108 resultados para Gh-deficient Adults
Introduction The objective of this study was to analyse the accommodation needs of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years in Toowoomba and contiguous shires. In 2004, a group of carers established Toowoomba Intellectual Disability Support Association (TIDSA) to address the issue of the lack of supported accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 and the concerns of ageing carers. The Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health (CRRAH) was engaged by TIDSA to ascertain this need and undertook a research project funded by the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund. While data specifically relating to people with intellectual disability and their carers are difficult to obtain, the Australian Bureau of Statistics report that carers of people with a disability are more likely to be female and at least 65 years of age. Projections by the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) show that disability rates are increasing and carer rates are decreasing. Thus the problem of appropriate support to the increasing number of ageing carers and those who they care for will be a major challenge to policy makers and is an issue of immediate concern. In general, what was once the norm of accommodating people with intellectual disability in large institutions is now changing to accommodating into community-based residences (Annison, 2000; Young, Ashman, Sigafoos, & Grevell, 2001). However, in Toowoomba and contiguous shires, TIDSA have noted that the availability of suitable accommodation for people with intellectual disability over the age of 18 years is declining with no new options available in an environment of increasing demand. Most effort seemed to be directed towards crisis provision. Method This study employed two phases of data gathering, the first being the distribution of a questionnaire through local service providers and upon individual request to the carers of people with intellectual disability over the age of 18. The questionnaire comprised of Likert-type items intended to measure various aspects of current and future accommodation issues. Most questions were followed with space for free-response comments to provide the opportunity for carers to further clarify and expand on their responses. The second phase comprised semi-structured interviews conducted with ten carers and ten people with intellectual disability who had participated in the Phase One questionnaire. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and subjected to content analysis where major themes were explored. Results Age and gender Carer participants in this study totalled 150. The mean age of these carers was 61.5 years and ranged from 40 – 91 years. Females comprised 78% of the sample (mean age = 61.49; range from 40-91) and 22% were male (mean age = 61.7 range from 43-81). The mean age of people with intellectual disability in our study was 37.2 years ranging from 18 – 79 years with 40% female (mean age = 39.5; range from 19-79) and 60% male (mean age = 35.6; range from 18-59). The average age of carers caring for a person over the age of 18 who is living at home is 61 years. The average age of the carer who cares for a person who is living away from home is 62 years. The overall age range of both these groups of carers is between 40 and 81 years. The oldest group of carers (mean age = 70 years) were those where the person with intellectual disability lives away from home in a large residential facility. Almost one quarter of people with an intellectual disability who currently live at home is cared for by one primary carer and this is almost exclusively a parent.
Early life course determinants of young adults' gambling behaviour. An Australian Longitudinal Study
Problem gambling represents a public concern as both a social and health issue. Available evidence shows problem gambling is associated with a range of psychological disorders, criminality, and disruption to families. While gambling itself may represent a pleasurable pursuit for the majority, for a proportion, gambling-related activities may assume many of the characteristics of an addiction and have the capacity to undermine individuals� mental and physical health, social relationships, financial independence, as well as the financial and psychological wellbeing of their families and/or friends. The objectives of this study are based on the need to increase our understanding of gambling behaviour, its antecedents, as well its influence on the health and wellbeing of gamblers and their families. One of the most important and unresolved issues in gambling research is whether the mental health and social/family correlates of gambling precede or follow gambling behaviour. This report focuses on this issue.
Background: Dental erosion manifests as cupped lesions on cusp apices and in fissures of teeth in patients from southeast Queensland referred with excessive tooth wear When found in young adults, these lesions may indicate early onset of active dental erosion. If the numbers and extent of cupped lesions increase with age, erosion may be a slow cumulative process. Methods: This cross-sectional study recorded the presence or absence and the relative sizes of cupped lesions from all cusps and occlusal fissures on premolar and permanent molar teeth from study models by image analysis. Type-specimens of cupped lesions were examined. Results: The Incidence by tooth reflected time in the mouth, post-tooth emergence. A linear increase in lesion number and size, with age, was found. However, cupped lesions occurred on mandibular first molar cusp apices as often, and attained greater extent, in adults under 27 years compared with older subjects. Conclusion: Marked differences were found between lesion number and size, between maxillary and mandibular molar sites that reflect differences in salivary protection against dental erosion. The significance of this study is that the mandibular first permanent molar indicates the age of onset and severity of dental erosion.
A variable that appears to affect preference development is the exposure to a variety of options. Providing opportunities for systematically sampling different options is one procedure that can facilitate the development of preference, which is indicated by the consistency of selections. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of providing sampling opportunities on the preference development for two adults with severe disabilities. Opportunities for sampling a variety of drink items were presented, followed by choice opportunities for selections at the site where sampling occurred and at a non-sampling site (a grocery store). Results show that the participants developed a definite response consistency in selections at both sites. Implications for sampling practices are discussed.
Growth hormone (GH)/GH receptor expression and GH-mediated effects during early bovine embryogenesis
Pituitary growth hormone (GH) stimulates postnatal growth and metabolism. The role of CH and its receptor (GHR) during prenatal development, however, is still controversial. As shown by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), bovine in vitro fertilization embryos synthesized the transcript of GHR from Day 2 of embryonic life onwards. Real time RT-PCR revealed that synthesis of GHR mRNA was increased 5.9-fold in 6-day-old embryos compared with 2-day-old embryos. Using in situ hybridization, the mRNA encoding GHR was predominantly localized to the inner cell mass of blastocysts. The GHR protein was first visualized 3 days after fertilization. GH-specific transcripts were first detected in embryos on Day 8 of in vitro culture. As shown by transmission electron microscopy, GH treatment resulted in elimination of glycogen storage in 6- to 8-day-old embryos and an increase in exocytosis of lipid vesicles. These results suggest that a functional GHR able to modulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is synthesized during preimplantation development of the bovine embryo and that this GHR may be subject to activation by embryonic GH after Day 8.
Rapsyn is a key molecule involved in the formation of postsynaptic specializations at the neuromuscular junction, in its absence there are both pre- and post-synaptic deficits including failure to cluster acety]choline receptors. Recently we have documented increases in both nerve-muscle branching and numbers of motoneurons, suggesting alterations in skeletal muscle derived trophic support for motoneurons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of target derived trophic factors to increases in motoneuron branching and number, in rapsyn deficient mice that had their postsynaptic specializations disrupted, We have used reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blot to document the expression of known trophic factors and their receptors in muscle, during the period of synapse formation in rapsyn deficient mouse embryos. We found that the mRNA levels for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) was decreased in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls although those for NGF, BDNF, NT-3 and TGF-beta2 did not differ. We found that both the mRNA and the protein expression for suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) decreased although janus kinase 2 (JAK2) did not change in the rapsyn deficient muscles compared with litter mate controls. These results suggest that failure to form postsynaptic specializations in rapsyn deficient mice has altered the CNTF cytokine signaling pathway within skeletal muscle, the target for motoneurons. This alteration may in part, account for the increased muscle nerve branching and motoneuron survival seen in rapsyn deficient mice. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Glucose loading of rats made thiamin deficient by dietary deprivation of thiamin and the administration of pyrithiamin (40 mug/100 g, i.p.) precipitates an acute neuropathy, a model of Wernicke's encephalopathy in man (Zimitat and Nixon, Metab. Brain Dis. 1999;14:1-20). Immunohistochemical detection of Fos proteins was used as a marker to identify neuronal populations in the thiamin-deficient rat brain affected by glucose loading. As thiamin deficiency progressed, the extent and intensity of Fos-Like immunoreactivity (FLI) in brain structures typically affected by thiamin deficiency (the thalamus, mammillary bodies, inferior colliculus, vestibular nucleus and inferior olives) were markedly increased when compared to thiamin-replete controls. Glucose loading for 1-3 days further increased the intensity of FLI in these same regions, consistent with a dependence of Fos expression on carbohydrate metabolism as well as on thiamin deficiency. The timed acute changes that follow a bolus glucose load administered to thiamin-deficient animals may provide a sequential account of events in the pathogenesis of brain damage in this model of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
GH is being used by elite athletes to enhance sporting performance. To examine the hypothesis that exogenous 22-kDa recombinant human GH (rhGH) administration could be detected through suppression of non-22-kDa isoforms of GH, we studied seventeen aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) randomized to rhGH or placebo treatment (0.15 IU/kg/day for 1 week). Subjects were studied at rest and in response to exercise (cycle-ergometry at 65% of maximal work capacity for 20 min). Serum was assayed for total GH (Pharmacia IRMA and pituitary GH), 22-kDa GH (2 different 2-site monoclonal immunoassays), non-22-kDa GH (22-kDa GH-exclusion assay), 20-kDa GH, and immunofunctional GH. In the study, 3 h after the last dose of rhGH, total and 22-kDa GH concentrations were elevated, reflecting exogenous 22-kDa GH. Non-22-kDa and 20-kDa GH levels were suppressed. Regression of non-22-kDa or 20-kDa GH against total or 22-kDa GH produced clear separation of treatment groups. In identical exercise studies repeated between 24 and 96 h after cessation of treatment, the magnitude of the responses of all GH isoforms was suppressed (P < 0.01), but the relative proportions were similar to those before treatment. We conclude: 1) supraphysiological doses of rhGH in trained adult males suppressed exercise-stimulated endogenous circulating isoforms of GH for up to 4 days; 2) the dearest separation of treatment groups required the simultaneous presence of high exogenous 22-kDa GH and suppressed 20-kDa or non-22-kDa GH concentrations; and 3) these methods may prove useful in detecting rhGH abuse in athletes.