78 resultados para posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a significant cause of morbidity in immunosuppressed patients. It is characterized in the liver by parenchymal microabscesses, usually containing CMV-infected cells. However, not all hepatic microabscesses are due to CMV infection. In 1992, we described ''mini'' microabscess (MMA) syndrome, a distinct clinical syndrome that occurs in transplanted livers. This report analyzes the clinical and laboratory features of 57 cases of MMA syndrome occurring in 52 patients and compares these with 19 biopsy-proven cases of CMV infection. The diagnosis of MMA syndrome can only be made histologically. The microabscesses are smaller and more numerous than in CMV infection, and there are no viral inclusions present. CMV DNA could not be detected in liver biopsy specimens with MMAs by using ''nested'' polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indicating that MMA syndrome is not caused by CMV infection. The pattern of liver enzyme and bilirubin elevation is predominantly hepatocellular, with transaminase levels elevated, on average, six to eight times the upper limit of normal. The clinical features of MMA syndrome are that it predominantly affects female (40 of 52 patients) orthotopic liver transplant (OLT) recipients of all ages (range, 11 months to 66.9 years). MMA syndrome is unrelated to the indication for initial OLT and tends to occur later after transplantation than CMV infection (median, 91 days post-OLT vs. 32 days for CMV hepatitis). Although the etiology of MMA syndrome is not clear, it does not appear to adversely affect graft or patient survival.
Objectives-This study adopted a concurrent task design and aimed to quantify the efficiency and smoothness of voluntary movement in Tourette's syndrome via the use of a graphics tablet which permits analysis of movement profiles. In particular, the aim was to ascertain whether a concurrent task (digit span) would affect the kinematics of goal directed movements, and whether patients with Tourette's syndrome would exhibit abnormal functional asymmetries compared with their matched controls. Methods-Twelve patients with Tourette's syndrome and their matched controls performed 12 vertical zig zag movements, with both left and right hands (with and without the concurrent task), to large or small targets over long or short extents. Results-With short strokes, controls showed the predicted right hand superiority in movement time more strongly than patients with Tourette's syndrome, who instead showed greater hand symmetry with short strokes. The right hand of controls was less force efficient with long strokes and more force efficient with short strokes, whereas either hand of patients with Tourette's syndrome was equally force efficient, irrespective of stroke length, with an overall performance profile similar to but better than that of the controls' left hand. The concurrent task, however, increased the force efficiency of the right hand in patients with Tourette's syndrome and the left hand in controls. Conclusions-Patients with Tourette's syndrome, compared with controls, were not impaired in the performance of fast, goal directed movements such as aiming at targets; they performed in certain respects better than controls. The findings clearly add to the growing literature on anomalous lateralisation in Tourette's syndrome, which may be explained by the recently reported loss of normal basal ganglia asymmetries in that disorder.
The demonstration that mutations in the Patched (PTCH) gene cause nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) has led to the identification of the exact molecular lesion in a percentage of individuals with the syndrome, In addition, it has been possible to determine, through molecular analysis of parents and other relatives of these individuals, if the mutation is inherited or has arisen de novo, We have previously reported 28 mutations in individuals with NBCCS, and here we present an additional 4 novel mutations, We have also analyzed relatives of a number of the individuals in whom we have found mutations, In total we have identified 8 individuals who carry a de novo mutation in the PTCH gene, In 5 of these cases, clinical and radiological examination had not unequivocally ruled out a diagnosis in one of the parents, This helps to define the clinical phenotype and suggests that diagnostic criteria in this complex syndrome may require review. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) was originally described less than 50 y ago,1 although reference to children with characteristics of the syndrome are to be found in other literature previous to this.2 Until relatively recently the diagnosis was made upon the clinical features as outlined by Holm,3 which include severe muscular hypotonia in the neonatal period leading to feeding difficulties and undernutrition, hypogonadism and later hyperphagia and obesity. Latterly the syndrome has been identified as being associated with an interstitial deletion of the q11-13 region on chromosome 15.4 In the majority of cases the deletion is in the paternally derived chromosome. In the remainder of cases there seems to be a failure to inherit the entire paternal chromosome and as a consequence both the chromosomes inherited are maternal, thus leading to maternal disomy.
Although earlier studies on thiamine deficiency have reported increases in extracellular glutamate concentration in the thalamus, a vulnerable region of the brain in this disorder, the mechanism by which this occurs has remained unresolved. Treatment with pyrithiamine, a central thiamine antagonist, resulted in a 71 and 55% decrease in protein levels of the astrocyte glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST, respectively, by immunoblotting in the medial thalamus of day 14 symptomatic rats at loss of righting reflexes. These changes occurred prior to the onset of convulsions and pannecrosis. Loss of both GLT-1 and GLAST transporter sites was also confirmed in this region of the thalamus at the symptomatic stage using immunohistochemical methods. In contrast, no change in either transporter protein was detected in the non-vulnerable frontal parietal cortex. These effects are selective; protein levels of the astrocyte GABA transporter GAT-3 were unaffected in the medial thalamus. In addition, astrocyte-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) content was unchanged in this brain region, suggesting that astrocytes are spared in this disorder. Loss of GLT-1 or GLAST protein was not observed on day 12 of treatment, indicating that down-regulation of these transporters occurs within 48 h prior to loss of righting reflexes. Finally, GLT-1 content was positively correlated with levels of the neurofilament protein alpha -internexin, suggesting that early neuronal drop-out may contribute to the down-regulation of this glutamate transporter and subsequent pannecrosis. A selective, focal loss of GLT-1 and GLAST transporter proteins provides a rational explanation for the increase in interstitial glutamate levels, and may play a major role in the selective vulnerability of thalamic structures to thiamine deficiency-induced cell death.
Published results on the inhibitory effects of small cosolutes on adenosine deamination by adenosine deaminase [Kurz. L. C.. Weitkamp, E., and Frieden, C. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 3027-3032; Dzingeleski, G., and Wolfenden, R. (1993) Biochemistry 32, 9143 -9147] have been reexamined. Results for sucrose, dioxane, methanol, and ethanol are shown to be qualitatively consistent with thermodynamic interpretation in terms of molecular crowding effects arising from the occurrence of a minor increase in enzyme volume and/or asymmetry during the kinetic reaction-a conformational transition that could be either preexisting or ligand induced. Direct evidence for the existence of the putative isomeric transition is provided by active enzyme gel chromatography on Sephadex G-100, which demonstrates a negative dependence of enzyme elution volume upon substrate concentration and is therefore consistent with substrate-mediated conformational changes that favor a larger (or more asymmetric) isomeric state of the enzyme. There are thus experimental grounds for adopting the present description of the inhibitory effects of unrelated cosolutes on the kinetics of adenosine deamination by adenosine deaminase in terms of thermodynamic nonideality.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is classically characterised by ovarian dysfunction (oligomenorrhoea, anovulation and infertility), androgen excess (hirsutism and acne), obesity, and morphological abnormalities of the ovaries (cystic enlargement and stromal expansion). More, recently, insulin resistance has been found to be common in PCOS, along with an increased prevalence of other features of the metabolic syndrome, namely glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidaemia. Hyperinsulinaemia is likely to contribute to the disordered ovarian function and androgen excess of PCOS. Reducing insulin resistance by lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise improves endocrine and menstrual function in PCOS. These lifestyle modifications are the best initial means of improving insulin resistance. Metformin, an oral hypoglycaemic agent that increases insulin sensitivity has been shown to reduce serum concentrations of insulin and androgens, to reduce hirsutism, and to improve ovulation rates. The effect of metformin alone on fertility rates is-unknown. Some studies suggest that metformin will reduce total body weight to a small extent, but with a predominant effect on visceral adipose reduction. The effects of metformin on lipid abnormalities, hypertension or premature vascular disease are unknown, but the relative safety, moderate cost, and efficacy in reducing insulin resistance suggest that metformin may prove to be of benefit in combating these components of the metabolic syndrome in PCOS. Further properly planned randomised controlled trials are required.
To determine whether human X-linked neonatal diabetes mellitus, enteropathy and endocrinopathy syndrome (IPEX; MIM 304930) is the genetic equivalent of the scurfy (sf) mouse, we sequenced the human ortholog (FOXP3) of the gene mutated in scurfy mice (Foxp3), in IPEX patients. We found four non-polymorphic mutations. Each mutation affects the forkhead/winged-helix domain of the scurfin protein, indicating that the mutations may disrupt critical DNA interactions.
The following aspects of premenstrual syndrome are discussed: classification, common symptoms, aetiology, pharmacological treatment, other therapies, role of the pharmacist. (non-author abstract)