60 resultados para Baltic States


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A laser, be it an optical laser or an atom laser, is an open quantum system that produces a coherent beam of bosons (photons or atoms, respectively). Far above threshold, the stationary state rho(ss) of the laser mode is a mixture of coherent-field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. This paper answers the question: can descriptions such as these, of rho(ss) as a stationary ensemble of pure states, be physically realized? Here physical realization is as defined previously by us [H. M. Wiseman and J. A. Vaccaro, Phys. Lett. A 250, 241 (1998)]: an ensemble of pure states for a particular system can be physically realized if, without changing the dynamics of the system, an experimenter can (in principle) know at any time that the system is in one of the pure-state members of the ensemble. Such knowledge can be obtained by monitoring the baths to which the system is coupled, provided that coupling is describable by a Markovian master equation. Using a family of master equations for the (atom) laser, we solve for the physically realizable (PR) ensembles. We find that for any finite self-energy chi of the bosons in the laser mode, the coherent-state ensemble is not PR; the closest one can come to it is an ensemble of squeezed states. This is particularly relevant for atom lasers, where the self-energy arising from elastic collisions is expected to be large. By contrast, the number-state ensemble is always PR. As the self-energy chi increases, the states in the PR ensemble closest to the coherent-state ensemble become increasingly squeezed. Nevertheless, there are values of chi for which states with well-defined coherent amplitudes are PR, even though the atom laser is not coherent (in the sense of having a Bose-degenerate output). We discuss the physical significance of this anomaly in terms of conditional coherence (and hence conditional Bose degeneracy).


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We consider the possibility that the electrons injected into organic field-effect transistors are strongly correlated. A single layer of acenes can be modeled by a Hubbard Hamiltonian similar to that used for the κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X family of organic superconductors. The injected electrons do not necessarily undergo a transition to a Mott insulator state as they would in bulk crystals when the system is half-filled. We calculate the fillings needed for obtaining insulating states in the framework of the slave-boson theory and in the limit of large Hubbard repulsion U. We also suggest that these Mott states are unstable above some critical interlayer coupling or long-range Coulomb interaction.


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The spin-spin relaxation times, T-2, of hydrated samples of poly(hydroxymethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate),PTHFMA, and the,corresponding HEMA-THFMA copolymers have been examined to probe the states of,the imbibed water in these polymers. The decay in the transverse magnetization of water. in fully hydrated samples of PHEMA, PTHFMA, and copolymers of HEMA and THFMA was described by a multiexponential function. The short component of T-2 was interpreted as water molecules that were strongly interacting with the polymer chains. The intermediate component of T-2 was assigned to water residing in the porous structure of the samples. The long component of T-2 was believed to arise from water residing in the remnants of cracks formed in the polymer network during water sorption.


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We show how polarization measurements on the output fields generated by parametric down conversion will reveal a violation of multiparticle Bell inequalities, in the regime of both low- and high-output intensity. In this case, each spatially separated system, upon which a measurement is performed, is comprised of more than one particle. In view of the formal analogy with spin systems, the proposal provides an opportunity to test the predictions of quantum mechanics for spatially separated higher spin states. Here the quantum behavior possible even where measurements are performed on systems of large quantum (particle) number may be demonstrated. Our proposal applies to both vacuum-state signal and idler inputs, and also to the quantum-injected parametric amplifier as studied by De Martini The effect of detector inefficiencies is included, and weaker Bell-Clauser-Horne inequalities are derived to enable realistic tests of local hidden variables with auxiliary assumptions for the multiparticle situation.


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A discrete protocol for teleportation of superpositions of coherent states of optical-cavity fields is presented. Displacement and parity operators are unconventionally used in Bell-like measurement for field states.


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We explore the sensitivity of an interferometer based on a quantum circuit for coherent states. We show that its sensitivity is at the Heisenberg limit. Moreover, we show that this arrangement can measure very small length intervals.


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This Brief Report presents a corollary to Uhlmann's theorem which provides a simple operational interpretation of the fidelity of mixed states.


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Recently a scheme has been proposed for constructing quantum error-correcting codes that embed a finite-dimensional code space in the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of a system described by continuous quantum variables. One of the difficult steps in this scheme is the preparation of the encoded states. We show how these states can be generated by coupling a continuous quantum variable to a single qubit. An ion trap quantum computer provides a natural setting for a continuous system coupled to a qubit. We discuss how encoded states may be generated in an ion trap.


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Emmanuel Levinas's work on the ethical responsibility of the face-to-face relation offers an illuminating context or clearing within which we might better appreciate the work of Simone Weil. Levinas's subjectivity of the hostage, the one who is responsible for the other before being responsible for the self, provides us with a way of re-encountering the categories of gravity and grace invoked in Weil's original account. In this paper I explore the terrain between these thinkers by raising the question of eating as, in part, an ethical act. Weil's conception of grace refers to the state of decreation in which the utter humility of the self moves toward a kind of disintegration and weightlessness. this weightlessness, which Weil contrasts to the gravity of terrestrial weight, might be thought of in terms of the subject's fundamental responsibility for the other, especially in terms of the injunction Thou shalt neither kill nor take the food of thy neighbour. Taking the place of the other, taking the food from the mouth of the other, is the ethical dilemma facing the subject as hostage and an elaboration of this situation may provide us with steps toward a radical questioning of anorexia as - at least in part - an ethical rather than purely medical condition.


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Bound and resonance states of HO2 have been calculated quantum mechanically by the Lanczos homogeneous filter diagonalization method [Zhang and Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3, 2282 (2001); J. Chem. Phys. 115, 5751 (2001)] for nonzero total angular momentum J = 1,2,3. For lower bound states, agreement between the results in this paper and previous work is quite satisfactory; while for high lying bound states and resonances these are the first reported results. A helicity quantum number V assignment (within the helicity conserving approximation) is performed and the results indicate that for lower bound states it is possible to assign the V quantum numbers unambiguously, but for resonances it is impossible to assign the V helicity quantum numbers due to strong mixing. In fact, for the high-lying bound states, the mixing has already appeared. These results indicate that the helicity conserving approximation is not good for the resonance state calculations and exact quantum calculations are needed to accurately describe the reaction dynamics for HO2 system. Analysis of the resonance widths shows that most of the resonances are overlapping and the interferences between them lead to large fluctuations from one resonance to another. In accord with the conclusions from earlier J = 0 calculations, this indicates that the dissociation of HO2 is essentially irregular. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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A blocking ELISA targeting an immunodominant West Nile epitope on the West Nile Virus NS1 protein was assessed for the detection of West Nile-specific antibodies in blood samples collected from 584 sentinel chickens and 238 wild birds collected in-New Jersey from May-December 2000. Ten mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) experimentally infected with West Nile virus and six uninfected controls were also tested. The ELISA proved specific in detecting WNV antibodies in 9/10 chickens and 4/4 wild birds previously confirmed as positive by Plaque Reduction Neutralization test (PRNT) at the Center for Disease Control, Division of Vector Borne Diseases, Fort Collins, CO, USA (CDC). Nine out of the ten experimentally infected mallard ducks also tested positive for WN antibodies in the blocking ELISA, while 6/6 uninfected controls did not. Additionally, 1705 wild birds, collected in New Jersey from December 2000-November 2001 and Long Island, New York between November 1999 and August 2001 were also tested for WN antibodies by the blocking ELISA. These tests identified 30 positive specimens, 12 of which had formalin-fixed tissues available to allow detection of WN specific viral antigen in various tissues by WNV-specific immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that rapid and specific detection of antibodies to WN virus in sera from a range of avian species by blocking ELISA is an effective strategy for WN Virus surveillance in avian hosts. In combination with detection of WN-specific antigens in tissues by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the blocking ELISA will also be useful for confirming WN infection in diseased birds.


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The effects of the native alpha-conotoxin PnIA, its synthetic derivative [ A10L] PnIA and alanine scan derivatives of [ A10L] PnIA were investigated on chick wild type alpha7 and alpha7-L247T mutant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) expressed in Xenopus oocytes. PnIA and [A10L] PnIA inhibited acetylcholine (ACh)-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors with IC50 values of 349 and 168 nM, respectively. Rates of onset of inhibition were similar for PnIA and [ A10L] PnIA; however, the rate of recovery was slower for [ A10L] PnIA, indicating that the increased potency of [ A10L] PnIA at alpha7 receptors is conveyed by its slower rate of dissociation from the receptors. All the alanine mutants of [ A10L] PnIA inhibited ACh-activated currents at wtalpha7 receptors. Insertion of an alanine residue between position 5 and 13 and at position 15 significantly reduced the ability of [ A10L] PnIA to inhibit ACh-evoked currents. PnIA inhibited the non-desensitizing ACh-activated currents at alpha7-L247T receptors with an IC50 194 nM. In contrast, [ A10L] PnIA and the alanine mutants potentiated the ACh-activated current alpha7-L247T receptors and in addition [ A10L] PnIA acted as an agonist. PnIA stabilized the receptor in a state that is non-conducting in both the wild type and mutant receptors, whereas [ A10L] PnIA stabilized a state that is non-conducting in the wild type receptor and conducting in the alpha7-L247T mutant. These data indicate that the change of a single amino acid side-chain, at position 10, is sufficient to change the toxin specificity for receptor states in the alpha7-L247T mutant.


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We investigate nonclassical Stokes-operator variances in continuous-wave polarization-squeezed laser light generated from one and two optical parametric amplifiers. A general expression of how Stokes-operator variances decompose into two-mode quadrature operator variances is given. Stokes parameter variance spectra for four different polarization-squeezed states have been measured and compared with a coherent state. Our measurement results are visualized by three-dimensional Stokes-operator noise volumes mapped on the quantum Poincare sphere. We quantitatively compare the channel capacity of the different continuous-variable polarization states for communication protocols. It is shown that squeezed polarization states provide 33% higher channel capacities than the optimum coherent beam protocol.