89 resultados para Alternate bearing


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Maximization of bone accrual during the growing years is thought to be an important factor in minimizing fracture risk in old age. Mechanical loading through physical activity has been recommended as a modality for the conservation of bone mineral in adults; however, few studies have evaluated the impact of different loading regimes in growing children. The purpose of this study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing limbs in 17 children with unilateral Legg Calve Perthes Disease (LCPD). Children with this condition have an altered weight-bearing pattern whereby there is increased mechanical loading on the noninvolved normal hip and reduced loading on the involved painful hip. Thus, these children provide a unique opportunity to study the impact of differential mechanical loading on BMD during the growing years while controlling for genetic disposition. BMD at four regions of the proximal femur (trochanter, intertrochanter, femoral neck, total of the regions) was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and the values were compared between the involved and noninvolved sides of the children with LCPD. The BMD of both sides also were compared with normative values based on both chronological and skeletal age data. A significantly higher BMD was found on the noninvolved side over the involved side for all regions (P


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In 1691, eighteen years after its original publication, Samuel Pufendorf’s De officio hominis et civis appeared in English translation in London, bearing the title The Whole Duty of Man, According to the Law of Nature. This translation, by Andrew Tooke (1673–1732), professor of geometry at Gresham College, passed largely unaltered through two subsequent editions, in 1698 and 1705, before significant revision and augmentation in the fourth edition of 1716. Unchanged, this text was then reissued as the fifth and final edition of 1735, which is here republished for the first time since.1 Five editions, spanning almost half a century, bear testimony to the English appetite for Pufendorf’s ideas.


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Epidemiological studies report confidence or uncertainty intervals around their estimates. Estimates of the burden of diseases and risk factors are subject to a broader range of uncertainty because of the combination of multiple data sources and value choices. Sensitivity analysis can be used to examine the effects of social values that have been incorporated into the design of the disability–adjusted life year (DALY). Age weight, where a year of healthy life lived at one age is valued differently from at another age, is the most controversial value built into the DALY. The discount rate, which addresses the difference in value of current versus future health benefits, also has been criticized. The distribution of the global disease burden and rankings of various conditions are largely insensitive to alternate assumptions about the discount rate and age weighting. The major effects of discounting and age weighting are to enhance the importance of neuropsychiatric conditions and sexually transmitted infections. The Global Burden of Disease study also has been criticized for estimating mortality and disease burden for regions using incomplete and uncertain data. Including uncertain results, with uncertainty quantified to the extent possible, is preferable, however, to leaving blank cells in tables intended to provide policy makers with an overall assessment of burden of disease. No estimate is generally interpreted as no problem. Greater investment in getting the descriptive epidemiology of diseases and injuries correct in poor countries will do vastly more to reduce uncertainty in disease burden assessments than a philosophical debate about the appropriateness of social value


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Nude rats bearing melanomas on their hindlimbs were treated by isolated limb infusion (ILI) with increasing doses (7.5-400 mug/ml) of melphalan. The response of tumours to treatment at the end of the observation period was graded, according to diameter, as complete response (CR), partial response (PR), no change (NC) or progressive disease (PD). No linear relationship between the dose of melphalan and the tumour response was observed. All doses above a threshold of 15 mug/ml achieved a PR or CR. The achievement of CR was not related to increased dose. Two major implications arise from this work. Firstly, the typically two-to three-fold increase in cytotoxic drug concentration given in high dose chemotherapy compared with standard drug concentration may not be sufficient to produce the expected increase in tumour response and possibly survival, and the controversial results of high dose chemotherapy in different studies may thus be explained. Secondly, since an increase in melphalan dose above a certain threshold does not greatly increase tumour response, the use of combination therapies would seem to be more likely to be effective than increased chemotherapeutic drug doses in achieving better tumour responses.


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In the last few years two factors have helped to significantly advance our understanding of the Myxozoa. First, the phenomenal increase in fin fish aquaculture in the 1990s has lead to the increased importance of these parasites; in rum this has lead to intensified research efforts, which have increased knowledge of the development, diagnosis, and pathogenesis of myxozoans. The hallmark discovery in the 1980s that the life cycle of Myxobolus cerebralis requires development of an actinosporean stage in the Oligochaete. Tubifex tubifex, led to the elucidation of the life cycles of several other myxozoans. Also, the life cycle and taxonomy of the enigmatic PKX myxozoan has been resolved: it is the alternate stage of the unusual myxozoan. Tetracapsula bryosalmonae, from bryozoans. The 18S rDNA gene of many species has been sequenced, and here we add 22 new sequences to the data set. Phylogenetic analyses using all these sequences indicate that: 1) the Myxozoa are closely related to Cnidaria (also supported by morphological data), 2) marine taxa at the genus level branch separately from genera that usually infect freshwater fishes; 3) taxa cluster more by development and tissue location than by spore morphology; 4) the tetracapsulids branched off early in myxozoan evolution, perhaps reflected by their having bryozoan. rather than annelid hosts; 5) the morphology of actinosporeans offers little information for determining their myxosporean counterparts (assuming that they exist), and 6) the marine actinosporeans from Australia appear to form a clade within the platysporinid myxosporeans. Ribosomal DNA sequences have also enabled development of diagnostic tests for myxozoans. PCR and in situ hybridisation tests based on rDNA sequences have been developed for Myxobolus cerebralis. Ceratomyxa shasta. Kudoa spp,, and Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (PKX). Lectin-based and antibody tests have also been developed for certain myxozoans, such as PKX and C. shasta. We also review important diseases caused by myxozoans. which are emerging or re-emerging. Epizootics of whirling disease in wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have recently been reported throughout the Rocky Mountain states of the USA. With a dramatic increase in aquaculture of fishes using marine netpens, several marine myxozoans have been recognized or elevated in status as pathological agents. Kudoa thyrsites infections have caused severe post-harvest myoliquefaction in pen-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and Ceratomyxa spp., Sphaerospora spp., and Myxidium leei cause disease in pen-reared sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream species (family Sparidae) in Mediterranean countries.


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The isolation and characterisation of a new macrocyclic hexaamine trans-6,13-bis(ferrocenylmethylamino)-6,13-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (L-2) bearing two ferrocenyl groups appended to its exocyclic amines is reported. The crystal structures of L-2 and its dihydrochloride salt L-2. 2HCl . 2H(2)O have been determined. In the latter case cation-anion hydrogen bonding is observed in the solid state. Substrate binding by the electroactive L-2 in MeCN-CH2Cl2 solution has been examined by cyclic voltammetry and reveals the receptor electrochemically to recognise benzoate and chloride anions. The macrocyclic N-donors may also bind transition metal cations such as Cu-II and Zn-II.


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Ligaments undergo finite strain displaying hyperelastic behaviour as the initially tangled fibrils present straighten out, combined with viscoelastic behaviour (strain rate sensitivity). In the present study the anterior cruciate ligament of the human knee joint is modelled in three dimensions to gain an understanding of the stress distribution over the ligament due to motion imposed on the ends, determined from experimental studies. A three dimensional, finite strain material model of ligaments has recently been proposed by Pioletti in Ref. [2]. It is attractive as it separates out elastic stress from that due to the present strain rate and that due to the past history of deformation. However, it treats the ligament as isotropic and incompressible. While the second assumption is reasonable, the first is clearly untrue. In the present study an alternative model of the elastic behaviour due to Bonet and Burton (Ref. [4]) is generalized. Bonet and Burton consider finite strain with constant modulii for the fibres and for the matrix of a transversely isotropic composite. In the present work, the fibre modulus is first made to increase exponentially from zero with an invariant that provides a measure of the stretch in the fibre direction. At 12% strain in the fibre direction, a new reference state is then adopted, after which the material modulus is made constant, as in Bonet and Burton's model. The strain rate dependence can be added, either using Pioletti's isotropic approximation, or by making the effect depend on the strain rate in the fibre direction only. A solid model of a ligament is constructed, based on experimentally measured sections, and the deformation predicted using explicit integration in time. This approach simplifies the coding of the material model, but has a limitation due to the detrimental effect on stability of integration of the substantial damping implied by the nonlinear dependence of stress on strain rate. At present, an artificially high density is being used to provide stability, while the dynamics are being removed from the solution using artificial viscosity. The result is a quasi-static solution incorporating the effect of strain rate. Alternate approaches to material modelling and integration are discussed, that may result in a better model.


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Despite a large number of T cells infiltrating the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis B, little is known about their complexity or specificity. To characterize the composition of these T cells involved with the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), we have studied the clonality of V beta T cell receptor (TCR)-bearing populations in liver tissue by size spectratyping the complementarity-determining region (CDR3) lengths of TCR transcripts. We have also compared the CDR3 profiles of the lymphocytes infiltrating the liver with those circulating in the blood to see whether identical clonotypes may be detected that would indicate a virus-induced expansion in both compartments. Our studies show that in most of the patients examined, the T cell composition of liver infiltrating lymphocytes is highly restricted, with evidence of clonotypic expansions in 4 to 9 TCR V beta subfamilies. In contrast, the blood compartment contains an average of 1 to 3 expansions. This pattern is seen irrespective of the patient's viral load or degree of liver pathology. Although the TCR repertoire profiles between the 2 compartments are generally distinct, there is evidence of some T cell subsets being equally distributed between the blood and the liver. Finally, we provide evidence for a putative public binding motif within the CDR3 region with the sequence G-X-S, which may be involved with hepatitis B virus recognition.


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[GRAPHICS] In a number of Bactrocera species the penultimate step in the biosynthesis of spiroacetals is shown to be the hydroxylation of an alkyltetrahydropyranol followed by cyclization, The monooxygenases that catalyze this side chain hydroxylation show a strong preference for oxidation four carbons from the hemiketal center, to produce the spiroacetal, The hydroxy spiroacetals observed in Bactrocera appear to derive from direct oxidation of the parent spiroacetals and not from alternate precursors.


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The three Australian-endemic species comprising the genus Aresehougia have been examined to determine the structure of their nonfibrillar wall components. The polysaccharide extracted from the most widely distributed species, A. congesta (Turner) J. Agardh, was shown by compositional analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, linkage analysis, and C-13-NMR spectroscopy to be a carrageenan composed predominantly of the repeating disaccharides 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate, carrabiose 2,4-disulfate (the repeating unit of L-carrageenan), 4',6'-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)carrabiose 2-sulfate, and 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2-sulfate. The carrageenan also contained small amounts of 4-linked Galp residues, some bearing methyl ether substitution at O-3 and some possibly bearing sulfate ester and/or glycosyl substitutions at O-3. The A. congesta carrageenan had unique rheological properties, its gels having some similarities to those of commercial iota -carrageenan but with the viscosity of commercial lambda -carrageenan. Polysaccharides from A. ligulata Harvey ex J. Agardh and A. stuartii Harvey were shown by constituent sugar and FTIR analyses to be sulfated galactans rich in mono-O-methylgalactose. The carrageenan structures of Areschougia spp. were consistent with those of the genera Rhabdonia, Erythroclonium, and Austroclonium, the other genera constituting the family Areschougiaceae.


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Methyl tetra-O-allyl, and tetra-O-[2-(tetrahydro-2H-pyranyl)oxy.-3-oxapentyl glucosides, and tetra-O-(cyanoethyl)galactosyl azide were converted into derivatives containing linkers with terminal carboxylic acid functionalities at the anomeric position and bearing four arms with phthaloyl- or BOC-protected terminal amino groups. These molecules were suitable for use in solid-phase peptide synthesis and for the preparation of dendrimers, containing multiple copies of peptides. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii produces the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin, which is commonly found in SouthEast Queensland water reservoirs, and has been responsible for the closure of these reservoirs as a source of drinking water in recent times. Thus, alternative more effective treatment methods need to be investigated for the removal of toxins such as cylindrospermopsin. This study examined the effectiveness of two brands of titanium dioxide under UV photolysis for the degradation of cylindrospermopsin. Results indicate that titanium dioxide is an efficient photocatalyst for cylindrospermopsin degradation. The titanium dioxide (TiO2), brand Degussa P-25 was found to be more efficient than the alternate brand Hombikat UV-100. There was an influence from solution pH (4, 7, and 9) with both brands of titanium dioxide, with high pH resulting in the best degradation rate. Importantly, there was no adsorption of cylindrospermopsin to titanium dioxide particles as seen with other cyanotoxins, which would adversely influence the degradation rate. Degradation rates were not influenced by temperature (19-34 degreesC) when P-25 was the source of TiO2, some temperature influence was observed with UV-100. Dissolved organic carbon concentration will reduce the efficiency of titanium dioxide for cylindrospermopsin degradation, however the presence of other inorganic matter in natural waters greatly assists the photocatalytic process. With minimal potentially toxic by-product formation expected with this treatment, and the effective degradation of cylindrospermopsin, titanium dioxide UV photolysis is a promising speculative alternative water treatment method. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The basic morphology of the skeleton is determined genetically, but its final mass and architecture are modulated by adaptive mechanisms sensitive to mechanical factors. When subjected to loading, the ability of bones to resist fracture depends on their mass, material properties, geometry and tissue quality. The contribution of altered bone geometry to fracture risk is unappreciated by clinical assessment using absorptiometry because it fails to distinguish geometry and density. For example, for the same bone area and density, small increases in the diaphyseal radius effect a disproportionate influence on torsional strength of bone. Mechanical factors are clinically relevant because of their ability to influence growth, modeling and remodeling activities that can maximize, or maintain, the determinants of fracture resistance. Mechanical loads, greater than those habitually encountered by the skeleton, effect adaptations in cortical and cancellous bone, reduce the rate of bone turnover, and activate new bone formation on cortical and trabecular surfaces. In doing so, they increase bone strength by beneficial adaptations in the geometric dimensions and material properties of the tissue. There is no direct evidence to demonstrate anti-fracture efficacy for mechanical loading, but the geometric alterations engendered undoubtedly increase the structural properties of bone as an organ, increasing the resistance to fracture. Like all interventions, issues of safety also arise. Physical activities involving high strain rates, heavy lifting or impact loading may be detrimental to the joints, leading to osteoarthritis; may stimulate fatigue damage leading with some to stress fractures; or may interact pharmaceutical interventions to increase the rate of microdamage within cortical or trabecular bone.


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The aphelinid parasitoid Coccophagus gurneyi Compere has unusual sex-related host relationships. Females are diploid and develop internally within mealybugs Pseudococcus calceolariae (Maskell). Males, in contrast, are haploid and hyperparasitic, developing on primary parasitoid larvae within the mealybugs. Furthermore, males have been claimed to be capable of either internal or external development, depending on the precise site of deposition of the haploid egg. This diversity of developmental pathways could indicate the existence of a sibling-species complex. We therefore quantified the mating and ovipositional behaviour of C. gurneyi, for comparison with that of an undescribed sibling species. We also checked whether the females deposit male eggs in alternative sites. The pattern of mating was found to be typical of mating behaviour in Coccophagus spp. and was consistent among all mating pairs, suggesting that the colony comprised one species. Further, the mating behaviour was significantly different from that of the undescribed sibling species. The site of male egg deposition varied and is apparently dictated by two factors; whether the mealybug is parasitised and, if so, the size of the parasitoid it contains. If the mealybugs were unparasitised or if the parasitoids within the mealybugs were small (< 0.53 mm), male eggs were deposited within the mealybug haemocoel. If the parasitoids were large (> 1.05 mm), male eggs were deposited within the parasitoids. These results support the claim of alternate host relationships and developmental pathways within males of C. gurneyi.


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Objective To obtain information on tick paralysis in dogs, including the nature of disease, host signalment, tick-host relationship, treatment, disease progression and recovery, and preventive measures. Design A prospective survey of 577 dogs affected by tick paralysis was conducted during 1998. Forty-two veterinary clinics along the eastern coast of Australia were instructed to complete survey forms for the first 15 dogs that presented with tick paralysis during September to November. Results Five percent of dogs died from tick paralysis. Younger dogs were more likely to survive. Long coat length was associated with a greater tick burden but not greater tick size, whereas coat thickness had no bearing on either. Dogs with mild disease recovered more quickly from tick paralysis. Respiratory and gait scores reflected disease severity and were good prognostic indicators. The size of the tick did not reflect the severity of the clinical condition it induced in the host. No method of tick removal or in situ treatment improved recovery time or reduced mortality. However, the time spent in hospital was significantly less for dogs from which the live tick was manually removed. Inspiratory strider. evident in some dogs with tick paralysis, was not related to tick attachment on the neck. The use of acepromazine maleate or dexamethasone did not reduce recovery time or mortality. Increasing the dose of tick antitoxin serum (TAS) above 0.1 mL/kg had no effect on mortality or recovery time. Dogs with severe disease that received an additional dose of TAS were significantly less likely to survive. Subcutaneous use of TAS at the site of tick attachment was of no benefit in reducing mortality or time to initial clinical improvement. A registered preventative product had not been used on the majority of dogs. Clipping the coat to search for ticks did not reduce mortality. Conclusions Therapy needs to address cardiopulmonary dysfunction that may be due directly to the effect of tick toxin and not just respiratory compromise caused by progressive respiratory muscle failure.