109 resultados para P genotypes


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A glasshouse study examined 49 diverse sorghum lines for variation in transpiration efficiency. Three of the 49 lines grown were Sorghum spp, native to Australia; one was the major weed Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), and the remaining 45 lines were cultivars of Sorghum bicolor. All plants were grown under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions using a semi-automatic pot watering system designed to facilitate accurate measurement of water use. Plants were harvested 56-58 days after sowing and dry weights of plant parts were determined. Transpiration efficiency differed significantly among cultivars. The 3 Australian native sorghums had much lower transpiration efficiency than the other 46 cultivars, which ranged from 7.7 to 6.0 g/kg. For the 46 diverse cultivars, the ratio of range in transpiration efficiency to its l.s.d. was 2.0, which was similar to that found among more adapted cultivars in a previous study. This is a significant finding as it suggests that there is likely to be little pay-off from pursuing screening of unadapted material for increased variation in transpiration efficiency. It is necessary, however, also to examine absolute levels of transpiration efficiency to determine whether increased levels have been found. The cultivar with greatest transpiration efficiency in this study (IS9710) had a value 9% greater (P < 0.05) than the accepted standard for adapted sorghum cultivars. The potential impact of such an increase in transpiration efficiency warrants continued effort to capture it. Transpiration efficiency has been related theoretically and experimentally to the degree of carbon isotope discrimination in leaf tissue in sorghum, which thus offers a relatively simple selection index. In this study, the variation in transpiration efficiency was not related simply to carbon isotope discrimination. Significant associations of transpiration efficiency with ash content and indices of photosynthetic capacity were found. However, the associations were not strong. These results suggest that a simple screening technique could not be based on any of the measures or indices analysed in this study. A better understanding of the physiological basis of the observed genetic differences in transpiration efficiency may assist in developing reliable selection indices. It was concluded that the potential value of the improvement in transpiration efficiency over the accepted standard and the degree of genetic variation found warrant further study on this subject. It was suggested that screening for genetic variation under water-limiting conditions may provide useful insights and should be pursued.


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Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates collected from 1977 to 1986 and 1991 to 1993 in two regions in South Africa were analyzed using isozymes. A total of 135 isolates was analyzed for 14 enzymes representing 20 putative loci, of which four were polymorphic. This led to the identification of nine different multilocus isozyme genotypes. Both mating types of P. cinnamomi occurred commonly in the Cape region, whereas, predominantly, the A2 mating type occurred in the Mpumalanga region of South Africa. A2 mating type isolates could be resolved into seven multilocus isozyme genotypes, compared with only two multilocus isozyme genotypes for the A1 mating type isolates. Low levels of gene (0.115) and genotypic (2.4%) diversity and a low number of alleles per locus (1.43) were observed for the South African P. cinnamomi population. The genetic distance between the Cape and Mpumalanga P. cinnamomi populations was relatively low (D-m = 0.165), and no specific pattern in regional distribution of multilocus isozyme genotypes could be observed. The genetic distance between the ''old'' (isolated between 1977 and 1986) and ''new'' (isolated between 1991 and 1993) P. cinnamomi populations from the Cape was low (D-m = 0.164), indicating a stable population over time. Three of the nine multilocus isozyme genotypes were specific to the ''old'' population, and only one multilocus isozyme genotype was specific to the ''new'' population. Significant differences in allele frequencies, a high genetic distance (D-m = 0.581) between the Cape A1 and A2 mating type isolates, significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, a low overall level of heterozygosity, and a high fixation index (0.71) all indicate that sexual reproduction occurs rarely, if at all, in the South African P. cinnamomi population.


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Background: The significant association between alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)-2 genotype and alcohol-dependence risk, demonstrated in both Asian and non-Asian populations, suggests a link between the metabolism of alcohol (ethanol) and individual differences in susceptibility to dependence. Methods: We tested this hypothesis by following up on subjects who took part in the Alcohol Challenge Twin Study conducted in 1979-1981 and comparing the blood and breath alcohol results in that study between subjects who subsequently did or did not meet diagnostic criteria for lifetime alcohol dependence in 1992-1993. Results: Subjects who met DSM-III-R criteria for lifetime alcohol dependence at follow-up had higher blood and breath alcohol values after alcohol challenge than never-dependent subjects. Multivariate analysis showed independent effects of susceptibility to alcohol dependence and smoking status on blood alcohol concentrations, whereas habitual alcohol intake at the time of the initial study had marginally significant effects. The risk of alcohol dependence was 2-fold higher in men and 3-fold higher in women with blood or breath alcohol concentrations in the highest quartile than in the lowest quartile. Conclusions: In view of this association and the known genetic influences on both alcohol pharmacokinetics and alcohol dependence, it is probable that part of the heritability of dependence is mediated by genes (other than the known ADH2 and ADH3 polymorphisms) affecting alcohol metabolism.


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As a result of testing for lipid and apolipoprotein(e) (apo E) phenotype status of an indigenous Australian community, an apo E variant associated with type III hyperlipoproteinaemia has been identified. Apo E phenotype was determined by analysis of VLDL by isoelectric focusing, and genotype on DNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction, using two different restriction enzyme isotyping assays. Phenotypes and genotypes were discordant in samples from two subjects and an abnormal-sized restriction fragment was also observed in their genotyping gel patterns. DNA sequencing studies revealed this was due to a single nucleotide deletion. 3817delC, at amino acid 136 on apo E. This resulted in a new reading frame and the premature termination of the apo E protein due to a stop codon (TGA) at nucleotide 4105. The variant apo E null allele showed a recessive mode of inheritance and, in combination with the E2 allele, resulted in the type III hyperlipoproteinaemic phenotype but when inherited with the E4 allele had no marked effect on plasma lipids.


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Aims Previous studies suggest that estimated creatinine clearance, the conventional measure of renal function, does not adequately reflect charges in renal drug handling in some patients, including the immunosuppressed. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a cocktail of markers. to be given in a single administration, capable of detecting alterations in the renal elimination pathways of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Methods Healthy male subjects (n = 12) received intravenously infused 2500 mg sinistrin (glomerular filtration) and 440 mg p-aminohippuric acid (PAH; anion secretion), and orally administered 100 mg fluconazole (reabsorption) and 15 mg rac-pindolol (cation secretion). The potential interaction between these markers was investigated in a pharmacokinetic study where markers (M) or fluconazole (F) were administered alone or together (M + F). Validated analytical methods were used to measure plasma and urine concentrations in order to quantify the renal handling of each marker. Plasma protein binding of fluconazole was measured by ultrafiltration. All subjects had an estimated creatinine clearance within the normal range. The renal clearance of each marker (Mean +/- s.d.) was calculated as the ratio of the amount excreted in urine and thearea-under-the-concentration-time curve. Statistical comparisons were made using a paired t-test and 95% confidence intervals were reported. Results The renal clearances of sinistrin (M: 119 +/- 31 ml min(-1); M + F: 130 +/- 40 ml min(-1); P = 0.32), PAH (M: 469 +/- 145 ml min(-1); M + F: 467 +/- 146 ml min(-1); P = 0.95), R-pindolol (M: 204 +/- 41 ml min(-1); M + F: 190 +/- 41 ml min(-1); P = 0.39; n = 11), S-pindolol (M: 225 +/- 55 ml min(-1); M + F: 209 +/- 60 ml min(-1); P = 0.27; n = 11) and fluconazole (F: 14.9 +/-3.8 ml min(-1); M + F: 13.6 +/- 3.4 ml min(-1); P = 0.16) were similar when the markers or fluconazole were administered alone (M or F) or as a cocktail (M + F). Conclusions This study found no interaction between markers and fluconazole in healthy male subjects, suggesting that a single administration of this cocktail of markers of different renal processes call be used to simultaneously investigate pathways of renal drug elimination.


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Sunscreens penetrate human epidermis and modify the biology of proliferating cells. This study addressed the question whether the UV response of cultured human cells is affected by direct treatment with nontoxic levels of sunscreens. Cell survival following exposure to UVC or unfiltered UVB was not altered by preincubation with 25 μg/mL of octyl p-dimethylaminobenzoate (o-PABA), 2-ethylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) or oxybenzone. However, UVA or UVB filtered to reproduce the solar UV spectrum penetrating to the basal layer of the epidermis, highly sensitized cells to killing by o-PABA but not by its hydrolysis product, 4-dimethylaminobenzoic acid. Sensitization was found in all cell types tested, except normal keratinocytes, and could be prevented by certain antioxidants particularly pyruvate and the hydroxyl radical scavenger mannitol. o-PABA and EHMC applied without UV reduced the adherence of cells. The results indicate that sunscreens may increase cell mobility and the combination of o-PABA with solar UV may selectively damage melanocytes in the skin.


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The blending of coals has become popular to improve the performance of coals, to meet specifications of power plants and, to reduce the cost of coals, This article reviews the results and provides new information on ignition, flame stability, and carbon burnout studies of blended coals. The reviewed studies were conducted in laboratory-, pilot-, and full-scale facilities. The new information was taken in pilot-scale studies. The results generally show that blending a high-volatile coal with a low-volatile coal or anthracite can improve the ignition, flame stability and burnout of the blends. This paper discusses two general methods to predict the performance of blended coals: (1) experiment; and (2) indices. Laboratory- and pilot-scale tests, at least, provide a relative ranking of the combustion performance of coal/blends in power station boilers. Several indices, volatile matter content, heating value and a maceral index, can be used to predict the relative ranking of ignitability and flame stability of coals and blends. The maceral index, fuel ratio, and vitrinite reflectance can also be used to predict the absolute carbon burnout of coal and blends within limits. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The virulence spectrum of 112 isolates of Phytophthora clandestina collected from 56 sites in four subterranean clover-growing states in southern Australia was determined using differential cultivars of subterranean clover. Five races were detected, with race 0 in all states except New South Wales, race 1 in all states, race 2 only in Victoria, race 3 only in New South Wales, and race 4 in Victoria and Western Australia. The level of genotypic diversity among the different P. clandestina populations was investigated using five RAPD primers. Among 30 bands amplified, only two were polymorphic. This enabled identification of four multilocus RAPD genotypes. Three of the four genotypes occurred in all four states. Races 2 and 3 occurred with RAPD genotypes 1 and 2 only whereas races 0 and 1 occurred in all four multilocus RAPD genotypes. These results indicate that the pathogenicity spectrum of P. clandestina can change rapidly.


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We examined the genetic diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium sp.) in the widespread hermatypic coral Plesiastrea versipora from tropical/subtropical (north-eastern Australia) and temperate waters (south-eastern Australia) using restriction fragment length polymorphisms of partial 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA), together with sequence analysis of partial 28S rDNA. This study revealed that P. versipora associates with at least two distinct genotypes of symbiotic dinoflagellates and that the presence of these genotypes varies with latitude. P. versipora colonies from subtropical and tropical waters contained symbionts belonging to Symbiodinium clade C, while P. versipora colonies at high-latitude sites contained clade B. Variability within the two groups of symbionts (clades H and C) was minimal, suggesting possible host fidelity. The geographically distinct varieties of symbionts within the tissue of this hermatypic coral are likely to be associated with algal physiological differences, which in turn may relate to changing selective pressures as a function of latitude along the eastern Australian seaboard.