75 resultados para Dengue viruses type 3
The pocilloporin Rtms5 and an engineered variant Rtms5(H146S) undergo distinct color transitions (from blue to red to yellow to colorless) in a pH-dependent manner. pK(a) values of 4.1 and 3.2 were determined for the blue (absorption lambda(max), 590 nm) to yellow (absorption lambda(max), similar to 453 nm) transitions of Rtms5 and Rtms5H(146). The pK(a) for the blue-yellow transition of Rtms5H(146S) increased by 1.4 U in the presence of 0.1 M KI, whereas the pK(a) for the same transition of Rtms5 was relatively insensitive to added halides. To understand the structural basis for these observations, we have determined to 2.0 A resolution the crystal structure of a yellow form of Rtms5(H146S) at pH 3.5 in the presence of iodide. Iodide was found occupying a pocket in the structure with a pH of 3.5, forming van der Waals contacts with the tyrosyl moiety of the chromophore. Elsewhere, it was determined that this pocket is occupied by a water molecule in the Rtms5(H141S) structure (pH 8.0) and by the side chain of histidine 146 in the wild-type Rtms5 structure. Collectively, our data provide an explanation for the observed linkage between color transitions for Rtms5(H146S) and binding to halides.
This report describes the identification of a murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) G protein-coupled receptor (GCR) homolog. This open reading frame (M33) is most closely related to, and collinear with, human cytomegalovirus UL33, and homologs are also present in human herpesvirus 6 and 7 (U12 for both viruses). Conserved counterparts in the sequenced alpha- or gammaherpesviruses have not been identified to date, suggesting that these genes encode proteins which are important for the biological characteristics of betaherpesviruses. We have detected transcripts for both UL33 and M33 as early as 3 or 4 h postinfection, and these reappear at late times. In addition, we have identified N-terminal splicing for both the UL33 and M33 RNA transcripts. For both open reading frames, splicing results in the introduction of amino acids which are highly conserved among known GCRs. To characterise the function of the M33 in the natural host, two independent MCMV recombinant viruses were prepared, each of which possesses an M33 open reading frame which has been disrupted with the beta-galactosidase gene. While the recombinant M33 null viruses showed no phenotypic differences in replication from wild-type MCMV in primary mouse embryo fibroblasts in vitro, they showed severely restricted growth in the salivary glands of infected mice. These data suggest that M33 plays an important role in vivo, in particular in the dissemination to or replication in the salivary gland, and provide the first evidence for the function of a viral GCR homolog in vivo.
Background. This paper examines the contributions of dispositional and non-dispositional factors to post-disaster psychological morbidity. Data reported are from the 845 participants in the longitudinal component of the Quake Impact Study. Methods. The phase 1 survey was used to construct dimensional indices of threat and disruption exposure. Subsequently, a range of dispositional characteristics were measured, including neuroticism, personal hopefulness and defence style. The main morbidity measures were the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Impact of Event Scale (IES). Results. Dispositional characteristics were the best predictors of psychological morbidity throughout the 2 years post-disaster, contributing substantially more to the variance in morbidity (12-39%) than did initial exposure (5-12%), but the extent of their contribution was greater for general (GHQ-12) than for post-traumatic (IES) morbidity. Among the non-dispositional factors, avoidance coping contributed equally to general and post-traumatic morbidity (pr = 0.24). Life events since the earthquake (pr = 0.18), poor social relationships (pr = -0.25) and ongoing earthquake-related disruptions (pr = 0.22) also contributed to general morbidity, while only the latter contributed significantly to post-traumatic morbidity (pr = 0.15). Conclusions. Medium-term post-earthquake morbidity appears to be a function of multiple factors whose contributions vary depending on the type of morbidity experienced and include trait vulnerability, the nature and degree of initial exposure, avoidance coping and the nature and severity of subsequent events.
We showed in 1988 that there are two strains of Chlamydia psittaci which infect the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). In order to further investigate the role of these chlamydial strains in pathogenesis, we have attempted to identify genes of koala type I strain chlamydial which are involved in the immunogenic response, Transformation of Escherichia coli with a plasmid containing a 6.3-kb fragment (pKOC-10) of C. psittaci DNA caused the appearance of a specific chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) epitope on the host strain. The smallest DNA fragment capable of inducing the expression of chlamydial LPS was an Xbal fragment, 2.4 kb in size (pKOC-5). DNA sequence analysis of the complete fragment revealed regions of high identity, at the amino acid level, to the gseA genes of C. pneomoniae, C. psittaci 6BC and C. trachomatis, and the kdtA gene of E. coli which code for transferases catalysing the addition of 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo) residues to lipid A. Two open reading frames (ORFs) of 1,314 and 501 nucleotides in size, within the 2.4-kb fragment, were evident, and mRNA species corresponding to these ORFs were detected by Northern analysis. Both ORF1 and ORF2 are required for the appearance of chlamydia-specific LPS on the surface of recombinant E. coli.
To date, several activating mutations have been discovered in the common signal-transducing subunit (h beta c) of the receptors for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and interleukin-5. Two of these, Fl Delta and 1374N, result in a 37 amino acid duplication and a single amino acid substitution in the extracellular domain of h beta c, respectively. A third, V449E, results in a single amino acid substitution in the transmembrane domain, Previous studies comparing the activity of these mutants in different hematopoietic cell lines imply that the transmembrane and extracellular mutations act by different mechanisms and suggest the requirement for cell type-specific molecules in signalling. To characterize the ability of these mutant hpc subunits to mediate growth and differentiation of primary cells and hence investigate their oncogenic potential, we have expressed all three mutants in primary murine hematopoietic cells using retroviral transduction. It is shown that, whereas expression of either extracellular hpc mutant confers factor-independent proliferation and differentiation on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, expression of the transmembrane mutant does so on these lineages as well as the eosinophil, basophil, megakaryocyte, and erythroid lineages, Factor-independent myeloid precursors expressing the transmembrane mutant display extended proliferation in liquid culture and in some cases yielded immortalized cell lines. (C) 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.
We compared the aldosterone-producing potency of the angiotensin II-sensitive wild-type aldosterone synthase genes and the ACTH-sensitive hybrid 11 beta-hydroxylase/aldosterone synthase gene by examining aldosterone, PRA, and cortisol day-curves (2-hourly levels over 24 h) in patients with familial hyperaldosteronism type I, before and during long-term (0.8-13.5 yr) glucocorticoid treatment. In 8 untreated patients, PRA levels were usually suppressed, and aldosterone correlated strongly with cortisol (r = 0.69-0.99). Fourteen studies were performed on 10 patients receiving glucocorticoid treatment that corrected hypertension, hypokalemia, and PRA suppression in all. ACTH was markedly and continuously suppressed in 6 studies, 3 of which demonstrated strong correlations between aldosterone and PRA (r = 0.77-0.92), ACTH was only partially suppressed in the remaining 8 studies; aldosterone correlated strongly: 1) with cortisol alone in 5 (r = 0.71-0.98); 2) with cortisol (r = 0.90) and PRA (r = 0.74) in one; 3) with PRA only in one (r = 0.80); and 4) with neither PRA nor cortisol in one. Unless ACTH is markedly and continuously suppressed, aldosterone is more responsive to ACTH than to renin/angiotensin II, despite the latter being unsuppressed. This is consistent with the hybrid gene being more powerfully expressed than the wild-type aldosterone synthase genes in familial hyperaldosteronism type I.
Rms1 is one of the series of five ramosus loci in pea (Pisum sativum L.) in which recessive mutant alleles confer increased branching at basal and aerial vegetative nodes. Shoots of the nonallelic rms1 and rms2 mutants are phenotypically similar in most respects. However, we found an up to 40-fold difference in root-sap zeatin riboside ([9R]Z) concentration between rms1 and rms2 plants. Compared with wild-type (WT) plants, the concentration of [9R]Z in rms1 root sap was very low and the concentration in rms2 root sap was slightly elevated. To our knowledge, the rms1 mutant is therefore the second ramosus mutant (rms4 being the first) to be characterized with low root-sap [9R]Z content. Like rms2, the apical bud and upper nodes of rms1 plants contain elevated indole-3-acetic acid levels compared with WT shoots. Therefore, the rms1 mutant demonstrates that high shoot auxin levels and low root-sap cytokinin levels are not necessarily correlated with increased apical dominance in pea. A graft-transmissible basis of action has been demonstrated for both mutants from reciprocal grafts between mutant and WT plants. Branching was also largely inhibited in rms1 shoots when grafted to rms2 rootstocks, but was not inhibited in rms2 shoots grafted to rms1 rootstocks. These grafting results are discussed, along with the conclusion that hormone-like signals other than auxin and cytokinin are also involved.
Theoretical and numerical analysis is performed for an inviscid axisymmetric vortical bathtub-type flow. The level of vorticity is kept high so that the image of the flow on the radial-axial plane (r-z plane) is not potential. The most significant findings are: (1) the region of validity of the strong vortex approximation is separated from the drain by a buffer region, (2) the power-law asymptote of the stream function, specified by Delta Psi similar to r(4/3) Deltaz, appears near the axis when vorticity in the flow is sufficiently strong and (3) the local Rossby number in the region of the 4/3 power-law the initial vorticity level in the flow and the global Rossby number.
Background Previous studies have examined individual dietary and lifestyle factors in relation to type 2 diabetes, but the combined effects of these factors are largely unknown. Methods We followed 84,941 female nurses from 1980 to 1996; these women were free of diagnosed cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer at base line. Information about their diet and lifestyle was updated periodically. A low-risk group was defined according to a combination of five variables: a body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of less than 25; a diet high in cereal fiber and polyunsaturated fat and low in trans fat and glycemic load (which reflects the effect of diet on the blood glucose level); engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for at least half an hour per day; no current smoking; and the consumption of an average of at least half a drink of an alcoholic beverage per day. Results During 16 years of follow-up, we documented 3300 new cases of type 2 diabetes. Overweight or obesity was the single most important predictor of diabetes. Lack of exercise, a poor diet, current smoking, and abstinence from alcohol use were all associated with a significantly increased risk of diabetes, even after adjustment for the body-mass index. As compared with the rest of the cohort, women in the low-risk group (3.4 percent of the women) had a relative risk of diabetes of 0.09 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.05 to 0.17). A total of 91 percent of the cases of diabetes in this cohort (95 percent confidence interval, 83 to 95 percent) could be attributed to habits and forms of behavior that did not conform to the low-risk pattern. Conclusions Our findings support the hypothesis that the majority of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by the adoption of a healthier lifestyle.
To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5x10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) Of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.
1 The functional coupling of B-2-adrenoceptors (beta (2)-ARs) to murine L-type Ca2+ current (I-Ca(L)) was investigated with two different approaches. The beta (2)-AR signalling cascade was activated either with the beta (2)-AR selective agonist zinterol (myocytes from wild-type mice), or by spontaneously active, unoccupied beta (2)-ARs (myocytes from TG4 mice with 435 fold overexpression of human beta (2)-ARs). Ca2+ and Ba2+ currents were recorded in the whole-cell and cell-attached configuration of the patch- clamp technique, respectively. 2 Zinterol (10 muM) significantly increased I-Ca(L) amplitude of wild-type myocytes by 19+/-5%, and this effect was markedly enhanced after inactivation of Gi-proteins with pertussis-toxin (PTX; 76+/-13% increase). However, the effect of zinterol was entirely mediated by the beta (1)-AR subtype, since it was blocked by the beta (1)-AR selective antagonist CGP 20712A (300 nM). The beta (2)-AR selective antagonist ICI 118,551 (50 nM) did not affect the response of I-Ca(L) to zinterol. 3 In myocytes with beta (2)-AR overexpression I-Ca(L) was not stimulated by the activated signalling cascade. On the contrary, I-Ca(L) was lower in TG4 myocytes and a significant reduction of single-channel activity was identified as a reason for the lower whole-cell I-Ca(L). The beta (2)-AR inverse agonist ICI 118,551 did not further decrease I-Ca(L). PTX-treatment increased current amplitude to values found in control myocytes. 4 In conclusion, there is no evidence for beta (2)-AR mediated increases of I-Ca(L) in wild-type mouse ventricular myocytes. Inactivation of Gi-proteins does not unmask beta (2)-AR responses to zinterol, but augments beta (1)-AR mediated increases of I-Ca(L). In the mouse model of beta (2)-AR overexpression I-Ca(L) is reduced due to tonic activation of Gi-proteins.
Background and Aims: Hepatic steatosis has been shown to be associated with lipid peroxidation and hepatic fibrosis in a variety of liver diseases including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, the lobular distribution of lipid peroxidation associated with hepatic steatosis, and the influence of hepatic iron stores on this are unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution of lipid peroxidation in association with these factors, and the relationship of this to the fibrogenic cascade. Methods: Liver biopsies from 39 patients with varying degrees of hepatic steatosis were assessed for evidence of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde adducts), hepatic iron, inflammation, fibrosis, hepatic ;stellate cell activation (alpha-smooth muscle actin and TGF-beta expression) and collagen type I synthesis (procollagen a 1 (I) mRNA). Results: Lipid peroxidation occurred in and adjacent to fat-laden hepatocytes and was maximal in acinar zone 3. Fibrosis was associated with steatosis (P < 0.04), lipid peroxidation (P < 0.05) and hepatic iron stores (P < 0.02). Multivariate logistic regression analysis confirmed the association between steatosis and lipid peroxidation within zone 3 hepatocytes (P < 0.05), while for hepatic iron, lipid peroxidation was seen within sinusoidal cells (P < 0.05), particularly in zone 1 (P < 0.02). Steatosis was also associated with acinar inflammation (P < 0.005). α-Smooth muscle actin expression was present in association with both lipid peroxidation and fibrosis. Although the effects of steatosis and iron on lipid peroxidation and fibrosis were additive, there was no evidence of a specific synergistic interaction between them. Conclusions: These observations support a model where steatosis exerts an effect on fibrosis through lipid peroxidation, particularly in zone 3 hepatocytes. (C) 2001 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
A possible role in RNA replication for interactions between conserved complementary (cyclization) sequences in the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of Flavivirus RNA was previously suggested but never tested in vivo. Using the M-fold program for RNA secondary-structure predictions, we examined for the first time the base-pairing interactions between the covalently linked 5' genomic region (first similar to 160 nucleotides) and the 3' untranslated region (last similar to 115 nucleotides) for a range of mosquito borne Flavivirus species. Base-pairing occurred as predicted for the previously proposed conserved cyclization sequences. In order to obtain experimental evidence of the predicted interactions, the putative cyclization sequences (5' or 3') in the replicon RNA of the mosquito-borne Kunjin virus,were mutated either separately, to destroy base-pairing, or simultaneously, to restore the complementarity. None of the RNAs with separate mutations in only the 5' or only the 3' cyclization sequences was able to replicate after transfection into BHK cells, while replicon RNA with simultaneous compensatory mutations in both cyclization sequences was replication competent. This was detected by immunofluorescence for expression of the major nonstructural protein NS3 and by Northern blot analysis for amplification and accumulation of replicon RNA. We then used the M-fold program to analyze RNA secondary structure of the covalently linked 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of three tick borne virus species and identified a previously undescribed additional pair of conserved complementary sequences in locations similar to those of the mosquito borne species. They base-paired with DeltaG values of approximately -20 kcal, equivalent or greater in stability than those calculated for the originally proposed cyclization sequences. The results show that the base-pairing between 5' and 3' complementary sequences, rather than the nucleotide sequence per se, is essential for the replication of mosquito-borne Kunjin virus RNA and that more than one pair of cyclization sequences might be involved in the replication of the tick-borne Flavivirus species.
Active surveillance for dengue (DEN) virus infected mosquitoes can be an effective way to predict the risk of dengue infection in a given area. However, doing so may pose logistical problems if mosquitoes must be kept alive or frozen fresh to detect DEN virus. In an attempt to simplify mosquito processing, we evaluated the usefulness of a sticky lure and a seminested reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR) for detecting DEN virus RNA under laboratory conditions using experimentally infected Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquitoes. In the first experiment, 40 male mosquitoes were inoculated with 0.13 mul of a 10(4) pfu/ml DEN-2 stock solution. After a 7-d incubation period, the mosquitoes were applied to the sticky lure and kept at room temperatures of 23-30 degreesC. Following 7,10,14, and 28 d application, 10 mosquitoes each were removed from the lure pooled and assayed for virus. DEN virus nucleic acid was clearly detectable in all pools up to 28 d after death. A second study evaluated sensitivity and specificity using one, two, and five DEN-infected mosquitoes removed after 7, 10, 14, 21 and 30 d application and tested by RT-PCR. All four DEN serotypes were individually inoculated in mosquitoes and evaluated using the same procedures as experiment 1. The four serotypes were detectable in as few as one mosquito 30 d after application to the lure with no evidence of cross-reactivity. The combination of sticky lures and RT-PCR show promise for mosquito and dengue virus surveillance and warrant further evaluation.
Brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr, were experimentally infected with Ross River (RR) or Barmah Forest (BF) virus by Aedes vigilax (Skuse) mosquitoes. Eight of 10 animals exposed to RR virus developed neutralizing antibody, and 3 possums developed high viremia for < 48 hr after infection, sufficient to infect recipient mosquitoes. Two of 10 animals exposed to BF virus developed neutralizing antibody. Both infected possums maintained detectable neutralizing antibody to BF for at least 45 days after infection (log neutralization index > 2.0 at 45 days). Eight possums did not develop neutralizing antibody to BF despite exposure to infected mosquitoes. These results suggest that T. vulpecula may potentially act as a reservoir species for RR in urban areas. However, T. vulpecula infected with BF do not develop viremia sufficient to infect mosquitoes and are unlikely to be important hosts for BF.