80 resultados para Invoice matching
Fatigue was induced in the triceps brachii of the experimental arm by a regimen of either eccentric or concentric muscle actions. Estimates of force were assessed using a contralateral limb-matching procedure, in which target force levels (25 %, 50 % or 75 % of maximum) were defined by the unfatigued control arm. Maximum isometric force-generating capacity was reduced by 31 % immediately following eccentric contractions, and remained depressed at 24 (25 %) and 48 h (13 %) post-exercise. A less marked reduction (8.3 %) was observed immediately following concentric contractions. Those participants who performed prior eccentric contractions, consistently (at all force levels), and persistently (throughout the recovery period), overestimated the level of force applied by the experimental arm. In other words, they believed that they were generating more force than they actually achieved. When the forces applied by the experimental and the control arm, were each expressed as a proportion of the maximum force that could be attained at that time, the estimates matched extremely closely. This outcome is that which would be expected if the estimates of force were based on a sense of effort. Following eccentric exercise, the amplitude of the EMG activity recorded from the experimental arm was substantially greater than that recorded from the control arm. Cortically evoked potentials recorded from the triceps brachii (and extensor carpi radialis) of the experimental arm were also substantially larger than those elicited prior to exercise. The sense of effort was evidently not based upon a corollary of the central motor command. Rather, the relationship between the sense of effort and the motor command appears to have been altered as a result of the fatiguing eccentric contractions. It is proposed that the sense of effort is associated with activity in neural centres upstream of the motor cortex.
We investigate the modulational instability of plane waves in quadratic nonlinear materials with linear and nonlinear quasi-phase-matching gratings. Exact Floquet calculations, confirmed by numerical simulations, show that the periodicity can drastically alter the gain spectrum but never completely removes the instability. The low-frequency part of the gain spectrum is accurately predicted by an averaged theory and disappears for certain gratings. The high-frequency part is related to the inherent gain of the homogeneous non-phase-matched material and is a consistent spectral feature.
MHCPEP (http://wehih.wehi.edu.au/mhcpep/) is a curated database comprising over 13 000 peptide sequences known to bind MHC molecules, Entries are compiled from published reports as well as from direct submissions of experimental data, Each entry contains the peptide sequence, its MHC specificity and where available, experimental method, observed activity, binding affinity, source protein and anchor positions, as well as publication references, The present format of the database allows text string matching searches but can easily be converted for use in conjunction with sequence analysis packages. The database can be accessed via Internet using WWW or FTP.
The classical model of capillary equilibrium in cylindrical pores is modified here by the introduction of molecular concepts and the solid fluid interaction potential. The new approach accurately predicts capillary coexistence and criticality, with results quantitatively matching those from density functional theory for nitrogen adsorption, while also predicting condensation pressures in agreement with reported experimental findings for MCM-41. The larger critical pore size for nitrogen adsorption in these materials, however, suggests a modification of the potential function parameters, evaluated here from data for hydroxylated silica.
Background The present study investigated histories of prior psychiatric treatment in cases of sudden death reported to the coroner Methods A matching survey linked the register of deaths reported to the coroner with a comprehensive statewide psychiatric case register covering both inpatient and community-based services. Results Sudden death was five times higher in people with histories of psychiatric contact. Suicide accounted for part of this excess mortality but deaths from natural causes and accidents were also elevated. Schizophrenic and affective disorders had similar suicide rates. Comorbid substance misuse doubled the risk of sudden death in affective and schizophrenic disorders. Conclusions The rates of sudden death are sufficiently elevated to raise questions about current priorities in mental health care. There is a need both for greater attention to suicide risk, most notably among young people with schizophrenia, to the early detection of cardiovascular disorders and to the vigorous management of comorbid substance misuse.
A sensitive near-resonant four-wave mixing technique based on two-photon parametric four-wave mixing has been developed. Seeded parametric four-wave mixing requires only a single laser as an additional phase matched seeder field is generated via parametric four-wave mixing of the pump beam in a high gain cell. The seeder field travels collinearly with the pump beam providing efficient nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a second medium. This simple arrangement facilitates the detection of complex molecular spectra by simply scanning the pump laser. Seeded parametric four-wave mixing is demonstrated in both a low pressure cell and an air/acetylene flame with detection of the two-photon C (2) Pi(upsilon'=0)<--X (2) Pi(upsilon =0) spectrum of nitric oxide. From the cell data a detection limit of 10(12) molecules/cm(3) is established. A theoretical model of seeded parametric four-wave mixing is developed from existing parametric four-wave mixing theory. The addition of the seeder field significantly modifies the parametric four-wave mixing behaviour such that in the small signal regime, the signal intensity can readily be made to scale as the cube of the laser pump power while the density dependence follows a more familiar square law dependence, In general, we find excellent agreement between theory and experiment. Limitations to the process result from an ac Stark shift of the two-photon resonance in the high pressure seeder cell caused by the generation of a strong seeder field, as well as a reduction in phase matching efficiency due to the presence of certain buffer species. Various optimizations are suggested which should overcome these limitations, providing even greater detection sensitivity. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics, [S0021-9606(98)01014-9].
The problem of extracting pore size distributions from characterization data is solved here with particular reference to adsorption. The technique developed is based on a finite element collocation discretization of the adsorption integral, with fitting of the isotherm data by least squares using regularization. A rapid and simple technique for ensuring non-negativity of the solutions is also developed which modifies the original solution having some negativity. The technique yields stable and converged solutions, and is implemented in a package RIDFEC. The package is demonstrated to be robust, yielding results which are less sensitive to experimental error than conventional methods, with fitting errors matching the known data error. It is shown that the choice of relative or absolute error norm in the least-squares analysis is best based on the kind of error in the data. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L,) Moench] hybrids containing the stay-green trait retain more photosynthetically active leaves under drought than do hybrids that do not contain this trait. Since the Longevity and photosynthetic capacity of a leaf are related to its N status, it is important to clarify the role of N in extending leaf greenness in stay-green hybrids. Field studies were conducted in northeastern Australia to examine the effect of three water regimes and nine hybrids on N uptake and partitioning among organs. Nine hybrids varying in the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green were grown under a fully irrigated control, post-flowering water deficit, and terminal water deficit. For hybrids grown under terminal water deficit, stay-green was viewed as a consequence of the balance between N demand by the grain and N supply during gain filling. On the demand side, grain numbers were 16% higher in the four stay-green than in the five senescent hybrids. On the supply side, age-related senescence provided an average of 34 and 42 kg N ha(-1) for stay-green and senescent hybrids, respectively. In addition, N uptake during grain filling averaged 116 and 82 kg ha(-1) in stay-green and senescent hybrids. Matching the N supply from these two sources with grain N demand found that the shortfall in N supply for grain filling in the stay-green and senescent hybrids averaged 32 and 41 kg N ha(-1) resulting in more accelerated leaf senescence in the senescent hybrids. Genotypic differences in delayed onset and reduced rate of leaf senescence were explained by differences in specific leaf nitrogen and N uptake during grain filling. Leaf nitrogen concentration at anthesis was correlated with onset (r = 0.751**, n = 27) and rate (r = -0.783**, n = 27) of leaf senescence ender terminal water deficit.
A proteomics approach was used to identify the proteins potentially implicated in the cellular response concomitant with elevated production levels of human growth hormone in a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line following exposure to 0.5 mM butyrate and 80 muM zinc sulphate in the production media. This involved incorporation of two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis and protein identification by a combination of N-terminal sequencing, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry, amino acid analysis and cross species database matching. From these identifications a CHO 2-D reference,map and annotated database have been established. Metabolic labelling and subsequent autoradiography showed the induction of a number of cellular proteins in response to the media additives butyrate and zinc sulphate. These were identified as GRP75, enolase and thioredoxin. The chaperone proteins GRP78, HSP90, GRP94 and HSP70 were not up-regulated under these conditions.
The effect that the difficulty of the discrimination between task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimuli has on the relationship between skin conductance orienting and secondary task reaction time (RT) was examined. Participants (N = 72) counted the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and ignored presentations of another shape (task-irrelevant). The difficulty of discriminating between the two shapes varied across three groups (low, medium, and high difficulty). Simultaneous with the primary counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to acoustic probes presented 50, 150, and 2000 ms following shape onset. Skin conductance orienting was larger, and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position was slower during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes in the low-difficulty group. This difference declined as the discrimination difficulty was increased, such that there was no difference in the high-difficulty group. Secondary RT was slower during task-irrelevant shapes than during task-relevant shapes only in the medium-difficulty group-and only at the 150 ms probe position in the first half of the experiment. The close relationship between autonomic orienting and secondary RT at the 2000 ms probe position suggests that orienting reflects the resource allocation that results from the number of matching features between a stimulus input and a mental representation primed as significant.
This paper describes algorithms that can identify patterns of brain structure and function associated with Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, normal aging, and abnormal brain development based on imaging data collected in large human populations. Extraordinary information can be discovered with these techniques: dynamic brain maps reveal how the brain grows in childhood, how it changes in disease, and how it responds to medication. Genetic brain maps can reveal genetic influences on brain structure, shedding light on the nature-nurture debate, and the mechanisms underlying inherited neurobehavioral disorders. Recently, we created time-lapse movies of brain structure for a variety of diseases. These identify complex, shifting patterns of brain structural deficits, revealing where, and at what rate, the path of brain deterioration in illness deviates from normal. Statistical criteria can then identify situations in which these changes are abnormally accelerated, or when medication or other interventions slow them. In this paper, we focus on describing our approaches to map structural changes in the cortex. These methods have already been used to reveal the profile of brain anomalies in studies of dementia, epilepsy, depression, childhood and adult-onset schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Tourette syndrome, Williams syndrome, and in methamphetamine abusers. Specifically, we describe an image analysis pipeline known as cortical pattern matching that helps compare and pool cortical data over time and across subjects. Statistics are then defined to identify brain structural differences between groups, including localized alterations in cortical thickness, gray matter density (GMD), and asymmetries in cortical organization. Subtle features, not seen in individual brain scans, often emerge when population-based brain data are averaged in this way. Illustrative examples are presented to show the profound effects of development and various diseases on the human cortex. Dynamically spreading waves of gray matter loss are tracked in dementia and schizophrenia, and these sequences are related to normally occurring changes in healthy subjects of various ages. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.
In studies of mirror-self-recognition subjects are usually surreptitiously marked on their head, and then presented with a mirror. Scores of studies have established that by 18 to 24 months, children investigate their own head upon seeing the mark in the mirror. Scores of papers have debated what this means. Suggestions range from rich interpretations (e.g., the development of self-awareness) to lean accounts (e.g., the development of proprioceptivevisual matching), and include numerous more moderate proposals (e.g., the development of a concept of one's face). In Study 1, 18-24-monthold toddlers were given the standard test and a novel task in which they were marked on their legs rather than on their face. Toddlers performed equivalently on both tasks, suggesting that passing the test does not rely on information specific to facial features. In Study 2, toddlers were surreptitiously slipped into trouser legs that were prefixed to a highchair. Toddlers failed to retrieve the sticker now that their legs looked different from expectations. This finding, together with the findings from a third study which showed that self-recognition in live video feedback develops later than mirror selfrecognition, suggests that performance is not solely the result of proprioceptive-visual matching.
This paper reports an investigation on techniques for determining elastic modulus and intrinsic stress gradient in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) silicon nitride thin films. The elastic property of the silicon nitride thin films was determined using the nanoindentation method on silicon nitride/silicon bilayer systems. A simple empirical formula was developed to deconvolute the film elastic modulus. The intrinsic stress gradient in the films was determined by using micrometric cantilever beams, cross-membrane structures and mechanical simulation. The deflections of the silicon nitride thin film cantilever beams and cross-membranes caused by in-thickness stress gradients were measured using optical interference microscopy. Finite-element beam models were built to compute the deflection induced by the stress gradient. Matching the deflection computed under a given gradient with that measured experimentally on fabricated samples allows the stress gradient of the PECVD silicon nitride thin films introduced from the fabrication process to be evaluated.
Objective To investigate whether people diagnosed with cancer have an increased risk of death from non-cancer causes compared to the general population. Methods The non-cancer mortality of people diagnosed with cancer in Queensland (Australia) between 1982 and 2002 who had not died before 1 January 1993 was compared to the mortality of the total Queensland population, matching by age group and sex, and reporting by standardised mortality ratios. Results Compared to the non-cancer mortality in the general population, cancer patients (all cancers combined) were nearly 50% more likely to die of non-cancer causes (SMR = 149.9, 95% CI = [147-153]). This varied by cancer site. Overall melanoma patients had significantly lower non-cancer mortality, female breast cancer patients had similar non-cancer mortality to the general population, while increased non-cancer mortality risks were observed for people diagnosed with cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and lung cancer. Conclusions Although cancer-specific death rates underestimate the mortality directly associated with a diagnosis of cancer, quantifying the degree of underestimation is difficult due to various competing explanations. There remains an important role for future research in understanding the causes of morbidity among cancer survivors, particularly those looking at both co-morbid illnesses and reductions in quality of life.
MHCPEP is a curated database comprising over 9000 peptide sequences known to bind MHC molecules. Entries are compiled from published reports as well as from direct submissions of experimental data. Each entry contains the peptide sequence, its MHC specificity and, when available, experimental method, observed activity, binding affinity, source protein, anchor positions and publication references. The present format of the database allows text string matching searches but can easily be converted for use in conjunction with sequence analysis packages. The database can be accessed via Internet using WWW, FTP or Gopher.