34 resultados para Trypsin


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The applicability of linear peptides as drugs is potentially limited by their susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage and poor bioavailability. Cyclotides are macrocyclic cystine-knotted mini-proteins that have a broad range of bioactivities and are exceptionally stable, being resistant to chemical, thermal and enzymatic degradation. The general limitations of peptides as drugs can potentially be overcome by using the cyclotide framework as a scaffold onto which new activities may be engineered. The potential use of cyclotides and related peptide scaffolds for drug design is evaluated herein, with reference to increasing knowledge of the structures and sequence diversity of natural cyclotides and the emergence of new approaches in protein engineering.


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Cyclotides are a fascinating family of plant-derived peptides characterized by their head-to-tail cyclized backbone and knotted arrangement of three disulfide bonds. This conserved structural architecture, termed the CCK (cyclic cystine knot), is responsible for their exceptional resistance to thermal, chemical and enzymatic degradation. Cyclotides have a variety of biological activities, but their insecticidal activities suggest that their primary function is in plant defence. In the present study, we determined the cyclotide content of the sweet violet Viola odorata, a member of the Violaceae family. We identified 30 cyclotides from the aerial parts and roots of this plant, 13 of which are novel sequences. The new sequences provide information about the natural diversity of cyclotides and the role of particular residues in defining structure and function. As many of the biological activities of cyclotides appear to be associated with membrane interactions, we used haemolytic activity as a marker of bioactivity for a selection of the new cyclotides. The new cyclotides were tested for their ability to resist proteolysis by a range of enzymes and, in common with other cyclotides, were completely resistant to trypsin, pepsin and thermolysin. The results show that while biological activity varies with the sequence, the proteolytic stability of the framework does not, and appears to be an inherent feature of the cyclotide framework. The structure of one of the new cyclotides, cycloviolacin O14, was determined and shown to contain the CCK motif. This study confirms that cyclotides may be regarded as a natural combinatorial template that displays a variety of peptide epitopes most likely targeted to a range of plant pests and pathogens.


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Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a commercially important polypeptide with important diagnostic. physiological and immunomodulatory functions. Previous studies into the refolding of this macromolecule are contradictory. and variously suggest that AFP denaturation may be irreversible or that refolding may be achieved by reducing denaturant concentration through dilution but not dialysis. Importantly, these same previous studies do not provide quantitative metrics by which the Success of refolding, and the potential for bioprocess development. can be assessed. Moreover, these same studies do not optimize and control refolding redox potential - an important factor considering that AFP contains 32 cysteines which form 16 disulfide bonds. In this current study, a quantitative comparison of recombinant human AFP (rhAFP) refolding by dilution and dialysis is conducted under optimized redox conditions. rhAFP refolding yields were > 35% (dialysis refolding) and > 75% (dilution refolding) as assessed by RP-HPLC and ELISA, with structural Similarity to the native state confirmed by UV spectroscopy. Dialysis refolding yield was believed to be lower because the gradual reduction in denaturant concentration allowed extended conformational searching. enabling more time for undesirable interaction with other protein molecules and/or the dialysis membrane, leading to a Sub-optimal process outcome. Significant yield sensitivity to redox environment was also observed, emphasizing the importance of physicochemical optimization. This study demonstrates that very high refolding yields can be obtained, for a physiologically relevant protein, with optimized dilution refolding. The study also highlights the quantitative metrics and macromolecular physical spectroscopic 'fingerprints' required to facilitate transition from laboratory to process scale.


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Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) is mitogenic for the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7; here we investigate some of the signaling pathways subserving this activity. FGF-2 stimulation of MCF-7 cells resulted in a global increase of intracellular tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins, particularly FGF receptor substrate-2, the protooncogene product Src and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) cascade, A major increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 30-kDa protein species was also found. This protein was identified as cyclin D2 by mass spectrometry after trypsin digestion. Immunoprecipitation of cyclin D2 and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies confirmed that the tyrosine phosphorylation of cyclin D2 was indeed induced by FGF-2 stimulation. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of Src (with herbimycin A and PP2), and of the MAP kinase cascade (with PD98059), confirmed that Src activity is required for the FGF-2-induced phosphorylation of cyclin D2 whereas MAP kinase activity is not, Thus, tyrosine phosphorylation of cyclin D2 may be a hey regulatory target for FGF-2 signaling. (C) 2000 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.