68 resultados para Oscillatory Marangoni-Convection
Superhyperfine interactions in inhomogeneously broadened paramagnetic centers are observed using a single high-turn-angle microwave pulse. The free induction signal that follows the hole-burning pulse exhibits oscillations that are distinct from the oscillatory free induction decay observable in some inhomogeneously broadened systems. It contains frequencies characteristic of the superhyperfine splittings, together with a zero frequency component. Experimental examples of the effect in both orientationally disordered (powdered) and structurally disordered (glassy) systems are presented and compared with the conceptually similar Fourier transform electron paramagnetic resonance detected nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, together with numerical simulations. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
[1] We attempt to generate new solutions for the moisture content form of the one-dimensional Richards' [1931] equation using the Lisle [1992] equivalence mapping. This mapping is used as no more general set of transformations exists for mapping the one-dimensional Richards' equation into itself. Starting from a given solution, the mapping has the potential to generate an infinite number of new solutions for a series of nonlinear diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity functions. We first seek new analytical solutions satisfying Richards' equation subject to a constant flux surface boundary condition for a semi-infinite dry soil, starting with the Burgers model. The first iteration produces an existing solution, while subsequent iterations are shown to endlessly reproduce this same solution. Next, we briefly consider the problem of redistribution in a finite-length soil. In this case, Lisle's equivalence mapping is generalized to account for arbitrary initial conditions. As was the case for infiltration, however, it is found that new analytical solutions are not generated using the equivalence mapping, although existing solutions are recovered.
An equivalent algorithm is proposed to simulate thermal effects of the magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. Based on the physical and mathematical equivalence, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with a physically equivalent heat source. From the analysis of an ideal solidification model, the physically equivalent heat source has been determined in this paper. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that the fixed finite element mesh with a variable integration time step can be employed to simulate the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The related numerical results have demonstrated the correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm for simulating the thermal effect of the intruded magma solidification in geological systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We conduct a theoretical analysis to investigate the convective instability of 3-D fluid-saturated geological fault zones when they are heated uniformly from below. In particular, we have derived exact analytical solutions for the critical Rayleigh numbers of different convective flow structures. Using these critical Rayleigh numbers, three interesting convective flow structures have been identified in a geological fault zone system. It has been recognized that the critical Rayleigh numbers of the system have a minimum value only for the fault zone of infinite length, in which the corresponding convective flow structure is a 2-D slender-circle flow. However, if the length of the fault zone is finite, the convective flow in the system must be 3-D. Even if the length of the fault zone is infinite, since the minimum critical Rayleigh number for the 2-D slender-circle flow structure is so close to that for the 3-D convective flow structure, the system may have almost the same chance to pick up the 3-D convective flow structures. Also, because the convection modes are so close for the 3-D convective flow structures, the convective flow may evolve into the 3-D finger-like structures, especially for the case of the fault thickness to height ratio approaching zero. This understanding demonstrates the beautiful aspects of the present analytical solution for the convective instability of 3-D geological fault zones, because the present analytical solution is valid for any value of the ratio of the fault height to thickness. Using the present analytical solution, the conditions, under which different convective flow structures may take place, can be easily determined.
Dynamic foam films have been investigated using an improved experimental set-up with a CCD high-speed linescan camera in conjunction with the Scheludko micro-interferometric cell for studying the drainage and rupture of liquid foam films. The improved experimental set-up increased the sensibility of detection of the local thickness heterogeneities and domains during the film evolution. The evolution of the foam films up to the formation of black spots was recorded in the time intervals of 50ms. The wavelengths of the propagating surface waves and their frequencies were determined experimentally. The experimental results show that the current quasi-static hydrodynamic theory does not properly describe the wave dynamics with inter-domain channels. However, the thermodynamic condition for formation of black spots in the foam films was met by the experimental results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The solidification of intruded magma in porous rocks can result in the following two consequences: (1) the heat release due to the solidification of the interface between the rock and intruded magma and (2) the mass release of the volatile fluids in the region where the intruded magma is solidified into the rock. Traditionally, the intruded magma solidification problem is treated as a moving interface (i.e. the solidification interface between the rock and intruded magma) problem to consider these consequences in conventional numerical methods. This paper presents an alternative new approach to simulate thermal and chemical consequences/effects of magma intrusion in geological systems, which are composed of porous rocks. In the proposed new approach and algorithm, the original magma solidification problem with a moving boundary between the rock and intruded magma is transformed into a new problem without the moving boundary but with the proposed mass source and physically equivalent heat source. The major advantage in using the proposed equivalent algorithm is that a fixed mesh of finite elements with a variable integration time-step can be employed to simulate the consequences and effects of the intruded magma solidification using the conventional finite element method. The correctness and usefulness of the proposed equivalent algorithm have been demonstrated by a benchmark magma solidification problem. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Numerical methods are used to simulate the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow and rock alteration in three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zones. The double diffusion is caused by a combination of both the positive upward temperature gradient and the positive downward salinity concentration gradient within a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone, which is assumed to be more permeable than its surrounding rocks. In order to ensure the physical meaningfulness of the obtained numerical solutions, the numerical method used in this study is validated by a benchmark problem, for which the analytical solution to the critical Rayleigh number of the system is available. The theoretical value of the critical Rayleigh number of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system can be used to judge whether or not the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow can take place within the system. After the possibility of triggering the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow is theoretically validated for the numerical model of a three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system, the corresponding numerical solutions for the convective flow and temperature are directly coupled with a geochemical system. Through the numerical simulation of the coupled system between the convective fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transport and chemical reactions, we have investigated the effect of the double-diffusion driven convective pore-fluid flow on the rock alteration, which is the direct consequence of mineral redistribution due to its dissolution, transportation and precipitation, within the three-dimensional fluid-saturated geological fault zone system. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, experiments to detect turbulent spots in the transitional boundary layers, formed on a flat plate in a free-piston shock tunnel how, are reported. Experiments indicate that thin-film heat-transfer gauges are suitable for identifying turbulent-spot activity and can be used to identify parameters such as the convection rate of spots and the intermittency of turbulence.
Fluid mixing in steady and unsteady Bow through a channel containing periodic square obstructions has been studied using a finite-difference simulation to determine fluid velocities, followed by the use of passive marker particle advection to look at fluid transport out of the cavities formed between each of the obstructions. The geometry and Bow conditions were chosen from the work by Perkins (1989, M.S. Thesis, Lehigh University; 1992, Ph.D. Thesis, Lehigh University); who investigated heat transfer enhancement due to unsteady flow through such an obstructed channel. Particle advection shows that Bow regimes which are predicted to give good mixing based on snapshots of instantaneous streamline contour plots were not necessarily able to efficiently mix fluid which started in the cavity regions throughout the channel. The use of Poincare sections shows regular regions existing under these conditions which inhibit efficient fluid transport. These regular regions are found to disappear when the unsteady Bow velocity is increased. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Changes in molecular motion in blends of PEO-PVPh have been studied using measurements of C-13 T-1 rho relaxation times. C-13 T-1 rho relaxation has been confirmed as arising from spin-lattice interactions by observation of the variation in T-1 rho with rf field strength and temperature. In the pure homopolymers a minimum in T-1 rho is observed at ca. 50 K above the glass transition temperatures detected by DSC. After blending, the temperature of the minimum in T-1 rho for PEO increased, while that for PVPh decreased, however, the minima, which correspond to the temperatures where the average correlation times for reorientation are close to 3.1 mu s, are separated by 45 K (in a 45% PEO-PVPh blend). These phenomena are explained in terms of the local nature of T-1 rho measurements. The motions of the individual homopolymer chains are only partially coupled in the blend. A short T-1 rho has been observed for protonated aromatic carbons, and assigned to phenyl rings undergoing large-angle oscillatory motion, The effects of blending, and temperature, on the proportion of rings undergoing oscillatory motion are analyzed.
The distributed-tubes model of hepatic elimination is extended to include intermixing between sinusoids, resulting in the formulation of a new, interconnected-tubes model. The new model is analysed for the simple case of two interconnected tubes, where an exact solution is obtained. For the case of many strongly-interconnected tubes, it is shown that a zeroth-order approximation leads to the convection-dispersion model. As a consequence the dispersion number is expressed, for the first time, in terms of its main physiological determinants: heterogeneity of flow and density of interconnections between sinusoids. The analysis of multiple indicator dilution data from a perfused liver preparation using the simplest version of the model yields the estimate 10.3 for the average number of interconnections. The problem of boundary conditions for the dispersion model is considered from the viewpoint that the dispersion-convection equation is a zeroth-order approximation to the equations for the interconnected-tubes model. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Sediment mobility measurements with a horizontal sand bed under non-breaking waves are reported. Conditions include no seepage and steady downward seepage corresponding to head gradients up to 2.5. The results indicate that infiltration tends to inhibit sediment mobility for a horizontal bcd of 0.2 mm quartz sand exposed to moderated wave induced bed shear stresses. The effect is weak for the parameter range of the present study. The two opposing effects of shear stress increase due to boundary layer thinning and the stabilizing downward drag are successfully accounted for through the modified Shields parameter of Nielsen [Nielsen, P., 1997. Coastal groundwater dynamics. Proc. Coastal Dynamics '97, Plymouth, ASCE, Dp, 546-555] using coefficients derived from independent studies. That is, from the shear stress experiments of Conley [Conley, D.C., 1993. Ventilated oscillatory boundary layers. PhD Thesis, University of California, San Diego, 74 pp.] and the slope stability experiments of Martin and Aral [Martin, C.S. and M.M. Aral, 1971. Seepage force on interfacial bed particles. J. Hydraulics Div., proc. ASCE, Vol. 97, No. Hy7, pp. 1081-1100]. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Organic petrology supported by electron microscopical and micro-analytical techniques was applied to organic matter in Proterozoic sediments to better understand hydrothermal processes responsible for ore-grade mineralisation. It was shown that organic maturation was not only closely linked to the geological history of the sediments, but also highlighted heat transfer by convection as differentiated from conduction solely through sediment burial and step-wise subsidence. Water-rock ratios effect organic maturation in hydrothermal systems, and erratic reflectance profiles are indicators of convective heat transfer. Identification and characterisation of organic materials in terms of source rock and migrated hydrocarbons was shown to be a powerful tool in reconstructing the thermal history of sediments, identifying hydrothermal episodes, fluid pathways and heat source in the northern Australian Proterozoic basins. Higher reflectance of organic matter towards the central parts of the Mount Isa Basin and some of the most northerly parts point to proximity to higher heat flow at times, in contrast to relatively low temperatures prevailing in the western parts of the basin, next to the Murphy Inlier. A close correlation shown between peak organic reflectance values and super-sequence boundaries farther highlighted the valuable information to be gained from organic petrology, by allowing the separation of processes responsible for metal dissolution and transportation from those inducing precipitation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
This work studied the structure-hepatic disposition relationships for cationic drugs of varying lipophilicity using a single-pass, in situ rat liver preparation. The lipophilicity among the cationic drugs studied in this work is in the following order: diltiazem. propranolol. labetalol. prazosin. antipyrine. atenolol. Parameters characterizing the hepatic distribution and elimination kinetics of the drugs were estimated using the multiple indicator dilution method. The kinetic model used to describe drug transport (the two-phase stochastic model) integrated cytoplasmic binding kinetics and belongs to the class of barrier-limited and space-distributed liver models. Hepatic extraction ratio (E) (0.30-0.92) increased with lipophilicity. The intracellular binding rate constant (k(on)) and the equilibrium amount ratios characterizing the slowly and rapidly equilibrating binding sites (K-S and K-R) increase with the lipophilicity of drug (k(on) : 0.05-0.35 s(-1); K-S : 0.61-16.67; K-R : 0.36-0.95), whereas the intracellular unbinding rate constant (k(off)) decreases with the lipophilicity of drug (0.081-0.021 s(-1)). The partition ratio of influx (k(in)) and efflux rate constant (k(out)), k(in)/k(out), increases with increasing pK(a) value of the drug [from 1.72 for antipyrine (pK(a) = 1.45) to 9.76 for propranolol (pK(a) = 9.45)], the differences in k(in/kout) for the different drugs mainly arising from ion trapping in the mitochondria and lysosomes. The value of intrinsic elimination clearance (CLint), permeation clearance (CLpT), and permeability-surface area product (PS) all increase with the lipophilicity of drug [CLint (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.08-67.41; CLpT (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.80-5.35; PS (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 14.59-90.54]. It is concluded that cationic drug kinetics in the liver can be modeled using models that integrate the presence of cytoplasmic binding, a hepatocyte barrier, and a vascular transit density function.
Petrov-Galerkin methods are known to be versatile techniques for the solution of a wide variety of convection-dispersion transport problems, including those involving steep gradients. but have hitherto received little attention by chemical engineers. We illustrate the technique by means of the well-known problem of simultaneous diffusion and adsorption in a spherical sorbent pellet comprised of spherical, non-overlapping microparticles of uniform size and investigate the uptake dynamics. Solutions to adsorption problems exhibit steep gradients when macropore diffusion controls or micropore diffusion controls, and the application of classical numerical methods to such problems can present difficulties. In this paper, a semi-discrete Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for numerically solving adsorption problems with steep gradients in bidisperse solids is presented. The numerical solution was found to match the analytical solution when the adsorption isotherm is linear and the diffusivities are constant. Computed results for the Langmuir isotherm and non-constant diffusivity in microparticle are numerically evaluated for comparison with results of a fitted-mesh collocation method, which was proposed by Liu and Bhatia (Comput. Chem. Engng. 23 (1999) 933-943). The new method is simple, highly efficient, and well-suited to a variety of adsorption and desorption problems involving steep gradients. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.