93 resultados para Einstein-Elevator
The new science of nonlinear atom optics and atom lasers is evolving rapidly. There are similarities between many related areas in modern photonic and atom optics, particularly at the mean-field level. In both cases we can often use classical nonlinear wave equations to describe classical solitons, vortices, and other nonlinear structure. Atom-molecular coupling can be used to play the role of second-harmonic generation. This leads to novel types of soliton. In addition, quantum effects at low densities are likely to be readily observable.
For a parameter lambda > 0, we study a type of vortex equations, which generalize the well-known Hermitian-Einstein equation, for a connection A and a section phi of a holomorphic vector bundle E over a Kahler manifold X. We establish a global existence of smooth solutions to heat flow for a self-dual Yang-Mills-Higgs field on E. Assuming the lambda -stability of (E, phi), we prove the existence of the Hermitian Yang-Mills-Higgs metric on the holomorphic bundle E by studying the limiting behaviour of the gauge flow.
In this paper we study the nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with injected signal, both analytically and numerically. We develop a perturbation approach which allows us to find approximate analytical solutions, starting from the full equations of motion in the positive-P representation. We demonstrate the regimes of validity of our approximations via comparison with the full stochastic results. We find that, with reasonably low levels of injected signal, the system allows for demonstrations of quantum entanglement and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In contrast to the normal optical parametric oscillator operating below threshold, these features are demonstrated with relatively intense fields.
We consider the case of two cavity modes of the electromagnetic field, which are coupled via the action of a parametric amplifier. The fields are allowed to leak from the cavity and homodyne measurement is performed on one of the modes. Because of the correlations between the modes, this leads to a reduction of the variance in a quadrature of the other mode, although no measurement is performed on it directly. We discuss how this relates to the Einstein-Podolky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment.
A robust semi-implicit central partial difference algorithm for the numerical solution of coupled stochastic parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) is described. This can be used for calculating correlation functions of systems of interacting stochastic fields. Such field equations can arise in the description of Hamiltonian and open systems in the physics of nonlinear processes, and may include multiplicative noise sources. The algorithm can be used for studying the properties of nonlinear quantum or classical field theories. The general approach is outlined and applied to a specific example, namely the quantum statistical fluctuations of ultra-short optical pulses in chi((2)) parametric waveguides. This example uses a non-diagonal coherent state representation, and correctly predicts the sub-shot noise level spectral fluctuations observed in homodyne detection measurements. It is expected that the methods used wilt be applicable for higher-order correlation functions and other physical problems as well. A stochastic differencing technique for reducing sampling errors is also introduced. This involves solving nonlinear stochastic parabolic PDEs in combination with a reference process, which uses the Wigner representation in the example presented here. A computer implementation on MIMD parallel architectures is discussed. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
Quantum dynamics simulations can be improved using novel quasiprobability distributions based on non-orthogonal Hermitian kernel operators. This introduces arbitrary functions (gauges) into the stochastic equations. which can be used to tailor them for improved calculations. A possible application to full quantum dynamic simulations of BEC's is presented. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate the theory of quantum fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems having large critical fluctuations. This allows us to treat the limits imposed by nonlinearities to quantum squeezing and noise reduction, and also to envisage future tests of quantum theory in regions of macroscopic quantum fluctuations. A long-term objective of this research is to identify suitable physical systems in which macroscopic 'Schrodinger cat'-like behaviour may be observed. We investigate two systems in particular of much current experimental interest, namely the degenerate parametric oscillator near threshold, and the evaporatively cooled (BEC). We compare the results obtained in the positive-P representation, as a fully quantum mechanical calculation, with the truncated Wigner phase space equation, also known as semi-classical theory. We show when these results agree and differ in calculations taken beyond the linearized approximation. In the region where the largest quantum fluctuations and Schrodinger cat-like behaviour might be expected, we find that the quantum predictions correspond very closely to the semi-classical theory. Nature abhors observing a Schrodinger car.
Starting from the two-mode Bose-Hubbard model, we derive an exact version of the standard Mathieu equation governing the wave function of a Josephson junction. For a finite number of particles N, we find an additional cos 2 phi term in the potential. We also find that the inner product in this representation is nonlocal in phi. Our model exhibits phenomena, such as pi oscillations, which are not found in the standard phase model, but have been predicted from Gross-Pitaevskii mean-field theory.
We consider a possible technique for mode locking an atom laser, based on the generation of a dark soliton in a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate, with repulsive atomic interactions. The soliton is a kink, with angular momentum per particle equal to (h) over bar /2. It emerges naturally when the condensate is stirred at the soliton velocity and cleansed with a periodic out coupler. The result is a replicating coherent field inside the atom laser, stabilized by topology. We give a numerical demonstration of the generation and stabilization of the soliton.
The divergence of quantum and classical descriptions of particle motion is clearly apparent in quantum tunnelling(1,2) between two regions of classically stable motion. An archetype of such nonclassical motion is tunnelling through an energy barrier. In the 1980s, a new process, 'dynamical' tunnelling(1-3), was predicted, involving no potential energy barrier; however, a constant of the motion (other than energy) still forbids classically the quantum-allowed motion. This process should occur, for example, in periodically driven, nonlinear hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom(4-6). Such systems may be chaotic, consisting of regions in phase space of stable, regular motion embedded in a sea of chaos. Previous studies predicted(4) dynamical tunnelling between these stable regions. Here we observe dynamical tunnelling of ultracold atoms from a Bose-Einstein condensate in an amplitude-modulated optical standing wave. Atoms coherently tunnel back and forth between their initial state of oscillatory motion (corresponding to an island of regular motion) and the state oscillating 180 degrees out of phase with the initial state.
A laser, be it an optical laser or an atom laser, is an open quantum system that produces a coherent beam of bosons (photons or atoms, respectively). Far above threshold, the stationary state rho(ss) of the laser mode is a mixture of coherent-field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. This paper answers the question: can descriptions such as these, of rho(ss) as a stationary ensemble of pure states, be physically realized? Here physical realization is as defined previously by us [H. M. Wiseman and J. A. Vaccaro, Phys. Lett. A 250, 241 (1998)]: an ensemble of pure states for a particular system can be physically realized if, without changing the dynamics of the system, an experimenter can (in principle) know at any time that the system is in one of the pure-state members of the ensemble. Such knowledge can be obtained by monitoring the baths to which the system is coupled, provided that coupling is describable by a Markovian master equation. Using a family of master equations for the (atom) laser, we solve for the physically realizable (PR) ensembles. We find that for any finite self-energy chi of the bosons in the laser mode, the coherent-state ensemble is not PR; the closest one can come to it is an ensemble of squeezed states. This is particularly relevant for atom lasers, where the self-energy arising from elastic collisions is expected to be large. By contrast, the number-state ensemble is always PR. As the self-energy chi increases, the states in the PR ensemble closest to the coherent-state ensemble become increasingly squeezed. Nevertheless, there are values of chi for which states with well-defined coherent amplitudes are PR, even though the atom laser is not coherent (in the sense of having a Bose-degenerate output). We discuss the physical significance of this anomaly in terms of conditional coherence (and hence conditional Bose degeneracy).
We show that by making conditional measurements on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) squeezed vacuum [T. Opatrny, G. Kurizki, and D.-G. Welsch, Phys. Rev. A 61, 032302 (2000)], one can improve the efficacy of teleportation for both the position-difference, momentum-sum, and number-difference, phase-sum continuous variable teleportation protocols. We investigate the relative abilities of the standard and conditional EPR states, and show that by conditioning we can improve the fidelity of teleportation of coherent states from below to above the (F) over bar =2/3 boundary, thereby achieving unambiguously quantum teleportation.
We demonstrate that the time-dependent projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) derived earlier [M. J. Davis, R. J. Ballagh, and K. Burnett, J. Phys. B 34, 4487 (2001)] can represent the highly occupied modes of a homogeneous, partially-condensed Bose gas. Contrary to the often held belief that the GPE is valid only at zero temperature, we find that this equation will evolve randomized initial wave functions to a state describing thermal equilibrium. In the case of small interaction strengths or low temperatures, our numerical results can be compared to the predictions of Bogoliubov theory and its perturbative extensions. This demonstrates the validity of the GPE in these limits and allows us to assign a temperature to the simulations unambiguously. However, the GPE method is nonperturbative, and we believe it can be used to describe the thermal properties of a Bose gas even when Bogoliubov theory fails. We suggest a different technique to measure the temperature of our simulations in these circumstances. Using this approach we determine the dependence of the condensate fraction and specific heat on temperature for several interaction strengths, and observe the appearance of vortex networks. Interesting behavior near the critical point is observed and discussed.
We show how polarization measurements on the output fields generated by parametric down conversion will reveal a violation of multiparticle Bell inequalities, in the regime of both low- and high-output intensity. In this case, each spatially separated system, upon which a measurement is performed, is comprised of more than one particle. In view of the formal analogy with spin systems, the proposal provides an opportunity to test the predictions of quantum mechanics for spatially separated higher spin states. Here the quantum behavior possible even where measurements are performed on systems of large quantum (particle) number may be demonstrated. Our proposal applies to both vacuum-state signal and idler inputs, and also to the quantum-injected parametric amplifier as studied by De Martini The effect of detector inefficiencies is included, and weaker Bell-Clauser-Horne inequalities are derived to enable realistic tests of local hidden variables with auxiliary assumptions for the multiparticle situation.
Although the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) plays a major role in mediating the peripheral stress response, due consideration is not usually given to the effects of prolonged stress on the SNS. The present study examined changes in neurotransmission in the SNS after exposure of mice (BALB/c) to stressful housing conditions. Focal extracellular recording of excitatory junction currents (EJCs) was used as a relative measure of neurotransmitter release from different regions of large surface areas of the mouse vas deferens. Mice were either group housed (control), isolation housed (social deprivation), group housed in a room containing rats (rat odor stress), or isolation housed in a room containing rats (concurrent stress). Social deprivation and concurrent stressors induced an increase of 30 and 335% in EJC amplitude, respectively. The success rate of recording EJCs from sets of varicosities in the concurrent stressor group was greater compared with all other groups. The present study has shown that some common animal housing conditions act as stressors and induce significant changes in sympathetic neurotransmission.