159 resultados para The Australian Sociological Association (tasa)
Background and Purpose - Although implemented in 1998, no research has examined how well the Australian National Subacute and Nonacute Patient (AN-SNAP) Casemix Classification predicts length of stay (LOS), discharge destination, and functional improvement in public hospital stroke rehabilitation units in Australia. Methods - 406 consecutive admissions to 3 stroke rehabilitation units in Queensland, Australia were studied. Sociode-mographic, clinical, and functional data were collected. General linear modeling and logistic regression were used to assess the ability of AN-SNAP to predict outcomes. Results - AN-SNAP significantly predicted each outcome. There were clear relationships between the outcomes of longer LOS, poorer functional improvement and discharge into care, and the AN-SNAP classes that reflected poorer functional ability and older age. Other predictors included living situation, acute LOS, comorbidity, and stroke type. Conclusions - AN-SNAP is a consistent predictor of LOS, functional change and discharge destination, and has utility in assisting clinicians to set rehabilitation goals and plan discharge.
Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy for the management of rheumatic diseases has been reimbursed in Australia progressively per agent and disease indication since 2003. Initial projections of uptake were grossly overestimated. In this article the anti-TNF experience in Australia is reviewed, including results of an eligibility study, Australian Rheumatology Association guidelines, anti-TNF registry, and a report of adverse effects. These observations may assist APLAR countries currently coming to terms with anti-TNF drug registration and funding.
An unusual saltwater population of the "freshwater" crocodilian, Crocodylus johnstoni, was studied in the estuary of the Limmen Bight River in Australia's Northern Territory and compared with populations in permanently freshwater habitats. Crocodiles in the river were found across a large salinity gradient, from fresh water to a salinity of 24 mg.ml-1, more than twice the body fluid concentration. Plasma osmolarity, concentrations of plasma Na+, Cl-, and K+, and exchangeable Na+ pools were all remarkably constant across the salinity spectrum and were not substantially higher or more variable than those in crocodiles from permanently freshwater habitats. Body fluid volumes did not vary; condition factor and hydration status of crocodiles were not correlated with salinity and were not different from those of crocodiles from permanently fresh water. C. johnstoni clearly has considerable powers of osmoregulation in waters of low to medium salinity. Whether this osmoregulatory competence, extends to continuously hyperosmotic environments is not known, but distributional data suggest that C. johnstoni in hyperosmotic conditions may require periodic access to hypoosmotic water. The study demonstrates a physiological capacity for colonisation of at least some estuarine waters by this normally stenohaline freshwater crocodilian.
Simultaneous measurements of pulmonary blood flow (qPA), coeliacomesenteric blood flow (qCoA), dorsal aortic blood pressure (PDA), heart rate (fH) and branchial ventilation frequency (fv) were made in the Australian lungfish, /Neoceratodus forsteri, /during air breathing and aquatic hypoxia. The cholinergic and adrenergic influences on the cardiovascular system were investigated during normoxia using pharmacological agents, and the presence of catecholamines and serotonin in different tissues was investigated using histochemistry. Air breathing rarely occurred during normoxia but when it did, it was always associated with increased pulmonary blood flow. The pulmonary vasculature is influenced by both a cholinergic and adrenergic tonus whereas the coeliacomesenteric vasculature is influenced by a β-adrenergic vasodilator mechanism. No adrenergic nerve fibers could be demonstrated in /Neoceratodus /but catecholamine-containing endothelial cells were found in the atrium of the heart. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactive cells were demonstrated in the pulmonary epithelium. The most prominent response to aquatic hypoxia was an increase in gill breathing frequency followed by an increased number of air breaths together with increased pulmonary blood flow. It is clear from the present investigation that /Neoceratodus /is able to match cardiovascular performance to meet the changes in respiration during hypoxia.
Members of the Australian Labor Party during Mayday procession in Brisbane, Australia 1969.