90 resultados para Spectral reflectance index
Formal Concept Analysis is an unsupervised machine learning technique that has successfully been applied to document organisation by considering documents as objects and keywords as attributes. The basic algorithms of Formal Concept Analysis then allow an intelligent information retrieval system to cluster documents according to keyword views. This paper investigates the scalability of this idea. In particular we present the results of applying spatial data structures to large datasets in formal concept analysis. Our experiments are motivated by the application of the Formal Concept Analysis idea of a virtual filesystem [11,17,15]. In particular the libferris [1] Semantic File System. This paper presents customizations to an RD-Tree Generalized Index Search Tree based index structure to better support the application of Formal Concept Analysis to large data sources.
Y2O3 is a c-type rare earth oxide with a fluorite-related structure. This material has been used to refractory because of its high thermal stability and excellent resistance to hydration. In this study, the effective index was suggested in order to improve the electrolytic properties of Y2O3-based oxide. (CexY1-x)(2)O3+delta (x = 0.25 and 0.3) and [LaaSrbCe0.25Y(1-a-b)](2)O3+delta (a = 0.05, 0.1 and 0.15, b = 0, 0.006 and 0.0125) were prepared as the examples with intermediate and high index, respectively. The specimens with high index value such as (La0.15Ce0.25Y0.60)(2)O-3.25 and (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.24 consisted of two phases such as c-type and fluorite, although (Ce0.25Y0.75)(2)O-3.25 with intermediate index value had a single phase of c-type rare earth oxide. Microanalysis indicates that a grain in the (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.6375)(2)O-3.23(7) sintered body consists of c-type and fluorite phases. An interface between c-type and fluorite phases is coherent in a grain. This suggests that this effective index guides the crystal structure in the specimen to fluorite and the examined composition introduces the interface between c-type and fluorite in the microstructure. The electrochemical properties of specimens including Y2O3 were characterized on the basis of the suggested index. The electrical conductivity of Y2O3-based materials increased with an increase of the index. The apparent activation energy of Y2O3-based materials decreased with increasing index. The ionic transport number of oxygen of the specimens was improved by enhancement of the index, confirming validity of the index. The oxide ionic conductive region of (La0.1Sr0.0125Ce0.25Y0.(6375))(2)O-3.23(7) with high effective index extended up to P-O2 = 10(-18) atm at 800 degreesC, although the specimens with low or intermediate index showed p- or n-type semi-conduction in the same P-O2 region at 800 and 1000 degreesC. These results suggest that the interface between c-type and fluorite phases also contributes to improve the electrolytic properties in the grain. It is concluded that the improvement of electrolytic properties in Y2O3-based materials is attributable to the microstructure with interface between two phases in a grain and the fluorite structure guided by the suggested index. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The collection of spatial information to quantify changes to the state and condition of the environment is a fundamental component of conservation or sustainable utilization of tropical and subtropical forests, Age is an important structural attribute of old-growth forests influencing biological diversity in Australia eucalypt forests. Aerial photograph interpretation has traditionally been used for mapping the age and structure of forest stands. However this method is subjective and is not able to accurately capture fine to landscape scale variation necessary for ecological studies. Identification and mapping of fine to landscape scale vegetative structural attributes will allow the compilation of information associated with Montreal Process indicators lb and ld, which seek to determine linkages between age structure and the diversity and abundance of forest fauna populations. This project integrated measurements of structural attributes derived from a canopy-height elevation model with results from a geometrical-optical/spectral mixture analysis model to map forest age structure at a landscape scale. The availability of multiple-scale data allows the transfer of high-resolution attributes to landscape scale monitoring. Multispectral image data were obtained from a DMSV (Digital Multi-Spectral Video) sensor over St Mary's State Forest in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Local scene variance levels for different forest tapes calculated from the DMSV data were used to optimize the tree density and canopy size output in a geometric-optical model applied to a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TU) data set. Airborne laser scanner data obtained over the project area were used to calibrate a digital filter to extract tree heights from a digital elevation model that was derived from scanned colour stereopairs. The modelled estimates of tree height, crown size, and tree density were used to produce a decision-tree classification of forest successional stage at a landscape scale. The results obtained (72% accuracy), were limited in validation, but demonstrate potential for using the multi-scale methodology to provide spatial information for forestry policy objectives (ie., monitoring forest age structure).
Background: The measured values of specific traits of occlusion may be subject to significant change due to growth and maturation of the dentofacial structures. Some traits may show improvement while others may show deterioration. Rarely is there an opportunity to examine a sample of occlusions 25 years after the acquisition of the original set of records. This study examines the changes in traits of occlusion in a sample of 46 subjects who were originally examined between 1971-1973 and for whom records were again obtained in 1998. Methods: The 46 patients were a sub-group of a previously selected randomised school-based sample and study models obtained in 1971-1973 were still available. New models for each patient were obtained in 1998. Of the 46 subjects, only eight had received orthodontic treatment. Results: Assessments of the changes in specific traits were made using the methods proposed in the Harry L Draker, California Modification (HLD Cal Mod) index. This simple index was chosen because the main component traits were well defined and, when analysed separately, reflected changes with time. The total index score gave a broad indication of the global changes in the individual's occlusion. The five basic traits of the HLD index include overjet, overbite, openbite, mandibular protrusion and labio-lingual spread. Three additional traits (ectopic eruption, anterior crowding and posterior crossbite) are used in the HLD Cal Mod index. These traits provided a useful reflection of occlusal changes with time. Measurements were made with reference to specifications and the details outlined in the HLD Cal Mod protocol. The results revealed an increase in total index scores over time with a significant increase in lower labio-lingual spread associated with an increased score in anterior crowding. Overjet and overbite, however, displayed a significant decrease with time. Conclusions: These findings are in keeping with previous studies and highlight the importance of time as a significant issue in the assessment of occlusion.
Many coral reef fish are beautifully coloured and the reflectance spectra of their colour patterns may include UVa wavelengths (315-400 nm) that are largely invisible to the human eye (Losey, G. S., Cronin, T. W., Goldsmith, T. H., David, H., Marshall, N. J., & McFarland, W.N, (1999). The uv visual world of fishes: a review. Journal of Fish Biology, 54, 921-943; Marshall, N. J. & Oberwinkler, J. (1999). The colourful world of the mantis shrimp. Nature, 401, 873-874). Before the possible functional significance of UV patterns can be investigated, it is of course essential to establish whether coral reef fishes can see ultraviolet light. As a means of tackling this question, in this study the transmittance of the ocular media of 211 coral reef fish species was measured. It was found that the ocular media of 50.2% of the examined species strongly absorb light of wavelengths below 400 nm, which makes the perception of UV in these fish very unlikely. The remaining 49.8% of the species studied possess ocular media that do transmit UV light, making the perception of UV possible. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
To understand how bees, birds, and fish may use colour vision for food selection and mate choice, we reconstructed views of biologically important objects taking into account the receptor spectral sensitivities. Reflectance spectra a of flowers, bird plumage, and fish skin were used to calculate receptor quantum catches. The quantum catches were then coded by red, green, and blue of a computer monitor; and powers, birds, and fish were visualized in animal colours. Calculations were performed for different illumination conditions. To simulate colour constancy, we used a von Kries algorithm, i.e., the receptor quantum catches were scaled so that the colour of illumination remained invariant. We show that on land this algorithm compensates reasonably well for changes of object appearance caused by natural changes of illumination, while in water failures of von Kries colour constancy are prominent. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To establish body mass index (BMI) norms for standard figural stimuli using a large Caucasian population-based sample. In addition, we sought to determine the effectiveness of the figural stimuli to identify individuals as obese or thin. DESIGN: All Caucasian twins born in Virginia between 1915 and 1971 were identified by public birth record. In addition, 3347 individual twins responded to a letter published in the newsletter of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). All adult twins (aged 18 and over) from both of these sources and their family members were mailed a 16 page 'Health and Lifestyle' questionnaire. SUBJECTS: BMI and silhouette data were available on 16 728 females and 11 366 males ranging in age from 18- 100. MEASUREMENTS: Self-report information on height-weight, current body size, desired body size and a discrepancy score using standard figural stimuli. RESULTS: Gender- and age-specific norms are presented linking BMI to each of the figural stimuli. Additional norms for desired body size and discrepancy scores are also presented. Receiver operating curves (ROC) indicate that the figural stimuli are effective in classifying individuals as obese or thin. CONCLUSIONS: With the establishment of these norms, the silhouettes used in standard body image assessment can now be linked to BMI. Differences were observed between women and men in terms of desired body size and discrepancy scores, with women preferring smaller sizes. The figural stimuli are a robust technique for classifying individuals as obese or thin.
Birthweight affects neonatal mortality and morbidity and has been used as a marker of foetal undernutrition in studies of prenatal effects on adult characteristics. It is potentially influenced by genetic and environmental influences on the mother, and effects of foetal genotype, which is partially derived from the maternal genotype. Interpretations of variation in birthweight and associated characteristics as being due to prenatal environment ignore other possible modes of materno-foetal transmission. Subjects were adult twins recruited through the Australian Twin Registry, aged 17 to 87 years, and the sample comprised 1820 men and 4048 women. Twins reported their own birthweight as part of a health questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from self-reports of height and weight. Correlations between co-twins' birthweights were high for both monozygotic (r = 0.77) and dizygotic (r = 0.67) pairs, leading to substantial estimates of shared environmental effects (56% of variance) with significant additive genetic (23%) and non-shared environmental (21%) components. Adult BMI was mainly influenced by genetic factors, both additive (36% of variance) and nonadditive (35%). The correlation between birthweight and BMI was positive, in that heavier babies became on average more obese adults. A bivariate model of birthweight and adult BMI showed significant positive genetic (rg = 0.16, p = 0.005) and environmental (re = 0.08, p = 0.000011) correlations. Intra-uterine environmental or perinatal influences shared by cotwins exercise a strong influence on birthweight, but the factors which affect both birthweight and adult BMI are partly genetic and partly non-shared environmental.
Land related information about the Earth's surface is commonIJ found in two forms: (1) map infornlation and (2) satellite image da ta. Satellite imagery provides a good visual picture of what is on the ground but complex image processing is required to interpret features in an image scene. Increasingly, methods are being sought to integrate the knowledge embodied in mop information into the interpretation task, or, alternatively, to bypass interpretation and perform biophysical modeling directly on derived data sources. A cartographic modeling language, as a generic map analysis package, is suggested as a means to integrate geographical knowledge and imagery in a process-oriented view of the Earth. Specialized cartographic models may be developed by users, which incorporate mapping information in performing land classification. In addition, a cartographic modeling language may be enhanced with operators suited to processing remotely sensed imagery. We demonstrate the usefulness of a cartographic modeling language for pre-processing satellite imagery, and define two nerv cartographic operators that evaluate image neighborhoods as post-processing operations to interpret thematic map values. The language and operators are demonstrated with an example image classification task.
A new addition to the family of single-molecule magnets is reported: an Fete cage stabilized with benzoate and pyridonate ligands. Monte Carlo methods have been used to derive exchange parameters within the cage, and hence model susceptibility behavior.
We describe the progress towards developing a patient rated toxicity index that meets all of the patient-important attributes defined by the OMERACT Drug Safety Working Party, These attributes are frequency, severity. importance to patient, importance to the clinician, impact on economics, impact on activities, and integration of adverse effects with benefits. The Stanford Toxicity Index (STI) has been revised to collect all attributes with the exception of impact on activities. However, since the STI is a part of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). impact on activities is collected by the HAQ. In particular, a new question asks patients to rate overall satisfaction, taking into consideration both benefits and adverse effects. The nest step in the development of this tool is to ensure that the STI meets the OMERACT filter of truth, discrimination, and feasibility. Although truth and feasibility have been confirmed by comparisons within the ARAMIS database, discrimination needs to be assessed in clinical trials.
We compare the performance of two different low-storage filter diagonalisation (LSFD) strategies in the calculation of complex resonance energies of the HO2, radical. The first is carried out within a complex-symmetric Lanczos subspace representation [H. Zhang, S.C. Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 2281]. The second involves harmonic inversion of a real autocorrelation function obtained via a damped Chebychev recursion [V.A. Mandelshtam, H.S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 6756]. We find that while the Chebychev approach has the advantage of utilizing real algebra in the time-consuming process of generating the vector recursion, the Lanczos, method (using complex vectors) requires fewer iterations, especially for low-energy part of the spectrum. The overall efficiency in calculating resonances for these two methods is comparable for this challenging system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.