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Brain electrical activity related to working memory was recorded at 15 scalp electrodes during a visuospatial delayed response task. Participants (N = 18) touched the remembered position of a target on a computer screen after either a 1 or 8 sec delay. These memory trials were compared to sensory trials in which the target remained present throughout the delay and response periods. Distracter stimuli identical to the target were briefly presented during the delay on 30% of trials. Responses were less accurate in memory than sensory trials, especially after the long delay. During the delay slow potentials developed that were significantly more negative in memory than sensory trials. The difference between memory and sensory trials was greater at anterior than posterior electrodes. On trials with distracters, the slow potentials generated by memory trials showed further enhancement of negativity whereas there were minimal effects on accuracy of performance. The results provide evidence that engagement of visuospatial working memory generates slow wave negativity with a timing and distribution consistent with frontal activation. Enhanced brain activity associated with working memory is required to maintain performance in the presence of distraction. © 1997 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phonological processing skills have often been assumed to play a minimal role in skilled adult spelling despite evidence showing their importance in the development of spelling skills. The present study investigated the relationship between phonological awareness and spelling in adults. It was hypothesised that subjects demonstrating higher levels of spelling proficiency would also show superior phonological processing skills. This relationship was expected to be mediated by sound-spelling mapping knowledge. Given the irregularities of sound-spelling correspondences in English, it was also predicted that knowledge of orthographic conventions would be related to spelling competency. Two measures of each component skill were used on seventy three university students. As predicted, the importance of spelling-sound mapping skills in spelling were demonstrated, as was a relationship between phonological awareness and spelling-sound correspondences. In addition a moderate correlation was found between orthographic tasks and spelling performance. It was concluded that, among university students at least, phonological ability makes an important contribution to skilled adult spelling.
Tissue responses to the application of Rototags and Jumbo Rototags in the first dorsal fin of Carcharhinus melanopterus, C. obscurus and C. plumbeus were examined. The acute response included tissue tearing and haemorrhage and was present by 5 days post-tagging. The intermediate response had begun by 20 days post-tagging and continued beyond 207 days. This response involved decreased red blood cell activity as the inflammatory response commenced. The chronic response had begun by 301 days and was complete by 553 days with a layer of fibrous connective tissue walling off the tag. External damage to the fin was caused by continued abrasion by the tag. Repair scales were observed at 242 days using scanning electron microscopy and were confirmed histologically in 61- and 553-day samples. Repair scales were not seen in areas of continuous abrasion. No infection was observed in tissues surrounding the wound. Disruption of the fin surface was observed due to abrasion by the tag, but did not appear to cause a severe tissue reaction. The tissue responses observed were consistent with a normal, but relatively slow, healing in the vicinity of the tag wound. Use of Rototags or Jumbo Rototags appears to be an efficient way of marking elasmobranchs with minimal damage to the shark. (C) 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
The effect of replacing a single codon in the N-terminal of human aryl sulfotransferase (HAST) 1 and 3 with one that is more commonly found in E. coli genes was assessed. The pKK233-2 E. coli expression vector was employed and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to introduce the 5' nucleotide substitution, at the same time maintaining the fidelity of the amino acid sequence. The data indicates that this change had a minimal effect on protein production, subcellular localization or, in the case of HAST3, catalytic activity. In general, the pKK233-2 E. coli vector has been less than optimal for expressing human sulfotransferase cDNAs. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Development of CD8 alpha beta CTL epitope-based vaccines requires an effective strategy capable of co-delivering large numbers of CTL epitopes, Here we describe a DNA plasmid encoding a polyepitope or polytope protein, which contained multiple contiguous minimal murine CTL epitopes, Mice vaccinated with this plasmid made MHC-restricted CTL responses to each of the epitopes, and protective CTL were demonstrated in recombinant vaccinia virus, influenza virus, and tumor challenge models, CTL responses generated by polytope DNA plasmid vaccination lasted for 1 yr, could be enhanced by co-delivering a gene for granulocyte-macrophage CSF, and appeared to be induced in the absence of CD4 T cell-mediated help, The ability to deliver large numbers of CTL epitopes using relatively small polytope constructs and DNA vaccination technology should find application in the design of human epitope-based CTL vaccines, in particular in vaccines against EBV, HIV, and certain cancers.
The present study was designed to examine the main and interactive effects of task demands, work control, and task information on levels of adjustment. Task demands, work control, and task information were manipulated in an experimental setting where participants completed a letter-sorting activity (N = 128). Indicators of adjustment included measures of positive mood, participants' perceptions of task performance, and task satisfaction. Results of the present study provided some support for the main effects of objective task demands, work control, and task information on levels of adjustment. At the subjective level of analysis, there was some evidence to suggest that work control and task information interacted in their effects on levels of adjustment. There was minimal support for the proposal that work control and task information would buffer the negative effects of task demands on adjustment. There was, however, some evidence to suggest that the stress-buffering role of subjective work control was more marked at high, rather than low, levels of subjective task information.
Many cervical cancers express the E7 protein of human papillomavirus 16 as a tumor-specific Ag (TSA). To establish the role of E7-specific T cell help in CD8(+) CTL-mediated tumor regression, C57BL/6J mice were immunized with E7 protein or with a peptide (GF001) comprising a minimal CTL epitope of E7, together with different adjuvants, Immunized mice were challenged with an E7-expressing tumor cell line, EL4.E7. Growth of EL4.E7 was reduced following immunization with E7 and Quil-A (an adjuvant that induced a Th1-type response to E7) or with GF001 and Quil-A, Depletion of CD8(+) cells, but not CD4(+) cells, from an immunized animal abrogated protection, confirming that E7-specific CTL are necessary and sufficient for TSA-specific protection in this model. Immunization with E7 and Algammulin (an alum-based adjuvant) induced a Th2-like response and provided; no tumor protection. To investigate whether a Th2 T helper response to E7 could prevent the development of an E7-specific CTL-mediated protection, mice were simultaneously immunized with E7/Algammulin and GF001/Quil-A or, alternatively, were immunized with GF011/Quil-A 8 wk after immunization with E7/Algammulin, Tumor protection was observed in each case. We conclude that an established Th2 response to a TSA does not prevent the development of TSA-specific tumor protective CTL.
Cannabis users have recently been told that cannabis smoking is ª relatively harmlessº 1 and presents ª minimal danger to the lungsº .2 These statements seem at odds with the similarities between the carcinogens and other toxic constituents in tobacco and cannabis smoke, the fact that un® ltered cannabis smoke contains more of some carcinogens than ® ltered tobacco smoke3,4 and other evidence that chronic cannabis smoking has adverse respiratory effects.5
Objective: To determine the effect of an early intervention program in an acute care setting on the length of stay in hospital of elderly patients with proximal femoral fractures. Setting: Acute orthopaedic ward of a large teaching hospital. Design and Participants: A randomised controlled trial comparing 38 intervention patients with 33 Standard Care patients. Intervention: Early surgery, minimal narcotic analgesia, intense daily therapy and close monitoring of patient needs via a multidisciplinary approach versus routine hospital management. Main outcome measures: Length of stay (LOS); deaths; level of independent functioning. Results: Mean LOS was shorter in the Intervention group than in the Standard Care group (21 days v. 32.5 days; P<0.01). After adjusting for other factors that could affect LOS (e.g. age, sex, pre-trauma functional levels, pre-trauma comorbidity and postsurgical complications), the Intervention program was significantly predictive of shorter LOS (P=0.01). The Intervention group did not experience greater numbers of deaths, deterioration in function or need for social support than the Standard Care group. Conclusion: This early intervention program in an acute care setting results in significantly shorter length of hospital stay for elderly patients with femoral fractures.
Purpose. To study epidermal and polyethylene membrane penetration and retention of the sunscreen benzophenone-3 (BP) from a range of single solvent vehicles and evaluate solvent effects on permeability parameters. Methods. The solubility of BP was measured in a number of solvents. Penetration of BP across human epidermis and high density polyethylene (HDPE) membranes was studied from 50% saturated solutions in each solvent. Results. Maximal BP fluxes from the solvents across the two membranes varied widely. Highest fluxes were observed from 90% ethanol (EtOH) for epidermis and from isopropyl myristate (IPM) and C12-15 benzoate alcohols (C12-15 BA) for HDPE membrane. Both the flux and estimated permeability coefficient and skin-vehicle partitioning of BP appeared to be related to the vehicle solubility parameter (delta(v)). The major effects of solvents on BP flux appear to be via changes in BP diffusivity through the membranes. Conclusions. Minimal penetration of sunscreens such as BP is best achieved by choosing vehicles with a delta(v) substantially different to the solubility parameter of the membrane.
The murine homologue of the TFEC was cloned as part of an analysis of the expression of the microphthalmia-TFE (MiT) subfamily of transcription factors in macrophages. TFEC, which most likely acts as a transcriptional repressor in heterodimers with other MiT family members, was identified in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, coexpressed,vith all other known MiT subfamily members (Mitf, TFE3, TFEB), Northern blot analysis of several different cell lineages indicated that the expression of murine TFEC (mTFEC) was restricted to macrophages. A 600-bp fragment of the TATA-less putative proximal promoter of TFEC shares features with many known macrophage-specific promoters and preferentially directs luciferase expression in the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line in transient transfection assays. Five of six putative Ets motifs identified in the TFEC promoter bind the macrophage-restricted transcription factor PU,I under in vitro conditions and in transfected 3T3 fibroblasts; the minimal luciferase activity of the TFEC promoter could be induced by coexpression of PU.1 or the related transcription factor Ets-2. The functional importance of the tissue-restricted expression of TFEC and a possible role in macrophage-specific gene regulation require further investigation, but are likely to be linked to the role of the other MiT family members in this lineage.
Hepatitis C infection is associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma, and progress has been made in a number of areas. Transgenic mice lines expressing the hepatitis C core protein develop hepatic steatosis, adenomas, and hepatocellular carcinomas, with no significant hepatitis or fibrosis. This implies that hepatitis C can lead directly to malignant transformation, A new lesion, irregular regeneration, has been described in chronic hepatitis C infection and is associated with a 15-fold increase in the relative risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. A minority of patients with hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma have intense lymphocytic infiltration of the cancer, a feature associated with a better prognosis, Several studies have confirmed the association between large cell dysplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma, However, large cell dysplasia may not be a premalignant lesion and instead may be a marker for premalignant alterations elsewhere in the liver. Oral contraceptives previously have been linked to an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. A large multicenter European case-control study has shown minimal increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma with use of steroidal contraception. Tamoxifen had shown promise in the management of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. However, a randomized placebo-controlled study of 477 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma found no benefit from tamoxifen, In a preliminary study, however, octreotide has shown improved survival and quality of life in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, Finally, interferon treatment continues to be linked to a reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis C, These studies generally are not randomized, and a randomized prospective study is required to address this issue. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Despite the realization that total objectivity is neither achievable nor necessarily desirable in qualitative research, researchers often are required to put aside assumptions so that the true experiences of respondents are reflected in the analysis and reporting of research. In many qualitative publications and conference presentations, researchers report that they have attempted this process, but the means by which this attempt was made often are not explicated. lit this article, the author provides guidance to help qualitative researchers use reflexivity to identify areas of potential bias and to bracket them so their influence on the research process is minimal.
Spider toxins that target potassium channels constitute a new class of pharmacological tools that can be used to probe the structure and function of these channels at the molecular level. The limited studies performed to date indicate that these peptide toxins may facilitate the analysis of K+ channels that have proved insensitive to peptide inhibitors isolated from other animal sources. Thus far, two classes of K+ channel-selective spider toxins have been isolated, sequenced, and pharmacologically characterised - the hanatoxins (HaTx) from Grammastola spatulata and heteropodatoxins (HpTx) from Heteropoda venatoria. The hanatoxins block Kv2.1 and Kv4.2 voltage-gated K+ channels. In Kv2.1 K+ channels this occurs as a consequence of a depolarising shift in the voltage dependence of activation and not by occlusion of the channel pore. These toxins show minimal sequence homology with other peptide inhibitors of K+ channels, but they do share some homology with other ion channel toxins from spiders, particularly with regard to the spacing between cysteine residues. We have recently isolated three K+ channel antagonists from the venom of the Australian funnel-web spider Hadronyche versuta; at least two of these toxins are likely to constitute a new class of spider toxins active on K+ channels as they are approximately twice as large as HaTx and HpTx.
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) production by fermentation was examined under both restricted- and ample-oxygen supply conditions in a single fed-batch fermentation. Recombinant Escherichia coli transformed with the PHB production plasmid pSYL107 was grown to reach high cell density (227 g/l dry cell weight) with a high PHB content (78% of dry cell weight), using a glucose-based minimal medium. A simple flux model containing 12 fluxes was developed and applied to the fermentation data. A superior closure (95%) of the carbon mass balance was achieved. When the data were put into use, the results demonstrated a surprisingly large excretion of formate and lactate. Even though periods of severe oxygen limitation coincided with rapid acetate and lactate excretion, PHB productivity and carbon utilization efficiency were not significantly impaired. These results are very positive in reducing oxygen demand in an industrial PHA fermentation without sacrificing its PHA productivity, thereby reducing overall production costs.