200 resultados para systemic effects


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Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on fully developed forced convection in a duct of rectangular cross-section occupied by a fluid-saturated porous medium is investigated analytically. The Darcy flow model is applied and the viscosity-temperature relation is assumed to be an inverse-linear one. The case of uniform heat flux on the walls, i.e. the H boundary condition in the terminology of Kays and Crawford, is treated. For the case of a fluid whose viscosity decreases with temperature, it is found that the effect of the variation is to increase the Nusselt number for heated walls. Having found the velocity and the temperature distribution, the second law of thermodynamics is invoked to find the local and average entropy generation rate. Expressions for the entropy generation rate, the Bejan number, the heat transfer irreversibility, and the fluid flow irreversibility are presented in terms of the Brinkman number, the Péclet number, the viscosity variation number, the dimensionless wall heat flux, and the aspect ratio (width to height ratio). These expressions let a parametric study of the problem based on which it is observed that the entropy generated due to flow in a duct of square cross-section is more than those of rectangular counterparts while increasing the aspect ratio decreases the entropy generation rate similar to what previously reported for the clear flow case.


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To evaluate the effects of adding exercise and maintenance to cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for binge eating disorder (BED) in obese women. One hundred fourteen obese female binge eaters were randomized into four groups: CBT with exercise and maintenance, CBT with exercise, CBT with maintenance, and CBT only. Eighty-four women completed the 16-month study. Subjects who received CBT with exercise experienced significant reductions in binge eating frequency compared with subjects who received CBT only. The CBT with exercise and maintenance group had a 58% abstinence rate at the end of the study period and an average reduction of 2.2 body mass index (BMI) units (approximately 14 lb). BMI was significantly reduced in the subjects in both the exercise and maintenance conditions. The results suggest that adding exercise to CBT, and extending the duration of treatment, enhances outcome and contributes to reductions in binge eating and BMI.


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A simplified model for anisotropic mantle convection based on a novel class of rheologies, originally developed for folding instabilities in multilayered rock (MUHLHAUS et al., 2002), is extended ¨ through the introduction of a thermal anisotropy dependent on the local layering. To examine the effect of the thermal anisotropy on the evolution of mantle material, a parallel implementation of this model was undertaken using the Escript modelling toolkit and the Finley finite-element computational kernel (DAVIES et al., 2004). For the cases studied, there appears too little if any effect. For comparative purposes, the effects of anisotropic shear viscosity and the introduced thermal anisotropy are also presented. These results contribute to the characterization of viscous anisotropic mantle convection subject to variation in thermal conductivities and shear viscosities.


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We propose a review of recent developments on entanglement and nonclassical effects in collective two-atom systems and present a uniform physical picture of the many predicted phenomena. The collective effects have brought into sharp focus some of the most basic features of quantum theory, such as nonclassical states of light and entangled states of multiatom systems. The entangled states are linear superpositions of the internal states of the system which cannot be separated into product states of the individual atoms. This property is recognized as entirely quantum-mechanical effect and have played a crucial role in many discussions of the nature of quantum measurements and, in particular, in the developments of quantum communications. Much of the fundamental interest in entangled states is connected with its practical application ranging from quantum computation, information processing, cryptography, and interferometry to atomic spectroscopy.


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Drosophila simulans strains infected with three different Wolbachia strains were generated by experimental injection of a third symbiont into a naturally double-infected strain. This transfer led to a substantial increase in total Wolbachia density in the host strain. Each of the three symbionts was stably transmitted in the presence of the other two. Triple-infected males were incompatible with double-infected females. No evidence was obtained for interference between modification effects of the different Wolbachia strains in males. Some incompatibility was observed between triple-infected males and females. However, this incompatibility reaction is not a specific property of triple-infected flies, because it was also observed in double-infected strains.


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A survey study of twenty-two Australian CEOs and their subordinates assessed relationships between Australian leader motives, Australian value based leader behaviour, subordinate tall poppy attitudes and subordinate commitment, effectiveness, motivation and satisfaction (CEMS). On the whole, the results showed general support for value based leadership processes. Subsequent regression analyses of the second main component of Value Based Leadership Theory, value based leader behaviour, revealed that the collectivistic, inspirational, integrity and visionary behaviour sub-scales of the construct were positively related with subordinate CEMS. Although the hypothesis that subordinate tall poppy attitudes would moderate value based leadership processes was not clearly supported, subsequent regression analyses found that subordinate tall poppy attitudes were negatively related with perceptions of value based leader behaviour and CEMS. These findings suggest complex relationships between the three constructs, and the proposed model for the Australian context is accordingly amended. Overall, the research supports the need to consider cultural-specific attitudes in management development.


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Forced convection with viscous dissipation in a parallel plate channel filled by a saturated porous medium is investigated numerically. Three different viscous dissipation models are examined. Two different sets of wall conditions are considered: isothermal and isoflux. Analytical expressions are also presented for the asymptotic temperature profile and the asymptotic Nusselt number. With isothermal walls, the Brinkman number significantly influences the developing Nusselt number but not the asymptotic one. At constant wall heat flux, both the developing and the asymptotic Nusselt numbers are affected by the value of the Brinkman number. The Nusselt number is sensitive to the porous medium shape factor under all conditions considered.


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Forced convection with viscous dissipation in a parallel plate channel filled by a saturated porous medium is investigated numerically. Three different viscous dissipation models are examined. Two different sets of wall conditions are considered: isothermal and isoflux. Analytical expressions are also presented for the asymptotic temperature profile and the asymptotic Nusselt number. With isothermal walls, the Brinkman number significantly influences the developing Nusselt number but not the asymptotic one. At constant wall heat flux, both the developing and the asymptotic Nusselt numbers are affected by the value of the Brinkman number. The Nusselt number is sensitive to the porous medium shape factor under all conditions considered.


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The artificial dissipation effects in some solutions obtained with a Navier-Stokes flow solver are demonstrated. The solvers were used to calculate the flow of an artificially dissipative fluid, which is a fluid having dissipative properties which arise entirely from the solution method itself. This was done by setting the viscosity and heat conduction coefficients in the Navier-Stokes solvers to zero everywhere inside the flow, while at the same time applying the usual no-slip and thermal conducting boundary conditions at solid boundaries. An artificially dissipative flow solution is found where the dissipation depends entirely on the solver itself. If the difference between the solutions obtained with the viscosity and thermal conductivity set to zero and their correct values is small, it is clear that the artificial dissipation is dominating and the solutions are unreliable.


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A hydraulic jump is characterised by strong energy dissipation and air entrainment. In the present study, new air-water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jumps with partially-developed flow conditions in relatively large-size facilities with phase-detection probes. The experiments were conducted with identical Froude numbers, but a range of Reynolds numbers and relative channel widths. The results showed drastic scale effects at small Reynolds numbers in terms of void fraction and bubble count rate distributions. The void fraction distributions implied comparatively greater detrainment at low Reynolds numbers leading to a lesser overall aeration of the jump roller, while dimensionless bubble count rates were drastically lower especially in the mixing layer. The experimental results suggested also that the relative channel width had little effect on the air-water flow properties for identical inflow Froude and Reynolds numbers.


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In an open channel, the transition from super- to sub-critical flow is a flow singularity (the hydraulic jump) characterised by a sharp rise in free-surface elevation, strong turbulence and air entrainment in the roller. A key feature of the hydraulic jump flow is the strong free-surface aeration and air-water flow turbulence. In the present study, similar experiments were conducted with identical inflow Froude numbers Fr1 using a geometric scaling ratio of 2:1. The results of the Froude-similar experiments showed some drastic scale effects in the smaller hydraulic jumps in terms of void fraction, bubble count rate and bubble chord time distributions. Void fraction distributions implied comparatively greater detrainment at low Reynolds numbers yielding some lesser aeration of the jump roller. The dimensionless bubble count rates were significantly lower in the smaller channel, especially in the mixing layer. The bubble chord time distributions were quantitatively close in both channels, and they were not scaled according to a Froude similitude. Simply the hydraulic jump remains a fascinating two-phase flow motion that is still poorly understood.


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