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It is often debated whether migraine with aura (MA) and migraine without aura (MO) are etiologically distinct disorders. A previous study using latent class analysis (LCA) in Australian twins showed no evidence for separate subtypes of MO and MA. The aim of the present study was to replicate these results in a population of Dutch twins and their parents, siblings and partners (N = 10,144). Latent class analysis of International Headache Society (IHS)-based migraine symptoms resulted in the identification of 4 classes: a class of unaffected subjects (class 0), a mild form of nonmigrainous headache (class 1), a moderately severe type of migraine (class 2), typically without neurological symptoms or aura (8% reporting aura symptoms), and a severe type of migraine (class 3), typically with neurological symptoms, and aura symptoms in approximately half of the cases. Given the overlap of neurological symptoms and nonmutual exclusivity of aura symptoms, these results do not support the MO and MA subtypes as being etiologically distinct. The heritability in female twins of migraine based on LCA classification was estimated at .50 (95% confidence intervals [0CI} .27 -.59), similar to IHS-based migraine diagnosis (h(2) = .49, 95% Cl .19-.57). However, using a dichotomous classification (affected-unaffected) decreased heritability for the IHS-based classification (h(2) = .33, 95% Cl .00-.60), but not the LCA-based classification (h(2) = .51, 95% Cl. 23-.61). Importantly, use of the LCA-based classification increased the number of subjects classified as affected. The heritability of the screening question was similar to more detailed LCA and IHS classifications, suggesting that the screening procedure is an important determining factor in genetic studies of migraine.


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MRI diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), optimized for measuring the trace of the diffusion tensor, was used to investigate microstructural changes in the brains of 12 individuals with schizophrenia compared with 12 matched control subjects. To control for the effects of anatomic variation between subject groups, all participants' diffusion images were non-linearly registered to standard anatomical space. Significant statistical differences in mean diffusivity (MD) measures between the two groups were determined on a pixel-by-pixel basis, using Gaussian random field theory. We found significantly elevated MD measures within temporal, parietal and prefrontal cortical regions in the schizophrenia group (P > 0.001), especially within the medial frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate. The dorsal medial and anterior nucleus of the thalamus, including the caudate, also exhibited significantly increased MD in the schizophrenia group (P > 0.001). This study has shown for the first time that MD measures offer an alternative strategy for investigating altered prefrontal-thalamic circuitry in schizophrenia. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The molecular pathogenesis of various categories of breast cancer (BC) has been well described, but surprisingly few reports have appeared on analysis of somatic mutations in bilateral BC. We have performed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-driven investigation of chromosomal regions showing common loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 23 cases (46 rumors) from patients diagnosed with bilateral BC, LOH was observed in 15/46 (33%) informative tumors for chromosome 1p, 5/32 (16%) for 5q, 12/44 (27%) for 11q, 15/40 (38%) for 13q and 4/24 (17%) for 17p. These values are within the range of interlaboratory variations reported fur unilateral BC, There was no strong evidence for concordance of LOH within the same patient for any of the chromosomal loci tested. Atypical for breast carcinomas, 7/46 (15%) turners accumulated a high frequency (ranging from 11 to 29%) of shortened dinucleotide CA repeats, implying microsatellite instability (MI). Further analysis with the highly informative BAT-26 marker allowed for the classification of two of these tumors as having a replication error positive (RER+/MSI-H) phenotype, whereas the remaining five carcinomas harbored so-called borderline MI. Thus an involvement of both RER+ and borderline MI appears to be a distinct feature of bilateral breast carcinomas compared to unilateral lesions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Once thought rare, primary aldosteronism (PAL) is now reported to be responsible for 5–10% of hypertension. Unlike familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), FH-II is not glucocorticoidremediable and not associated with the hybrid CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene mutation. At least five times more common than FH-I, FH-II is clinically indistinguishable from apparently sporadic PAL, suggesting an even higher incidence. Studies performed in collaboration with C Stratakis (NIH, Bethesda) on our largest Australian family (eight affected members) demonstrated linkage at chromosome 7p22. Linkage at this region was also found in a South American family (DNA provided by MI New, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York) and in a second Australian family. The combined multipoint LOD score for these 3 families is 4.61 (q = 0) with markers D7S462 and D7S517, providing strong support for this locus harbouring mutations responsible for FH-II. A newly identified recombination event in our largest Australian family has narrowed the region of linkage by 1.8 Mb, permitting exclusion of approximately half the genes residing in the originally reported 5 Mb linked locus. Candidate genes that are involved in cell cycle control are of interest as adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal adenomas are common in FH-II patients. A novel candidate gene in this linked region produces the retinoblastoma-associated Kruppel-associated box protein (RBaK) which interacts with the retinoblastoma gene product to repress the expression of genes activated by members of the E2F family of transcription factors.


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The Clinician Development Program (CDP) is an initiative of Queensland Health’s Quality Improvement and Enhancement Program. At the Royal Brisbane & Royal Women's Hospital Health Service Districts, evidence-base practice (EBP) is an important CDP area in which several projects were carried out in 2002. This paper describes one such project. A medical librarian was invited to accompany the clinical team on morning rounds in the Medical Assessment & Planning Unit (MAPU). The librarian conducted information skills training in the ward and helped clinicians to answer questions directly related to patient care. Questions not answered during the round were followed-up, usually within 48 hours, and responses emailed to the consultant who led the rounds. At the project’s conclusion the librarian was invited to continue as a member of the MAPU clinical team, thus acknowledging the valuable role an information specialist can play in incorporating research evidence into patient care. Clinical librarianship (CL) creates a space, albeit a contentious one, for the health librarian at the bedside. This paper describes an Australian CL project and attempts to demystify the role of an information specialist in EBP. It also highlights some of the challenges facing librarians and clinicians attempting to embed EBP in clinical settings.


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Nine individuals with complex language deficits following left-hemisphere cortical lesions and a matched control group (n 5 9) performed speeded lexical decisions on the third word of auditory word triplets containing a lexical ambiguity. The critical conditions were concordant (e.g., coin–bank–money), discordant (e.g., river–bank–money), neutral (e.g., day–bank– money), and unrelated (e.g., river–day–money). Triplets were presented with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 100 and 1250 ms. Overall, the left-hemisphere-damaged subjects appeared able to exhaustively access meanings for lexical ambiguities rapidly, but were unable to reduce the level of activation for contextually inappropriate meanings at both short and long ISIs, unlike control subjects. These findings are consistent with a disruption of the proposed role of the left hemisphere in selecting and suppressing meanings via contextual integration and a sparing of the right-hemisphere mechanisms responsible for maintaining alternative meanings.


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Tobacco harm reduction (THR) policies aim to reduce the prevalence of tobacco-related harm by encouraging smokers who are unable or unwilling to quit to adopt less harmful ways of obtaining nicotine, such as pharmaceutical nicotine and oral tobacco snuff. Proponents of THR argue that the effects of tobacco control policies have reduced smoking as much as they reasonably can and that we can best reduce tobacco-related harm by encouraging smokers to use these methods, which substantially reduce the health risks of smoking. Critics argue that THR policies will undermine the two traditional tobacco control goals of preventing the uptake of smoking by young people and encouraging smokers to quit. I assess the main arguments and evidence advanced for and against THR.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, degenerative, neurological disease. The progressive disability associated with PD results in substantial burdens for those with the condition, their families and society in terms of increased health resource use, earnings loss of affected individuals and family caregivers, poorer quality of life, caregiver burden, disrupted family relationships, decreased social and leisure activities, and deteriorating emotional well-being. Currently, no cure is available and the efficacy of available treatments, such as medication and surgical interventions, decreases with longer duration of the disease. Whilst the cause of PD is unknown, genetic and environmental factors are believed to contribute to its aetiology. Descriptive and analytical epidemiological studies have been conducted in a number of countries in an effort to elucidate the cause, or causes, of PD. Rural residency, farming, well water consumption, pesticide exposure, metals and solvents have been implicated as potential risk factors for PD in some previous epidemiological studies. However, there is substantial disagreement between the results of existing studies. Therefore, the role of environmental exposures in the aetiology of PD remains unclear. The main component of this thesis consists of a case-control study that assessed the contribution of environmental exposures to the risk of developing PD. An existing, previously unanalysed, dataset from a local case-control study was analysed to inform the design of the new case-control study. The analysis results suggested that regular exposure to pesticides and head injury were important risk factors for PD. However, due to the substantial limitations of this existing study, further confirmation of these results was desirable with a more robustly designed epidemiological study. A new exposure measurement instrument (a structured interviewer-delivered questionnaire) was developed for the new case-control study to obtain data on demographic, lifestyle, environmental and medical factors. Prior to its use in the case-control study, the questionnaire was assessed for test-retest repeatability in a series of 32 PD cases and 29 healthy sex-, age- and residential suburb-matched electoral roll controls. High repeatability was demonstrated for lifestyle exposures, such as smoking and coffee/tea consumption (kappas 0.70-1.00). The majority of environmental exposures, including use of pesticides, solvents and exposure to metal dusts and fumes, also showed high repeatability (kappas >0.78). A consecutive series of 163 PD case participants was recruited from a neurology clinic in Brisbane. One hundred and fifty-one (151) control participants were randomly selected from the Australian Commonwealth Electoral Roll and individually matched to the PD cases on age (± 2 years), sex and current residential suburb. Participants ranged in age from 40-89 years (mean age 67 years). Exposure data were collected in face-to-face interviews. Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using conditional logistic regression for matched sets in SAS version 9.1. Consistent with previous studies, ever having been a regular smoker or coffee drinker was inversely associated with PD with dose-response relationships evident for packyears smoked and number of cups of coffee drunk per day. Passive smoking from ever having lived with a smoker or worked in a smoky workplace was also inversely related to PD. Ever having been a regular tea drinker was associated with decreased odds of PD. Hobby gardening was inversely associated with PD. However, use of fungicides in the home garden or occupationally was associated with increased odds of PD. Exposure to welding fumes, cleaning solvents, or thinners occupationally was associated with increased odds of PD. Ever having resided in a rural or remote area was inversely associated with PD. Ever having resided on a farm was only associated with moderately increased odds of PD. Whilst the current study’s results suggest that environmental exposures on their own are only modest contributors to overall PD risk, the possibility that interaction with genetic factors may additively or synergistically increase risk should be considered. The results of this research support the theory that PD has a multifactorial aetiology and that environmental exposures are some of a number of factors to contribute to PD risk. There was also evidence of interaction between some factors (eg smoking and welding) to moderate PD risk.


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Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular α-Proteobacteria found in numerous arthropod and filarial nematode species [1, 2 and 3]. They influence the biology of their hosts in many ways. In some cases, they act as obligate mutualists and are required for the normal development and reproduction of the host [4 and 5]. They are best known, however, for the various reproductive parasitism traits that they can generate in infected hosts. These include cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) between individuals of different infection status, the parthenogenetic production of females, the selective killing of male embryos, and the feminization of genetic males [1 and 2]. Wolbachia infections of Drosophila melanogaster are extremely common in both wild populations and long-term laboratory stocks [6, 7 and 8]. Utilizing the newly completed genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel [9], we have identified a number of polymorphic markers that can be used to discriminate among five different Wolbachia variants within what was previously thought to be the single clonal infection of D. melanogaster. Analysis of long-term lab stocks together with wild-caught flies indicates that one of these variants has replaced the others globally within the last century. This is the first report of a global replacement of a Wolbachia strain in an insect host species. The sweep is at odds with current theory that cannot explain how Wolbachia can invade this host species given the observed cytoplasmic incompatibility characteristics of Wolbachia infections in D. melanogaster in the field [6].


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Endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among arthropods and can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male-killing or feminization in their hosts. Here, we report phylogenetic relationships of Wolbachia in tephritid fruit flies based on wsp gene sequences. We also report, for the first time, five distinct strains of Wolbachia in Bactrocera ascita sp. B. Four of the five Wolbachia strains found in this species were in the same groups as those found in other tephritid fruit flies, suggesting possible horizontal transmission of Wolbachia from other fruit flies into B. ascita sp. B. The unreliability of wsp-specific group primers demonstrated in this study suggests that these primers might be useful only for preliminary identification of Wolbachia. Final determination of group affiliation needs to be verified with wsp sequence data.