87 resultados para Feedstock Microstructure
The corrosion behaviour of AZ21, AZ501 and AZ91 was studied in 1 N NaCl at pH 11 by measuring electrochemical polarization curves, electrochemical AC impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and simultaneously measuring the hydrogen evolution rate and the: magnesium dissolution rate. The corrosion rates increased in the following order: AZ501 < AZ21 < AZ91. The: corrosion behaviour was related to alloy microstructure as revealed by optical and electron microscopy. The beta phase was very stable in the test solution and was an effective cathode. The beta phase served two roles, as a barrier and as a galvanic cathode. If the beta phase is present in the alpha matrix as intergranular precipitates with a small volume fraction, then the beta phase mainly serves as a galvanic cathode, and accelerates the corrosion of the alpha matrix. If the beta Fraction is high, then the beta phase may mainly act as an anodic barrier to inhibit the overall corrosion of the alloy. The composition and compositional distribution in the alpha phase is also crucial to the overall corrosion performance of dual phase alloys. Increasing the aluminum concentration in the alpha phase increases the anodic dissolution rate and also increases the cathodic hydrogen evolution rate. Increasing the zinc concentration in the alpha phase may have the opposite effect. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new conceptual framework has been developed which explains the formation of shear-related casting defects such as porosity, segregation and tears. The theory relates defect formation to the mechanical behaviour of the partially solidified microstructure when shear stresses are developed during the filling of a casting and by the subsequent feeding processes during solidification. Two transition points, the dendrite coherency point and the maximum packing solid fraction, divide the mushy zone into three regions of different mechanical and feeding behaviours. The response of the mush to shear is related to the presence of these zones during solidification of a casting. The resulting defects are rationalized by considering the governing local shear stress and shear rate, local strength and time available for fluid flow. The design of the casting, the casting process used and the alloy composition all influence the relative importance of shearing on defect formation. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The phase and microstructural evolution of multi-cation Sm-Ca-alpha-sialon ceramics was investigated. Six samples were prepared, ranging from a pure Sm-sialon to a pure Ca-sialon, with calcium replacing samarium in 20 eq% increments, thus maintaining an equivalent design composition in all samples. After pressureless sintering at 1820 degreesC for 2 It, all samples were subsequently heat treated up to 192 h at 1450 and 1300 degreesC. The amount of grain boundary glass in the samples after sintering was observed to decrease with increasing calcium levels. A M-ss' or M-ss',-gehlenite solid solution was observed to form during the 1450 degreesC heat treatment of all Sm-containing samples, and this phase forms in clusters in the high-Sm samples. The thermal stability of the alpha-sialon phase was improved in the multi-cation systems. Heat treatment at 1300 degreesC produces SmAlO3 in the high-Sm samples, a M-ss',-gehlenite solid solution in the high-Ca samples, and a Sm-Ca-apatite phase in some intermediate samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A series of alpha-sialon (alpha') compositions containing mixed stabilising cations were prepared, by introducing additional CaO to a basic Sm alpha-sialon compositions. The thermal stability of these Sm-Ca-containing alpha-sialon phases was investigated using XRD, SEM and EDXS techniques. It was found that the addition of calcium into the Sm alpha-sialon systems greatly improved the stability of the alpha-sialon phases. Calcium was found to be incorporated into the alpha-sialon structure, coexistent with the samarium, and partitioning of the calcium and samarium was observed between the alpha' phase and grain boundary phases. This indicates a technique which may be used to improve the thermal stability of the alpha' phase while maintaining good refractory phases at the gialon grain boundaries. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The formability and stability of the alpha-sialon (alpha') phase was investigated in multi-cation Nd-Li-sialon systems. Four samples were prepared, ranging from a pure Nd-sialon to a pure Li-sialon, with two intermediate samples being prepared with either lithium or neodymium replacing the other alpha'-stabilising additive by 20 eq.%, as to maintain an equivalent design composition in all samples. After sintering, all samples were subsequently heat treated up to 192 h at 1450 and 1300 degreesC. While significant quantities of the beta'-sialon (beta' phase were found in most samples, the high-lithium Li-Nd-sialon sample was found to be almost pure a' phase after sintering. Furthermore, the long-term stability of the a' phase on heat treatment was also found to be superior in both multi-cation samples than in either of the single-alpha'-stabilising-cation samples. This is thought to be related to improved retention of the lithium in the multi-cation systems, as much of the lithium was found to volatilise during sintering in the neodymium-free sample. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Slumping of hardsetting seedbeds upon wetting is likely to determine the shrinking and development of strength on drying. Different processes have been invoked, including aggregate disruption, material relocation, and compaction. To gain a better understanding of the role played by compaction compared with aggregate disruption in seedbed slumping and shrinking, mechanical analysis was combined with previous morphogenetical description. The global structural behavior of repacked seedbeds of a hardsetting sandy loam soil was studied after wetting and again after subsequent drying. Bulk density was measured in 5-mm-depth increments using gamma attenuation, and water content was determined at 10-mm-depth increments. Various wetting conditions were used to simulate a range of climatic and management conditions, including flood irrigation, furrow irrigation of a formed seedbed, drip irrigation, and rainfall. Aggregate coalescence under overburden pressure played the main role in slumping, even though microcracking enhanced coalescence. Most of the slumping occurred at calculated effective stress > 1.1 kPa. Intense aggregate breakdown at the top of seedbeds under fast wetting led to slight slumping because the resulting clogging of the initial interaggregate packing voids was balanced, in part, by the increase in microporosity resulting from aggregate disruption. However, aggregate coalescence induced by overburden pressure developing at the seedbed bottom often resulted in a strong decrease in total porosity. The effect of rainfall kinetic energy on crust bulk density was strong compared with the effect of fast wetting (bulk density increase of about 0.07 Mg m(-3) and 0.03 Mg m(-3), respectively) and could be ascribed to compaction rather than to aggregate breakdown. Shrinking on drying was related to the continuity of the microstructure resulting from wetting rather than to the intensity of slumping. Aggregate breakdown led to more shrinking than did aggregate coalescence.
We illustrate the flow behaviour of fluids with isotropic and anisotropic microstructure (internal length, layering with bending stiffness) by means of numerical simulations of silo discharge and flow alignment in simple shear. The Cosserat theory is used to provide an internal length in the constitutive model through bending stiffness to describe isotropic microstructure and this theory is coupled to a director theory to add specific orientation of grains to describe anisotropic microstructure. The numerical solution is based on an implicit form of the Material Point Method developed by Moresi et al. [1].
A series of aluminum-10 wt pet silicon castings were produced in sand molds to investigate the effect of modification on porosity formation. Modification with individual additions of either strontium or sodium resulted in a statistically significant increase in the level of porosity compared to unmodified castings. The increase in porosity with modification is due to the presence of numerous dispersed pores, which were absent in the unmodified casting. It is proposed that these pores form as a result of differences in size of the aluminum-silicon eutectic grains between unmodified and modified alloys. A geometric model is developed to show how the size of eutectic grains can influence the amount and distribution of porosity. Unlike traditional feeding-based models, which incorporate the effect: of microstructure on permeability, this model considers what happens when liquid is isolated from the riser and can no longer flow. This simple isolation model complements rather than contradicts existing theories on modification-related porosity formation and should be considered in the development of future comprehensive models.
A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.
Partially solid commercial Al-Si and Mg-Al alloys have been deformed in shear during solidification using vane rheometry. The dendritic mush was deformed for a short period at 29% solid and allowed to cool naturally after deformation. Both alloys exhibited yield point behaviour and deformation was highly localised at the surface of maximum shear stress. The short period of deformation was found to have a distinct impact on the as-cast microstructure leading to fragmented dendrites in the deformation region of both alloys. In the case of the Mg-Al alloy, a concentrated region of interdendritic porosity was also observed in the deformation region. Concentrated porosity was not observed in the Al-Si alloy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A comprehensive probabilistic model for simulating dendrite morphology and investigating dendritic growth kinetics during solidification has been developed, based on a modified Cellular Automaton (mCA) for microscopic modeling of nucleation, growth of crystals and solute diffusion. The mCA model numerically calculated solute redistribution both in the solid and liquid phases, the curvature of dendrite tips and the growth anisotropy. This modeling takes account of thermal, curvature and solute diffusion effects. Therefore, it can simulate microstructure formation both on the scale of the dendrite tip length. This model was then applied for simulating dendritic solidification of an Al-7%Si alloy. Both directional and equiaxed dendritic growth has been performed to investigate the growth anisotropy and cooling rate on dendrite morphology. Furthermore, the competitive growth and selection of dendritic crystals have also investigated.
Nanocomposite materials have received considerable attention in recent years due to their novel properties. Grain boundaries are considered to play an important role in nanostructured materials. This work focuses on the finite element analysis of the effect of grain boundaries on the overall mechanical properties of aluminium/alumina composites. A grain boundary is incorporated into the commonly used unit cell model to investigate its effect on material properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the ''effective'' plastic property of the grain boundary is estimated. In addition, the strengthening mechanism is also discussed based on the Estrin-Mecking model.
Different abrasive wear tests have been applied to materials with hardnesses ranging from 80 HV (aluminium) to 1700 HV (tungsten carbide). The tests were: dry sand rubber wheel (DSRbrW); a similar test using a steel wheel (DSStlW); a new combined impact-abrasion test (FIA). The DSRbrW results were as expected, giving generally decreasing wear with increasing hardness. White cast irons and tool steels containing coarse, hard carbide particles performed better than more homogeneous materials of comparable hardness. When normalized to load and distance, the DSStlW results for the homogeneous materials were similar to the DSRbrW results. The multi-phase materials performed poorly in the DSStlW test, with volume loss for high-speed steel (880 HV) higher than that of aluminium. Within this group, wear increased with increasing hardness. These unexpected results are explained in terms of (a) differential friction coefficients of wheel and specimen, (b) increased fracture of sand, and (c) introduction of microfracture wear mechanisms. The FIA combined impact-abrasion results lacked clear correlations with hardness. The span of relative wear rates was similar to that reported for materials in ball mills. White cast irons at maximum hardness performed fairly poorly and showed evidence of microfracture. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
The synthesis of chromium carbides, Cr7C3 and Cr3C2, by mechanically allowing chromium and carbon powders has been investigated. Milling conditions were found to have a strong influence on the evolution of microstructure, with high collision energies being required to form carbide phases. Milling at intermediate energy levels resulted in the formation of an amorphous phase, and with low energy conditions only grain size refinement of Cr occurred with no evidence of any reaction between Cr and C. The amorphous phase was found to be the precursor to carbide formation. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Transmission electron microscopy has been used to study the microstructure of an experimental white cast iran, in which a combination of modified alloy composition and unconventional heat treatment has resulted in a fracture toughness of 40 MPa m(-1/2). Microstructural features of the alloy that contribute to the toughness improvement and hence distinguish it from conventional white irons have been investigated. In the as-cast condition the dendrites are fully austenitic and the eutectic consists of M7C3 carbides and martensite. During heat treatment at 1130 degrees C the austenite is partially destabilized by precipitation of chromium-rich M7C3 carbides. This results in a dendritic microconstituent consisting of bulk retained austenite and secondary carbides which are sheathed with martensite. The martensite sheaths, which contain interlath films of retained austenite, are irregular in shape with some laths extending into the bulk retained austenite. Emphasis has been placed on the morphology, distribution, and stability of the retained austenite and its transformation products in the dendrites. The implications of these findings on the transformation toughening mechanism in this alloy are discussed.