105 resultados para sequential fractionation


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The basal ganglia may be involved in bimanual co-ordination. Parkinson's disease (which impairs basal ganglia output) is clinically reported to cause difficulties in the performance of co-ordinated bimanual movements. Nevertheless, any bimanual co-ordination difficulties may be task specific, as experimental observations are equivocal. To infer the role of the basal ganglia in co-ordinating the two arms, this study investigated the bimanual co-ordination of patients with Parkinson's disease. Sixteen Parkinson's disease patients and matched control subjects performed a bimanual cranking task, at different speeds (1 and 2 Hz) and phase relationships. All subjects performed the required bimanual in-phase movement on a pair of cranks, at fast (2 Hz) and slow (1 Hz) speeds. However the Parkinson's disease patients were unable to perform the asymmetrical anti-phase movement, in which rotation of the cranks differed by 180 degrees, at either speed; but instead reverted to the in-phase symmetrical movement. For Parkinson's disease patients, performance of the in-phase movement was more accurate and stable when an external timing cue was used; however for anti-phase movement, the external cue accentuated the tendency for patients to revert to more symmetrical, in-phase movements.


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A new method of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) extraction from recombinant E. coli is proposed, using homogenization and centrifugation coupled with sodium hypochlorite treatment. The size of PHB granules and cell debris in homogenates was characterised as a function of the number of homogenization passes. Simulation was used to develop the PHB and cell debris fractionation system, enabling numerical examination of the effects of repeated homogenization and centrifuge-feedrate variation. The simulation provided a good prediction of experimental performance. Sodium hypochlorite treatment was necessary to optimise PHB fractionation. A PHB recovery of 80% at a purity of 96.5% was obtained with the final optimised process. Protein and DNA contained in the resultant product were negligible. The developed process holds promise for significantly reducing the recovery cost associated with PHB manufacture.


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The tropical marine sponge Dysidea herbacea (Keller) contains the filamentous unicellular cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spongeliae (Schulze) Hauck as an endosymbiont, plus numerous bacteria, both intracellular and extracellular. Archaeocytes and choanocytes are the major sponge cell types present. Density gradient centrifugation of glutaraldehyde-fixed cells with Percoll as the support medium has been used to separate the cyanobacterial symbiont from the sponge cells on the basis of their differing densities. The protocol also has the advantage of separating broken from intact cells of O. spongeliae. The lighter cell preparations contain archaeocytes and choanocytes together with damaged cyanobacterial cells, whereas heavier cell preparations contain intact cyanobacterial cells, with less than 1% contamination by sponge cells. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis has revealed that the terpene spirodysin is concentrated in preparations containing archaeocytes and choanocytes, whereas nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the symbiont cell preparations has shown that they usually contain the chlorinated diketopiperazines, dihydrodysamide C and didechlorodihydrodysamide C, which are the characteristic metabolites of the sponge/symbiont association. However, one symbiont preparation, partitioned by a second Percoll gradient, has been found to be devoid of chlorinated diketopiperazines. The capability to synthesize secondary metabolites may depend on the physiological state of the symbiont; alternatively, there may be two closely related cyanobacterial strains within the sponge tissue.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder primarily due to basal ganglia dysfunction. While much research has been conducted on Parkinsonian deficits in the traditional arena of musculoskeletal limb movement, research in other functional motor tasks is lacking. The present study examined articulation in PD with increasingly complex sequences of articulatory movement. Of interest was whether dysfunction would affect articulation in the same manner as in limb-movement impairment. In particular, since very Similar (homogeneous) articulatory sequences (the tongue twister effect) are more difficult for healthy individuals to achieve than dissimilar (heterogeneous) gestures, while the reverse may apply for skeletal movements in PD, we asked which factor would dominate when PD patients articulated various grades of artificial tongue twisters: the influence of disease or a possible difference between the two motor systems. Execution was especially impaired when articulation involved a sequence of motor program heterogeneous in terms of place of articulation. The results are suggestive of a hypokinesic tendency in complex sequential articulatory movement as in limb movement. It appears that PD patients do show abnormalities in articulatory movement which are similar to those of the musculoskeletal system. The present study suggests that an underlying disease effect modulates movement impairment across different functional motor systems. (C) 1998 Academic Press.


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Coset enumeration is a most important procedure for investigating finitely presented groups. We present a practical parallel procedure for coset enumeration on shared memory processors. The shared memory architecture is particularly interesting because such parallel computation is both faster and cheaper. The lower cost comes when the program requires large amounts of memory, and additional CPU's. allow us to lower the time that the expensive memory is being used. Rather than report on a suite of test cases, we take a single, typical case, and analyze the performance factors in-depth. The parallelization is achieved through a master-slave architecture. This results in an interesting phenomenon, whereby the CPU time is divided into a sequential and a parallel portion, and the parallel part demonstrates a speedup that is linear in the number of processors. We describe an early version for which only 40% of the program was parallelized, and we describe how this was modified to achieve 90% parallelization while using 15 slave processors and a master. In the latter case, a sequential time of 158 seconds was reduced to 29 seconds using 15 slaves.


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Immunolabeling is commonly used to localize antigens within frozen or paraffin tissue sections. We modified existing immunolabeling techniques to allow the detection of three antigens simultaneously within the one tissue section. The approach relies on the use of three monoclonal antibodies in sequential immunoperoxidase staining steps, each with colored substrates, resulting in the deposition of black, brown, and rose stains. The method is rapid and does not require novel techniques or materials. In this report, we demonstrate the colocalization of mast cell tryptase, neurofilament protein, and CD31 (platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule) or laminin in normal human skin and normal buccal mucosa, as an illustration of the power and simplicity of the multiple antigen localization technique.


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Two geographically distinct silcrete associations are present in southern Australia, inland and eastern; these were sampled in central South Australia and central Victoria, respectively, At each site, both silicified and immediately adjacent unsilicified parent material were collected. Analytical data from these pairs were used to construct isocons, assuming Zr immobility, and to calculate the volume change and amount of silica introduced during silicification, These results, together with whole-rock oxygen isotope compositions, were used to determine the delta(18)O of th, introduced silica, The results show that the eastern silcretes in central Victoria are probably linked genetically to the associated basalts, weathering of which supplied the introduced silica, This conclusion is based on the close spatial connection between the two, as well as the substantial amount of introduced silica in the silcretes (greater than in the inland silcretes), resulting in volume increases in some eastern silcretes, Oxygen isotopic calculations for the silcretes indicate that the silica precipitated from groundwaters at temperatures slightly higher than present conditions. Silcrete formation apparently occurred during the Miocene and Pliocene (basalts in Victoria younger than Pliocene lack associated silcrete) and may reflect the much wetter climate in southeastern Australia at that time. The inland silcretes of central South Australia can be divided into pedogenic (the most common) and groundwater varieties. The pedogenic silcretes, which show typical soil features like columnar and nodular textures, contain moderate amounts of introduced silica that precipitated by evaporation from saline groundwaters, For the groundwater silcretes, which have massive textures and formed at or close to the water table, insufficient data are available to determine the mode of formation. The inland pedogenic silcretes have probably been farming from the Eocene-Miocene to the present, implying that conditions of seasonally high evaporation have occurred in central Australia during this time period. Thus silcrete formation depends on a complex interplay between climate and silica supply, and it is impossible to generalize that the presence of silcrete is indicative of a particular climate. Likewise, the elemental composition of silcretes, particularly Ti content, is not necessarily of climatic significance, Nevertheless, detailed geochemical and oxygen isotopic studies of a silcrete and its parent material can elucidate the mechanisms of silcrete formation, and if evaporation is indicated as a major factor in silcrete formation, then the climate at the time was likely to have been at least seasonally arid.


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Suppose a seller wants to sell k similar or identical objects and there are n > k potential buyers. Suppose that each buyer wants only one object. In this case, we suggest the use of a simultaneous auction that would work as follows. Players are asked to submit sealed bids for one object. The individual with the highest bid chooses an object first; the individual with the second-highest bid chooses the next object; and this process continues until the individual with the kth highest bid receives the last object. Each individual pays the equivalent to his or her bid. When objects are identical, we show that the proposed auction generates the same revenue as a first-price sealed-bid sequential auction. When objects are perfectly correlated, there is no known solution for sequential auctions, whereas we can characterize bidding strategies in the proposed auction. Moreover, the proposed auction is optimal (given an appropriately chosen reserve price), and it may be easier and cheaper to run than a sequential auction.


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Open system pyrolysis (heating rate 10 degrees C/min) of coal maturity (vitrinite reflectance, VR) sequence (0.5%, 0.8% and 1.4% VR) demonstrates that there are two stages of thermogenic methane generation from Bowen Basin coals. The first and major stage shows a steady increase in methane generation maximising at 570 degrees C, corresponding to a VR of 2-2.5%. This is followed by a less intense methane generation which has not as yet maximised by 800 degrees C (equivalent to VR of 5%). Heavier (C2+) hydrocarbons are generated up to 570 degrees C after which only the C-1 (CH4, CO and CO2) gases are produced. The main phase of heavy hydrocarbon generation occurs between 420 and 510 degrees C. Over this temperature range,methane generation accounts for only a minor component, whereas the wet gases (C-2-C-5) are either in equal abundance or are more abundant by a factor of two than the liquid hydrocarbons. The yields of non-hydrocarbon gases CO2 and CO are greater then methane during the early stages of gas generation from an immature coal, subordinate to methane during the main phase of methane generation after which they are again dominant. Compositional data for desorbed and produced coal seam gases from the Bowen show that CO2 and wet gases are a minor component. This discrepancy between the proportion of wet gas components produced during open system pyrolysis and that observed in naturally matured coals may be the result of preferential migration of wet gas components, by dilution of methane generated during secondary cracking of bitumen, or kinetic effects associated with different activations for production of individual hydrocarbon gases. Extrapolation of results of artificial pyrolysis of the main organic components in coal to geological significant heating rates suggests that isotopically light methane to delta(13)C of -50 parts per thousand can be generated. Carbon isotope depletions in C-13 are further enhanced, however, as a result of trapping of gases over selected rank levels (instantaneous generation) which is a probable explanation for the range of delta(13)C values we have recorded in methane desorbed from Bowen Basin coals (-51 +/- 9 parts per thousand). Pervasive carbonate-rich veins in Bowen Basin coals are the product of magmatism-related hydrothermal activity. Furthermore, the pyrolysis results suggest an additional organic carbon source front CO2 released at any stage during the maturation history could mix in varying proportions with CO2 from the other sources. This interpretation is supported by C and O isotopic ratios, of carbonates that indicate mixing between magmatic and meteoric fluids. Also, the steep slope of the C and O isotope correlation trend suggests that the carbonates were deposited over a very narrow temperature interval basin-wide, or at relatively high temperatures (i.e., greater than 150 degrees C) where mineral-fluid oxygen isotope fractionations are small. These temperatures are high enough for catagenic production of methane and higher hydrocarbons from the coal and coal-derived bitumen. The results suggests that a combination of thermogenic generation of methane and thermodynamic processes associated with CH4/CO2 equilibria are the two most important factors that control the primary isotope and molecular composition of coal seam gases in the Bowen Basin. Biological process are regionally subordinate but may be locally significant. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bioassay-directed fractionation of the ethanol extracts of two Amphimedon spp. collected during trawling operations in the Great Australian Eight yielded four new macrocyclic lactone/lactams, amphilactams A-D (1-4). The amphilactams possess potent in vitro nematocidal properties, and their structures were assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison with synthetic model compounds. The amphilactams feature both carbon skeletons and an enamino lactone/lactam moiety unprecedented in the natural products literature.


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Peanut, one of the world's most important oilseed crops, has a narrow germplasm base and lacks sources of resistance to several major diseases. The species is considered recalcitrant to transformation, with few confirmed transgenic plants upon particle bombardment or Agrobacterium treatment. Reported transformation methods are limited by low efficiency, cultivar specificity, chimeric or infertile transformants, or availability of explants. Here we present a method to efficiently transform cultivars in both botanical types of peanut, by (1) particle bombardment into embryogenic callus derived from mature seeds, (2) escape-free (not stepwise) selection for hygromycin B resistance, (3) brief osmotic desiccation followed by sequential incubation on charcoal and cytokinin-containing media; resulting in efficient conversion of transformed somatic embryos into fertile, non-chimeric, transgenic plants. The method produces three to six independent transformants per bombardment of 10 cm(2) embryogenic callus. Potted, transgenic plant lines can be regenerated within 9 months of callus initiation, or 6 months after bombardment. Transgene copy number ranged from one to 20 with multiple integration sites. There was ca. 50% coexpression of hph and luc or uidA genes coprecipitated on separate plasmids. Reporter gene (luc) expression was confirmed in T-1 progeny from each of six tested independent transformants. Insufficient seeds were produced under containment conditions to determine segregation ratios. The practicality of the technique for efficient cotransformation with selected and unselected genes is demonstrated using major commercial peanut varieties in Australia (cv. NC-7, a virginia market type) and Indonesia (cv. Gajah, a spanish market type).


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We assembled a globally-derived data set for site-averaged foliar delta(15)N, the delta(15)N of whole surface mineral soil and corresponding site factors (mean annual rainfall and temperature, latitude, altitude and soil pH). The delta(15)N of whole soil was related to all of the site variables (including foliar delta(15)N) except altitude and, when regressed on latitude and rainfall, provided the best model of these data, accounting for 49% of the variation in whole soil delta(15)N. As single linear regressions, site-averaged foliar delta(15)N was more strongly related to rainfall than was whole soil delta(15)N. A smaller data set showed similar, negative correlations between whole soil delta(15)N, site-averaged foliar delta(15)N and soil moisture variations during a single growing season. The negative correlation between water availability (measured here by rainfall and temperature) and soil or plant delta(15)N fails at the landscape scale, where wet spots are delta(15)N-enriched relative to their drier surroundings. Here we present global and seasonal data, postulate a proximate mechanism for the overall relationship between water availability and ecosystem delta(15)N and, newly, a mechanism accounting for the highly delta(15)N-depleted values found in the foliage and soils of many wet/cold ecosystems. These hypotheses are complemented by documentation of the present gaps in knowledge, suggesting lines of research which will provide new insights into terrestrial N-cycling. Our conclusions are consistent with those of Austin and Vitousek (1998) that foliar (and soil) delta(15)N appear to be related to the residence time of whole ecosystem N.


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Movement-related cortical potentials recorded from the scalp reveal increasing cortical activity occurring prior to voluntary movement. Studies of set-related cortical activity recorded from single neurones within premotor and supplementary motor areas in monkeys suggest that such premovement activity may act to prime activity of appropriate motor units in readiness to move, thereby facilitating the movement response. Such a role of early stage premovement activity in movement-related cortical potentials was investigated by examining the relationship between premovement cortical activity and movement initiation or reaction times. Parkinson's disease and control subjects performed a simple button-pressing reaction time task and individual movement-related potentials were averaged for responses with short compared with long reaction times. For Parkinson's disease subjects but not for the control subjects, early stage premovement cortical activity was significantly increased in amplitude for faster reaction times, indicating that there is indeed a relationship between premovement cortical activity amplitude and movement initiation or reaction times. In support of studies of set-related cortical activity in monkeys, it is therefore suggested that early stage premovement activity reflects the priming of appropriate motor units of primary motor cortex, thereby reducing movement initiation or reaction times. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crude EtOH extract of an Echinodictyum sp. collected during trawling operations in the Great Australian Eight, Australia, displayed antibacterial and antiparasitic properties. Bioassay-directed fractionation yielded three novel sulfonic acids, the echinosulfonic acids A to C (1-3), and a new sulfone, echinosulfone A (4). Structures were assigned to these compounds on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis. It was determined that echinosulfonic acids A-C (1-3) and echinosulfone A(4) contributed to the antibacterial but not antiparasitic activity of the crude extract.


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In this and a preceding paper, we provide an introduction to the Fujitsu VPP range of vector-parallel supercomputers and to some of the computational chemistry software available for the VPP. Here, we consider the implementation and performance of seven popular chemistry application packages. The codes discussed range from classical molecular dynamics to semiempirical and ab initio quantum chemistry. All have evolved from sequential codes, and have typically been parallelised using a replicated data approach. As such they are well suited to the large-memory/fast-processor architecture of the VPP. For one code, CASTEP, a distributed-memory data-driven parallelisation scheme is presented. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.