98 resultados para Metagenomic Sequencing
Our current, still limited, understanding of the comparative biology and evolution of polydnaviruses (PDVs) is reviewed, especially in the context of the possible origins of these parasitoid viruses and of their coevolution with carrier wasps. A hypothetical scenario of evolution of PDVs from ascovirus (or ascovirus-like) ancestors is presented, with examples of apparent extant transitional forms. PDVs appear, in the case of bracoviruses, to show phylogenetic relationships that mirror those of their wasp carriers: with ichno-viruses, the picture is less clear. Ongoing sequencing studies of entire PDV genomes from diverse wasp species are likely to greatly contribute to our understanding of PDV evolution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Soil, snow and organic material, collected in November 1997 from the Vestvold Hills, Davis Base, Antarctica, were screened for yeasts. Two isolates, which were shown to be indistinguishable by rDNA sequencing and protein analysis by SIDS-PAGE, are described in this communication as a novel species, Cryptococcus watticus sp. nov. (type culture, CBS 9496(T) = NRRL Y-27556(T)). Sequence analyses of the 26S rDNA D1/D2 region placed C. watticus in the hymenomycetous yeasts in a cluster with Holtermannia corniformis and Cryptococcus nyarrowii. This species has been allocated to the genus Cryptococcus on the basis of physiological and morphological characteristics.
Background Research using neuropsychological testing has demonstrated that patients with schizophrenia show deficits in multiple neurocognitive domains. The aim of this study is to identify cognitive deficits that correlate with length of illness and symptom severity. Method Twenty clinically stable outpatients with chronic schizophrenia (18M : 2F) and 14 healthy controls (13M : 1F), matched on age, gender and parental education, were administered a neuropsychological battery consisting of the Hayling Sentence Completion Test (HSCT), WMS-III Verbal Paired Associates & Letter Number Sequencing, Modified Card Sort Test (MCST), Pyramids & Palm Trees Test, National Adult Reading Test (NART), Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), and WAIS-III. Severity of symptoms was rated with the Structured Clinical Interview – Positive and Negative Syndromes Scale (SCI-PANSS). Results In comparison to controls, patients showed significant deficits on all of the neuropsychological tasks except for the COWAT. MCST total categories, NART, Verbal IQ and arithmetic, similarities & digit symbol of the WAIS-III had the largest effect size between the groups. The longer the illness duration, the poorer the performance on WAISIII block design and the lower the performance IQ score. The poorer the performance on WMS-III letter number sequencing, the greater the positive symptoms, negative symptoms and general psychopathology. Conclusion Compared to controls, patients showed large effect sizes on measures of executive functioning, intelligence, working memory, verbal comprehension and speed of processing. The findings suggest that impairment in executive functioning and performance IQ is associated with length of illness, while impairment in working memory is associated with heightened symptom severity.
Several peptides sharing high sequence homology with lactoferricin B (Lf-cin B) were generated from bovine lactoferrin (Lf) with recombinant chymosin. Two peptides were copurified. one identical to Lf-cin B and another differing from Lf-cin B by the inclusion of a C-terminal alanine (lactoferricin). Two other peptides were copurified from chymosin-hydrolyzed Lf. one differing from Lf-cin B by the inclusion of C-terminal alanyl-leucine and the other being a heterodimer linked by a disulfide bond, These peptides were isolated in a single step from chymosin-hydrolyzed Lf by membrane ton-exchange chromatography and were purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), They were characterized by. N-terminal Edman sequencing, mass spectrometry, and antibacterial activity determination, Pure lactoferricin, prepared from pepsin-hydrolyzed Lf, was purified by standard chromatography techniques, This peptide was analyzed against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria before and after reduction of its disulfide bond or cleavage after its single methionine residue and was found to inhibit the growth of all the test bacteria at a concentration of 8 mu M or less, Subfragments of lactoferricin were isolated from reduced and cleaved peptide by reverse-phase HPLC, Subfragment 1 (residues I to 10) was active against most of the test microorganisms at concentrations of 10 to 50 mu M. Subfragment 2 (residues 11 to 26) was active against only a few microorganisms at concentrations up to 100 mu M. These antibacterial studies indicate that the activity of lactoferricin Is mainly, but not wholly, due to its N-terminal region.
Homocystinuria, due to a deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS), is an inborn error of sulphur-amino acid metabolism, This is an autosomal recessive disease which results in hyperhomocysteinaemia and a wide range of clinical features, including optic lens dislocation, mental retardation, skeletal abnormalities and premature thrombotic events, We report the identification of 5 missense mutations in the protein-coding region of the CBS gene from 3 patients with pyridoxine-nonresponsive homocystinuria. Reverse-transcription PCR was used to amplify CBS cDNA from each patient and the coding region was analysed by direct sequencing, The mutations detected included 3 novel (1058C --> T, 992C --> A and 1316G --> A) and 2 previously identified (430G --> A and 833C --> T) base alterations in the CBS cDNA, Each of these mutations predicts a single amino acid substitution in the CBS polypeptide, Appropriate cassettes of patient CBS cDNA, containing each of the above defined mutations, were used to replace the corresponding cassettes of normal CBS cDNA sequence within the bacterial expression vector pT7-7. These recombinant mutant and normal CBS constructs were expressed in Escherichia coli cells and the catalytic activities of the mutant proteins were compared with normal. All of the mutant proteins exhibited decreased catalytic activity in vitro, which confirmed the association between the individual mutation and CBS dysfunction in each patient.
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an inborn error of haem biosynthesis caused by a variety of mutations in the gene coding for hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMB-S). The entire coding sequence of this gene, from each of three South African AIP patients, was therefore screened for mutations using chemical cleavage mismatch (CCM) analysis and any changes detected characterized by DNA sequencing. Three single base changes were identified; a G(77) to A in exon 3, a C-346 to T in exon 8 and a G(518) to A in exon 10. These missense mutations, previously reported to be present in other populations, are known to be responsible for the structurally deleterious amino acid replacements R26H, R116W and R173Q, respectively. The in vitro expression of the enzymes containing these mutations and the subsequent measurement of their specific activities revealed a reduction to approximately 4% of normal activity. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are ubiquitous in eukaryotic genomes. Single-locus SSR markers have been developed for a number of species, although there is a major bottleneck in developing SSR markers whereby flanking sequences must be known to design 5'-anchors for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Inter SSR (ISSR) fingerprinting was developed such that no sequence knowledge was required. Primers based on a repeat sequence, such as (CA)(n), can be made with a degenerate 3'-anchor, such as (CA)(8)RG or (AGC)(6)TY. The resultant PCR reaction amplifies the sequence between two SSRs, yielding a multilocus marker system useful for fingerprinting, diversity analysis and genome mapping. PCR products are radiolabelled with P-32 or P-33 via end-labelling or PCR incorporation, and separated on a polyacrylamide sequencing gel prior to autoradiographic visualisation. A typical reaction yields 20-100 bands per lane depending on the species and primer. We have used ISSR fingerprinting in a number of plant species, and report here some results on two important tropical species, sorghum and banana. Previous investigators have demonstrated that ISSR analysis usually detects a higher level of polymorphism than that detected with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. Our data indicate that this is not a result of greater polymorphism genetically, but rather technical reasons related to the detection methodology used for ISSR analysis.
Adenomas are the precursors of most colorectal cancers. Hyperplastic polyps have been linked to the subset of colorectal cancers showing DNA microsatellite instability, but little is known of their underlying genetic etiology. Using a strategy that isolates differentially methylated sequences from hyperplastic polyps and normal mucosa, we identified a 370-bp sequence containing the 5' untranslated region and the first exon of a gene that we have called HPP1. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends was used to isolate HPP1 from normal mucose. Using reverse transcription-PCR, HPP1 was expressed in 28 of 30 (93%) normal colonic samples but in only seven of 30 (23%) colorectal cancers (P < 0.001). The 5' region of HPP1 included a CpG island containing 49 CpG sites, of which 96% were found to be methylated by bisulfite sequencing of DNA from colonic tumor samples. By COBRA analysis, methylation was detected in six of nine (66%) adenomas, 17 of 27 (63%) hyperplastic polyps, and 46 of 55 (84%) colorectal cancers. There was an inverse relationship between methylation level and mRNA expression in cancers (r = -0.67; P < 0.001), and 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine treatment restored HPP1 expression in two colorectal cancer cell lines. In situ hybridization of HPP1 indicated that expression occurs in epithelial and stromal elements in normal mucosa but is silenced in both cell types in early colonic neoplasia. HPP1 is predicted to encode a transmembrane protein containing follistatin and epidermal growth factor-like domains. Silencing of HPP1 by methylation may increase the probability of neoplastic transformation.
The major proteins of baboon milk were identified as beta -lactoglobulin (beta LG), alpha -lactalbumin (alpha LA), lysozyme, lactoferrin, casein, and albumin by immobiline isoelectric focusing, SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting of gels with rabbit antisera to human alpha LA, lysozyme, and albumin and bovine beta LG and casein, and N-terminal sequencing of proteins blotted from gels. The first 30 N-terminal residues of baboon polymorphism at residue 2. The complete cDNA sequence and derived amino acid composition of beta LG were elucidated using RT-PCR amplification of poly(A)(+) mRNA purified from lactating mammary gland. Baboon beta LG identified to date. beta LG and alpha LA polymorphisms with three (A, B, and C) and two (A and B) variants, respectively, were detected by immobiline IEF, pH 4-6, of individual baboon milk samples at varying stages of lactation.
Approximately 50% of all melanoma families worldwide show linkage to 9p21-22, but only about half of these have been shown to contain germ line CDKN2A mutations. It has been hypothesized that a proportion of these families carry mutations in the noncoding regions of CDKN2A. Several Canadian families have been reported to carry a mutation in the 5' UTR, at position -34 relative to the start site, which gives rise to a novel AUG translation initiation codon that markedly decreases translation from the wild-type AUG (Liu et al., 1999). Haplotype sharing in these Canadian families suggested that this mutation is of British origin. We sequenced 1,327 base pairs (bp) of CDKN2A, making up 1,116 bp of the 5' UTR and promoter, all of exon 1, and 61 bp of intron 1, in at least one melanoma case from 110 Australian families with three or more affected members known not to carry mutations within the p16 coding region. In addition, 431 bp upstream of the start codon was sequenced in an additional 253 affected probands from two-case melanoma families for which the CDKN2A mutation status was unknown. Several known polymorphisms at positions -33, -191, -493, and -735 were detected, in addition to four novel variants at positions 120, -252, -347, and -981 relative to the start codon. One of the probands from a two-case family was found to have the previously reported Q50R mutation. No family member was found to carry the mutation at position -34 or any other disease-associated mutation. For further investigation of noncoding CDKN2A mutations that may affect transcription, allele-specific expression analysis was carried out in 31 of the families with at least three affected members who showed either complete or indeterminate 9p haplotype sharing without CDKN2A exonic mutations. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and automated sequencing showed expression of both CDKN2A alleles in all family members tested. The lack of CDKN2A promoter mutations and the absence of transcriptional silencing in the germ line of this cohort of families suggest that mutations in the promoter and 5' UTR play a very limited role in melanoma predisposition. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
As a result of testing for lipid and apolipoprotein(e) (apo E) phenotype status of an indigenous Australian community, an apo E variant associated with type III hyperlipoproteinaemia has been identified. Apo E phenotype was determined by analysis of VLDL by isoelectric focusing, and genotype on DNA amplified by polymerase chain reaction, using two different restriction enzyme isotyping assays. Phenotypes and genotypes were discordant in samples from two subjects and an abnormal-sized restriction fragment was also observed in their genotyping gel patterns. DNA sequencing studies revealed this was due to a single nucleotide deletion. 3817delC, at amino acid 136 on apo E. This resulted in a new reading frame and the premature termination of the apo E protein due to a stop codon (TGA) at nucleotide 4105. The variant apo E null allele showed a recessive mode of inheritance and, in combination with the E2 allele, resulted in the type III hyperlipoproteinaemic phenotype but when inherited with the E4 allele had no marked effect on plasma lipids.
The 12 cysteine residues in the flavivirus NS1 protein are strictly conserved, suggesting that they form disulfide bonds that are critical for folding the protein into a functional structure. In this study, we examined the intramolecular disulfide bond arrangement of NS1 of Murray Valley encephalitis virus and elucidated three of the six cysteine-pairing arrangements. Disulfide linkages were identified by separating tryptic-digested NS1 by reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography and analysing the resulting peptide peaks by protein sequencing, amino acid analysis and/or electrospray mass spectrometry. The pairing arrangements between the six amino-terminal cysteines were identified as follows: Cys(4)-Cys(15), Cys(55)-Cys(143) and Cys(179)-Cys(223). Although the pairing arrangements between the six carboxyterminal cysteines were not determined, we were able to eliminate several cysteine-pairing combinations. Furthermore, we demonstrated that all three putative N-linked glycosylation sites of NS1 are utilized and that the Asn(207) glycosylation site contains a mannose-rich glycan.
In mid-January 2000, the reappearance of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus activity in the Australasian region was first demonstrated by the isolation of JE virus from 3 sentinel pigs on Badu Island in the Torres Strait. Further evidence of JE virus activity was revealed through the isolation of JE virus from Cidex gelidus mosquitoes collected on Badu Island and the detection of specific JE virus neutralizing antibodies in 3 pigs from Saint Pauls community on Moa Island. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of the premembrane and envelope genes were performed which showed that both the pig and mosquito JE virus isolates (TSOO and TS4152, respectively) clustered in genotype I, along with northern Thai, Cambodian, and Korean isolates. All previous Australasian JE virus isolates belong to genotype II, along with Malaysian and Indonesian isolates. Therefore, for the first time, the appearance and transmission of a second genotype of JE virus in the Australasian region has been demonstrated.
Cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies have long indicated the presence of a tumor suppressor gene (TSG) on 90 involved in the development of melanoma, Although LOH at 90 has been reported in approximately 60% of melanoma tumors, only 5-10% of these tumors have been shown to carry CDKN2A mutations, raising the possibility that another TSG involved in melanoma maps to chromosome 90. To investigate this possibility, a panel of 37 melanomas derived from 35 individuals was analyzed for CDKN2A mutations hy single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and sequencing. The melanoma samples were then typed for 15 markers that map to 9p13-24 to investigate LOH trends in this region. In those tumors demonstrating retention of heterozygosity at markers flanking CDKN2A and LOH on one or both sides of the gene, multiplex microsatellite PCR was performed to rule out homozygous deletion of the region encompassing CDKN2A. CDKN2A mutations were found in tumors from 5 patients [5 (14%) of 35], 4 of which demonstrated LOH across the entire region examined. The remaining tumor with no observed LOH carried two point mutations, one on each allele, Although LOH was identified at one or more markers in 22 (59%) of 37 melanoma tumors corresponding to 20 (57%) of 35 individuals, only 11 tumors from 9 individuals [9 (26%) of 35] demonstrated LOH at D9S942 and D9S1748, the markers closest to CDKN2A. Of the remaining 11 tumors with LOH, 9 demonstrated LOH at two or more contiguous markers either centromeric and/or telomeric to CDKN2A while retaining heterozygosity at several markers adjacent to CDKN2A. Multiplex PCR revealed one tumor carried a homozygous deletion extending from D9S1748 to the IFN-alpha locus. In the remaining eight tumors, multiplex PCR demonstrated that the observed heterozygosity was not attributable to homozygous deletion and stromal contamination at D9S1748, D9S942, or D9S974, as measured by comparative amplification strengths, which indicates that retention of heterozygosity with flanking LOH does not always indicate a homozygous deletion, This report supports the conclusions of previous studies that at least two TSGs involved in melanoma development in addition to CDKN2A may reside on chromosome 9p.
RAD51 colocalizes with both BRCA1 and BRCA2, and genetic variants in RAD51 would be candidate BRCA1/2 modifiers. We searched for RAD51 polymorphisms by sequencing 20 individuals. We compared the polymorphism allele frequencies between female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with and without breast or ovarian cancer and between population-based ovarian cancer cases with BRCA1/2 mutations to cases and controls without mutations. We discovered two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at positions 135 g-->c and 172 g-->t of the 5' untranslated region. In an initial group of BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, 14 (21%) of 67 breast cancer cases carried a c allele at RAD51:135 g-->c, whereas 8 (7%) of 119 women without breast cancer carried this allele. In a second set of 466 mutation carriers from three centers, the association of RAD51:135 g-->c with breast cancer risk was not confirmed. Analyses restricted to the 216 BRCA2 mutation carriers, however, showed a statistically significant association of the 135 c allele with the risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 3.2; 95% confidence limit, 1.4-40). BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with ovarian cancer were only about one half as likely to carry the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP. Analysis of the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP in 738 subjects from an Israeli ovarian cancer case-control study was consistent with a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with the c allele. We have identified a RAD51 5' untranslated region SNP that may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA2 mutation carriers. The biochemical basis of this risk modifier is currently unknown.