80 resultados para TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS


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Background: Renal transplant recipients were noted to appear cushingoid while on low doses of steroid as part of a triple therapy immunosuppression of cyclosporin A (CsA), prednisolone, and azathioprine. Methods: The study group comprised adult renal transplant recipients with stable graft function who had received their renal allograft a minimum of 1 year previously (43 studies undertaken in 22 men and 20 women) with median daily prednisone dose of 7 mg (range 3-10). The control group was healthy nontransplant subjects [median dose 10 mg (10-30)]. Prednisolone bioavailability was measured using a limited 6-hour area under the curve (AUC), with prednisolone measured using specific HPLC assay. Results: The median prednisolone AUC/mg dose for all transplant recipients was significantly greater than the control group by approximately 50% (316 nmol(.)h/L/mg prednisolone versus 218). AUC was significantly higher in female recipients (median 415 versus 297 for men) and in recipients receiving cyclospotin (348 versus 285). The highest AUC was in women on estrogen supplements who were receiving cyclosporin (median 595). A significantly higher proportion of patients on triple therapy had steroid side effects compared with those on steroid and azathioprine (17/27 versus 4/15), more women than men had side effects (14/16 versus 7/22), and the AUC/mg prednisone was greater in those with side effects than without (median 377 versus 288 nmol-h/L/mg). Discussion: The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CsA increases the bioavailability of prednisolone, most likely through inhibition of beta-glycoprotein. The increased exposure to steroid increased the side-effect profile of steroids in the majority of patients. Because the major contributor to AUC is the maximum postdose concentration, it may be possible to use single-point monitoring (2 hours postdose) for routine clinical studies.


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The role of the therapeutic drug monitoring laboratory in support of immunosuppressant drug therapy is well established, and the introduction of sirolimus (SRL) is a new direction in this field. The lack of an immunoassay for several years has restricted the availability of SRL assay services. The recent availability of a CEDIA (R) SRL assay has the potential to improve this situation. The present communication has compared the CEDIA (R) SRL method with 2 established chromatographic methods, HPLC-UV and HPLC-MS/MS. The CEDIA (R) method, run on a Hitachi 917 analyzer, showed acceptable validation criteria with within-assay precision of 9.1% and 3.3%, and bias of 17.1% and 5.8%, at SRL concentrations of 5.0 mu g/L and 20 mu g/L, respectively. The corresponding between-run precision values were 11.5% and 3.3% and bias of 7.1% and 2.9% at 5.0 mu g/L and 20 mu g/L, respectively, The lower limit of quantification was found to be 3.0 mu g/L. A series of 96 EDTA whole-blood samples predominantly from renal transplant recipients were assayed by the 3 methods for comparison. It was found that the CEDIA (R) method showed a Deming regression line of CEDIA = 1.20 X HPLC-MS/MS - 0.07 (r = 0.934, SEE = 1.47), with a mean bias of 20.4%. Serial blood samples from 8 patients included in this evaluation showed that the CEDIA (R) method reflected the clinical fluctuations in the chromatographic methods, albeit with the variable bias noted. The CEDIA (R) method on the H917 analyzer is therefore a useful adjunct to SRL dosage individualization in renal transplant recipients.


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Drugs and metabolites are eliminated from the body by metabolism and excretion. The kidney makes the major contribution to excretion of unchanged drug and also to excretion of metabolites. Net renal excretion is a combination of three processes - glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Renal function has traditionally been determined by measuring plasma creatinine and estimating creatinine clearance. However, estimated creatinine clearance measures only glomerular filtration with a small contribution from active secretion. There is accumulating evidence of poor correlation between estimated creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in different clinical settings, challenging the 'intact nephron hypothesis' and suggesting that renal drug handling pathways may not decline in parallel. Furthermore, it is evident that renal drug handling is altered to a clinically significant extent in a number of disease states, necessitating dosage adjustment not just based on filtration. These observations suggest that a re-evaluation of markers of renal function is required. Methods that measure all renal handling pathways would allow informed dosage individualisation using an understanding of renal excretion pathways and patient characteristics. Methodologies have been described to determine individually each of the renal elimination pathways. However, their simultaneous assessment has only recently been investigated. A cocktail of markers to measure simultaneously the individual renal handling pathways have now been developed, and evaluated in healthy volunteers. This review outlines the different renal elimination pathways and the possible markers that can be used for their measurement. Diseases and other physiological conditions causing altered renal drug elimination are presented, and the potential application of a cocktail of markers for the simultaneous measurement of drug handling is evaluated. Further investigation of the effects of disease processes on renal drug handling should include people with HIV infection, transplant recipients (renal and liver) and people with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, changes in renal function in the elderly, the effect of sex on renal function, assessment of living kidney donors prior to transplantation and the investigation of renal drug interactions would also be potential applications. Once renal drug handling pathways are characterised in a patient population, the implications for accurate dosage individualisation can be assessed. The simultaneous measurement of renal function elimination pathways of drugs and metabolites has the potential to assist in understanding how renal function changes with different disease states or physiological conditions. In addition, it will further our understanding of fundamental aspects of the renal elimination of drugs.


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Free drug measurement and pharmacodymanic markers provide the opportunity for a better understanding of drug efficacy and toxicity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique that could facilitate the measurement of free drug and these markers. Currently, there are very few published methods for the determination of free drug concentrations by HPLC-MS. The development of atmospheric pressure ionisation sources, together with on-line microdialysis or on-line equilibrium dialysis and column switching techniques have reduced sample run times and increased assay efficiency. The availability of such methods will aid in drug development and the clinical use of certain drugs, including anti-convulsants, anti-arrhythmics, immunosuppressants, local anaesthetics, anti-fungals and protease inhibitors. The history of free drug measurement and an overview of the current HPLC-MS applications for these drugs are discussed. Immunosuppressant drugs are used as an example for the application of HPLC-MS in the measurement of drug pharmacodynamics. Potential biomarkers of immunosuppression that could be measured by HPLC-MS include purine nucleoside/nucleotides, drug-protein complexes and phosphorylated peptides. At the proteomic level, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (TOF) MS is a powerful tool for identifying proteins involved in the response to inflammatory mediators. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Patient outcomes in transplantation would improve if dosing of immunosuppressive agents was individualized. The aim of this study is to develop a population pharmacokinetic model of tacrolimus in adult liver transplant recipients and test this model in individualizing therapy. Population analysis was performed on data from 68 patients. Estimates were sought for apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F) using the nonlinear mixed effects model program (NONMEM). Factors screened for influence on these parameters were weight, age, sex, transplant type, biliary reconstructive procedure, postoperative day, days of therapy, liver function test results, creatinine clearance, hematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and interacting drugs. The predictive performance of the developed model was evaluated through Bayesian forecasting in an independent cohort of 36 patients. No linear correlation existed between tacrolimus dosage and trough concentration (r(2) = 0.005). Mean individual Bayesian estimates for CL/F and V/F were 26.5 8.2 (SD) L/hr and 399 +/- 185 L, respectively. CL/F was greater in patients with normal liver function. V/F increased with patient weight. CL/F decreased with increasing hematocrit. Based on the derived model, a 70-kg patient with an aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level less than 70 U/L would require a tacrolimus dose of 4.7 mg twice daily to achieve a steady-state trough concentration of 10 ng/mL. A 50-kg patient with an AST level greater than 70 U/L would require a dose of 2.6 mg. Marked interindividual variability (43% to 93%) and residual random error (3.3 ng/mL) were observed. Predictions made using the final model were reasonably nonbiased (0.56 ng/mL), but imprecise (4.8 ng/mL). Pharmacokinetic information obtained will assist in tacrolimus dosing; however, further investigation into reasons for the pharmacokinetic variability of tacrolimus is required.


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Elevated homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinaemia) in renal patients is a major concern for physicians. Although cause and effect between homocysteine and cardiovascular disease (CVD) has not been established in either the general population or renal patients, there is much evidence that this relationship does exist. Purported mechanisms that may explain this effect include increases in endothelial injury, smooth muscle cell proliferation, low-density lipoprotein oxidation and changes in haemostatic balance. Renal patients have a much greater incidence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and this may be explained by decreases in either the renal or extrarenal metabolism of the compound. We conclude that data from long-term placebo-controlled trials are urgently required to determine whether hyperhomocysteinaemia in renal patients is a cause of CVD events and requires therapeutic targeting.


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Hyperhomocysteinemia is a potential risk factor for vascular disease and is associated with endothelial dysfunction, a predictor of adverse cardiovascular events. Renal patients (end-stage renal failure (ESRF) and transplant recipients (RTR)) exhibit both hyperhomocysteinemia and endothelial dysfunction with increasing evidence of a causative link between the 2 conditions. The elevated homocysteine appears to be due to altered metabolism in the kidney (intrarenal) and in the uremic circulation ( extrarenal). This review will discuss 18 supplementation studies conducted in ESRF and 6 in RTR investigating the effects of nutritional therapy to lower homocysteine. The clinical significance of lowering homocysteine in renal patients will be discussed with data on the effects of B vitamin supplementation on cardiovascular outcomes such as endothelial function presented. Folic acid is the most effective nutritional therapy to lower homocysteine. In ESRF patients, supplementation with folic acid over a wide dose range ( 2 - 20 mg/day) either individually or in combination with other B vitamins will decrease but not normalize homocysteine. In contrast, in RTR similar doses of folic acid normalizes homocysteine. Folic acid improves endothelial function in ESRF patients, however this has yet to be investigated in RTR. Homocysteine-lowering therapy is more effective in ESRF patients than RTR.


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End-stage liver disease associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is now the leading indication for liver transplantation in adults. However, reinfection of the graft is universal. We aimed to determine predictors of outcome of HCV-Iiver transplant recipients in the Australian and New Zealand communities. The following variables were analysed: demographic factors, coexistent pathology at the time of transplantation, HCV genotype, and donor age. Outcomes measures were: 1. mortality; 2. development of HCV-related complications, which were stage 3 or 4 fibrosis, or mortality from HCV-related graft failure, or both. Between January 1989 and December 30, 1999, 182 patients were transplanted for HCV-associated cirrhosis. The median follow-up period was 4 years (range, 0 to 13 years). Genotype data were available on 157 patients. The distribution of genotypes among the 157 patients was as follows: 36 (23%) genotype la, 30 (19%) genotype 1b, 4 (9%) genotype 1, 17 (11%) genotype 2, 41 (26%) genotype 3a, and 16 (10%) genotype 4. Eight (5%) patients were HCV-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-negative (but HCV-antibody positive). Donor age and genotype 4 were associated with an increased risk of retransplantation or death (P < .001 and.05, respectively). Meanwhile, donor age, genotype 4, and pretransplant excess alcohol were risk factors for the development of HCV-related complications (P = .004, .008, and .02, respectively). In contrast, patients with genotype 3a were less likely to develop HCV-related complications (P = .05). In a population of HCV liver transplant recipients with a heterogeneous genotype distribution, donor age, and genotype 4, were predictors of a worse outcome, whereas genotype 3 was associated with a more favorable outcome.


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Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) seronegative solid organ transplant recipients remains a significant problem, particularly in the first year post-transplant. Immune monitoring of a cohort of high-risk patients indicated that four EBV seronegative transplant recipients developed early-onset PTLD prior to evidence of an EBV humoral response. EBV status has been classically defined serologically, however these patients demonstrated multiple parameters of EBV infection, including the generation of EBV-specific CTL, outgrowth of spontaneous lymphoblastoid cell lines, and elevated EBV DNA levels, despite the absence of a classic EBV antibody response. As EBV serology is influenced by both immunosuppression and cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin treatment, both the EBV-specific CTL response and elevated EBV levels are more reliable indicators of EBV infection post-transplant.