44 resultados para second cancer, ependymoma, CNS tumor
Functional significance has been demonstrated in vitro for the exon 3 T-->C Tyr113His amino acid substitution polymorphism of the microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX) gene. The higher activity or fast TT genotype was previously reported to be associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and this association may reflect enhanced activation of endogenous or exogenous substrates to more reactive and mutagenic derivatives. Components of cigarette smoke are examples of exogenous substrates subject to such bioactivation, and smoking exposure may thus modify the risk associated with the EPHX polymorphism. We examined 545 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 287 unaffected controls for this EPHXT-C genetic variant to investigate whether, in the Australian population, the TT genotype was associated with (i) specific ovarian tumor characteristics; (ii) risk of ovarian cancer, overall or for specific subgroups; and (iii) risk of ovarian cancer in smokers specifically. Genotyping was carried out using the Perkin-Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System for fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction allelic discrimination. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumor behavior (low malignant potential or invasive), grade, stage, and p53 immunohistochemical status failed to show any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the EPHX polymorphism. There was a suggestion of heterogeneity with respect to histologic subtype (P= 0.03), largely due to a decreased frequency of the TT genotype in endometrioid tumors. EPHX genotype distribution did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall, low malignant potential, or invasive) either overall or after stratification by smoking status. However, the TT genotype was associated with a decreased risk of invasive ovarian cancer of the endometrioid subtype specifically (age-adjusted odds ratio = 0.38, 95% confidence interval=0.17-0.87). The results suggest that the proposed EPHX-mediated bioactivation of components of cigarette smoke to mutagenic forms is unlikely to be involved in the etiology of ovarian cancer in general but that a greater rate of EPHX-mediated detoxification may decrease the risk of endometrioid ovarian cancer. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
RAD51 colocalizes with both BRCA1 and BRCA2, and genetic variants in RAD51 would be candidate BRCA1/2 modifiers. We searched for RAD51 polymorphisms by sequencing 20 individuals. We compared the polymorphism allele frequencies between female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with and without breast or ovarian cancer and between population-based ovarian cancer cases with BRCA1/2 mutations to cases and controls without mutations. We discovered two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at positions 135 g-->c and 172 g-->t of the 5' untranslated region. In an initial group of BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, 14 (21%) of 67 breast cancer cases carried a c allele at RAD51:135 g-->c, whereas 8 (7%) of 119 women without breast cancer carried this allele. In a second set of 466 mutation carriers from three centers, the association of RAD51:135 g-->c with breast cancer risk was not confirmed. Analyses restricted to the 216 BRCA2 mutation carriers, however, showed a statistically significant association of the 135 c allele with the risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 3.2; 95% confidence limit, 1.4-40). BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with ovarian cancer were only about one half as likely to carry the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP. Analysis of the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP in 738 subjects from an Israeli ovarian cancer case-control study was consistent with a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with the c allele. We have identified a RAD51 5' untranslated region SNP that may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA2 mutation carriers. The biochemical basis of this risk modifier is currently unknown.
The class of molecular chaperones known as 14-3-3 is involved in the control of cellular growth by virtue of its apparent regulation of various signaling pathways, including the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In breast cancer cells, the sigma form of 14-3-3 has been shown to interact with cyclin-dependent kinases and to control the rate of entry into mitosis. To test for a direct role for 14-3-3 in breast epithelial cell neoplasia, me have quantitated 14-3-3 protein levels using a proteomic approach based on two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). We show here that 14-3-3 sigma protein is strongly down-regulated in the prototypic breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 and in primary breast carcinomas as compared with normal breast epithelial cells. In contrast, levels of the alpha, beta, delta, or zeta isoforms of 14-3-3 mere the same in both normal and transformed cells. The data support the idea that 14-3-3 sigma is involved in the neoplastic transition of breast epithelial cells by virtue of its role as a tumor suppressor; as such, it may constitute a robust marker with clinical efficacy for this pathology.
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women and the identification of markers to discriminate tumorigenic from normal cells, as well as the different stages of this pathology, is of critical importance. Two-dimensional electrophoresis has been used before for studying breast cancer, but the progressive completion of human genomic sequencing and the introduction of mass spectrometry, combined with advanced bioinformatics for protein identification, have considerably increased the possibilities for characterizing new markers and therapeutic targets. Breast cancer proteomics has already identified markers of potential clinical interest (such as the molecular chaperone 14-3-3 sigma) and technological innovations such as large scale and high throughput analysis are now driving the field. Methods in functional proteomics have also been developed to study the intracellular signaling pathways that underlie the development of breast cancer. As illustrated with fibroblast growth factor-2, a mitogen and motogen factor for breast cancer cells, proteomics is a powerful approach to identify signaling proteins and to decipher the complex signaling circuitry involved in tumor growth. Together with genomics, proteomics is well on the way to molecularly characterizing the different types of breast tumor, and thus defining new therapeutic targets for future treatment.
Trypsinogen (TRY), the precursor to the serine protease trypsin, is found in the pancreas and mediates digestive proteolysis in the small intestine. Differential display of cDNAs expressed by human colorectal tumor tissues compared with adjacent normal colonic mucosa identified an isoform of TRY (TRY2) up-regulated in colorectal cancers. Northern blot analysis of RNA isolated from a series of 28 malignant colon tumors and corresponding normal mucosa showed that TRY transcripts were up-regulated 2- to 33-fold in 29% of tumors. Further, TRY mRNA was expressed in 6 colorectal cancer cell lines, with highest levels detected in the metastatic tumor lines SW620 and HT29. Immunostaining for TRY protein expression showed intense immunoreactivity in the supranuclear cytoplasm of colon tumors in 16% of tissue specimens. To evaluate the relative contributions of 2 isoforms of TRY, TRY1 and TRY2, to total TRY mRNA expression, a semiquantitative multiplex RT-PCR assay was developed. TRY2 mRNA was detected in all 6 colorectal tumor cell lines, whereas TRY1 mRNA was expressed only in the metastatic tumor lines, showing that the high levels of TRY expression in the metastatic tumor lines are likely due to up-regulation of TRY1. Evaluation of TRY1 and TRY2 mRNA expression by multiplex RT-PCR in a series of 20 colon tumor tissues representative of the range of tumor progression showed that TRY2 mRNA was expressed much more commonly than TRY1 mRNA in normal mucosa (26% vs. 6%) as well as in primary tumor tissues (65% vs. 15%). These data demonstrate that TRY2 is the dominant TRY in colon tissue and suggest that up-regulation of TRY1 expression in colon tumors may be associated with a metastatic phenotype. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Expression profiling to characterize cancer pharmacology has become a new approach to discover novel molecular targets for prognostic markers and cancer therapy. In a study to compare the global RNA expression profiles between primary and recurrent ovarian tumors from the same patient, we have identified XIST (inactive X chromosome-specific transcripts) as the most differentially expressed gene that was down-regulated in the recurrent tumor. XIST encodes a spliced noncoding polyadenylated transcript that is unique in being expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome and is involved in the X-inactivation process. Subsequent characterization of XIST expression in a panel of female cancer cell lines showed that the expression level of XIST correlates significantly with Taxol sensitivity. The clinical relevance of this observation is demonstrated by the strong association between XIST RNA levels and disease-free periods of ovarian cancer patients in a group of 21 ovarian cancer cases with Taxol in the therapeutic regiments. Cytogenetic studies on ovarian cancer cell lines indicated that loss of inactive X chromosome is one mechanism for the loss of XIST transcripts in the cell lines. Our data suggest that XIST expression may be a potential marker for chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer.
Aim: To establish the histological categorization of fibrotic stroma which reflects the biological behaviour of advanced rectal cancer. Methods and results: Six hundred and twenty-seven surgically resected cases of advanced rectal carcinoma were examined. We histologically categorized fibrotic stroma in the invasive frontal region into three groups: type A, multiple fine and mature fibres were stratified into layers: type B, broad bands of eosinophilic hyalinized collagen ('keloid-like' collagen) were intermingled: type C, myxoid stroma. Type A stroma was observed in 63% of patients, type B stroma in 25%, type C stroma in 12%.. The incidence of type A stroma decreased in accordance with Dukes stage (98% in Dukes A: 73% in B: 41%, in C1: 29% in C2) and conversely, there was an increase of C type (0%, in Dukes A; 4%, in B: 20% in C1: 54% in C2). Stroma type had a significant correlation with long-term survival (80% of 5-year survival in type A stroma: 54% in type B: 26% in type C). Based on multivariate analysis. it was found that the stromal pattern had independent prognostic value, together with nodal involvement. growth pattern. and lymphocyte infiltration. Conclusions: Tumour fibrotic stroma may play an important role as a regulator of neoplastic behaviour. Pathological categorization of the fibrotic stroma is helpful for predicting the prognostic outcome of patients with rectal carcinoma.
This review compiles evidence for an alternative to the classical adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the evolution of colorectal cancer. It is suggested that between 30 and 50% of colorectal cancers are not initiated by mutation of the tumor suppressor gene APC, but through the epigenetic silencing of genes implicated in the control of differentiation, cell cycle control and DNA repair proficiency. The precursor polyps are often characterized by a serrated architecture, and include hyperplastic polyps, admixed polyps and serrated adenomas. The alternative pathway is heterogeneous and may culminate in cancers showing low or high level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-L and MSI-H, respectively), and in cancers that are microsatellite stable (MSS). Cancers showing DNA MSI may be characterized by an accelerated evolution. Cancers in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer show features of both classical (adenoma and APC mutation) and alternative pathways (rapid evolution, MSI-H and lack of chromosomal instability). (C) 2001 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has traditionally been classified into two groups: microsatellite stable/low-level instability (MSS/MSI-L) and high-level MSI (MSI-H) groups on the basis of multiple molecular and clinicopathologic criteria. Using methylated in tumor (MINT) markers 1, 2,12, and 31, we stratified 77 primary CRCs into three groups: MINT++ (>2), MINT+ (1-2), and MINT- (0 markers methylated). The MSS/MSI-L/ MINT++ group was indistinguishable from the MSI-H/MINT++ group with respect to methylation of p16(INK4a), p14(ARF), and RIZ1, and multiple morphological features. The only significant difference between MSI-H and non-MSI-H MINT++ cancers was the higher frequency of K-ras mutation (P < 0.004) and lower frequency of hMLH1 methylation (P < 0.001) in the latter. These data demonstrate that the separation of CRC into two nonoverlapping groups (MSI-H versus MSS/MSI-L) is a misleading oversimplification.
Axillary lymph node status is one of the most powerful prognostic factors for patients with breast cancer and is often critical in stratifying patients into adjuvant treatment regimens. In 203 apparently node-negative cases of breast cancer, a combination of immunohistochemical staining and step-sectioning identified occult metastases in 25% of cases. Ten-year follow-up information is available for these patients. Histologic features of the primary tumor and immunohistochemical staining for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Her-2, and p53 were also evaluated. With multivariate analysis, both occult metastases and higher histologic grade of the primary tumor were independent predictors of disease-free survival. Histologic grade was the only significant independent predictor of overall survival. Estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Her-2, and p53 status did not predict the presence of metastases or survival when all tumor types were considered together. Metastases >0.5 mm significantly predicted a poorer disease-free survival when invasive ductal carcinomas were considered alone. Histologic grade was significantly associated with disease-free survival in the premenopausal and perimenopausal patients but not in the postmenopausal patients. The presence of occult metastases approached significance for overall survival in the premenopausal and perimenopausal patients but not in the postmenopausal patients.
The current approach to prostate cancer diagnosis has major limitations including the inability of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) assays to accurately differentiate between prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and the imprecision of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) biopsy sampling. We have employed cDNA microarray screening to compare gene expression patterns in BPH and tumour samples to identify expression markers that may be useful in discriminating between these conditions. Screening of 3 individual cDNA arrays identified 8 genes with expression 3-fold greater in 6 tumour tissues than in 1 nontumour sample and I BPH sample. Real-time PCR was used to confirm the overexpression of these 8 genes and 12 genes selected from the literature against a panel of 17 tumours and I 1 BPH samples. Two genes, delta-catenin (delta-catenin; CTNND2) and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA; FOLH1), were significantly overexpressed in prostate cancer compared to BPH. Prostate epithelial cells stained positively for S-catenin and PSMA in our prostate cancer tissues, whereas the majority of our BPH tissues were negative for both markers. Thus we have identified delta-catenin (not previously associated with prostatic adenocarcinoma) and confirmed the potential of PSMA as potential candidates for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
The fundamental role of dendritic cells (DC in initiating and directing the primary immune response is well established. Furthermore, it is now accepted that DC may be useful in new vaccination strategies for preventing certain malignant and infectious diseases. As blood DC (BDC physiology differs from that of the DC homologues generated in vitro from monocyte precursors, it is becoming more relevant to consider BDC for therapeutic interventions. Until recently, protocols for the isolation of BDC were laborious and inefficient; therefore, their use for investigative cancer immunotherapy is not widespread. In this study, we carefully documented BDC counts, yields and subsets during apheresis (Cobe Spectra), the initial and essential procedure in creating a BDC isolation platform for cancer immunotherapy. We established that an automated software package (Version 6,0 AutoPBPC) provides an operator-independent reliable source of motionuclear cells (MNC for BDC preparation. Further, we observed that BDC might be recovered in high yields, often greater than 100% relative to the number of circulating BDC predicted by blood volume. An average of 66 million (range, 17-179) BDC per 10-1 procedure were obtained, largely satisfying the needs for immunization. Higher yields were possible on total processed blood volumes of 151. BDC were not activated by the isolation procedure and, more importantly, both BDC subsets (CD11c(+)CD123(low) and CD11c(-)CD123(high)) were equally represented. Finally, we established that the apheresis product could be used for antibody-based BDC immunoselection and demonstrated that fully functional BDC can be obtained by this procedure. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Background: The response of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) to therapy is often disappointing and new modalities of treatment are clearly needed. Active immunotherapy based on the injection of autologous dendritic cells (DC) co-cultured ex vivo with tumor antigens has been used in pilot studies in various malignancies such as melanoma and lymphoma with encouraging results. Methods: In the present paper, the preparation and exposure of patient DC to autologous HCC antigens and re-injection in an attempt to elicit antitumor immune responses are described. Results: Therapy was given to two patients, one with hepatitis C and one with hepatitis B, who had large, multiple HCC and for whom no other therapy was available. No significant side-effects were observed. The clinical course was unchanged in one patient, who died a few months later. The other patient, whose initial prognosis was considered poor, is still alive and well more than 3 years later with evidence of slowing of tumor growth based on organ imaging. Conclusions: It is concluded that HCC may be a malignancy worthy of DC trials and sufficient details in the present paper are given for the protocol to be copied or modified. (C) 2002 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
The role of natural killer T (NKT) cells in the immune response to tumor cells has been largely unexplored. As a model of adoptive tumor immunotherapy, cells from the draining lymph nodes of mice immunized with a tumor-specific or irrelevant antigen were transferred to naive recipients with established tumor. Inhibition of early tumor growth (day 4) required the transfer of both CD8(+) and Jalpha18(+) (NKT) cells from immunized animals without regard to immunogen. In contrast, CD8(+) cells, but not Jalpha18(+) cells, were necessary for the inhibition of late tumor growth (day 8). Thus, the developing tumor changes in sensitivity to NKT-mediated events and the role for NKT cells cannot be replaced by the presence of tumor-specific cells during early tumor growth. This suggests that recruitment/activation of Jalpha18(+) NKT cells is an important consideration during the immune therapy of early stage tumors.