51 resultados para Preocupação - Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychiatric complaints across aU age cohorts, including older adults over age 65 (Regier et al., 1988; Regier, Narrow & Rae, 1990). Despite being a common complaint among older adults, anxiety remains underreported by patients and under diagnosed by health professionals (Stanley & Beck, 2000). Anxiety disorders have been less well studied in older adults than depression, both in terms of the assessment as well as treatment. While several anxiet)' inventories have normative data available for older populations, few anxiet)' measures have been specifically designed to be used with older populations. The primar)' aim of this pilot project was to evaluate the utility of a new anxiety screen specifically designed for older adults, the Geriatric Anxiet)' Inventor)' (GAI) on an older cohort with mild cognitive deficits.