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This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation into the fluidized-bed coating of cylindrical metal specimens using two types of thermoplastic powders, Rilsan(R) PA11, a nylon-11 powder produced by Elf Atochem, France and Cotene(TM) 4612, a linear low density polyethylene powder produced by J.R Courtenay (New Zealand). The effects of dipping time, preheat temperature and particle size distribution on coating thickness and surface finish were investigated. Consistent trends in coating thickness growth with dipping time were obtained for both nylon-11 and polyethylene powders with increases in coating thickness with preheat temperature. For the same preheat temperature, the lower melting point of polyethylene results in thicker coatings compared to those of nylon-11. There is a negligible change in the coating thickness for sieved powders compared to that for unsieved powders. A pre-heat temperatures of between 240 degrees C and 300 degrees C is necessary to achieve an acceptable surface finish with both nylon-11 and polyethylene powders. To minimize errors in achieving the desired coating thickness, dipping times shorter than 2 s are not recommended. The use of graphs of coating thickness versus dipping time in combination with the coating surface roughness plots presented in this paper enable the optimal choice of pre-heat temperature and dipping time to achieve acceptable surface finish. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
Percolative fragmentation was confirmed to occur during gasification of three microporous coal chars. Indirect evidence obtained by the variation of electrical resistivity (ER) with conversion was supported by direct observation of numerous fragments during gasification. The resistivity increases slowly at low conversions and then sharply after a certain conversion value, which is a typical percolation phenomenon suggesting the occurrence of internal fragmentation at high conversion. Two percolation models are applied to interpret the experimental data and determine the percolation threshold. A percolation threshold of 0.02-0.07 was found, corresponding to a critical conversion of 92-96% for fragmentation. The electrical resistivity variation at high conversions is found to be very sensitive to diffusional effects during gasification. Partially burnt samples with a narrow initial particle size range were also observed microscopically, and found to yield a large number of small fragments even when the particles showed no disintegration and chemical control prevailed. It is proposed that this is due to the separation of isolated clusters from the particle surface. The particle size distribution of the fragments was essentially independent of the reaction conditions and the char type, and supported the prediction by percolation theory that the number fraction distribution varies linearly with mass in a log-log plot. The results imply that perimeter fragmentation would occur in practical combustion systems in which the reactions are strongly diffusion affected.
In the area of dry particle breakage, Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations have been widely used to analyse the sensitivity of various physical parameters to the behaviour of agglomerates during breakage. This paper looks at the effect of agglomerate shape and structure on the mechanisms and extent of breakage of dry agglomerates under compressive load using DEM simulations. In the simulations, a spherical-shaped agglomerate produced within the DEM code is compared with an irregularly shaped agglomerate, whose structure is that of an actual granule that was characterised with X-ray microtomography (muCT). Both agglomerates have identical particle size distribution, coordination number and surface energy values, with only the agglomerate shape and structure differing between the two. The work here details the breakage behaviour with a number of traditional DEM output parameters (i.e., contact/cluster distributions) with showing vastly different behaviour between the two agglomerates. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Granulation is one of the fundamental operations in particulate processing and has a very ancient history and widespread use. Much fundamental particle science has occurred in the last two decades to help understand the underlying phenomena. Yet, until recently the development of granulation systems was mostly based on popular practice. The use of process systems approaches to the integrated understanding of these operations is providing improved insight into the complex nature of the processes. Improved mathematical representations, new solution techniques and the application of the models to industrial processes are yielding better designs, improved optimisation and tighter control of these systems. The parallel development of advanced instrumentation and the use of inferential approaches provide real-time access to system parameters necessary for improvements in operation. The use of advanced models to help develop real-time plant diagnostic systems provides further evidence of the utility of process system approaches to granulation processes. This paper highlights some of those aspects of granulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Solids concentration and particle size distribution gradually change in the vertical dimension of industrial flotation cells, subject primarily to the flotation cell size and design and the cell operating conditions. As entrainment is a two-step process and involves only the suspended solids in the top pulp region near the pulp-froth interface, the solids suspension characteristics have a significant impact on the overall entrainment. In this paper, a classification function is proposed to describe the state of solids suspension in flotation cells, similar to the definition of degree of entrainment for classification in the froth phase found in the literature. A mathematical model for solids suspension is also developed, in which the classification function is expressed as an exponential function of the particle size. Experimental data collected from three different Outokumpu tank flotation cells in three different concentrators are well fitted by the proposed exponential model. Under the prevailing experimental conditions, it was found that the solids content in the top region was relatively independent of cell operating conditions such as froth height and air rate but dependent on the cell size. Moreover, the results obtained from the total solids tend to be similar to those from a particular gangue mineral and hence may be applied to all minerals in entrainment calculation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Investigation of the secondary nucleation threshold (SNT) of alpha-glucose monohydrate was conducted in aqueous solutions in agitated batch systems for the temperature range 10 to 40 degrees C. The width of the SNT decreased as the induction time increased and was found to be temperature independent when supersaturation was based on the absolute concentration driving force. Nonnucleating seeded batch bulk crystallizations of this sugar were performed isothermally in the same temperature range as the SNT experiments, and within the SNT region to avoid nucleation. The growth kinetics were found to be linearly dependent on the supersaturation of total glucose in the system when the mutarotation reaction is not rate limiting. The growth rate constant increases with increasing temperature and follows an Arrhenius relationship with an activation energy of 50 +/- 2 kJ/mol. alpha-Glucose monohydrate shows significant crystal growth rate dispersion (GRD). For the seeds used, the 95% range of growth rates was within a factor of 6 for seeds with a narrow particle size distribution, and 8 for seeds with a wider distribution that was used at 25 degrees C. The results will be used to model the significance of the mutarotation reaction on the overall crystallization rate of D-glucose in industrial crystallization.
A computer model was developed to simulate the cake formation and growth in cake filtration at an individual particle level. The model was shown to be able to generate structural information and quantify the cake thickness, average cake solidosity, filtrate volume, filtrate flowrate for constant pressure filtration or pressure drop across the filter unit for constant rate filtration as a function of filtration time. The effects of particle size distribution and key operational variables such as initial filtration flowrate, maximum pressure drop and initial solidosity were examined based on the simulated results. They are qualitatively comparable to those observed in physical experiments. The need for further development in simulation was also discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A technique based on laser light diffraction is shown to be successful in collecting on-line experimental data. Time series of floc size distributions (FSD) under different shear rates (G) and calcium additions were collected. The steady state mass mean diameter decreased with increasing shear rate G and increased when calcium additions exceeded 8 mg/l. A so-called population balance model (PBM) was used to describe the experimental data, This kind of model describes both aggregation and breakage through birth and death terms. A discretised PBM was used since analytical solutions of the integro-partial differential equations are non-existing. Despite the complexity of the model, only 2 parameters need to be estimated: the aggregation rate and the breakage rate. The model seems, however, to lack flexibility. Also, the description of the floc size distribution (FSD) in time is not accurate.
Block copolymers have become an integral part of the preparation of complex architectures through self-assembly. The use of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) allows blocks ranging from functional to nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions. This article models block formation by varying many of the kinetic parameters. The simulations provide insight into the overall polydispersities (PDIs) that will be obtained when the chain-transfer constants in the main equilibrium steps are varied from 100 to 0.5. When the first dormant block [polymer-S-C(Z)=S] has a PDI of 1 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the overall PDI will be greater than 1 and dependent on the weight fraction of each block. When the first block has a PDI of 2 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the PDI will decrease to around 1.5 because of random coupling of two broad distributions. It is also shown how we can in principle use only one RAFT agent to obtain block copolymers with any desired molecular weight distribution. We can accomplish this by maintaining the monomer concentration at a constant level in the reactor over the course of the reaction. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The work presented was conducted within the scope of a larger study investigating impacts of the Stuart Oil Shale project, a facility operating to the north of the industrial city of Gladstone, Australia. The aims of the investigations were threefold: (a) the identification of the plant signatures in terms of particle size distributions in the submicrometer range (13-830 nm) through stack measurements, (b) exploring the applicability of these signatures in tracing the source contributions at locations of interest, at a distance from the plant, and (c) assessing the contribution of the plant to the total particle number concentration at locations of interest. The stack measurements conducted for three different conditions of plant operation showed that the particle size distributions were bimodal with average modal count median diameters (CMDs) of 24 (SD 4) and 52 (SD 9) nm. The average of all the particle size distributions recorded within the plant sector at a site located 4.5 km from the plant, over the sampling period when the plant was operating, also showed a bimodal distribution. The modal CMDs in this case were 27 and 50 nm, similar to those at the stack. This bimodal size distribution is distinct from the size distribution of the most common ambient anthropogenic emission source, which is vehicle emissions, and can be considered as a signature of this source. The average contribution of the plant (for plant sector winds) was estimated to be (10.0 +/- 3.8) x 10(2) particles cm(-3) and constituted approximately a 50% increase over the local particle ambient concentration for plant sector winds. This increase in particle number concentration compared to the local background concentration, while high compared to the clean environment concentration, is not significant when compared to concentrations generally encountered in the urban environment of Brisbane.
The problem of extracting pore size distributions from characterization data is solved here with particular reference to adsorption. The technique developed is based on a finite element collocation discretization of the adsorption integral, with fitting of the isotherm data by least squares using regularization. A rapid and simple technique for ensuring non-negativity of the solutions is also developed which modifies the original solution having some negativity. The technique yields stable and converged solutions, and is implemented in a package RIDFEC. The package is demonstrated to be robust, yielding results which are less sensitive to experimental error than conventional methods, with fitting errors matching the known data error. It is shown that the choice of relative or absolute error norm in the least-squares analysis is best based on the kind of error in the data. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this article, a new hybrid model for estimating the pore size distribution of micro- and mesoporous materials is developed, and tested with the adsorption data of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon on ordered mesoporous materials reported in the literature. For the micropore region, the model uses the Dubinin-Rudushkevich (DR) isotherm with the Chen-Yang modification. A recent isotherm model of the authors for nonporous materials, which uses a continuum-mechanical model for the multilayer region and the Unilan model for the submonolayer region, has been extended for adsorption in mesopores. The experimental data is inverted using regularization to obtain the pore size distribution. The present model was found to be successful in predicting the pore size distribution of pure as well as binary physical mixtures of MCM-41 synthesized with different templates, with results in agreement with those from the XRD method and nonlocal density functional theory. It was found that various other recent methods, as well as the classical Broekhoff and de Beer method, underpredict the pore diameter of MCM-41. The present model has been successfully applied to MCM-48, SBA's, CMK, KIT, HMS, FSM, MTS, mesoporous fly ash, and a large number of other regular mesoporous materials.
A new method to measure Escherichia coil cell debris size after homogenization is presented. It is based on cumulative sedimentation analysis under centrifugal force, coupled with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of sedimented proteins. The effects that fermentation and homogenization conditions have on the resulting debris distributions were investigated using this method. Median debris size decreased significantly from approximately 0.5 mu m to 0.3 mu m as the number of homogenization passes increased from 2 to 10. Under identical homogenization conditions, uninduced host cells in stationary phase had a larger debris size than exponential cells after 5 homogenizer passes. This difference was not evident after 2 or in passes, possibly because of confounding intact cells and the existence of a minimum debris size for the conditions investigated. Recombinant cells containing protein inclusion bodies had the smallest debris size following homogenization. The method was also used to measure the size distribution of inclusion bodies. This result compared extremely well with an independent determination using centrifugal disc photosedimentation (CDS), thus validating the method. This is the first method that provides accurate size distributions of E. coli debris without the need for sample pretreatment, theoretical approximations (e.g. extinction coefficients), or the separation of debris and inclusion bodies prior to analysis. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Experimental data for E. coli debris size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation at 55 MPa are presented. A mathematical model based on grinding theory is developed to describe the data. The model is based on first-order breakage and compensation conditions. It does not require any assumption of a specified distribution for debris size and can be used given information on the initial size distribution of whole cells and the disruption efficiency during homogenisation. The number of homogeniser passes is incorporated into the model and used to describe the size reduction of non-induced stationary and induced E. coil cells during homogenisation. Regressing the results to the model equations gave an excellent fit to experimental data ( > 98.7% of variance explained for both fermentations), confirming the model's potential for predicting size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation. This study provides a means to optimise both homogenisation and disc-stack centrifugation conditions for recombinant product recovery. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A generalised model for the prediction of single char particle gasification dynamics, accounting for multi-component mass transfer with chemical reaction, heat transfer, as well as structure evolution and peripheral fragmentation is developed in this paper. Maxwell-Stefan analysis is uniquely applied to both micro and macropores within the framework of the dusty-gas model to account for the bidisperse nature of the char, which differs significantly from the conventional models that are based on a single pore type. The peripheral fragmentation and random-pore correlation incorporated into the model enable prediction of structure/reactivity relationships. The occurrence of chemical reaction within the boundary layer reported by Biggs and Agarwal (Chem. Eng. Sci. 52 (1997) 941) has been confirmed through an analysis of CO/CO2 product ratio obtained from model simulations. However, it is also quantitatively observed that the significance of boundary layer reaction reduces notably with the reduction of oxygen concentration in the flue gas, operational pressure and film thickness. Computations have also shown that in the presence of diffusional gradients peripheral fragmentation occurs in the early stages on the surface, after which conversion quickens significantly due to small particle size. Results of the early commencement of peripheral fragmentation at relatively low overall conversion obtained from a large number of simulations agree well with experimental observations reported by Feng and Bhatia (Energy & Fuels 14 (2000) 297). Comprehensive analysis of simulation results is carried out based on well accepted physical principles to rationalise model prediction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. AH rights reserved.