54 resultados para Burden of Disease


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Aims To investigate the concentration-effect relationship and pharmacokinetics of leflunomide in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Data were collected from 23 RA patients on leflunomide therapy (as sole disease modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD)) for at least 3 months. Main measures were A77 1726 (active metabolite of leflunomide) plasma concentrations and disease activity measures including pain, duration/intensity of morning stiffness, and SF-36 survey. A population estimate was sought for apparent clearance (CL/F ) and volume of distribution was fixed (0.155 l kg(-1)). Factors screened for influence on CL/F were weight, age, gender and estimated creatinine clearance. Results Significantly higher A77 1726 concentrations were seen in patients with less swollen joints and with higher SF-36 mental summary scores than in those with measures indicating more active disease (P < 0.05); concentration-effect trends were seen with five other disease activity measures. Statistical analysis of all disease activity measures showed that mean A77 1726 concentrations in groups with greater control of disease activity were significantly higher than those in whom the measures indicated less desirable control (P < 0.05). There was large between subject variability in the dose-concentration relationship. A steady-state infusion model best described the pharmacokinetic data. Inclusion of age as a covariate decreased interindividual variability (P < 0.01), but this would not be clinically important in terms of dosage changes. Final parameter estimate (% CV interindividual variability) for CL/F was 0.0184 l h(-1) (50%) (95% CI 0.0146, 0.0222). Residual (unexplained) variability (% CV) was 8.5%. Conclusions This study of leflunomide in patients using the drug clinically indicated a concentration-effect relationship. From our data, a plasma A77 1726 concentration of 50 mg l(-1) is more likely to indicate someone with less active disease than is a concentration around 30 mg l(-1). The marked variability in pharmacokinetics suggests a place for individualized dosing of leflunomide in RA therapy.


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Background Cardiovascular diseases and their nutritional risk factors-including overweight and obesity, elevated blood pressure, and cholesterol-are among the leading causes of global mortality and morbidity, and have been predicted to rise with economic development. Methods and Findings We examined age-standardized mean population levels of body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol in relation to national income, food share of household expenditure, and urbanization in a cross-country analysis. Data were from a total of over 100 countries and were obtained from systematic reviews of published literature, and from national and international health agencies. BMI and cholesterol increased rapidly in relation to national income, then flattened, and eventually declined. BMI increased most rapidly until an income of about I$5,000 (international dollars) and peaked at about I$12,500 for females and I$17,000 for males. Cholesterol's point of inflection and peak were at higher income levels than those of BMI (about I$8,000 and I$18,000, respectively). There was an inverse relationship between BMI/cholesterol and the food share of household expenditure, and a positive relationship with proportion of population in urban areas. Mean population blood pressure was not correlated or only weakly correlated with the economic factors considered, or with cholesterol and BMI. Conclusions When considered together with evidence on shifts in income-risk relationships within developed countries, the results indicate that cardiovascular disease risks are expected to systematically shift to low-income and middle-income countries and, together with the persistent burden of infectious diseases, further increase global health inequalities. Preventing obesity should be a priority from early stages of economic development, accompanied by population-level and personal interventions for blood pressure and cholesterol.


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A study was conducted to investigate the persistence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in the environment. Virus was impregnated onto two carrier materials (cotton tape and bovine liver) and exposed to environmental conditions on pasture during autumn in New Zealand. Samples were collected after 1, 10, 44 and 91 days and the viability of the virus was determined by oral inoculation of susceptible 11- to 14-week-old New Zealand White rabbits. Evidence of RHDV infection was based on clinical and pathological signs and/or seroconversion to RHDV. Virus impregnated on cotton tape was viable at 10 days of exposure but not at 44 days, while in bovine liver it was still viable at 91 days. The results of this study suggest that RHDV in animal tissues such as rabbit carcasses can survive for at least 3 months in the field, while virus exposed directly to environmental conditions, such as dried excreted virus, is viable for a period of less than I month. Survival of RHDV in the tissues of dead animals could, therefore, provide a persistent reservoir of virus, which could initiate new outbreaks of disease after extended delays.


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Essential hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, affecting about 26.4% of the adult population, and it is increasing (1). Its causes are heterogeneous and include genetic and environmental factors (2), but several observations point to an important role of the kidney in its genesis (3). In addition to variations in tubular transport mechanisms that could, for example, affect salt handling, structural characteristics of the kidney might also contribute to hypertension. The burden of chronic kidney disease is also increasing worldwide, due to population growth, increasing longevity, and changing risk factors. Although single-cause models of disease are still widely promoted, multideterminant or multihit models that can accommodate multiple risk factors in an individual or in a population are probably more applicable (4,5). In such a framework, nephron endowment is one potential determinant of disease susceptibility. Some time ago, Brenner and colleagues (6,7) proposed that lower nephron numbers predispose both to essential hypertension and to renal disease. They also proposed that hypertension and progressive renal insufficiency might be initiated and accelerated by glomerular hypertrophy and intraglomerular hypertension that develops as nephron number is reduced (8). In this review, we summarize data from recent studies that shed more light on these hypotheses. The data supply a new twist to possible mechanisms of the Barker hypothesis, which proposes that intrauterine growth retardation predisposes to chronic disease in later life (9). The review describes how nephron number is estimated and its range and some determinants and morphologic correlates. It then considers possible causes of low nephron numbers. Finally, associations of hypertension and renal disease with reduced nephron numbers are considered, and some potential clinical implications are discussed.


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Objective. Clinical interest in C-reactive protein (CRP) - a component of the innate immune system - has focused mainly on its worth as an indicator of disease activity. There has been a resurgence of interest in CRP in the Crohn's disease ( CD) literature because several trials of new treatments for active CD have been characterized by both a large proportion of patients with low CRP ( < 10 mg/l) at entry to the trials and by a negative therapeutic outcome. It is therefore of interest to study the clinical characteristics of patients who are thought to have at the same time both active CD and a low CRP. Material and methods. Patients were prospectively recruited as part of the Brisbane IBD clinical and research programme. Subjects were included in the low CRP group only if there were complete datasets for CRP on all occasions of active CD, and CRP was < 10 mg/l. Active disease was defined as CD activity index (CDAI) > 200. The low CRP group was compared with patients in the raised CRP group for a range of clinical variables as well as the major NOD2 variants. Results. There were data sets for 223 CD patients, with a mean disease duration of 12 years. Of these, 22 patients fulfilled the criteria for low CRP. The low CRP group ( group 1) showed significant differences for disease site (p < 0.01) and for BMI (p = 0.006) compared to the raised CRP group ( group 2). Specifically, group 1 had a predominance of pure ileal disease (95% versus 53%) and lack of pure colonic disease (0% versus 24%) compared to group 2, and their BMI was significantly lower (20.3 kg/m(2) versus 25.0 kg/m(2)). Groups 1 and 2 did not differ with respect to Vienna behaviour at diagnosis, smoking, appendicectomy, extra-intestinal manifestations of CD, or NOD2 SNP variants. There was a trend for low CRP patients with previous ileal resection to evolve to a stricturing phenotype. Fat wrapping was noted in 11/13 (85%) of low CRP patients undergoing ileal resections. Conclusions. Patients with CD and a persistently low CRP in the face of active disease were characterized by an almost exclusive ileal disease distribution and a low BMI, compared to those with a raised CRP. These patients had a similar frequency and distribution of NOD2/CARD15 variants. Stricturing ( v inflammatory or penetrating) behaviour may explain some low CRP. Despite the abnormally low BMI, fat wrapping was noted in the majority of low CRP patients undergoing ileal resection.


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Background. The factors behind the reemergence of severe, invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) diseases are unclear, but it could be caused by altered genetic endowment in these organisms. However, data from previous studies assessing the association between single genetic factors and invasive disease are often conflicting, suggesting that other, as-yet unidentified factors are necessary for the development of this class of disease. Methods. In this study, we used a targeted GAS virulence microarray containing 226 GAS genes to determine the virulence gene repertoires of 68 GAS isolates (42 associated with invasive disease and 28 associated with noninvasive disease) collected in a defined geographic location during a contiguous time period. We then employed 3 advanced machine learning methods (genetic algorithm neural network, support vector machines, and classification trees) to identify genes with an increased association with invasive disease. Results. Virulence gene profiles of individual GAS isolates varied extensively among these geographically and temporally related strains. Using genetic algorithm neural network analysis, we identified 3 genes with a marginal overrepresentation in invasive disease isolates. Significantly, 2 of these genes, ssa and mf4, encoded superantigens but were only present in a restricted set of GAS M-types. The third gene, spa, was found in variable distributions in all M-types in the study. Conclusions. Our comprehensive analysis of GAS virulence profiles provides strong evidence for the incongruent relationships among any of the 226 genes represented on the array and the overall propensity of GAS to cause invasive disease, underscoring the pathogenic complexity of these diseases, as well as the importance of multiple bacteria and/ or host factors.


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BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease has been a major cause of mortality in Australian adults, but the rate has declined by 83% from the 1968 peak by the year 2000. The study objective is to determine the contribution of changes in population risk factors - mean serum cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure and tobacco smoking prevalence - to the decline in coronary heart disease mortality in Australia over three decades. METHODS: Coronary heart disease deaths (International Classification of Disease-9, 410-414) and population by year, age group and sex were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Risk factor levels were obtained from population surveys and estimated average annual changes by period were used to calculate average annual 'attributable' proportional declines in CHD mortality by period (age 35-64 years). RESULTS: Over the period 1968-2000, 74% of male decline and 81% of the female decline in coronary heart disease mortality rate was accounted for by the combined effect of reductions in the three risk factors. In males 36% of the decline was contributed by reductions in diastolic blood pressure, 22% by cholesterol and 16% by smoking. For females 56% was from diastolic blood pressure reduction, 20% from cholesterol and 5% from smoking. Effects of reductions in serum cholesterol on coronary heart disease mortality occurred mainly in the 1970s. Declines in diastolic blood pressure had effects on coronary heart disease mortality over the three decades, and declines in tobacco smoking had a significant effect in males in the 1980s. CONCLUSION: Most of the spectacular decline in coronary heart disease mortality over the last three decades in Australia can be ascribed to reductions in population risk factors from primary and secondary prevention.


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Deforestation often occurs as temporal waves and in localized fronts termed 'deforestation hotspots' driven by economic pulses and population pressure. Of particular concern for conservation planning are 'biodiversity hotspots' where high concentrations of endemic species undergo rapid loss and fragmentation of habitat. We investigate the deforestation process in Caqueta, a biodiversity hotspot and major colonization front of the Colombian Amazon using multi-temporal satellite imagery of the periods 1989-1996-1999-2002. The probabilities of deforestation and regeneration were modeled against soil fertility, accessibility and neighborhood terms, using logistic regression analysis. Deforestation and regeneration patterns and rates were highly variable across the colonization front. The regional average annual deforestation rate was 2.6%, but varied locally between -1.8% (regeneration) and 5.3%, with maximum rates in landscapes with 40-60% forest cover and highest edge densities, showing an analogous pattern to the spread of disease. Soil fertility and forest and secondary vegetation neighbors showed positive and significant relationships with the probability of deforestation. For forest regeneration, soil fertility had a significant negative effect while the other parameters were marginally significant. The logistic regression models across all periods showed a high level of discrimination power for both deforestation and forest regeneration, with ROC values > 0.80. We document the effect of policies and institutional changes on the land clearing process, such as the failed peace process between government and guerillas in 1999-2002, which redirected the spread of deforestation and increased forest regeneration. The implications for conservation in biologically rich areas, such as Caqueta are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Allowing plant pathology students to tackle fictitious or real crop problems during the course of their formal training not only teaches them the diagnostic process, but also provides for a better understanding of disease etiology. Such a problem-solving approach can also engage, motivate, and enthuse students about plant pathologgy in general. This paper presents examples of three problem-based approaches to diagnostic training utilizing freely available software. The first provides an adventure-game simulation where Students are asked to provide a diagnosis and recommendation after exploring a hypothetical scenario or case. Guidance is given oil how to create these scenarios. The second approach involves students creating their own scenarios. The third uses a diagnostic template combined with reporting software to both guide and capture students' results and reflections during a real diagnostic assignment.