, results and commentary. It may be convenient for new users of the code to identify an example close to the situation that they wish to model and then adapt the scripts for that example.
The Equilibrium Flux Method [1] is a kinetic theory based finite volume method for calculating the flow of a compressible ideal gas. It is shown here that, in effect, the method solves the Euler equations with added pseudo-dissipative terms and that it is a natural upwinding scheme. The method can be easily modified so that the flow of a chemically reacting gas mixture can be calculated. Results from the method for a one-dimensional non-equilibrium reacting flow are shown to agree well with a conventional continuum solution. Results are also presented for the calculation of a plane two-dimensional flow, at hypersonic speed, of a dissociating gas around a blunt-nosed body.
Comparisons are made between experimental measurements and numerical simulations of ionizing flows generated in a superorbital facility. Nitrogen, with a freestream velocity of around 10 km/s, was passed over a cylindrical model, and images were recorded using two-wavelength holographic interferometry. The resulting density, electron concentration, and temperature maps were compared with numerical simulations from the Langley Research Center aerothermodynamic upwind relaxation algorithm. The results showed generally good agreement in shock location and density distributions. Some discrepancies were observed for the electron concentration, possibly, because simulations were of a two-dimensional flow, whereas the experiments were likely to have small three-dimensional effects.
Nearest–neighbour balance is considered a desirable property for an experiment to possess in situations where experimental units are influenced by their neighbours. This paper introduces a measure of the degree of nearest–neighbour balance of a design. The measure is used in an algorithm which generates nearest–neighbour balanced designs and is readily modified to obtain designs with various types of nearest–neighbour balance. Nearest–neighbour balanced designs are produced for a wide class of parameter settings, and in particular for those settings for which such designs cannot be found by existing direct combinatorial methods. In addition, designs with unequal row and column sizes, and designs with border plots are constructed using the approach presented here.
This paper presents the recent finding by Muhlhaus et al [1] that bifurcation of crack growth patterns exists for arrays of two-dimensional cracks. This bifurcation is a result of the nonlinear effect due to crack interaction, which is, in the present analysis, approximated by the dipole asymptotic or pseudo-traction method. The nonlinear parameter for the problem is the crack length/ spacing ratio lambda = a/h. For parallel and edge crack arrays under far field tension, uniform crack growth patterns (all cracks having same size) yield to nonuniform crack growth patterns (i.e. bifurcation) if lambda is larger than a critical value lambda(cr) (note that such bifurcation is not found for collinear crack arrays). For parallel and edge crack arrays respectively, the value of lambda(cr) decreases monotonically from (2/9)(1/2) and (2/15.096)(1/2) for arrays of 2 cracks, to (2/3)(1/2)/pi and (2/5.032)(1/2)/pi for infinite arrays of cracks. The critical parameter lambda(cr) is calculated numerically for arrays of up to 100 cracks, whilst discrete Fourier transform is used to obtain the exact solution of lambda(cr) for infinite crack arrays. For geomaterials, bifurcation can also occurs when array of sliding cracks are under compression.
Whole body glucose homeostasis is dependent on the action of insulin. In muscle and adipose tissues, insulin stimulates glucose uptake by inducing the translocation of vesicles containing the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the cell surface. While the mechanisms of insulin-regulated GLUT4 translocation are not fully understood, some signaling intermediates have been implicated in this process. Interestingly, som: of these intermediates, including IRS-1 and PI3K, have been localised to the same intracellular membrane fraction as the GLUT4 storage pool, designated here as the high-speed pellet (HSP) fraction. This raises the possibility that many of the downstream insulin signaling intermediates may be located within close proximity to intracellular GLUT4. The goal of this study was to test this hypothesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A large proportion of adipocyte phosphoproteins co-fractionated in the HSP fraction. In an attempt to resolve insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins, we subjected P-32-labeled subcellular fractions to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Insulin reproducibly stimulated the phosphorylation of 12 spots in the HSP fraction. Most of the HSP phosphoproteins were insoluble in the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, whereas integral membrane proteins such as GLUT4 and intracellular caveolin were soluble under the same conditions. These results suggest that insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins in adipocytes may be organized in microdomains within the cell and that this assembly may act as an efficient conductor of the signaling proteins to rapidly facilitate downstream biological responses. Further study is required to establish the molecular basis for these detergent-insoluble signaling complexes.
The writers measured velocity, pressure and energy distributions, wavelengths, and wave amplitudes along undular jumps in a smooth rectangular channel 0.25 m wide. In each case the upstream flow was a fully developed shear flow. Analysis of the data shows that the jump has strong three-dimensional features and that the aspect ratio of the channel is an important parameter. Energy dissipation on the centerline is far from negligible and is largely constrained to the reach between the start of the lateral shock waves and the first wave crest of the jump, in which the boundary layer develops under a strong adverse pressure gradient. A Boussinesq-type solution of the free-surface profile, velocity, and energy and pressure distributions is developed and compared with the data. Limitations of the two-dimensional analysis are discussed.
Seven cysteine-rich repeats form the ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Each of these repeats is assumed to bind a calcium ion, which is needed for association of the receptor with its ligands, LDL and beta-VLDL. The effects of metal ions on the folding of the reduced N-terminal cysteine-rich repeat have been examined by using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to follow the formation of fully oxidized isomers with different disulfide connectivities. in the absence of calcium many of the 15 possible isomers formed on oxidation, whereas in its presence the predominant product at equilibrium had the native disulfide bond connectivities. Other metals were far less effective at directing disulfide bond formation: Mn2+ partly mimicked the action of Ca2+, but Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+ had little effect. This metal-ion specificity was also observed in two-dimensional H-1 NMR spectral studies: only Ca2+ induced the native three-dimensional fold. The two paramagnetic ions, Gd3+ and Mn2+, and Cd2+ did not promote adoption of a well-defined structure, and the two paramagnetic ions did not displace calcium ions. The location of calcium ion binding sites in the repeat was also explored by NMR spectroscopy. The absence of chemical shift changes for the side chain proton resonances of Asp26, Asp36, and Glu37 from pH 3.9 to 6.8 in the presence of calcium ions and their proximal location in the NMR structures implicated these side chains as calcium ligands. Deuterium exchange NMR experiments also revealed a network of hydrogen bonds that stabilizes the putative calcium-binding loop.
Bulk density of undisturbed soil samples can be measured using computed tomography (CT) techniques with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm. However, this technique may not be readily accessible. On the other hand, x-ray radiographs have only been considered as qualitative images to describe morphological features. A calibration procedure was set up to generate two-dimensional, high-resolution bulk density images from x-ray radiographs made with a conventional x-ray diffraction apparatus. Test bricks were made to assess the accuracy of the method. Slices of impregnated soil samples were made using hardsetting seedbeds that had been gamma scanned at 5-mm depth increments in a previous study. The calibration procedure involved three stages: (i) calibration of the image grey levels in terms of glass thickness using a staircase made from glass cover slips, (ii) measurement of ratio between the soil and resin mass attenuation coefficients and the glass mass attenuation coefficient, using compacted bricks of known thickness and bulk density, and (iii) image correction accounting for the heterogeneity of the irradiation field. The procedure was simple, rapid, and the equipment was easily accessible. The accuracy of the bulk density determination was good (mean relative error 0.015), The bulk density images showed a good spatial resolution, so that many structural details could be observed. The depth functions were consistent with both the global shrinkage and the gamma probe data previously obtained. The suggested method would be easily applied to the new fuzzy set approach of soil structure, which requires generation of bulk density images. Also, it would be an invaluable tool for studies requiring high-resolution bulk density measurement, such as studies on soil surface crusts.
Objective: The objectives were to determine the postural consequences of varying computer monitor height and to describe self-selected monitor heights and postures. Design: The design involved experimental manipulation of computer monitor height, description of self-selected heights, and measurement of posture and gaze angles. Background. Disagreement exists with regard to the appropriate height of computer monitors. It is known that users alter both head orientation and gaze angle in response to changes in monitor height; however the relative contribution of atlanto-occipital and cervical flexion to the change in head rotation is unknown. No information is available with regard to self-selected monitor heights. Methods. Twelve students performed a tracking task with the monitor placed at three different heights. The subjects then completed eight trials in which monitor height was first self-selected. Sagittal postural and gaze angle data were determined by digitizing markers defining a two-dimensional three-link model of the trunk, cervical spine and head. Results. The 27 degrees change in monitor height imposed was, on average, accommodated by 18 degrees of head inclination and a 9 degrees change in gaze angle relative to the head. The change in head inclination was achieved by a 6 degrees change in trunk inclination, a 4 degrees change in cervical flexion, and a 7 degrees change in atlanto-occipital flexion. The self-selected height varied depending on the initial monitor height and inclination. Conclusions. Self-selected monitor heights were lower than current 'eye-level' recommendations. Lower monitor heights are likely to reduce both visual and musculoskeletal discomfort. Relevance Musculoskeletal and visual discomfort may be reduced by placing computer monitors lower than currently recommended. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of incoherent interlayer transport on the interlayer resistance of a layered metal is considered. We find that for both quasi-one-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional Fermi liquids the angular dependence of the magnetoresistance is essentially the same for coherent and incoherent transport. Consequently, the existence of a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary to explain the oscillations in the magnetoresistance that are seen in many organic conductors as the field direction is varied. [S0031-9007(98)07660-1].
We present finite element simulations of temperature gradient driven rock alteration and mineralization in fluid saturated porous rock masses. In particular, we explore the significance of production/annihilation terms in the mass balance equations and the dependence of the spatial patterns of rock alteration upon the ratio of the roll over time of large scale convection cells to the relaxation time of the chemical reactions. Special concepts such as the gradient reaction criterion or rock alteration index (RAI) are discussed in light of the present, more general theory. In order to validate the finite element simulation, we derive an analytical solution for the rock alteration index of a benchmark problem on a two-dimensional rectangular domain. Since the geometry and boundary conditions of the benchmark problem can be easily and exactly modelled, the analytical solution is also useful for validating other numerical methods, such as the finite difference method and the boundary element method, when they are used to dear with this kind of problem. Finally, the potential of the theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to coupled flow problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock masses. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
A space-marching code for the simulation and optimization of inviscid supersonic flow in three dimensions is described. The now in a scramjet module with a relatively complex three-dimensional geometry is examined and wall-pressure estimates are compared with experimental data. Given that viscous effects are not presently included, the comparison is reasonable. The thermodynamic compromise of adding heat in a diverging combustor is also examined. The code is then used to optimize the shape of a thrust surface for a simpler (box-section) scramjet module in the presence of uniform and nonuniform heat distributions. The optimum two-dimensional profiles for the thrust surface are obtained via a perturbation procedure that requires about 30-50 now solutions. It is found that the final shapes are fairly insensitive to the details of the heat distribution.