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Cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage possess receptors for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) encoded by the c-fms protooncogene and respond to CSF-1 with increased survival, growth, differentiation, and reversible changes in function. The c-fms gene is itself a macrophage differentiation marker. In whole mount analyses of mRNA expression in embryos, c-fms is expressed at very high levels on placental trophoblasts. It is detectable on individual cells in the yolk sac around 8.5 to 9 days postcoitus, appears on isolated cells in the head of the embryo around 9.5 dpc, and appears on numerous cells throughout the embryo by day 10.5. The extent of c-fms expression is much greater than for other macrophage-specific genes including lysozyme and a macrophage-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase. Our studies of the cis-acting elements of the c-fms promoter have indicated a key role for collaboration between the macrophage-specific transcription factor, Pu.1, which functions in determining the site of transcription initiation, and other members of the Ets transcription factor family. This is emerging as a common pattern in macrophage-specific promoters. We have shown that two PU box elements alone can function as a macrophage-specific promoter. The activity of both the artifical promoter and the c-fms promoter is activated synergistically by coexpression of Pu.1 and another Ets factor, c-Ets-2. A 3.5kb c-fms exon 2 promoter (but not the 300bp proximal promoter) is also active in a wide diversity of tumor cell lines. The interesting exception is the melanoma cell line K1735, in which the promoter is completely shut down and expression of c-fms causes growth arrest and cell death. The activity of the exon 2 promoter in these nonmacrophages is at least as serum responsive as the classic serum-responsive promoter of the c-fos gene. It is further inducible in nonmacrophages by coexpression of the c-fms product. Unlike other CSF-1/c-fms-responsive promoters, the c-fms promoter is not responsive to activated Ras even when c-Ets-2 is coexpressed. In most lines, production of full length c-fms is prevented by a downstream intronic terminator, but in Lewis lung carcinoma, read-through does occur, and expression of both c-fms and other macrophage-specific genes such as lysozyme and urokinase becomes detectable in conditions of serum deprivation. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The genus Intusatrium Durio & Manter, 1968 is redefined based on a re-examination of paratypes of the type-species, I. robustum Durio & Manter, 1968, and is considered monotypic with characteristic terminal genitalia: internal seminal vesicle elongate tubular, with rather thick wall, divided by slight change in wall thickness into longer proximal and shorter distal region; pars prostatica subcylindrical; ejaculatory duct relatively short, with wrinkled/wall. The genus Postlepidapedon Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is redefined and Intusatrium secundum Durio & Manter, 1968 is attributed to it as a new combination. Postlepidapedon secundum n. comb. is redescribed from a paratype and new material from Choerodon graphicus. P. spissum n. sp. from Choerodon venustus, C. cyanodus, C. fasciatus and C. schoenleinii is recognised on the basis of its thick-walled internal seminal vesicle. I! uberis n. sp. from Choerodon schoenleinii and C. venustus is distinguished by the shape and contents of the cirrus-sac with narrow, convoluted internal seminal vesicle, large vesicular pars prostatica and short, muscular ejaculatory duct. A new genus, Gibsonivermis, erected for Intusatrium berryi Gibson, 1987, is characterised by the elongate narrow cirrus-sac and a uroproct. G. berryi n. comb. is redescribed from Sillago ciliata, S. maculata and Sillago sp.
Aims The excretion of phospholipids in urine may be a marker of the early renal toxicity of the aminoglycoside antibiotics. Urinary phospholipids are formed in myeloid bodies which develop in the lysosomes of proximal tubules during treatment with the aminoglycosides, and overflow into the urine. Methods Published assays were modified in order to measure the total phospholipid concentrations in human urine. Phospholipids were extracted from freeze-dried urine samples, digested in concentrated sulphuric acid, and the inorganic phosphorus content determined by complexing with ammonium molybdate and measuring the absorbance at 820 nm. Ten septicaemic patients treated with gentamicin for 5-7 days had significantly higher urine phospholipid concentrations than 10 healthy untreated control subjects (P<0.0001). There was a negative Linear relationship between phospholipid excretion and creatinine clearance (r(2) = 0.71). Results In 34 patients with acute pyelonephritis, increased phospholipid concentrations were observed prior to treatment compared with healthy controls (P<0.001) and did not alter during treatment with gentamicin. However, the phospholipid concentrations decreased significantly after treatment was completed (P<0.03). Conclusions These studies suggest that urinary phospholipids may indicate early aminoglycoside toxicity but with poor specificity, as many of the infections being treated may themselves be associated with phospholipiduria.
To investigate bone mineral accretion in growing children, the Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study was initiated in 1991. The study involves the collection of dietary and physical activity information along with anthropometric growth and maturity measurements every 6 months and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer (DXA) bone scans of the whole body, AP lumbar spine and proximal femur taken annually, The study has now finished its 6th year and 68 males and 72 females from an original sample of 228 elementary schoolchildren are still involved, To investigate how bone mineral at clinically important sites proceeds in relation to maturation we developed distance and velocity growth curves for height and bone mineral content (BMC) for the AP lumbar spine, the femoral neck and the whole body, In both boys and girls, over 35% of total body and AP spine bone mineral and over 27% of the bone mineral at the femoral neck was laid down during the 4-year adolescent period surrounding peak linear growth velocity. The clinical significance of these values can be appreciated by consideration of the fact that as much bone mineral will be laid down during these 4 adolescent growing years as most people will lose during all of adult life.
Maximization of bone accrual during the growing years is thought to be an important factor in minimizing fracture risk in old age. Mechanical loading through physical activity has been recommended as a modality for the conservation of bone mineral in adults; however, few studies have evaluated the impact of different loading regimes in growing children. The purpose of this study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing limbs in 17 children with unilateral Legg Calve Perthes Disease (LCPD). Children with this condition have an altered weight-bearing pattern whereby there is increased mechanical loading on the noninvolved normal hip and reduced loading on the involved painful hip. Thus, these children provide a unique opportunity to study the impact of differential mechanical loading on BMD during the growing years while controlling for genetic disposition. BMD at four regions of the proximal femur (trochanter, intertrochanter, femoral neck, total of the regions) was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and the values were compared between the involved and noninvolved sides of the children with LCPD. The BMD of both sides also were compared with normative values based on both chronological and skeletal age data. A significantly higher BMD was found on the noninvolved side over the involved side for all regions (P
Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) characterized by high-level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-H) has a favorable prognosis. The reason for this MSI-H survival advantage is not known. The aim of this study was to correlate proliferation, apoptosis, and prognosis in CRC stratified by MSI status. The proliferative index (PI) was measured by immunohistochemical staining with the Ki-67 antibody in a selected series of 100 sporadic colorectal cancers classified according to the level of MSI as 31 MSI-H, 29 MSI-Low (MSI-L), and 40 microsatellite stable (MISS). The Ki-67 index was significantly higher in MSI-H cancers (P < 0.0001) in which the PI was 90.1 1.2% (mean +/- SE) compared with 69.5 +/- 3.1 % and 69.5 +/- 2.3 % in MSI-L and MSS subgroups, respectively. There was a positive linear correlation between the apoptotic index (AI) and PI (r = 0.51; P < 0.001), with MSI-H cancers demonstrating an increased AI:PI ratio indicative of a lower index of cell production. A high PI showed a trend toward predicting improved survival within MSI-H cancers (P = 0.09) but did not predict survival in MSI-L or MSS cancers. The Al was not associated with survival in any MSI subgroup. In conclusion, this is the first study to show that sporadic MSI-H cancers are characterized by a higher AL:PI ratio and increased proliferative activity compared with MSI-L and MSS cancers, and that an elevated PI may confer a survival advantage within the MSI-H subset.
Background. The molecular pathogenesis of different sensitivities of the renal proximal and distal tubular cell populations to ischemic injury, including ischemia-reperfusion (IR)-induced oxidative stress, is not well-defined. An in vitro model of oxidative stress was used to compare the survival of distal [Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK)] and proximal [human kidney-2 (HK-2)] renal tubular epithelial cells, and to analyze for links between induced cell death and expression and localization of selected members of the Bcl-2 gene family (anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-X-L, pro-apoptotic Bax and Bad), Methods. Cells were treated with 1 mmol/L hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Or were grown in control medium for 24 hours. Cell death (apoptosis) was quantitated using defined morphological criteria. DNA gel electrophoresis was used for biochemical identification. Protein expression levels and cellular localization of the selected Bcl-2 family proteins were analyzed (West ern immunoblots, densitometry, immunoelectron microscopy). Results. Apoptosis was minimal in control cultures and was greatest in treated proximal cell cultures (16.93 +/- 4.18% apoptosis) compared with treated distal cell cultures (2.28 +/- 0.85% apoptosis, P < 0.001). Endogenous expression of Bcl-X-L and Bax, but not Bcl-2 or Bad, was identified in control distal cells, Bcl-X-L and Bax had nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05) in these cells. Bcl-2, Bax, and Bcl-X-L, but not Bad, were endogenously expressed in control proximal cells. Bcl-X-L was significantly decreased in treated proximal cultures (P < 0.05), with Bas and Bcl-2 having nonsignificant increases (P > 0.05). Immunoelectron microscopy localization indicated that control and treated hut surviving proximal cells had similar cytosolic and membrane localization of the Bcl-2 proteins. In comparison, surviving cells in the treated distal cultures showed translocation of Bcl-X-L from cytosol to the mitochondria after treatment with H2O2, a result that was confirmed using cell fractionation and analysis of Bcl-XL expression levels of the membrane and cytosol proteins. Bax remained distributed evenly throughout the surviving distal cells, without particular attachment to any cellular organelle. Conclusion. The results indicate that in this in vitro model, the increased survival of distal compared with proximal tubular cells after oxidative stress is best explained by the decreased expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-X-L in proximal cells, as well as translocation of Bcl-X-L protein to mitochondria within the surviving distal cells.
Guadalupian reefs occur locally in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and Western Zhejiang, South China. Two types of Guadalupian reefs can be recognized, one is developed in carbonate platforms, e.g. those in the juncture areas of Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou; the other occurs in a littoral clastic shelf. The Lengwu reef in Western Zhejiang is a representative of the latter type, which is a major topic of this paper. Lengwu algae-sponge reef, more than one hundred meters in thickness, are composed mainly of sponges, hydrozoans, algae, bryozoans, microbes and lime mud. Reef limestones sit on the mudstone interbedded with fine sandstone of the proximal prodelta facies and are overlain by coarse clasts of the delta front sediments. Lengwu reef displays a lens-shaped relief, dipping and thinning from the reef core, which is remarkably different from the surrounding sediments, showing a protruding relief. Sponges and microbe/algae form bafflestone, bindstone and framestone of the reef core facies. Fore-reef facies is characterized by lithoclastic rudstone and bioclastic packstone. Reef limestone sequence is composed of three cycles and controlled by sea level changes and sediment influx. Such reef is unique among the Guadalupian reefs in South China, but seems similar in some aspects to lwaizaki reef limestones of south Kitakami in Japan. Algae and microbes growing around sponges to form rigid structure in Lengwu reef are a typical feature, which is distinctly different to Guadalupian reefs in a stable platform facies of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, South China.
Background. Potassium (K) deficiency (KD) and/or hypokalemia have been associated with disturbances of phosphate metabolism The purpose of the present study was to determine the cellular mechanisms that mediate the impairment of renal proximal tubular Na/Pi cotransport in a model of K deficiency in the rat. Methods. K deficiency in the rat was achieved by feeding rats a K-deficient diet for seven days. which resulted in a marked decrease in serum and tissue K content. Results. K deficiency resulted in a marked increase in urinary Pi excretion and a decrease in the V-max of brush-border membrane (BBM) Na/Pi cotransport activity (1943 95 in control vs. 1183 +/- 99 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency. P < 0.02). Surprisingly. the decrease in Na/Pi cotransport activity was associated with increases in the abundance of type I (NaPi-1). and type II (NaPi-2) and type III (Glvr-1) Na/Pi protein. The decrease in Na/Pi transport was associated with significant alterations in BBM lipid composition, including increases in sphingomyelin. glucosylceramide. and ganglioside GM, content and a decrease in BBM lipid fluidity. Inhibition of glucosylceramide synthesis resulted in increases in BBM Na/Pi cotransport activity in control and K-deficient rats. The resultant Na/Pi cotransport activity in K-deficit nt rats was the same as in control rats (1148 +/- 52 in control + PDMP vs. 11.52 +/- 61 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency + PDMP). These changes in transport activity occurred independent of further changes in BBM NaPi-2 protein or renal cortical NaPi-2 mRNA abundance. Conclusion. K deficiency in the rat causes inhibition of renal Na/Pi cotransport activity by post-translational mechanisms that are mediated in part through alterations in glucosylceramide content and membrane lipid dynamics.
Cape Roberts Project drill core 3 (CRP-3) was obtained from Roberts ridge, a sea-floor high located at 77°S, 12 km offshore from Cape Roberts in western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The recovered core is about 939 m long and comprises strata dated as being early Oligocene (possibly latest Eocene) in age, resting unconformably on ∼ 116 m of basement rocks consisting of Palaeozoic Beacon Supergroup sediments. The core includes ten facies commonly occuring in five major associations that are repeated in particular sequences throughout the core and which are interpreted as representing different depositional environments through time. Depositional systems inferred to be represented in the succession include: outer shelf, inner shelf, nearshore to shoreface each under iceberg influence, deltaic and/or grounding-line fan, and ice proximal-ice marginal-subglacial (mass flow/rainout diamictite/subglacial till) singly or in combination. The record is taken to represent the initial talus/alluvial fan setting of a glaciated rift margin adjacent to the block-uplifted Transantarctic Mountains. Development of a deltaic succession upcore was probably associated with the formation of palaeo-Mackay valley with temperate glaciers in its headwaters. At that stage glaciation was intense enough to support glaciers ending in the sea elsewhere along the coast, but a local glacier was fluctuating down to the sea by the time the youngest part of CRP-3 was being deposited. Changes in palaeoenvironmental interpretations in this youngest part of the core are used to estimate relative glacial proximity to the drillsite through time. These inferred glacial fluctuations are compared with the global δ18O and Mg/Ca curves to evaluate the potential of glacial fluctuations on Antarctica for influencing these records of global change. Although the comparisons are tentative at present, the records do have similarities, but there are also some differences that require further evaluation.
Benedenia Diesing, 1858, a genus of capsalid (benedeniine) monogeneans, is redefined. The generic diagnosis is amended to include: the path of tendons in the haptor from extrinsic muscles in the body; presence and form of the marginal valve; a penis occupying a penis canal with weakly muscular wall; a weakly muscular accessory gland reservoir proximal to the penis and enclosed by a proximal extension of the wall of the penis canal; male and female genital apertures usually common, rarely separate; vagina with pore usually close to the common genital pore but may open in mid body between the germarium and the common genital pore, or anterior to the common genital pore. A conservative approach is adopted and the generic diagnosis is clarified and broadened to accommodate species that display some variation in reproductive anatomy, especially of the female system. We argue against potential alternative actions such as defining Benedenia strictly to contain species with separate male and female genital apertures and against recognition of a separate genus, Tareenia Hussey, 1986, for species with a vaginal pore anterior to the common genital pore. Under our conception, Benedenia comprises 21 species: B. sciaenae (van Beneden, 1856) Odhner, 1905 (type species); B. acanthopagri (Hussey, 1986) comb. nov.; B. anticavaginata Byrnes, 1986; B. bodiani Yamaguti, 1968; B. elongata (Yamaguti, 1968) Egorova, 1997; B. epinepheli (Yamaguti, 1937) Meserve, 1938; B. hawaiiensis Yamaguti, 1968; B. hendorffi(von Linstow, 1889) Odhner, 1905; B. hoshinai Ogawa, 1984; B. innobilitata Burhnheim Gomes and Varela, 1973: B. jaliscana Bravo-Hollis, 1952; B. lolo Yamaguti, 1968; B. lutjani Whittington and Kearn, 1993: B. monticellii (Parona and Perugia, 1895) Johnston, 1929; B. ovata (Goto, 1894) Johnston. 1929: B. pompatica Burhnheim, Gomes and Varela, 1973; B. rohdei Whittington, Kearn and Beverley-Burton, 1994; B. scari Yamaguti, 1968; B. sekii (Yamaguti, 1937) Meserve, 1938; B, seriolae (Yamaguti, 1934) Meserve, 1938; and B. synagris Yamaguti, 1953. The type species, B. sciaenae, is redescribed based on new material from Australia. No types for this taxon were designated and we have assigned a series of voucher specimens. Tareenia acanthopagri Hussey, 1986 becomes B. acanthopagri (Hussey, 1986) comb. nov. and T. anticavaginata (Byrnes, 1986) Egorova, 1997 and T. lutjani (Whittington and Kearn, 1993) Egorova, 1997 are returned to Benedenia as B. anticavaginata and B. lutjani Benedenia akaisaki Iwata, 1990 is considered a synonym of B. ovata and B. kintoki Iwata, 1990 is considered a synonym of B. elongata. Two species, B, madai Ishii and Sawada, 1938 and B. pagrosomi Ishii and Sawada, 1938, are considered species inquirendae. Based on the redefinition of Benedenia, the diagnosis for the Benedeniinae is amended. Tareenia is synonymized with Benedenia but Menziesia Gibson, 1976 is recognized and its generic diagnosis amended to include: anterior attachment organs tending to form a 'hooded' appearance; prominent anterior gland cells between the pharynx and the anterior margin of the body: long penis, tapering proximally, occupying a penis canal with weakly muscular wall: penis canal and penis describe a sigmoid; accessory gland reservoir dorsal and alongside, or posterior and lateral to, proximal end of the penis and enclosed by a proximal extension of the wall of the penis canal. Under this conception. Menziesia comprises: M. noblei (Menzies. 1946) Gibson, 1976 (type species); M. malaboni (Velasquez. 1982) comb. nov.: M. merinthe (Yamaguti, 1968) Gibson. 1976: M. ovalis (Yamaguti, 1968) Gibson, 1976: and M. sebastodis (Yamaguti, 1934) comb, nov. A key to valid species of Benedenia and Menziesia is provided and a list is presented of published records of undescribed or unattributed species of Benedenia. Some protocols are suggested for preparation of benedeniine material to enhance future taxonomic studies and comparisons. The host-specificity and geographic distribution of species in these revised genera are discussed. The composition of the Capsalidae is discussed and some difficulties in defining and distinguishing between its different subfamilies are considered.
Sperm ultrastructure in three representative species of the marine bivalve family Spondylidae (spiny or thorny oysters) is examined and compared with available data on other bivalves, especially other families of the subclass Pteriomorphia. Spondylid spermatozoa are of the externally fertilizing aquasperm. type (ect-aquasperm). The acrosomal vesicle is conical with a deep basal invagination extending almost the full length of the vesicle. Vesicle contents are divisible into an inner, highly electron-dense anterior layer and a less dense posterior layer. The anterior layer is folded back on itself posteriorly and exhibits radiating plates (best developed peripherally). The vesicle rests on, and is partially embedded in, an extensive granular deposit of subacrosomal. material at the nuclear apex. This deposit extends partly into acrosomal vesicle invagination and also fills a broad depression in the anterior of the nucleus. No pre-formed axial rod (perforatorium) is present. The nucleus is round-pyriform and its contents coarsely fibrogranular. At the base of the nucleus, four broad depressions partially accommodate the midpiece mitochondria. The midpiece consists the four spherical mitochondria and the proximal and distal centrioles. The centrioles are arranged at approximately 90degrees to each other, and each consists of nine, angularly-oriented, microtubular triplets embedded in a granular matrix. A short, periodically banded rootlet connects the proximal centriole to the nuclear fossa, whereas the distal centriole, which forms the basal body to the flagellar axoneme, is anchored to the plasma membrane by nine terminally forked satellite fibres. Extensive deposits of putative glycogen rosettes surround the centrioles and mitochondria. The flagellum consists of a 9+2 axoneme sheathed by the plasma membrane. Spondylid spermatozoa strongly resemble those of the Pectinidae, further confirming the traditional view (based on comparative anatomy and shell morphology) of a close relationship between the Spondylidae and the Pectinidae. Differences in acrosomal shape and dimensions were noted between the three species examined, indicating potential taxonomic utility for comparative sperm ultrastructure within the Spondylidae.
Adult and preadult Dissonus manteri attached to the gills of Plectropomus leopardus cause significant pathology in the form of large hyperplastic nodules on the afferent (leading), edges of gill filaments. Nodules result from the dual actions of parasite attachment and feeding. The host response is characterized by severe epithelial hyperplasia, supplemented by fibroplasia and inflammation. Parasites attach close to the gill arch near the base of filaments. They have little effect on gill vasculature as the maxillipeds penetrate the filament superficial to the efferent filament artery and do not interfere with the blood vessels of the secondary lamellae. Tissue proliferation is limited to the wide portion of filament 'edge' epithelium in the proximal third and also does not extend to the secondary lamellae. Nodules are most numerous towards the ends of hemibranchs and are generally absent from the central regions. Leading hemibranchs bear significantly more nodules than their trailing counterparts. Of the total number of nodules, 20.5% are located on the pseudobranchs. Distribution patterns are considered to be primarily the result of D. manteri avoiding strong water currents, although this cannot explain the difference between numbers on leading and trailing hemibranchs.
Drosophila slit is a secreted protein involved in midline patterning. Three vertebrate orthologs of the fly slit gene, Slit1, 2, and 3, have been isolated. Each displays overlapping, but distinct, patterns of expression in the developing vertebrate central nervous system, implying conservation of function. However, vertebrate Slit genes are also expressed in nonneuronal tissues where their cellular locations and functions are unknown. In this study, we characterized the cellular distribution and processing of mammalian Slit3 gene product, the least evolutionarily conserved of the vertebrate Slit genes, in kidney epithelial cells, using both cellular fractionation and immunolabeling. Slit3, but not Slit2, was predominantly localized within the mitochondria. This localization was confirmed using immunoelectron microscopy in cell lines and in mouse kidney proximal tubule cells. In confluent epithelial monolayers, Slit3 was also transported to the cell surface. However, we found no evidence of Slit3 proteolytic processing similar to that seen for Slit2. We demonstrated that Slit3 contains an NH2-terminal mitochondrial localization signal that can direct a reporter green fluorescent protein to the mitochondria. The equivalent region from Slit1 cannot elicit mitochondrial targeting. We conclude that Slit3 protein is targeted to and localized at two distinct sites within epithelial cells: the mitochondria, and then, in more confluent cells, the cell surface. Targeting to both locations is driven by specific NH2-terminal sequences. This is the first examination of Slit protein localization in nonneuronal cells, and this study implies that Slit3 has potentially unique functions not shared by other Slit proteins.
skeletal disease. Bone remodeling is initiated by osteoclastic resorption followed by osteoblastic formation of new bone. Receptor activator of nuclear factor KB ligand (RANKL) is a newly described regulator of osteoclast formation and function, the activity of which appears to be a balance between interaction with its receptor RANK and with an antagonist binding protein osteoprotegerin (OPG). Therefore, we have examined the relationship between the expression of RANKL, RANK, and OPG and indices of bone structure and turnover in human cancellous bone from the proximal femur. Bone samples were obtained from individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) at joint replacement surgery and from autopsy controls. Histomorphometric analysis of these samples showed that eroded surface (ES/BS) and osteoid surface (OS/BS) were positively associated in both control (p < 0.001) and OA (p < 0.02), indicating that the processes of bone resorption and bone formation remain coupled in OA, as they are in controls. RANKL, OPG, and RANK messenger RNA, (mRNA) were abundant in human cancellous bone, with significant differences between control and OA individuals. In coplotting the molecular and histomorphometric data, strong associations were found between the ratio of RANKL/OPG mRNA and the indices of bone turnover (RANKL/OPG vs. ES/BS: r = 0.93, p < 0.001; RANKL/OPG vs. OS/BS: r = 0.80, p < 0.001). These relationships were not evident in trabecular bone from severe OA, suggesting that bone turnover may be regulated differently in this disease. We propose that the effective concentration of RANKL is related causally to bone turnover.