54 resultados para Bull Mountains
The composition of the Pyrgulidae and its relationships to other member families of the caenogastropod superfamily Rissooidea are examined after a consideration of new anatomical (including gross anatomy, sperm ultrastructure), conchological (including protoconch features), ecological, biogeographical and palaeontological data and a re-evaluation of existing literature. Pyrgulidae can be distinguished from hydrobiids unequivocally only with the aid of the radula. Sperm ultrastructural features suggest a very close relationship between the Pyrgulidae, the Hydrobiidae and the Bithyniidae (in fact no family-diagnostic sperm characters can be found to separate these three taxa). Based upon neontological and fossil evidence it is likely that pyrgulids represent a Miocene offshoot from a paratethyal hydrobiid lineage. Pyrgulids may also represent the stock from which the baicaliids arose, in which case the Pyrgulidae must be considered a paraphyletic group. The huge biogeographic gap between the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal is to some extent bridged by the finding of a Neogene pyrgulid from the Altai Mountains. An alternative scenario for the origin of baicaliids is presented.
Conservation of biodiversity can generate considerable indirect economic value and this is being increasingly recognized in China. For a forest ecosystem type of a nature reserve, the most important of its values are its ecological functions which provide human beings and other living things with beneficial environmental services. These services include water conservancy, soil protection, CO2 fixation and O-2 release, nutrient cycling, pollutant decomposition, and disease and pest control. Based on a case study in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China, this paper provides a monetary valuation of these services by using opportunity cost and alternative cost methods. Using such an approach, this reserve is valued at 510.11 million yuan (USD 61.68 mill.) per year, 10 times higher than the opportunity cost (51.78 mill. yuan/ha.a) for regular timber production. While China has heeded United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)'s call for economic evaluation of ecological functions, the assessment techniques used need to be improved in China and in the West for reasons mentioned.
This paper discusses generally why humans should bother to conserve sea turtles. In doing so, it considers both economic and non-economic reasons and outlines threats to the existence of sea turtles and ways in which tourism may either contribute to the conservation or decline of their populations. Turtle-based ecotourism at Mon Repos in southern Queensland is described. As a result of a survey conducted by the authors, it is shown that turtle-based ecotourism at Mon Repos has positive social (indirect) consequences for the conservation of sea turtles. Furthermore, it is argued that ecotourism operations at Mon Repos have positive direct impacts on the sustainability of populations of sea turtles. However, using a simple model, it is emphasised that this impact is limited because turtles are migratory. A model is also developed to capture the possible relationship between turtle populations and the sustainability of ecotourism dependent on turtle populations, and is extended to other wildlife species. Significant interdependence exists between the sustainability of these two variables. The theory is related to Ciriacy-Wantrup's social safe minimum conservation standard for species' survival.
A hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in northern Spain has been analyzed for variation in morphology and ecology. These species are readily distinguished by the number of stridulatory pegs on the hind femur. Both sexes are fully winged and inhabit disturbed habitats throughout the study area. We develop a maximum-likelihood approach to fitting a two-dimensional cline to geographical variation in quantitative traits and for estimating associations of population mean with local habitat. This method reveals a cline in peg number approximately 30 km south of the Picos de Europa Mountains that shows substantial deviations in population mean compared with the expectations of simple tension zone models. The inclusion of variation in local vegetation in the model explains a significant proportion of the residual variation in peg number, indicating that habitat-genotype associations contribute to the observed spatial pattern. However, this association is weak, and a number of populations continue to show strong deviations in mean even after habitat is included in the final model. These outliers may be the result of long-distance colonization of sites distant from the cline center or may be due to a patchy pattern of initial contact during postglacial expansion. As well as contrasting with the smooth hybrid zones described for Chorthippus parallelus, this situation also contrasts with the mosaic hybrid zones observed in Gryllus crickets and in parts of the hybrid zone between Bombina toad species, where habitat-genotype associations account for substantial amounts of among-site variation.
Neuronal and glial high-affinity transporters regulate extracellular glutamate concentration, thereby terminating synaptic transmission and preventing neuronal excitotoxicity. Glutamate transporter activity has been shown to be modulated by protein kinase C (PKC) in cell culture. This is the first study to demonstrate such modulation in situ, by following the fate of the non-metabolisable glutamate transporter substrate, D-aspartate. In the rat retina, pan-isoform PKC inhibition with chelerythrine suppressed glutamate uptake by GLAST (glutamate/aspartate transporter), the dominant excitatory amino acid transporter localized to the glial Muller cells. This effect was mimicked by rottlerin but not by Go6976, suggesting the involvement of the PKCdelta isoform, but not PKCalpha, beta or gamma. Western blotting and immunohistochemical labeling revealed that the suppression of glutamate transport was not due to a change in transporter expression. Inhibition of PKCdelta selectively suppressed GLAST but not neuronal glutamate transporter activity. These data suggest that the targeting of specific glutamate transporters with isoform-specific modulators of PKC activity may have significant implications for the understanding of neurodegenerative conditions arising from compromised glutamate homeostasis, e.g. glaucoma and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The extent to which density-dependent processes regulate natural populations is the subject of an ongoing debate. We contribute evidence to this debate showing that density-dependent processes influence the population dynamics of the ectoparasite Aponomma hydrosauri (Acari: Ixodidae), a tick species that infests reptiles in Australia. The first piece of evidence comes from an unusually long-term dataset on the distribution of ticks among individual hosts. If density-dependent processes are influencing either host mortality or vital rates of the parasite population, and those distributions can be approximated with negative binomial distributions, then general host-parasite models predict that the aggregation coefficient of the parasite distribution will increase with the average intensity of infections. We fit negative binomial distributions to the frequency distributions of ticks on hosts, and find that the estimated aggregation coefficient k increases with increasing average tick density. This pattern indirectly implies that one or more vital rates of the tick population must be changing with increasing tick density, because mortality rates of the tick's main host, the sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, are unaffected by changes in tick burdens. Our second piece of evidence is a re-analysis of experimental data on the attachment success of individual ticks to lizard hosts using generalized linear modelling. The probability of successful engorgement decreases with increasing numbers of ticks attached to a host. This is direct evidence of a density-dependent process that could lead to an increase in the aggregation coefficient of tick distributions described earlier. The population-scale increase in the aggregation coefficient is indirect evidence of a density-dependent process or processes sufficiently strong to produce a population-wide pattern, and thus also likely to influence population regulation. The direct observation of a density-dependent process is evidence of at least part of the responsible mechanism.
Dissociated remains of the acanthodian Poracanthodes punctatus are described from Upper Silurian (Pridoli) limestones of the Roberts Mountains Formation at Pete Hanson Creek, Eureka County, Nevada. The vertebrate microremains in sample residues comprise scales, a dentigerous jaw bone fragment, and a fin spine fragment assigned to P. punctatus, plus one possible acanthothoracid placoderm scale. Some macroremains from the same locality are also assigned to P. punctatus. This taxon has been nominated as, a zone fossil for the Silurian vertebrate biozonal scheme, and its presence has been recorded throughout the circum-Arctic region. Identification of the taxon in Nevada extends its known geographic range.
The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-selective subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptor is of importance in neuronal differentiation and synapse consolidation, activity-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity, and excitatory amino acid-mediated neuronal toxicity [Neurosci. Res. Program, Bull. 19 (1981) 1; Lab. Invest. 68 (1993) 372]. NMDA receptors exist in vivo as tetrameric or pentameric complexes comprising proteins from two families of homologous subunits, designated NR1 and NR2(A-D) [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 185 (1992) 826]. The gene coding for the human NR1 subunit (hNR1) is composed of 21 exons, three of which (4, 20 and 21) can be differentially spliced to generate a total of eight distinct subunit variants. We detail here a competitive RT-PCR (cRT-PCR) protocol to quantify endogenous levels of hNR1 splice variants in autopsied human brain. Quantitation of each hNR1 splice variant is performed using standard curve methodology in which a known amount of synthetic ribonucleic acid competitor (internal standard) is co-amplified against total RNA. This method can be used for the quantitation of hNR1 mRNA levels in response to acute or chronic disease states, in particular in the glutamatergic-associated neuronal loss observed in Alzheimer's disease [J. Neurochem. 78 (2001) 175]. Furthermore, alterations in hNR1 mRNA expression may be reflected at the translational level, resulting in functional changes in the NMDA receptor. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Writing the body of the mother: Narrative moments in Tsushima Yuko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko
This discussion argues the transformative potential inherent in the corporeal experience of motherhood as represented in selected textual moments of Japanese narrative. Narratives that address the experiences of the body of the mother are informed and given substance by an intense physicality, and thus have the potential to contest processes of social inscription in addition to suggesting alternative possibilities for all readers, not just those occupying an embodied maternal space. The discussion features brief events from the work of three writers who have written as mothers: Tsushima Y(u)macrko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko. In Yama o hashiru onna (1980; translated as Woman Running in the Mountains, 1991), Tsushima Y(u)macrko invites the reader to consider the embodied response to light of Takiko, a young pregnant woman. Emiko, the protagonist of Hishoku (Without Colour, 1967) by Ariyoshi Sawako, is the Japanese wife of an African American and has just given birth to a child. The daughter protagonist in Enchi Fumiko's 'Kami' ('Hair', 1957) operates a hairdressing business that is viable only with her mother's unpaid labour. The narratives are read through a matrix of post-structuralist theories of embodiment, drawing on the work of writers such as Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz.