88 resultados para Sponge Amphimedon Viridis


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The absolute stereochemistry of amphilectene metabolites from Cribochalina sp. has been revised by a detailed NMR spectroscopic study of the Mosher ester derivatives of a related alcohol. The relative stereochemistry of the previously described amphilectenes has been reinvestigated and reassigned on the basis of the X-ray structural analysis carried out on one of them. The structure of a new amphilectene metabolite, which is an isothiocyanato analogue is also presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sponge Tetilla sp. (Tetractinomorpha: Tetillidae) is a common species in the eastern Mediterranean. This sponge inhabits four different habitat types differing in wave impact and irradiance levels. Two of these habitats (a shallow cave and deep water) are characterized by relatively calm water, whereas the other two (shallow exposed site and tide pools) are in turbulent water with high energy flow. The present study examined the influence of physical (depth, illumination and water motion) and biotic factors on morphology, skeletal plasticity and reproductive traits among the four spatially separated populations. Sponges from tidal pools had significantly larger body volume than sponges from deep water and from shallow caves (ANOVA: tidal-deep P< 0.0001; tidal-shallow caves P< 0.05). Sponges from exposed habitats were significantly larger than deep-water sponges (ANOVA: P=0.01). In addition, individuals from tide pools and from the exposed habitat had a significantly higher proportion of structural silica than sponges from the calmer deep water and from the cave sites. Oxea spicules in sponges from the calm habitats were significantly shorter than in those from the tidal pools and the exposed habitats. The percentage of spicules out of a sponge's dry weight in individuals transplanted from deep (calm) to shallow (turbulent) water significantly increased by 21.9&PLUSMN; 12.9%. The new spicule percentage did not differ significantly from that of sponges originally from shallow water. Oocyte diameter differed significantly between habitats. The maximal size of mature eggs was found in deep-water sponges in June (97&PLUSMN; 5 μ m). In the shallow habitats, a smaller maximal oocyte diameter was found in the cave, in May (56.5&PLUSMN; 3 μ m). Furthermore, oocyte density in shallow-water sponges was highest in May and decreased in June (with 88.2&PLUSMN; 9 and 19.3&PLUSMN; 9 oocytes mm(-2), respectively). At the same time (June), oocyte density of deep-water sponges had just reached its maximum (155&PLUSMN; 33.7 oocytes mm(-2)). The difference in oocyte size and density between deep- and shallow-water individuals indicates an earlier gamete release in the shallow sponge population. The results suggest that plasticity in skeletal design of this sponge indicates a trade off between spicule production and investment in reproduction.


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Ten strains identified as marine actinomycetes related to the 'Salinospora ' group previously reported only from marine sediments were isolated from the Great Barrier Reef marine sponge Pseudoceratina clavata. The relationship of the isolates to 'Salinospora' was confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. Colony morphology and pigmentation, occurrence and position of spores, and salinity requirements for growth were all consistent with this relationship. Genes homologous to beta-ketosynthase, an enzyme forming part of a polyketide synthesis complex, were retrieved from these isolates; these genes shared homology with other Type I ketosynthase genes, and phylogenetic comparison with amino acid sequences derived from database beta-ketosynthase genes was consistent with the close relationship of these isolates to the actinomycetes. Primers based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and designed for targeting amplification of members of the 'Salinospora' group via polymerase chain reaction have been used to demonstrate occurrence of these actinomycetes within the sponge tissue. In vitro bioassays of extracts from the isolates for antibiotic activity demonstrated that these actinomycetes have the potential to inhibit other sponge symbionts in vivo, including both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.


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A nematocidal agent present in a southern Australian marine sponge of the genus Echinodictyum has been isolated and identified by detailed spectroscopic analysis and total synthesis as the novel betaine (-)-echinobetaine A (6). Preliminary SAR investigations have been undertaken.


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A new polyketide, spongosoritin A, with a rare vinylagous alpha,beta-unsaturated gamma-lactone moiety was isolated from a Fijian marine sponge, Spongosorites sp., and the structure assigned by detailed spectroscopic analysis.


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The principle nematocidal agent present in a southern Australian marine sponge of the genus Echinodictyum has been isolated and identfied as the novel betaine (+)-echinobetaine B (6), and the structure assigned by spectroscopic analysis has been confirmed by total synthesis. Preliminary SAR conclusions are drawn from analysis of synthetic intermediates and the known marine metabolites zooanemonin (12) and norzooanemonin (13), and the new sponge metabolite norzooanemonin methyl ester (14). The latter compound is reported for the first time from a selection of Australian sponges, including an Axinyssa sp., a Niphates sp., an Axinella sp. and a Ptilocaulis sp.


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The diversity of the culturable microbial communities was examined in two sponge species-Pseudoceratina clavata and Rhabdastrella globostellata. Isolates were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The bacterial community structures represented in both sponges were found to be similar at the phylum level by the same four phyla in this study and also at a finer scale at the species level in both Firmicutes and Alphaproteobacteria. The majority of the Alphaproteobacteria isolates were most closely related to isolates from other sponge species including alpha proteobacterium NW001 sp. and alpha proteobacterium MBIC3368. Members of the low %G + C gram-positive (phylum Firmicutes), high %G + C gram-positive (phylum Actinobacteria), and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (phylum Bacteroidetes) phyla of domain Bacteria were also represented in both sponges. In terms of culturable organisms, taxonomic diversity of the microbial community in the two sponge species displays similar structure at phylum level. Within phyla, isolates often belonged to the same genus-level monophyletic group. Community structure and taxonomic composition in the two sponge species P. clavata and Rha. globostellata share significant features with those of other sponge species including those from widely separated geographical and climatic regions of the sea.


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Phylogenetic analysis of the ketosynthase (KS) gene sequences of marine sponge-derived Salinispora strains of actinobacteria indicated that the polyketide synthase (PKS) gene sequence most closely related to that of Salinispora was the rifamycin B synthase of Amycolatopsis mediterranei. This result was not expected from taxonomic species tree phylogenetics using 16S rRNA sequences. From the PKS sequence data generated from our sponge-derived Salinispora strains, we predicted that such strains might synthesize rifamycin-like compounds. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis was applied to one sponge-derived Salinispora strain to test the hypothesis of rifamycin synthesis. The analysis reported here demonstrates that this Salinispora isolate does produce compounds of the rifamycin class, including rifamycin B and rifamycin SV. A rifamycin-specific KS primer set was designed, and that primer set increased the number of rifamycin-positive strains detected by PCR screening relative to the number detectable using a conserved KS-specific set. Thus, the Salinispora group of actinobacteria represents a potential new source of rifamycins outside the genus Amycolatopsis and the first recorded source of rifamycins from marine bacteria.


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Contact with sponges (Phylum Porifera) usually results in minimal effects or abrasions, except for species that produce crinitoxins and can cause irritation and dermatitis. There are few reports of sponge stings, mainly in divers or collectors. We report a group of sponge stings from handling flame red/orange sponges on the beach, confirmed to be Tedania anhelans in five cases. All seven patients suffered immediate effects ranging from mild to severe pain, and local inflammation. A 38-year-old female and three children had delayed skin involvement including itchiness, pain, swelling and redness. Blistering and desquamation occurred in the female adult and limited desquamation in one child. Similar delayed effects have been reported in Tedania spp. stings previously. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diverse ketosynthase (KS) genes were retrieved from the microbial community associated with the Great Barrier Reef sponge Pseudoceratina clavata. Bacterial isolation and metagenomic approaches were employed. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA of culturable sponge-associated bacterial communities comprised eight groups over four phyla. Ten KS domains were amplified from four genera of isolates and phylogenetics demonstrated that these KS domains were located in three clusters (actinobacterial, cyanobacterial and trans-AT type). Metagenomic DNA of the sponge microbial community was extracted to explore community KS genes by two approaches: direct amplification of KS domains and construction of fosmid libraries for KS domain screening. Five KS domains were retrieved from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using sponge metagenome DNA as template and five fosmid clones containing KS domains found using multiplex PCR screening. Analysis of selected polyketide synthase (PKS) from one fosmid showed that the PKS consists of two modules. Open reading frames located up- and downstream of the PKS displayed similarity with membrane synthesis-related proteins such as cardiolipin synthase. Metagenome approaches did not detect KS domains found in sponge isolates. All KS domains from both metagenome approaches formed a single cluster with KS domains originating from metagenomes derived from other sponge species from other geographical regions.


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Five new norsesterterpenes, mooloolabenes A-E (1-5), and the new sesterterpene mooloolaldehyde (6), related to the scalarane family of compounds, were isolated from an acetone extract of the Australian sponge Hyattella intestinalis. Structural elucidation, including relative stereochemical assignment, was based on spectroscopic analysis. All compounds tested showed cytotoxic activity against the P388 cell line.


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Many attempts have been made by ichnologists to match bioerosion traces to their respective tracemakers. This task has been considered difficult, especially for fossil samples. The present study demonstrates that the Australian bioeroding sponge Aka paratypica can generate a cavity similar to the ichnospecies Entobia devonica. The modern sponge and its cavity are redescribed and compared to the fossil boring. A. paratypica has white fistules and soft, mucoid endosomal tissue. Spicules are stout oxeas with often telescoped or mucronate tips. Observed borings of A. paratypica are rounded and cavernous, with canals and apertures radiating from the chambers in all directions. It was noted that the internal openings of such canals are covered with porous nodules, which may act as sieves against larger particles or intruding endofauna. No obvious microsculpturing was observed in the erosion scars. A. paratypica borings are analogous to ancient E. devonica borings, which to date were only known from the fossil record.