127 resultados para IMMEDIATE-EARLY GENE


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Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of a psychoeducational intervention in improving cancer-related fatigue. Patients and Methods This randomized controlled trial involved 109 women commencing adjuvant chemotherapy for stage I or II breast cancer in five chemotherapy treatment centers. Intervention group patients received an individualized fatigue education and support program delivered in the clinic and by phone over three 10- to 20-minute sessions 1 week apart. Instruments included a numeric rating scale assessing confidence with managing fatigue; 11-point numeric rating scales measuring fatigue at worst, average, and best; the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue and Piper Fatigue Scales; the Cancer Self-Efficacy Scale; the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire C30; and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. For each outcome, separate analyses of covariance of change scores between baseline (T1) and the three follow-up time points (T2, T3, and T4) were conducted, controlling for the variable's corresponding baseline value. Results Compared with the intervention group, mean difference scores between the baseline (T1) and immediate after the test (T2) assessments increased significantly more for the control group for worst and average fatigue, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue, and Piper fatigue severity and interference measures. These differences were not observed between baseline and T3 and T4 assessments. No significant differences were identified for any pre- or post-test change scores for confidence with managing fatigue, cancer self-efficacy, anxiety, depression, or quality of life. Conclusion Preparatory education and support has the potential to assist women to cope with cancer-related fatigue in the short term. However, further research is needed to identify ways to improve the potency and sustainability of psychoeducational interventions for managing cancer-related fatigue.


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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant condition which may involve the cardiovascular, ocular, skeletal, and other systems. Mutations causing MFS are found in the FBN1 gene, encoding fibrillin-1, an extracellular matrix protein involved in microfibril formation. In the most severe cases, mutations are generally found in exons 24-32, and children with these mutations usually die in the first years of life, of cardiopulmonary failure. We present clinical, molecular and histopathological studies on a patient with severe early onset MFS. He has a mutation in exon 25 of FBN1, a G > A transition at nucleotide position 3131 that converts the codon TGC, coding for cysteine at position 1044, to TAC, coding for tyrosine (C1044Y). This has resulted in abnormalities of the extracellular matrix and a severe clinical phenotype, although he has survived to the age of 14 years. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Cross-species comparative genomics is a powerful strategy for identifying functional regulatory elements within noncoding DNA. In this paper, comparative analysis of human and mouse intronic sequences in the breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) revealed two evolutionarily conserved noncoding sequences (CNS) in intron 2, 5 kb downstream of the core BRCA1 promoter. The functionality of these elements was examined using homologous-recombination-based mutagenesis of reporter gene-tagged cosmids incorporating these regions and flanking sequences from the BRCA1 locus. This showed that CNS-1 and CNS-2 have differential transcriptional regulatory activity in epithelial cell lines. Mutation of CNS-1 significantly reduced reporter gene expression to 30% of control levels. Conversely mutation of CNS-2 increased expression to 200% of control levels. Regulation is at the level of transcription and shows promoter specificity. Both elements also specifically bind nuclear proteins in vitro. These studies demonstrate that the combination of comparative genomics and functional analysis is a successful strategy to identify novel regulatory elements and provide the first direct evidence that conserved noncoding sequences in BRCA1 regulate gene expression. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Most studies on kidney development have considered the interaction of the metanephric mesenchyme and the ureteric bud to be the major inductive event that maintains tubular differentiation and branching morphogenesis. The mesenchyme produces Gdnf, which stimulates branching, and the ureteric bud stimulates continued growth of the mesenchyme and differentiation of nephrons from the induced mesenchyme. Null mutation of the Wt1 gene eliminates outgrowth of the ureteric bud, but Gdnf has been identified as a target of Pax2, but not of Wt1. Using a novel system for microinjecting and electroporating plasmid expression constructs into murine organ cultures, it has been demonstrated that Vegfa expression in the mesenchyme is regulated by Wt1. Previous studies had identified a population of Flk1-expressing cells in the periphery of the induced mesenchyme, and adjacent to the stalk of the ureteric bud, and that Vegfa was able to stimulate growth of kidneys in organ culture. Here it is demonstrated that signaling through Flk1 is required to maintain expression of Pax2 in the mesenchyme of the early kidney, and for Pax2 to stimulate expression of Gdnf. However, once Gdnf stimulates branching of the ureteric bud, the Flk1-dependent angioblast signal is no longer required to maintain branching morphogenesis and induction of nephrons. Thus, this work demonstrates the presence of a second set of inductive events, involving the mesenchymal and angioblast populations, whereby Wt1-stimulated expression of Vegfa elicits an as-yet-unidentified signal from the angioblasts, which is required to stimulate the expression of Pax2 and Gdnf, which in turn elicits an inductive signal from the ureteric bud.


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Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Impaired self-awareness may affect clients' emotional status, engagement in rehabilitation and community reintegration following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-awareness, emotional distress and community integration in adults with TBI during the transition from hospital to the community. Thirty-four rehabilitation clients with TBI were assessed in the week before and 2 months after discharge home. Measures of self-awareness and emotional functioning were administered predischarge and repeated at follow-up along with a measure of community integration. Nonparametric tests were used to compare levels of self-awareness and emotional distress pre- and postdischarge, their interrelationships and association with community integration. Self-awareness significantly increased following discharge, and a trend towards increased depression was found. There were no consistent relationships found between level of self-awareness, emotional functioning, and community integration. The development of self-awareness in the immediate postdischarge phase suggests this is an important time for clinical interventions targeting compensation strategies and adjustment to disability.


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The term secretome has been defined as a set of secreted proteins (Grimmond et al. [2003] Genome Res 13:1350-1359). The term secreted protein encompasses all proteins exported from the cell including growth factors, extracellular proteinases, morphogens, and extracellular matrix molecules. Defining the genes encoding secreted proteins that change in expression during organogenesis, the dynamic secretome, is likely to point to key drivers of morphogenesis. Such secreted proteins are involved in the reciprocal interactions between the ureteric bud (UB) and the metanephric mesenchyme (AM) that occur during organogenesis of the metanephros. Some key metanephric secreted proteins have been identified, but many remain to be determined. In this study, microarray expression profiling of E10.5, E11.5, and E13.5 kidney and consensus bioinformatic analysis were used to define a dynamic secretome of early metanephric development. In situ hybridisation was used to confirm microarray results and clarify spatial expression patterns for these genes. Forty-one secreted factors were dynamically expressed between the E10.5 and E13.5 timeframe profiled, and 25 of these factors had not previously been implicated in kidney development. A text-based anatomical ontology was used to spatially annotate the expression pattern of these genes in cultured metanephric explants.


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The E11.5 mouse metanephros is comprised of a T-stage ureteric epithelial tubule sub-divided into tip and trunk cells surrounded by metanephric mesenchyme (MM). Tip cells are induced to undergo branching morphogenesis by the MM. In contrast, signals within the mesenchyme surrounding the trunk prevent ectopic branching of this region. In order to identify novel genes involved in the molecular regulation of branching morphogenesis we compared the gene expression profiles of isolated tip, trunk and MM cells using Compugen mouse long oligo microarrays. We identified genes enriched in the tip epithelium, sim-1, Arg2, Tacstd1, Crlf-1 and BMP7; genes enriched in the trunk epithelium, Innp1, Itm2b, Mkrn1, SPARC, Emu2 and Gsta3 and genes spatially restricted to the mesenchyme surrounding the trunk, CSPG2 and CV-2, with overlapping and complimentary expression to BMP4, respectively. This study has identified genes spatially expressed in regions of the developing kidney involved in branching morphogenesis, nephrogenesis and the development of the collecting duct system, calyces, renal pelvis and ureter. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Metamorphosis is both an ecological and a developmental genetic transition that an organism undergoes as a normal part of ontogeny. Many organisms have the ability to delay metamorphosis when conditions are unsuitable. This strategy carries obvious benefits, but may also result in severe consequences for older larvae that run low on energy. In the marine environment, some lecithotrophic larvae that have prolonged periods in the plankton may begin forming postlarval and juvenile structures that normally do not appear until after settlement and the initiation of metamorphosis. This precocious activation of the postlarval developmental program may reflect an adaptation to increase the survival of older, energy-depleted larvae by allowing them to metamorphose more quickly. In the present study, we investigate morphological and genetic consequences of delay of metamorphosis in larvae of Herdmania momus (a solitary stolidobranch ascidian). We observe significant morphological and genetic changes during prolonged larval life, with older larvae displaying significant changes in RNA levels, precocious migration of mesenchyme cells, and changes in larval shape including shortening of the tail. While these observations suggest that the older H. momus larvae are functionally different from younger larvae and possibly becoming more predisposed to undergo metamorphosis, we did not find any significant differences in gene expression levels between postlarvae arising from larvae that metamorphosed as soon as they were competent and postlarvae developing from larvae that postponed metamorphosis. This recalibration, or convergence, of transcript levels in the early postlarva suggests that changes that occur during prolonged larval life of H. momus are not necessarily associated with early activation of adult organ differentiation. Instead, it suggests that an autonomous developmental program is activated in H. momus upon the induction of metamorphosis regardless of the history of the larva.


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Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a common clinical problem encountered in patients with defects in innate or cell-mediated immunity. We have previously shown that recovery from chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis is dependent on CD4+ T-cell augmentation of neutrophil and macrophage candidacidal activity, and that the immune response is characterised by the production of cytokines such as IL-12 and IFN-gamma by cells in the local draining lymph nodes, and by the expression of TNF-alpha in the oral tissues. Objective: The purpose of this study was to elaborate on the role of these cytokines in recovery from oropharyngeal candidiasis, by using cytokine-specific gene-knockout mice. Methods: These mice are created by targeted gene mutation (tm1) of embryonic stem (ES) cells microinjected into host embryos. IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha knockout mice, and appropriate controls, were infected orally with 108 viable C. albicans yeasts. The infection was quantified by swabbing the oral cavity and plating on Sabouraud's agar. Results: Tnftm1mice developed an acute severe infection characterized by an increased fungal load in the early stages of infection, but cleared the yeast within the same time frame as control mice (21 days). On the other hand, Il12btm1 mice developed a chronic oropharyngeal infection (120 days) similar to that seen in T-cell deficient (Foxn1nu/Foxn1nu) mutant mice. There was no significant difference between Il4tm1, Il10tm1, and Ifngtm1 mice and their respective controls. Conclusions: Tnftm1 mice may be rendered more susceptible through impaired recruitment of phagocytic cells, and/or impaired killing of C. albicans, whereas Il12btm1 mice may not be capable of activating naïve T-cells or inducing an appropriate cellular immune response. Supported by NHMRC and ADRF.


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Age-related changes in the adult language addressed to children aged 2;0-4;0 years in polyadic conditions were investigated in Australian childcare centres. The language that 21 staff members addressed to these children was coded for multiple variables in the broad social categories of prosody, context, speech act and gesture. The linguistic components were coded within the categories of phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax and referential deixis. Minimal age-related differences were found. Explanations for the similarity of the adult language input across the age groups within the early childhood educational environment, will be discussed


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Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular bacteria that infect a wide range of arthropods and nematodes and are associated with various reproductive abnormalities in their hosts. Insect-associated Wolbachia form a monophyletic clade in the α-Proteobacteria and recently have been separated into two supergroups (A and B) and 19 groups. Our recent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) survey using wsp specific primers indicated that various strains of Wolbachia were present in mosquitoes collected from Southeast Asia. Here, we report the phylogenetic relationship of the Wolbachia strains found in these mosquitoes using wsp gene sequences. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed eight new Wolbachia strains, five in the A supergroup and three in the B supergroup. Most of the Wolbachia strains present in Southeast Asian mosquitoes belong to the established Mors, Con, and Pip groups.


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Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria are widespread in arthropods and are also present in filarial nematodes. Almost all filarial species so far examined have been found to harbor these endosymbionts. The sequences of only three genes have been published for nematode Wolbachia (i.e., the genes coding for the proteins FtsZ and catalase and for 16S rRNA). Here we present the sequences of the genes coding for the Wolbachia surface protein (WSP) from the endosymbionts of eight species of filaria. Complete gene sequences were obtained from the endosymbionts of two different species, Dirofilaria immitis and Brugia malayi. These sequences allowed us to design general primers for amplification of the wsp gene from the Wolbachia of all filarial species examined. For these species, partial WSP sequences (about 600 base pairs) were obtained with these primers. Phylogenetic analysis groups these nematode wsp sequences into a coherent cluster. Within the nematode cluster, wsp-based Wolbachia phylogeny matches a previous phylogeny obtained with ftsZ gene sequences, with a good consistency of the phylogeny of hosts (nematodes) and symbionts (Wolbachia). In addition, different individuals of the same host species (Dirofilaria immitis and Wuchereria bancrofti) show identical wsp gene sequences.


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The dnaA region of Wolbachia, an intracellular bacterial parasite of insects, is unique. A glnA cognate was found upstream of the dnaA gene, while neither of the two open reading frames detected downstream of dnaA has any homologue in the database. This unusual gene arrangement may reflect requirements associated with the unique ecological niche this agent occupies.