247 resultados para Building Control
The present study examined the effects of work control and job demands on employee adjustment and work performance using a multidimensional measure of work control (assessing levels of task control, decision control and work scheduling control). It was proposed that the negative effects of job demands and employee adjustment would be moderated by high levels of task control. It was also proposed that there would be evidence of main effects of both job demands and work control (particularly task-related levels of control) on employee adjustment. To test these predictions, a study of 135 university employees holding administrative positions was undertaken. Methodological improvements over previous research included the use of both self-reported adjustment measures and supervisor ratings of work performance as outcome variables, and the assessment of the predictor and outcome measures at different points in time (self-reported adjustment was assessed at both Times 1 and 2). The results revealed some support for the proposal that the effects of job demands would be buffered by high levels of task control, but not more peripheral aspects of work control. There were also significant main effects of task control on job satisfaction.
Helicoverpa armigera is a serious insect pest of sweet corn in Australia and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage with conventional chemical insecticides due to resistance problems. A number of alternative H. armigera control options were evaluated in sweet corn and compared with deltamethrin and no action (control). The alternative tactics evaluated were: heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus plus Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases; Bacillus thuringiensis; and Trichogramma alone. The H. tea nuclear polyhedrosis virus + Trichogramma plots had the lowest cob damage (6.0%), followed by the B. thuringiensis plots (12.0%), Trichogramma alone plots (20.2%), control plots (23.2%) and deltamethrin plots (53.5%). There was no evidence to suggest that the Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases had any impact on H. armigera egg mortality. However, there was a large natural population of Trichogramma pretiosum in all plots. The application of deltamethrin reduced the action of these wasps and predators, resulting in higher larval infestation and significantly more cob damage. The findings indicate that the pathogens heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus and B. thuringiensis can effectively control H. armigera when their action complements high natural levels of egg parasitism, and that they have potential for use in integrated pest management programs in sweet corn.
Two basic representations of principal-agent relationships, the 'state-space' and 'parameterized distribution' formulations, have emerged. Although the state-space formulation appears more natural, analytical studies using this formulation have had limited success. This paper develops a state-space formulation of the moral-hazard problem using a general representation of production under uncertainty. A closed-form solution for the agency-cost problem is derived. Comparative-static results are deduced. Next we solve the principal's problem of selecting the optimal output given the agency-cost function. The analysis is applied to the problem of point-source pollution control. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Objectives-To estimate the relative risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) associated with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Design-Population-based case-control study. Subjects-Cases were 953 people identified in a population register of coronary events, and controls were 3189 participants in independent community-based risk factor prevalence surveys from the same study populations. Setting-Newcastle, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand. Main outcome measures-Acute myocardial infarction or coronary death. Results-After adjusting for the effects of age, education, history of heart disease, and body mass index, women had a statistically significant increased risk of a coronary event associated with exposure to ETS (relative risk (RR) = 1.99; 95% confidence interval (CI)= 1.40-2.81). There was little statistical evidence of increased risk found in men (RR = 1.02, 95% CI = 0.81-1.28). Conclusion-Our study found evidence for the adverse effects of exposure to ETS on risk of coronary heart disease among women, especially at home. For men the issue is unclear according to the data from our study. Additional studies with detailed information on possible confounders and adequate statistical power are needed. Most importantly, they should use methods for measuring exposure to ETS that are sufficiently accurate to permit the investigation of dose-response relationships.
Wildlife-habitat models are an important tool in wildlife management toda?, and by far the majority of these predict aspects of species distribution (abundance or presence) as a proxy measure of habitat quality. Unfortunately, few are tested on independent data, and of those that are, few show useful predictive st;ill. We demonstrate that six critical assumptions underlie distribution based wildlife-habitat models, all of which must be valid for the model to predict habitat quality. We outline these assumptions in a mete-model, and discuss methods for their validation. Even where all sis assumptions show a high level of validity, there is still a strong likelihood that the model will not predict habitat quality. However, the meta-model does suggest habitat quality can be predicted more accurately if distributional data are ignored, and variables more indicative of habitat quality are modelled instead.
The relative contribution of dissolved nitrogen (ammonium and dissolved free amino acids DFAAs) to the nitrogen budget of the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis was assessed for colonies growing on control and ammonium-enriched reefs at One Tree Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) during the ENCORE (Enrichment of Nutrient on Coral Reef; 1993 to 1996) project. P. damicornis acquired ammonium at rates of between 5.1 and 91.8 nmol N cm(-2) h(-1) which were not affected by nutrient treatment except in the case of one morph. In this case, uptake rates decreased from 80.5 to 42.8 nmol cm(-2) h(-1) (P < 0.05) on exposure to elevated ammonium over 12 mo. The presence or absence of light during measurement did not influence the uptake of ammonium ions. Nitrogen budgets revealed that the uptake of ammonium from concentrations of 0.11 to 0.13 mu M could completely satisfy the demand of growing P. damicornis for new nitrogen. P. damicornis also took up DFAAs at rates ranging from 4.9 to 9.8 nmol N cm(-2) h(-1). These rates were higher in the dark than in the light (9.0 vs 5.1 nmol m(-2) h(-1), P < 0.001). Uptake rates were highest for the amino acids serine, arginine and alanine, and lowest for tyrosine. DFAA concentrations within the ENCORE microatolls that received ammonium were undetectable, whereas they ranged up to 100 nM within the control microatolls. The contribution of DFAAs to the nitrogen budget of P. damicornis constituted only a small fraction of the nitrogen potentially contributed by ammonium under field conditions. Even at the highest field concentrations measured during this study, DFAAs could contribute only similar or equal to 11.3% of the nitrogen demand of P. damicornis. This contribution, however, may be an important source of nitrogen when other sources such as ammonium are scarce or during periods when high concentrations of DFAAs become sporadically available (e.g. cell breakage during fish-grazing).
Recent studies have demonstrated a link in young populations between unemployment and ill health. The purpose of this study is to correlate mortality with employment status in two cohorts of young Australian males, aged 17-25 years, from 1984 to 1988. Two youth cohorts consisting of an initially unemployed sample (n = 1424 males) and a population sample (n = 4573 males), were surveyed annually throughout the study period. Those lost to follow-up during the survey period were matched with death registries across Australia. Employment status was determined from weekly diaries and death certificates and was designated as: employed or student; unemployed; not in the work force (excluding students). Conditional logistic regression, using age- and cohort- matched cases (deaths) and controls (alive), was used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) of dying with regard to employment status, taking into account potential confounders such as ethnicity, aboriginality, educational attainment, pre-existing health problems, socio-economic status of parents, and other factors. Twenty three male survey respondents were positively matched to death registry records. Compared to those employed or students (referent group), significantly elevated ORs were found to be associated with neither being in the workforce nor a student for all cause, external cause, and external cause mortality other than suicide. Odds ratios were adjusted for age, survey cohort, ethnicity, pre-existing physical and mental health status, education level, and socio-economic status of parent(s). A statistically significant increasing linear trend in odds ratios of male mortality for most cause groups was found across the employment categories, from those employed or student (lowest ORs), through those unemployed; to those not in the workforce (highest ORs). Suicide was higher, but not statistically significantly, in those unemployed or not in the workforce. Suicide also was associated, though not significantly, with the respondent not living with their parents when they were 14 years of age. No association was found between mortality and past unemployment experience, as measured by length of time spent unemployed, or the number of spells of unemployment experienced during the survey. The results of this study underscore the elevated risk to survival in young males as a consequence of being neither employed nor a student. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fed-batch fermentation is used to prevent or reduce substrate-associated growth inhibition by controlling nutrient supply. Here we review the advances in control of fed-batch fermentations. Simple exponential feeding and inferential methods are examined, as are newer methods based on fuzzy control and neural networks. Considerable interest has developed in these more advanced methods that hold promise for optimizing fed-batch techniques for complex fermentation systems. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is a geographically widespread species endemic to Australia, with three currently recognized subspecies: P.c. adustus, P.c. cinereus, and P.c. victor. Intraspecific variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was examined in over 200 animals from 16 representative populations throughout the species' range. Eighteen different haplotypes were defined in the approximate to 860 bp mtDNA control region as determined by heteroduplex analysis/temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (HDA/TGGE). Any single population typically possessed only one or two haplotypes yielding an average within-population haplotypic diversity of 0.180 +/- 0.003, and nucleotide diversity of 0.16%. Overall, mtDNA control region sequence diversity between populations averaged 0.67%, and ranged from 0% to 1.56%. Nucleotide divergence between populations averaged 0.51%, and ranged from 0% to 1.53%. Neighbour-joining methods revealed limited phylogenetic distinction between geographically distant populations of koalas, and tentative support for a single evolutionarily significant unit (ESU). This is consistent with previous suggestions that the morphological differences formalized by subspecific taxonomy may be interpreted as clinal variation. Significant differentiation in mtDNA-haplotype frequencies between localities suggested that little gene now currently exists among populations. When combined with microsatellite analysis, which has revealed substantial differentiation among koala populations, we conclude that the appropriate short-term management unit (MU) for koalas is the local population.
Pulse-amplitude-modulation fluorometry and oxygen respirometry were used to investigate diel photosynthetic responses by symbiotic dinoflagellates to light levels in summer and winter on a high latitude coral reef. The symbiotic dinoflagellates from 2 species of reef-building coral (Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata) showed photoinhibitory decreases in the ratio of variable (F-v) to maximal (F-m) fluorescence (F-v/F-m) as early as 09:00 h on both summer and winter days on the reefs associated with One Tree Island (23 degrees 30' S, 152 degrees 06' E; Great Barrier Reef, Australia). This was due to decreases in maximum, F-m, and to a smaller extent minimum, F-0, chlorophyll fluorescence. Complete recovery took 4 to 6 h and began to occur as soon as light levels fell each day. Chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis of corals measured during the early afternoon revealed classic regulation of photosystem II (PSII) efficiency through non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). These results appear to be similar to data collected for other algae and higher plants, suggesting involvement of the xanthophyll cycle of symbiotic dinoflagellates in regulating the quantum efficiency of PSII. The ability of symbiotic dinoflagellates to develop significant NPQ, however, depended strongly on when the symbiotic dinoflagellates were studied. Whereas symbiotic dinoflagellates from corals in the early afternoon showed a significant capacity to regulate the efficiency of PSII using NPQ, those sampled before sunrise had a slower and much reduced capacity, suggesting that elements of the xanthophyll cycle are suppressed prior to sunrise. A second major finding of this study is that the quantum efficiency of PSII in symbiotic dinoflagellates is strongly diurnal, and is as much as 50% lower just prior to sunrise than later in the day. When combined with oxygen flux data, these results indicate that a greater portion of the electron transport occurring later in the day is likely to be due to the increases in the rate of carbon fixation by Rubisco or to higher flutes through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase (MAP) cycle.
Freeform fabrication methods allow the direct formation of parts built layer by layer, under the control of a CAD drawing. Most of these methods form parts in thermoplastic or thermoset polymers, but there would be many applications for freeform fabrication of fully functional metal or ceramic parts. We describe here the freeforming of sinterable aluminium alloys. In addition, the building approach allows different materials to be positioned within a monolithic part for an optimal combination of properties. This is illustrated here with the formation of an aluminium gear with a metal-matrix composite wear surface. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.