48 resultados para job-order costing
Generally employment has been studied in terms of changes in the types of goods and services that the economy is purchasing. Far less attention has been given to the occupational aggregates that go into producing these goods and services. The few studies that did investigate this area found that the mix of tabour inputs appear to have been changing over time in a systematic pattern. The increasing prevalence of white-collar, information workers gave rise to the assertion that many societies had entered a post-industrial information age. Deals first of aff with some issues of measurement in the context of the Australian labour force, then looks at trends in various occupational groups using a non-standard four-sector classification of the labour force. Finally suggests an application in relation to the link between education and training and its ability to reduce structural unemployment.
Factors influencing job valuation: a comparative study of critical care and mon-critical care nurses
This study sought to identify the relationship between three predictor variables. perceived collaboration with medical staff, autonomy and independent actions and an outcome. the value hospital nurses placed on their work. In total 189 critical care and 366 non-critical care nurses completed a mailed survey. Critical cure nurses perceived themselves to have a mure collaborative relationship with the medical staff. described performing actions independent of medical orders more frequently and perceived their jobs to have more value than non-critical care nurses. However the latter group perceived themselves to have more autonomy in their work. Within both groups collaboration and autonomy were significantly, but weak to moderately correlated with job valuation. Simply expanding the work hospital nurses do is unlikely to result in nurses valuing their jobs more. however promoting an environment of respect and sharing between the medical and nursing staff and supporting nurses when they act in an autonomous fashion may positively influence nurses' perceptions of their work. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This quantitative pilot study (n = 178), conducted in a large Brisbane teaching hospital in Australia, found autonomy to be the most important job component for registered nurses' job satisfaction. The actual level of satisfaction with autonomy was 4.6, on a scale of 1 for very dissatisfied to 7 for very satisfied. The mean for job satisfaction was 4.3, with the job components professional status and interaction adding most substantially to the result. There was discontentment with the other two job components, which were Cask requirements and organisational policies. Demographic comparisons showed that nurses who were preceptors had significantly less job satisfaction than the other nurses at the hospital. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study difference equations which arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. We formulate conditions which guarantee a priori bounds on first differences of solutions to the discretized problem. We establish existence results for solutions to the discretized boundary value problems subject to nonlinear boundary conditions. We apply our results to show that solutions to the discrete problem converge to solutions of the continuous problem in an aggregate sense. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of discrete lower and discrete upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the discrete two-point boundary value problem yk+1 - 2yk + yk-1 + f (k, yk, vk) = 0, for k = 1,..., n - 1, y0 = 0 = yn,, where f is continuous and vk = yk - yk-1, for k = 1,..., n. In the special case f (k, t, p) = f (t) greater than or equal to 0, we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and Peterson and are in the spirit of our results for the continuous analogue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the continuous problem y"=f(x,y,y'), xc[0,1], 0=G((y(0),y(1)),(y'(0), y'(1))), and its discrete approximation (y(k+1)-2y(k)+y(k-1))/h(2) =f(t(k), y(k), v(k)), k = 1,..., n-1, 0 = G((y(0), y(n)), (v(1), v(n))), where f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, h = 1/n, v(k) = (y(k) - y(k-1))/h, for k =1,..., n, and t(k) = kh, for k = 0,...,n. We assume there exist strict lower and strict upper solutions and impose additional conditions on f and G which are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. We show that the discrete approximation also has solutions which approximate solutions of the continuous problem and converge to the solution of the continuous problem when it is unique, as the grid size goes to 0. Homotopy methods can be used to compute the solution of the discrete approximation. Our results were motivated by those of Gaines.
Objective To describe the attitudes of veterinarians to their work, career and profession during the 10 years after graduation. Design Longitudinal study of students who started their course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who completed questionnaires in their first and fifth year as students, and after one, five and 10 years as veterinarians. Methods Data from 129 (96%) questionnaires completed after 10 years as a veterinarian were coded numerically then analysed, together with data from previous questionnaires, with SAS System 7 for Windows 95. Results After 10 years, almost all respondents were either very glad they had done the veterinary course (57%) or generally glad, though with some misgivings (37%). Despite this, only 55% would definitely become a veterinarian if they 'had to do it over again'. The responses for about one-third were different from those given five years earlier. The views of many were related to the level of support and encouragement received in their first job after graduation. There were 42% who were working less than half-time as veterinarians, and their main reasons were, in order, raising children, long hours of work, attitudes of bosses and clients, and poor pay. A majority was concerned about the ethics and competence of some colleagues, and almost all believed that consideration of costs must influence the type of treatment animals receive. Conclusions Most veterinarians were glad to have done the veterinary course, but for about one-quarter their career had not lived up to expectations and almost half would not do it again in another incarnation. Stress, hours of work, difficulties in balancing personal life with career and low income were important concerns for many. Low income may contribute to the low number of males entering the veterinary profession.
Recent research support sLocke's (1976) model of facet satisfaction in which the range of affect of objectively defined facet descriptions is moderated by subjective evaluations of facet importance (McFarlin & Rice, 1992). This study examined the utility of Locke's moderated model of face t satisfaction for the prediction of organizationally important global measures of job satisfaction. A large dataset of two groups of workers allowed testing over different time periods and across a broad range of satisfaction measures. The hypothesis derived from Locke's model, that global satisfaction would represent a linear function of facet satisfaction (i.e., facet description x facet importance), was not supported. Instead, a simple (have-want) discrepancy model (operationalized as facet description) provided the most consistent set of predictors. The results suggests that workers, when providing global measures of job satisfaction, may use cognitive heuristics to reduce the complexity of facet description x importance calculations. The implications of these data for Locke's model and directions for future research are outlined.
Two studies investigated the relationships between personality traits and aspects of job satisfaction. In Study 1, job applicants (n=250) completed the Eysenck Personality Profiler and the Work Values Questionnaire (WVQ), which requires respondents to rate various work-related facets according to the extent to which they contribute to their job satisfaction. These facets were combined into two composites (hygiene and motivator) based on previous research. The three personality superfactors accounted for a small percentage of the variance in importance ratings (about 5%). In Study 2, employees (n=82) completed a measure of the 'Big Five' personality traits and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ), which assesses both what respondents consider as important in their work environment as well as their satisfaction with their current job. Importance ratings were again combined into two composites while job satisfaction ratings were factor analyzed and three factors, differentiated along hygiene versus motivator lines, emerged. Personality traits again accounted for a small percentage of the total variance both in importance ratings and in levels of job satisfaction. It is concluded that personality does not have a strong or consistent influence either on what individuals perceive as important in their work environment or on their levels of job satisfaction. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
This paper addresses robust model-order reduction of a high dimensional nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) model of a complex biological process. Based on a nonlinear, distributed parameter model of the same process which was validated against experimental data of an existing, pilot-scale BNR activated sludge plant, we developed a state-space model with 154 state variables in this work. A general algorithm for robustly reducing the nonlinear PDE model is presented and based on an investigation of five state-of-the-art model-order reduction techniques, we are able to reduce the original model to a model with only 30 states without incurring pronounced modelling errors. The Singular perturbation approximation balanced truncating technique is found to give the lowest modelling errors in low frequency ranges and hence is deemed most suitable for controller design and other real-time applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Error condition detected We consider discrete two-point boundary value problems of the form D-2 y(k+1) = f (kh, y(k), D y(k)), for k = 1,...,n - 1, (0,0) = G((y(0),y(n));(Dy-1,Dy-n)), where Dy-k = (y(k) - Yk-I)/h and h = 1/n. This arises as a finite difference approximation to y" = f(x,y,y'), x is an element of [0,1], (0,0) = G((y(0),y(1));(y'(0),y'(1))). We assume that f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, that there exist pairs of strict lower and strict upper solutions for the continuous problem, and that f and G satisfy additional assumptions that are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. Under these assumptions we show that there are at least three distinct solutions of the discrete approximation which approximate solutions to the continuous problem as the grid size, h, goes to 0. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.