177 resultados para mammalian reservoirs
Numerous mRNA molecules are localized in regions of the dendrites of neurons, some moving along dendrites in response to synaptic activity. The proteins encoded by these RNAs have diverse functions, including participation in memory formation and long-term potentiation. Recent experiments have shown that a cytoplasmic RNA trafficking pathway described for oligodendrocytes also operates in neurons. Transported RNAs possess a cis-acting element that directs them to granules, which are transported along microtubules by the motor proteins kinesin and dynein. These RNA molecules are recruited to the cytoplasmic transport granules by cooperative interaction with a cognate trans-acting factor. mRNAs containing the 11-nucleotide A2RE11 or 21-nucleotide A2RE sequences bind heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2 and A3, which are abundant in the brain. Mutations in this cis-acting element that weaken its interaction with hnRNP A2 also interfere with RNA trafficking. Several dendritically localized mRNAs, including those encoding calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 11 a subunit and neurogranin, possess A2RE-like sequences, suggesting that they may be localized by interaction with these heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins. Calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 11 a subunit is of particular interest: Its RNA is transported in depolarized neurons, and the protein it encodes is essential for establishing long-term memory. Several other cis-acting sequences and trans-acting factors that participate in neuronal RNA localization have been discovered.
The Niemann Pick C1 protein localizes to late endosomes and plays a key role in the intracellular transport of cholesterol in mammalian cells. Cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in a lysosomal or late endosomal compartment in cells lacking normal NPC1 function. Other than accumulation of lipids, defects in lysosomal retroendocytosis, sorting of a multifunctional receptor and endosomal movement have also been detected in NPC1 mutant cells. Ncr1p is an ortholog of NPC1 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that Ncr1p is a vacuolar membrane protein that transits through the biosynthetic vacuolar protein sorting pathway, and that it can be solubilized by Triton X-100 at 4 degreesC. Using well-established assays, we demonstrate that the absence of Ncr1p had no effect on fluid phase and receptor- mediated endocytosis, biosynthetic delivery to the vacuole, retrograde transport from endosome to Golgi and ubiquitin- and nonubiquitin-dependent multivesicular body sorting. We conclude that Ncr1p does not have an essential role in known endocytic transport pathways in yeast.
Stable expression of human groups IIA and X secreted phospholipases A(2) (hGIIA and hGX) in CHO-K1 and HEK293 cells leads to serum- and interleukin-1beta-promoted arachidonate release. Using mutant CHO-K1 cell lines, it is shown that this arachidonate release does not require heparan sulfate proteoglycan- or glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins. It is shown that the potent secreted phospholipase A(2) inhibitor Me-Indoxam is cell-impermeable. By use of Me-Indoxam and the cell-impermeable, secreted phospholipase A(2) trapping agent heparin, it is shown that hGIIA liberates free arachidonate prior to secretion from the cell. With hGX-transfected CHO-K1 cells, arachidonate release occurs before and after enzyme secretion, whereas all of the arachidonate release from HEK293 cells occurs prior to enzyme secretion. Immunocytochemical studies by confocal laser and electron microscopies show localization of hGIIA to the cell surface and Golgi compartment. Additional results show that the interleukin-1beta-dependent release of arachidonate is promoted by secreted phospholipase A(2) expression and is completely dependent on cytosolic (group IVA) phospholipase A(2). These results along with additional data resolve the paradox that efficient arachidonic acid release occurs with hGIIA-transfected cells, and yet exogenously added hGIIA is poorly able to liberate arachidonic acid from mammalian cells.
The four mammalian golgins, p230/golgin-245, golgin-97, GCC88 and GCC185 are targeted to trans-Golgi network ITGN) membranes by their C-terminal GRIP domain in a G-protein-dependent process. The Arf-like GTPase, Arl1, has been shown to mediate TGN recruitment of p230/golgin245 and golgin-97 by interaction with their GRIP domains; however, it is not known whether all the TGN golgins bind to Arl1 and whether they are all recruited to the same or different TGN domains. Here we demonstrate differences in membrane binding properties and TGN domain recruitment of the mammalian GRIP domain proteins. Overexpression of full-length GCC185 resulted in the appearance of small punctate structures dispersed in the cytoplasm of transfected cells that were identified as membrane tubular structures by immunoelectron microscopy. The cytoplasmic GCC185-labelled structures were enriched for membrane binding determinants of GCC185 GRIP, whereas the three other mammalian GRIP family members did not colocalize with the GCC185-labelled structures. These GCC185-labelled structures included the TGN resident protein alpha2,6 sialyltransferase and excluded the recycling TGN protein, TGN46. The Golgi stack was unaffected by overexpression of GCC185. Overexpression of both full-length GCC185 and GCC88 showed distinct and nonoverlapping structures. We also show that the GRIP domains of GCC185 and GCC88 differ in membrane binding properties from each other and, in contrast to p230/golgin245 and golgin-97, do not interact with Arl1 in vivo. Collectively these results show that GCC88, GCC185 and p230/golgin245 are recruited to functionally distinct domains of the TGN and are likely to be important for the maintenance of TGN subdomain structure, a critical feature for mediating protein sorting and membrane transport.
3D electron tomography studies of the structure of the mammalian Golgi complex have led to four functional predictions (1). The sorting and exit site from the Golgi comprises two or three distinct trans-cisternae (2). The docking of vesicular-tubular clusters at the cis-face and the fragmentation of trans-cisternae are coordinated (3). The mechanisms of transport through, and exit from, the Golgi vary with physiological state, and in different cells and tissues (4). Specialized trans-ER functions in the delivery of ceramide to sphingomyelin synthase in the trans-Golgi membrane, for the regulated sorting via sphingolipid-cholesterol-rich domains. These structure-based predictions can now be tested using a variety of powerful cell and molecular tools.
Auxiliary subunit regulation of high-voltage activated calcium channels expressed in mammalian cells
The effects of auxiliary calcium channel subunits on the expression and functional properties of high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels have been studied extensively in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, but are less completely characterized in a mammalian cellular environment. Here, we provide the first systematic analysis of the effects of calcium channel beta and alpha(2)-delta subunits on expression levels and biophysical properties of three different types (Ca(v)1.2, Ca(v)2.1 and Ca(v)2.3) of HVA calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells. Our data show that Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)2.3 channels yield significant barium current in the absence of any auxiliary subunits. Although calcium channel beta subunits were in principle capable of increasing whole cell conductance, this effect was dependent on the type of calcium channel alpha(1) subunit, and beta(3) subunits altogether failed to enhance current amplitude irrespective of channel subtype. Moreover, the alpha(2)-delta subunit alone is capable of increasing current amplitude of each channel type examined, and at least for members of the Ca(v)2 channel family, appears to act synergistically with beta subunits. In general agreement with previous studies, channel activation and inactivation gating was regulated both by beta and by alpha(2)-delta subunits. However, whereas pronounced regulation of inactivation characteristics was seen with the majority of the auxiliary subunits, effects on voltage dependence of activation were only small (< 5 mV). Overall, through a systematic approach, we have elucidated a previously underestimated role of the alpha(2)-delta(1) subunit with regard to current enhancement and kinetics. Moreover, the effects of each auxiliary subunit on whole cell conductance and channel gating appear to be specifically tailored to subsets of calcium channel subtypes.
The muO-conotoxins are an intriguing class of conotoxins targeting various voltage-dependent sodium channels and molluscan calcium channels. In the current study, we have shown MrVIA and MrVIB to be the first known peptidic inhibitors of the transient tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) Na+ current in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons, in addition to inhibiting tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ currents. Human TTX-R sodium channels are a therapeutic target for indications such as pain, highlighting the importance of the muO-conotoxins as potential leads for drug development. Furthermore, we have used NMR spectroscopy to provide the first structural information on this class of conotoxins. MrVIA and MrVIB are hydrophobic peptides that aggregate in aqueous solution but were solubilized in 50% acetonitrile/water. The three-dimensional structure of MrVIB consists of a small beta-sheet and a cystine knot arrangement of the three-disulfide bonds. It contains four backbone loops between successive cysteine residues that are exposed to the solvent to varying degrees. The largest of these, loop 2, is the most disordered part of the molecule, most likely due to flexibility in solution. This disorder is the most striking difference between the structures of MrVIB and the known delta- and omega-conotoxins, which along with the muO-conotoxins are members of the O superfamily. Loop 2 of omega-conotoxins has previously been shown to contain residues critical for binding to voltage-gated calcium channels, and it is interesting to speculate that the flexibility observed in MrVIB may accommodate binding to both sodium and molluscan calcium channels.
The mammalian retromer protein complex, which consists of three proteins - Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 - in association with members of the sorting nexin family of proteins, has been implicated in the trafficking of receptors and their ligands within the endosomal/lysosomal system of mammalian cells. A bioinformatic analysis of the mouse genome identified an additional transcribed paralog of the Vps26 retromer protein, which we termed Vps26B. No paralogs were identified for Vps29 and Vps35. Phylogenetic studies indicate that the two paralogs of Vps26 become evident after the evolution of the chordates. We propose that the chordate Vps26-like gene published previously be renamed Vps26A to differentiate it from Vps26B. As for Vps26A, biochemical characterization of Vps26B established that this novel 336 amino acid residue protein is a peripheral membrane protein. Vps26B co-precipitated with Vps35 from transfected cells and the direct interaction between these two proteins was confirmed by yeast 2-hybrid analysis, thereby establishing Vps26B as a subunit of the retromer complex. Within HeLa cells, Vps26B was found in the cytoplasm with low levels at the plasma membrane, while Vps26A was predominantly associated with endosomal membranes. Within A549 cells, both Vps26A and Vps26B co-localized with actin-rich lamellipodia at the cell surface. These structures also co-localized with Vps35. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy confirmed the association of Vps26B with the plasma membrane in a stable HEK293 cell line expressing cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-Vps26B. Based on these observations, we propose that the mammalian retromer complex is located at both endosomes and the plasma membrane in some cell types.
Antisense transcription (transcription from the opposite strand to a protein-coding or sense strand) has been ascribed roles in gene regulation involving degradation of the corresponding sense transcripts (RNA interference), as well as gene silencing at the chromatin level. Global transcriptome analysis provides evidence that a large proportion of the genome can produce transcripts from both strands, and that antisense transcripts commonly link neighboring genes in complex loci into chains of linked transcriptional units. Expression profiling reveals frequent concordant regulation of sense/antisense pairs. We present experimental evidence that perturbation of an antisense RNA can alter the expression of sense messenger RNAs, suggesting that antisense transcription contributes to control of transcriptional outputs in mammals.
Basic structure studies of the biosynthetic machinery of the cell by electron microscopy (EM) have underpinned much of our fundamental knowledge in the areas of molecular cell biology and membrane traffic. Driven by our collective desire to understand how changes in the complex and dynamic structure of this enigmatic organelle relate to its pivotal roles in the cell, the comparatively high-resolution glimpses of the Golgi and other compartments of the secretory pathway offered to us through EM have helped to inspire the development and application of some of our most informative, complimentary (molecular, biochemical and genetic) approaches. Even so, no one has yet even come close to relating the basic molecular mechanisms of transport, through and from the Golgi, to its ultrastructure, to everybody's satisfaction. Over the past decade, EM tomography has afforded new insights into structure -function relationships of the Golgi and provoked a re-evaluation of older paradigms. By providing a set of tools for structurally dissecting cells at high-resolution in three-dimensions (3D), EM tomography has emerged as a method for studying molecular cell biology in situ. As we move rapidly toward the establishment of molecular atlases of organelles through advances in proteomics and genomics, tomographic studies of the Golgi offer the tantalizing possibility that one day, we will be able to map the spatio-temporal coordinates of Golgi-related proteins and lipids accurately in the context of 4D cellular space. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Protease-activated receptors (PARs) are widely distributed in human airways. They couple to G-proteins and are activated after proteolytic cleavage of the N terminus of the receptor. Evidence is growing that PAR subtype 2 plays a pivotal role in inflammatory airway diseases, such as allergic asthma or bronchitis. However, nothing is known about the effects of PAR-2 on electrolyte transport in the native airways. PAR-2 is expressed in airway epithelial cells, where they are activated by mast cell tryptase, neutrophil proteinase 3, or trypsin. Recent studies produced conflicting results about the functional consequence of PAR-2 stimulation. Here we report that stimulation of PAR-2 receptors in mouse and human airways leads to a change in electrolyte transport and a shift from absorption to secretion. Although PAR-2 appears to be expressed on both sides of the epithelium, only basolateral stimulation results in inhibition of amiloride sensitive Na+ conductance and stimulation of both luminal Cl- channels and basolateral K+ channels. The present data indicate that these changes occur through activation of phospholipase C and increase in intracellular Ca2+, which activates basolateral SK4 K+ channels and luminal Ca2+-dependent Cl- channels. In addition, the present data suggest a PAR-2 mediated release of prostaglandin E2, which may contribute to the secretory response. In conclusion, these results provide further evidence for a role of PAR-2 in inflammatory airway disease: stimulation of these receptors may cause accumulation of airway surface liquid, which, however, may help to flush noxious stimuli away from the affected airways. ©2005 FASEB
Latexin, the only known mammalian carboxypeptidase inhibitor, has no detectable sequence similarity with plant and parasite inhibitors, but it is related to a human putative tumor suppressor protein, TIG1. Latexin is expressed in the developing brain, and we find that it plays a role in inflammation, as it is expressed at high levels and is inducible in macrophages in concert with other protease inhibitors and potential protease targets. The crystal structure of mouse latexin, solved at 1.83 Angstrom resolution, shows no structural relationship with other carboxypeptidase inhibitors. Furthermore, despite a lack of detectable sequence duplication, the structure incorporates two topologically analogous domains related by pseudo two-fold symmetry. Surprisingly, these domains share a cystatin fold architecture found in proteins that inhibit cysteine proteases, suggesting an evolutionary and possibly functional relationship. The structure of the tumor suppressor protein TIG1 was modeled, revealing its putative membrane binding surface.
In recent years, there have been increasing numbers of transcripts identified that do not encode proteins, many of which are developmentally regulated and appear to have regulatory functions. Here, we describe the construction of a comprehensive mammalian noncoding RNA database (RNAdb) which contains over 800 unique experimentally studied noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), including many associated with diseases and/or developmental processes. The database is available at http://research.imb.uq. edu.au/RNAdb and is searchable by many criteria. It includes microRNAs and snoRNAs, but not infrastructural RNAs, such as rRNAs and tRNAs, which are catalogued elsewhere. The database also includes over 1100 putative antisense ncRNAs and almost 20000 putative ncRNAs identified in high-quality murine and human cDNA libraries, with more to be added in the near future. Many of these RNAs are large, and many are spliced, some alternatively. The database will be useful as a foundation for the emerging field of RNomics and the characterization of the roles of ncRNAs in mammalian gene expression and regulation.
There is an urgent need for high purity, single chain, fully functional Eph/ephrin membrane proteins. This report outlines the pTIg-BOS-Fc vector and purification approach resulting in rapid increased production of fully functional single chain extracellular proteins that were isolated with high purity and used in structure-function analysis and pre-clinical studies.