321 resultados para Obesity management
A total of 164 primary school teachers from Perth, Western Australia anonymously completed a survey of their knowledge and attitudes about asthma. These teachers were active in assisting children with asthma management but most (91.5%) felt that they did not know enough about asthma. Attitudes toward children with asthma were positive; 97% agreed that such children should be encouraged to participate in sporting activities. Specific knowledge about asthma management and medications was, however, poor. This large sample of Western Australian teachers knew more than their European counterparts but asthma training is needed and should be targeted at improving knowledge of both regular and emergency treatments for asthma.
Objective: We seek to assess Australian psychiatrists' views and practices concerning provision of neuroleptic medication to patients with schizophrenia, and to determine whether such management strategies are likely to have changed over time and the extent to which they correspond to published treatment guidelines. Method: A sample of 139 psychiatrists based in three Australian capital cities was derived, with respondents completing a brief questionnaire by choosing from a limited-option answer set. Co-authors of this paper comment on the extent to which responses are in line with contemporary recommendations driven by experts or empirical studies. Results: Overall, survey findings indicate that there has been considerable change in clinical practice over the last decade and provide some estimate of the extent to which Australian management practices are congruent with contemporary recommendations. We identify a number of issues of concern (more in relation to dose levels of neuroleptic medication rather than treatment duration) revealed by survey data and make recommendations for addressing a number of practical clinical issues. Conclusions: As this report focuses on central issues involved in managing schizophrenia, and integrates a number of treatment guidelines, we suggest that it should be of assistance for practice review by clinicians.
Environmental poisoning is most commonly associated with chronic longterm exposure to toxins rather than to acute exposure. Such repeated exposure to sublethal doses of compounds and elements presents problems in risk assessment. This is primarily because the data are unavailable to describe relationships between dose and effect at lower levels of exposure to toxins. Bioavailability of toxins also presents a problem because the data on bioavailability are sparse and seldom as high as the default of 100% bioavailability commonly used in risk assessment. Examples are presented of two toxins: arsenic as an elemental anthropogenic and geologic poison and ciguatoxin, a polyether ladder compound, as a toxin produced naturally by dinoflagellates. Bioavailability drives the toxicity of arsenic from contaminated sites, whereas tissue accumulation drives the toxicity of ciguatoxin. Considerable benefit is derived from the harmonization of regulatory processes where there is linkage of health and environmental factors in the derivation of credible risk assessment.
Objective: To determine the effect of an early intervention program in an acute care setting on the length of stay in hospital of elderly patients with proximal femoral fractures. Setting: Acute orthopaedic ward of a large teaching hospital. Design and Participants: A randomised controlled trial comparing 38 intervention patients with 33 Standard Care patients. Intervention: Early surgery, minimal narcotic analgesia, intense daily therapy and close monitoring of patient needs via a multidisciplinary approach versus routine hospital management. Main outcome measures: Length of stay (LOS); deaths; level of independent functioning. Results: Mean LOS was shorter in the Intervention group than in the Standard Care group (21 days v. 32.5 days; P<0.01). After adjusting for other factors that could affect LOS (e.g. age, sex, pre-trauma functional levels, pre-trauma comorbidity and postsurgical complications), the Intervention program was significantly predictive of shorter LOS (P=0.01). The Intervention group did not experience greater numbers of deaths, deterioration in function or need for social support than the Standard Care group. Conclusion: This early intervention program in an acute care setting results in significantly shorter length of hospital stay for elderly patients with femoral fractures.
Two major factors are likely to impact the utilisation of remotely sensed data in the near future: (1)an increase in the number and availability of commercial and non-commercial image data sets with a range of spatial, spectral and temporal dimensions, and (2) increased access to image display and analysis software through GIS. A framework was developed to provide an objective approach to selecting remotely sensed data sets for specific environmental monitoring problems. Preliminary applications of the framework have provided successful approaches for monitoring disturbed and restored wetlands in southern California.
Twenty-three patients treated with intracerebroventricular (ICV) morphine in this study not only obtained excellent pain relief without rapid increases in dose, but also experienced a reduction in morphine-related side effects. By 24 h after initiation of ICV morphine, the mean trough cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) morphine concentration (approximately 20 mu M) was 50-fold higher than the baseline concentration (approximately 0.4 mu M), and the CSF concentration of morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) was undetectable (
Objective: To design, introduce, and evaluate STD syndrome packets containing recommended drugs for each syndrome, four condoms, a partner treatment card, and a patient information leaflet, with the goal of improving sexually transmitted disease (STD) case management. Methods: Packet design evolved around available packaging technology, informed by pilot testing with nurses working in primary care clinics, doctors in private medical practices, and patients with an STD, in Hlabisa, South Africa. Evaluation 1 year later included analysis of distribution records and interviews with 16 nurses and 61 patients. Results: A cheap packet (2 U, S, cents each, excluding contents) compatible with current legislation was designed and introduced to six public sector clinics and as a short pilot to five private medical practices, Four thousand eighty-five packets were distributed to the clinics, equivalent to approximately 115% of the STDs reported over that period. All 16 nurses reported using the packets, but only 63% did so all the time because of occasional supply problems, All believed the packets improved treatment by saving time (75%), improving supply of condoms and partner cards (44%), and making treatment easier (56%), Patients also responded positively, and most said they would buy a packet (up to $5) at a pharmacy (84%) or store (63%) if available. Conclusions: The STD syndrome packets have the potential to improve STD syndromic management by standardizing therapy and improving the supply of condoms, partner cards, and information leaflets. Packets are popular with practitioners and patients, but consistent supply is essential for maximal impact, There may be scope for social marketing of the packets, which could further increase use.
Case management models evolved as the mental health care system shifted hospital to community settings. The research evidence underscores the efficacy of certain case management models under 'ideal' conditions; what is less clear, is how these models perform in day to day clinical practice. Moreover, the economic perspective adopted by most studies is relatively narrow thus limiting a proper understanding of the costs and benefits of such models. This paper reviews recent work in the field and highlights gaps in both method and application as a focus for future work. Curr Opin Psychiatry 12:195-199, (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury death for international tourists. This makes road safety an important issue for tourism authorities. Unfortunately, as it is in other areas of tourist health, the common response from the travel and tourism industry is to remain silent about this problem and to leave any mishaps in the hands of insurers. At the same time, but for different reasons, international tourists are not usually targeted for road safety initiatives by transport authorities. Given that there are considerable 'hidden' costs associated with international tourists and motor vehicle crashes, the topic should be of concern to both tourism and transport groups. This paper examines issues concerned with driving in unfamiliar surroundings for international visitors in Australia, and proposes a national research and management programme to guide policy and planning in the area. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVES: (?) To determine the relationship between waist circumference and body weight in overweight men both before and after participation in a weight loss program; and (2) to make recommendations for the appropriate use of these measures at various stages of weight toss. DESIGN: Weight and waist circumference measures were taken in two diverse groups of men both before and 1-2y after commencing a men's 'waist loss' program. Regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between weight and waist measures. SUBJECTS: One group of 42 retired Caucasian men from New South Wales, and one group of 45 indigenous men from the Torres Strait region of Northern Australia. RESULTS: There were differences in the relationships of weight and waist circumference before the program and change in weight and change in waist circumference after weight loss. These differences were similar in both groups of men (indigenous men and retired Caucasian men), with a 1 cm waist loss being on average equivalent to about 3/4 kg, but with wide variability, suggesting inter-individual variation in fat losses from different depots. This variation suggests that neither weight nor waist alone is a sufficient measure of fat loss for men. CONCLUSIONS: Weight and waist circumference should both be used at various stages in the clinical situation to assess change in body fat in men involved in obesity reduction.
1. Establishing biological control agents in the field is a major step in any classical biocontrol programme, yet there are few general guidelines to help the practitioner decide what factors might enhance the establishment of such agents. 2. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) approach, linked to a metapopulation model, was used to find optimal release strategies (number and size of releases), given constraints on time and the number of biocontrol agents available. By modelling within a decision-making framework we derived rules of thumb that will enable biocontrol workers to choose between management options, depending on the current state of the system. 3. When there are few well-established sites, making a few large releases is the optimal strategy. For other states of the system, the optimal strategy ranges from a few large releases, through a mixed strategy (a variety of release sizes), to many small releases, as the probability of establishment of smaller inocula increases. 4. Given that the probability of establishment is rarely a known entity, we also strongly recommend a mixed strategy in the early stages of a release programme, to accelerate learning and improve the chances of finding the optimal approach.