215 resultados para Formal Plant Breeding


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Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n = 14 chromosomes) annual cool season legume crop that is produced throughout the world and is highly valued as a high protein food. Several abiotic stresses are important to lentil yields world wide and include drought, heat, salt susceptibility and iron deficiency. The biotic stresses are numerous and include: susceptibility to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis; Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum; Sclerotinia white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; rust, caused by Uromyces fabae; and numerous aphid transmitted viruses. Lentil is also highly susceptible to several species of Orabanche prevalent in the Mediterranean region, for which there does not appear to be much resistance in the germplasm. Plant breeders and geneticists have addressed these stresses by identifying resistant/tolerant germplasm, determining the genetics involved and the genetic map positions of the resistant genes. To this end progress has been made in mapping the lentil genome and several genetic maps are available that eventually will lead to the development of a consensus map for lentil. Marker density has been limited in the published genetic maps and there is a distinct lack of co-dominant markers that would facilitate comparisons of the available genetic maps and efficient identification of markers closely linked to genes of interest. Molecular breeding of lentil for disease resistance genes using marker assisted selection, particularly for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Anthracnose, is underway in Australia and Canada and promising results have been obtained. Comparative genomics and synteny analyses with closely related legumes promises to further advance the knowledge of the lentil genome and provide lentil breeders with additional genes and selectable markers for use in marker assisted selection. Genomic tools such as macro and micro arrays, reverse genetics and genetic transformation are emerging technologies that may eventually be available for use in lentil crop improvement.


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Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis , is one of the most globally important diseases of lentil. Breeding for host resistance has been suggested as an efficient means to control this disease. This paper summarizes existing studies of the characteristics and control of Ascochyta blight in lentil, genetics of resistance to Ascochyta blight and genetic variations among pathogen populations (isolates). Breeding methods for control of the disease are discussed. Six pathotypes of A. lentis have been reported. Many resistant cultivars/lines have been identified in both cultivated and wild lentil. Resistance to Ascochyta blight in lentil is mainly under the control of major genes, but minor genes also play a role. Current breeding programmes are based on crossing resistant and high-yielding cultivars and multilocation testing. Gene pyramiding, exploring slow blighting and partial resistance, and using genes present in wild relatives will be the methods used in the future. Identification of more sources of resistance genes, good characterization of the host-pathogen system, and identification of molecular markers tightly linked to resistance genes are suggested as the key areas for future study.


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A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to examine the magnitude of yield responses of diverse genotypes to drought stress environments and to identify traits that may confer drought resistance to rainfed lowland rice. One hundred and twenty eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. Under severe drought conditions, the maintenance of PWP of genotypes played a significant role in determining final grain yield. Because of their smaller plant size (lower total dry matter at anthesis) genotypes that extracted less soil water during the early stages of the drought period, tended to maintain higher PWP and had a higher fertile panicle percentage, filled grain percentage and final grain yield than other genotypes. PWP was correlated with delay in flowering (r = -0.387) indicating that the latter could be used as a measure of water potential under stress. Genotypes with well-developed root systems extracted water too rapidly and experienced severe water stress at flowering. RPR which showed smaller coefficient of variation was more useful than root mass density in identifying genotypes with large root system. Under less severe and prolonged drought conditions, genotypes that could achieve higher plant dry matter at anthesis were desirable. They had less delay in flowering, higher grain yield and higher drought response index, indicating the importance of ability to grow during the prolonged stress period. Other shoot characters (osmotic potential, leaf temperature, leaf rolling, leaf death) had little effect on grain yield under different drought conditions. This was associated with a lack of genetic variation and difficulty in estimating trait values precisely. Under mild stress conditions (yield loss less than 50%), there was no significant relationship between the measured drought characters and grain yield. Under these mild drought conditions, yield is determined more by yield potential and phenotype than by drought resistant mechanisms per se. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A major challenge faced by today's white clover breeder is how to manage resources within a breeding program. It is essential to utilise these resources with sufficient flexibility to build on past progress from conventional breeding strategies, but also take advantage of emerging opportunities from molecular breeding tools such as molecular markers and transformation. It is timely to review white clover breeding strategies. This background can then be used as a foundation for considering how to continue conventional plant improvement activities and complement them with molecular breeding opportunities. In this review, conventional white clover breeding strategies relevant to the Australian dryland target population environments are considered. Attention is given to: (i) availability of genetic variation, (ii) characterisation of germplasm collections, (iii) quantitative models for estimation of heritability, (iv) the role of multi-environment trials to accommodate genotype-by-environment interactions, (v) interdisciplinary research to understand adaptation to dryland environments, (vi) breeding and selection strategies, and (vii) cultivar structure. Current achievements in biotechnology with specific reference to white clover breeding in Australia are considered, and computer modelling of breeding programs is discussed as a useful integrative tool for the joint evaluation of conventional and molecular breeding strategies and optimisation of resource use in breeding programs. Four areas are identified as future research priorities: (i) capturing the potential genetic diversity among introduced accessions and ecotypes that are adapted to key constraints such as summer moisture stress and the use of molecular markers to assess the genetic diversity, (ii) understanding the underlying physiological/morphological root and shoot mechanisms involved in water use efficiency of white clover, with the objective of identifying appropriate selection criteria, (iii) estimation of quantitative genetic parameters of important morphological/physiological attributes to enable prediction of response to selection in target environments, and (iv) modelling white clover breeding strategies to evaluate the opportunities for integration of molecular breeding strategies with conventional breeding programs.


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Tetratheca juncea Smith (Tremandraceae) has undergone a range contraction of approx. 50 km in the last 100 years and is now listed as a vulnerable sub-shrub restricted to the central and north coast regions of New South Wales, Australia. There are approx. 250 populations in a 110 km north-south distribution and populations are usually small with fewer than 50 plants/clumps. The reproductive ecology of the species was studied to determine why seed-set is reportedly rare. Flowers are bisexual, odourless and nectarless. Flowers are presented dependentally and there are eight stamens recurved around the pistil. Anthers are poricidal, contain viable pollen and basally contain a deep-red tapetal fluid that is slightly oily. Thus flowers are presented for buzz pollinators, although none were observed at flowers during our study. The species was found to be facultatively xenogamous with only one in 50 glasshouse flowers setting seed autogamously, i.e. without pollinator assistance. Field studies revealed fertile fruit in 24 populations but production varied significantly across sites from exceedingly low (0.6 fruits per plant clump) to low (17 fruits per plant clump). Fruit-set ranged from 0 to 65%, suggesting that pollen vectors exist or that autogamy levels in the field are variable and higher than glasshouse results. Fruit production did not vary with population size, although in three of the five populations in the south-west region more than twice as much fruit was produced as in populations elsewhere. A moderately strong relationship between foliage volume and fruit : flower ratios suggests that bigger plants may be more attractive than smaller plants to pollinators. A review of Tetratheca pollination ecology revealed that several species are poorly fecund and pollinators are rare. The habitat requirements for Tetratheca, a genus of many rare and threatened species, is discussed. (C) 2003 Annals of Botany Company.


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Backhousia citriodora is a commercially valuable Australian woody species that has a reputation for being recalcitrant in forming adventitious roots from cuttings. A study was carried out to determine whether maturation and plant genotype influenced rooting. It also tried to establish whether genotypic differences in rooting ability were related to characteristics of the cutting material. The rooting of cuttings in B. citriodora declines after maturation and is strongly influenced by genotype. The cutting characteristics of actively growing axillary buds, wide stems and mature leaves are associated with rooting and survival but not related to genotype. Furthermore, the 8-24 weeks required by B. citriodora to form roots from cuttings makes it difficult to distinguish between the characteristics that increase rooting and those characteristics that enhance survival. A subsequent disbudding experiment demonstrated that axillary buds per se have an inhibitory effect on rooting. This suggests that the presence of actively growing axillary buds are an indication of overall growth and condition of the stock plant unrelated to the formation of adventitious rooting. The effects of other cutting characteristics on rooting are also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.