Objective: To determine whether electromyographic (EMG) onsets of vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) are altered in the presence of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during the functional task of stair stepping. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: University laboratory. Patients: Thirty-three subjects with PFPS and 33 asymptomatic controls. Interventions: Subjects ascended and descended a set of stairs-2 steps, each 20-cm high-at usual stair-stepping pace. EMG readings of VMO and VL taken on middle stair during step up (concentric contraction) and step down (eccentric contraction). Main Outcome Measures: Relative difference in onset of surface EMG activity of VMO compared with VL during a stair-stepping task. EMG onsets were determined by using a computer algorithm and were verified visually. Results: In the PFPS population, the EMG onset of VL occurred before that of VMO in both the step up and step down phases of the stair-stepping task (p < .05). In contrast, no such differences occurred in the onsets of EMG activity of VMO and VL in either phase of the task for the control subjects. Conclusion: This finding supports the hypothesized relationship between changes in the timings of activity of the vastimuscles and PFPS. This finding provides theoretical rationale to support physiotherapy treatment commonly used in the management of PFPs.
Objective: Recent evidence suggests that cortical activity associated with voluntary movement is relatively shifted from medial to lateral premotor areas in Parkinson's disease. This shift occurs bilaterally even for unilateral responses. It is not clear whether the shift in processing reflects an overall change in movement strategy, thereby involving alternate cortical areas, or reflects a compensatory change whereby, given the appropriate conditions, less impaired cortical areas are able to provide a similar function in compensation for those areas which are more impaired. This issue was examined in patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease, in whom basal ganglia impairment is most pronounced in one hemisphere. Methods: Fourteen patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease and 15 age-matched control subjects performed a Go/NoGo finger movement task and the contingent negative variation (CNV) was recorded from 21 scalp positions. Results and conclusions: Maximal CNV amplitudes were found over central medial regions for control subjects, but were shifted more frontally for Parkinson's disease patients, reduced in amplitude over the midline and lateralized towards the side ipsilateral to the greatest basal ganglia impairment. This shift in cortical activity from medial to lateral areas in Parkinson's disease patients appears to reflect a compensatory mechanism operating predominantly on the side of greatest basal ganglia impairment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Physical inactivity continues to be a significant public health issue for middle-aged and older adults. This review focuses on physical activity interventions targeting older adults in health care settings. The literature in this area is limited and the results to date disappointing. Much remains to be done to develop effective interventions targeting older adults, especially those from underserved groups. Attention also needs to be paid to maintenance of initial treatment gains and to linking primary-care-based physical activity interventions to community-based resources. Recognition in the social and behavioral sciences of the importance of social-environmental influences on health and health behaviors mandates both a multidisciplinary and a multilevel intervention approach to the problem of physical inactivity.
While there is a developing understanding of the influence of sleep on cardiovascular autonomic activity in humans, there remain unresolved issues. In particular, the effect of time within the sleep period, independent of sleep stage, has not been investigated. Further, the influence of sleep on central sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity is uncertain because results using the major method applicable to humans, the low frequency (LF) component of heart rate Variability (HRV), have been contradictory, and because the method itself is open to criticism. Sleep and cardiac activity were measured in 14 young healthy subjects on three nights. Data was analysed in 2-min epochs. All epochs meeting specified criteria were identified, beginning 2 h before, until 7 h after, sleep onset. Epoch values were allocated to 30-min bins and during sleep were also classified into stage 2, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The measures of cardiac activity were heart irate (HR), blood pressure (BP), high frequency (HF) and LF components of HRV and pre-ejection period (PEP). During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep autonomic balance shifted from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance, although this appeared to be more because of a shift in parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity. Autonomic balance during REM was in general similar to wakefulness. For BP and the HF and LF components the change occurred abruptly at sleep onset and was then constant over time within each stage of sleep, indicating that any change in autonomic balance over the sleep period is a consequence of the changing distribution of sleep stages. Two variables, HR and PEP, did show time effects reflecting a circadian influence over HR and perhaps time asleep affecting PEP. While both the LF component and PEP showed changes consistent with reduced sympathetic tone during sleep, their pattern of change over time differed.
1. Respiratory activity of the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles is normally co-ordinated with their other functions, such as for postural control of the trunk when the limbs move. The integration may occur by summation of two inputs at the respiratory motoneurons. The present study investigated whether postural activity of the diaphragm changed when respiratory drive increased with hypercapnoea. 2. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the diaphragm and other trunk muscles were made with intramuscular electrodes in 13 healthy volunteers. Under control conditions and while breathing through increased dead-space,subjects made rapid repetitive arm movements to disturb the stability of the spine for four periods each lasting 10 s, separated by 50 s. 3. End-tidal CO2, and ventilation increased for the first 60-120 s of the trial then reached a plateau. During rapid arm movement at the start of dead-space breathing, diaphragm EMG became tonic with superimposed modulation at the frequencies of respiration and arm movement. However, when the arm was moved after 60 s of hypercapnoea, the tonic diaphragm EMG during expiration and the phasic activity with arm movement were reduced or absent. Similar changes occurred for the expiratory muscle transversus abdominis, but not for the erector spinae. The mean amplitude of intra-abdominal pressure and the phasic changes with arm movement were reduced after 60 s of hypercapnoea. 4. The present data suggest that increased central respiratory drive may attenuate the postural commands reaching motoneurons. This attenuation can affect the key inspiratory and expiratory muscles and is likely to be co-ordinated at a pre-motoneuronal site.
Background: The physical environment plays an important role in influencing participation in physical activity, although which factors of the physical environment have the greatest effect on patterns of activity remain to be determined. We describe the development of a comprehensive instrument to measure the physical environmental factors that may influence walking and cycling in local neighborhoods and report on its reliability. Methods: Following consultation with experts from a variety of fields and a literature search, we developed a Systematic Pedestrian and Cycling Environmental Scan (SPACES) instrument and used it to collect data over a total of 1987 kilometers of roads in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia. The audit instrument is available from the first author on request. Additional environmental information was collected using desktop methods and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. We assessed inter- and intra-rater reliability of the instrument among the 16 observers who collected the data. Results: The observers reported that the audit instrument was easy to use. Both inter- and intra-rater reliability of the environmental scan instrument were generally high. Conclusions: Our instrument provides a reliable, practical, and easy to-use method for collecting detailed street-level data on physical environmental factors that are potential influences on walking in local neighborhoods.
It is becoming widely recognized that extending the larval period of marine invertebrates, especially of species with non-feeding larvae, can affect post-larval performance. As these carry-over effects are presumed to be caused by the depletion of larval energy reserves, we predicted that the level of larval activity would also affect post-larval performance. This prediction was tested with the cosmopolitan colonial ascidian Diplosoma listerianum in field experiments in southern Australia. Diplosoma larvae, brooded in the parent colony, are competent to settle immediately after spawning, and they remain competent to metamorphose for > 15 h. Some larvae were induced to metamorphose 0 to 6 h after release, whilst others were induced to swim actively by alternating light and dark periods for up to 3 h prior to metamorphosis. Juvenile colonies were then transplanted to a subtidal field site in Port Phillip Bay and left to grow for up to 3 wk. Extending the larval period and increasing the amount of swimming both produced carry-over effects on post-larval performance. Colonies survived at different rates among experiments, but larval experience did not affect survival rates. Delays in metamorphosis and increased swimming activity did, however, reduce colony growth rates dramatically, resulting in 50% fewer zooids per colony. Moreover, such colonies produced initial zooids with smaller feeding structures, with the width of branchial baskets reduced by 10 to 15%. These differences in branchial basket size persisted and were still apparent in newly budded zooids 3 wk after metamorphosis. Our results suggest that, for D. listerianum, larval maintenance, swimming, and metamorphosis all use energy from a common pool, and increases in the allocation to maintenance or swimming come at the expense of post-larval performance.
This qualitative study explored how influences on recreational physical activity (RPA) were patterned by socioeconomic position. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 males and 10 females in three socioeconomic groups (N = 60). Influences salient across all groups included previous opportunities, physical health, social assistance, safety, environmental aesthetics and urban design, physical and health benefits, and barriers of self-consciousness, low skill, and weather/time of year. Influences more salient to the high socioeconomic group included social benefits, achieving a balanced lifestyle, and the barrier of an unpredictable lifestyle. Influences more salient to the high and mid socioeconomic groups included efficacy, perceived need, activity demands, affiliation, emotional benefits, and the barrier of competing demands. Influences more salient to the low socioeconomic group included poor health and barriers of inconvenient access and low personal functioning. Data suggest that efforts to increase RPA in the population should include both general and socioeconomically targeted strategies.
This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet. phase W with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The amount of crystalline fraction present in monohydrate glucose crystal-solution mixture up to 110% crystal in relation to solution (crystal:solution=110:100) was determined by water activity measurement. It was found that the water activity had a strong linear correlation (R-2=0.994) with the amount of glucose present above saturation. Difference in the water activities of the crystal-solution mixture (a(w1)) and the supersaturated solution (a(w2)) by re-dissolving the crystalline fraction allowed calculation of the amount of crystalline phase present (DeltaG) in the mixture by an equation DeltaG=846.97(a(w1)-a(w2)). Other methods such as Raoult's, Norrish and Money-Born equations were also tested for the prediction of water activity of supersaturated glucose solution. (C) 2003 Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system was used to determine the activities of alpha-conotoxins EpI and the ribbon isomer of AuIB, on defined nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In contrast to previous findings on intracardiac ganglion neurones, alpha-EpI showed no significant activity on oocyte-expressed alpha3beta4 and alpha3beta2 nAChRs but blocked the alpha7 nAChR with an IC50 value of 30 nM. A similar IC50 value (103 nM) was obtained on the alpha7/5HT(3) chimeric receptor stably expressed in mammalian cells. Ribbon AuIB maintained its selectivity on oocyte-expressed alpha3beta4 receptors but unlike in native cells, where it was 10-fold more potent than native alpha-AuIB, had 25-fold lower activity. These results indicate that as yet unidentified factors influence alpha-conotoxin pharmacology at native versus oocyte-expressed nAChRs. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
Cortical activity associated with voluntary movement is shifted from medial to lateral premotor areas in Parkinson's disease. This occurs bilaterally, even for unilateral movements. We have used both EEG and MEG to further investigate medial and lateral premotor activity in patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease, in whom basal ganglia impairment is most pronounced in one hemisphere. The CNV, recorded from 21 scalp positions in a Go/NoGo task, was maximal over central medial regions in control subjects. For hemi-Parkinson's disease subjects, activity was shifted more frontally, reduced in the midline and lateralised towards the side of greatest basal ganglia impairment. With 143 channel whole-scalp magneto encephalography (MEG) we are further examining asymmetries in supplementary motor/premotor cortical activity prior to self-paced voluntary movement. In preliminary results, one hemi-Parkinson's disease patient with predominantly left-side symptoms showed strong medial activity consistent with a dominant source in the left supplementary motor area (SMA). Three patients showed little medial activity, but early bilateral sources within lateral premotor cortex. Results suggest greater involvement of lateral premotor rather than the SMA prior to movement in Parkinson's disease and provide evidence for asymmetric function of the SMA in hemi- Parkinson's disease, with reduced activity on the side of greatest basal ganglia deficit.