57 resultados para Rodents infected with hantavirus
We examined the transmission efficiency of 2 strains of Wolbachia bacteria that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility in field populations of Aedes albopictus by polymerase chain reaction assay. We found mainland and island populations throughout Thailand to be superinfected with group A and B bacteria. Of 320 Wolbachia-positive adult mosquitoes, 97.5% were infected with both groups. Single infected individuals of each Wolbachia group were encountered in nearly equal numbers. We screened 550 offspring from 80 field-collected mothers and found the transmission efficiency of group A Wolbachia to be 96.7% and that of group B Wolbachia to be 99.6%. Mothers that did not transmit both Wolbachia infections to all of their offspring were significantly larger in size than those with perfect transmission fidelity. We discuss our findings in relation to the prospects of the use of Wolbachia as a gene-driving mechanism.
A continuous cell line, Aa23, was established from eggs of a strain of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, naturally infected with the intracellular symbiont Wolbachia pipientis. The resulting cell line was shown to be persistently infected with the bacterial endosymbiont. Treatment with antibiotics cured the cells of the infection. In the course of establishing this cell line it was noticed that RFLPs in the PCR products of two Wolbachia genes from the parental mosquitoes were fixed in the infected cell line. This indicates that the mosquito host was naturally superinfected with different Wolbachia strains, whereas the infected cell line derived from these mosquitoes only contained one of the original Wolbachia strains. The development of anin vitroculture system for this fastidious microorganism should facilitate molecular analysis of the reproduction distorting phenotypes it induces in natural arthropod hosts.
Various stocks of Drosophila mauritiana and D. sechellia were found to be infected with Wolbachia, a Rickettsia-like bacterium that is known to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive abnormalities in arthropods. Testing for the expression of cytoplasmic incompatibility in these two species showed partial incompatibility in D. sechellia but no expression of incompatibility in D. mauritiana. To determine whether absence of cytoplasmic incompatibility in D. mauritiana was due to either the bacterial or host genome, we transferred bacteria from D. mauritiana into an uninfected strain of D. simulans, a host species known to express high levels of incompatibility with endogenous Wolbachia. We also performed the reciprocal transfer of the natural D. simulans Riverside infection into a tetracycline-treated stock of D. mauritiana. In each case, the ability to express incompatibility was unaltered by the different host genetic background. These experiments indicate that in D. simulans and D. mauritiana expression of the cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype is determined by the bacterial strain and that D. mauritiana harbors a neutral strain of Wolbachia.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) describes the phenomenon whereby eggs fertilized by sperm from insects infected with a rickettsial endosymbiont fail to hatch. Unidirectional CI between conspecific populations of insects is a well documented phenomenon. Bidirectional CI has, however, only been described in mosquito populations, and recently between closely related species of parasitic wasps, where it is of interest as both an unusual form of reproductive isolation and as a potential means of insect population suppression. Here we report on the first known example of bidirectional CI between conspecific populations of Drosophila simulans. Further, we show that defects as early as the first cleavage division are associated with CI. This observation suggests that the cellular basis of CI involves disruption of processes before or during zygote formation and that CI arises from defects in the structure and/or function of the sperm during fertilization.
A mathematical model was developed to estimate HIV incidence in NSW prisons. Data included: duration of imprisonment; number of inmates using each needle; lower and higher number of shared injections per IDU per week; proportion of IDUs using bleach; efficacy of bleach; HIV prevalence and probability of infection. HIV prevalence in IDUs in prison was estimated to have risen from 0.8 to 5.7% (12.2%) over 180 weeks when using lower (and higher) values for frequency of shared injections. The estimated minimum (and maximum) number of IDU inmates infected with HIV in NSW prisons was 38 (and 152) in 1993 according to the model. These figures require confirmation by seroincidence studies. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seventy-two epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Bonnaterre), were infected with the nematode parasite Proleptus australis Bayliss, 1933. The parasite population was overdispersed. Infection intensity ranged from 3 to 1002 worms per fish stomach, and there was a positive correlation between shark length and number of parasites present. The majority of worms were attached to the stomach wall, and scanning electron microscopy and histological examination showed that worms penetrated the stomach lining. Worms were observed within the lamina propria of the stomach and occasionally penetrated the muscularis mucosa. Little to no inflammatory or cellular immune reaction to the presence of the parasites was observed, except in one case where a worm was being degraded by a host tissue response. There was a large amount of connective tissue proliferation as a result of nematode attachment,, but no obvious effects on the overall health of the sharks were seen. Three sharks were also found to be infected by the cestode Callitetrarhynchus sp.
During a survey of the helminth parasites of the introduced load, Bufo marinus, on O'ahu, Hawaii, an acanthocephalan corresponding to Acanthocephalus bufonis (Shipley, 1903) was found in the intestinal tract. This is a new host and locality record for A. bufonis which has only previously been recorded from amphibians in the Orient. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of A. bufonis to Hawaii, and its transmission to the toad, are discussed. Almost 98 % of toads were infected with a mean intensify of: 28.6 acanthocephalans per infected toed. There was a significant negative correlation between host length and intensity of infection with subadult toads having significantly higher infection levels than adult male and female loads. Trunk length of both male and female acanthocephalans was significantly related to host length.
Glasshouse experiments determined effects of a moth, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and the anthracnose pathogen, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc., on each other when attacking the same host plant, Stylosanthes scabra (Vog.) (Leguminosae) cv. Fitzroy. The host was treated with both organisms in 2 ways of succession and at 2 different life stages each. Larvae of the moth preferred to feed on healthy plants rather than plants recently infected with C. gloeosporioides, and preferred such newly infected plants to severely diseased ones. Adult female moths laid more eggs on healthy and recently infected plants than on diseased plants, when given a choice of all 3 plant types. Severity of anthracnose disease was neither promoted nor retarded by damage to leaves caused by larvae of the moth.
Monocyte macrophages (M phi) are thought to be the principal target cells for the dengue viruses (DV), the cause of dengue fever and hemorrhagic fever. Cell attachment is mediated by the virus envelope (E) protein, but the host-cell receptors remain elusive. Currently, candidate receptor molecules include proteins, Fc receptors, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and lipopolysaccharide binding CD14-associated molecules. Here, we show that in addition to M phi, cells of the T- and B-cell lineages, and including cells lacking GAGs, can bind and become infected with DV. The level of virus binding varied widely between cell lines and, notably, between virus strains within a DV serotype. The latter difference may be ascribable to one or more amino acid differences in domain II of the E protein. Heparin had no significant effect on DV binding, while heparinase treatment of cells in all cases increased DV binding, further supporting the contention that GAGs are not required for DV binding and infection of human cells. In contrast to a recent report, we found that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) had either no effect or enhanced DV binding to, and infection of various human leukocyte cell lines, while in all virus-cell combinations, depletion of Ca2+/Mg2+ enhanced DV binding. This argues against involvement of beta (2) integrins in virus-host cell interactions, a conclusion in accord with the demonstration of three virus binding membrane proteins of < 75 kDa. Collectively, the results of this study question the purported exclusive importance of the E protein domain III in DV binding to host cells and point to a far more complex interaction between various target cells and, notably, individual DV strains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Tumor cells from NPC patients are regularly and latently infected with EBV. To examine whether the virus serves as target for immune intervention of the cancer, we determined levels of EBV-specific CTLp in peripheral blood from NPC patients, long-term survivors of the cancer and healthy subjects. CTLp levels of test subjects varied between 3-3,000/10(6) PBMCs. The plasma EBV burden increased when the CTLp level fell below 150, whereas the EBV burden of PBMCs was not correlated with CTLp level. Compared with healthy carriers, CTLp levels of patients were lower and varied over a wider range, between 3-1,500/10(6) PBMCs. The quantitative immune deficit was probably attributed to the tumor because, first, CTLp in survivors was restored to levels similar to those in healthy carriers after the tumor had been successfully treated. Second, the CTLp level changed as disease progressed, being lower in local disease, increased in locoregional disease and decreased again when the tumor metastasized. Based on these findings, 4 patients with advanced disease were infused with 5 x 10(7)-3 x 10(8) autologous EBV CTLs. The treatment was safe and unaccompanied by inflammatory or other complications, but whether it improved tumor control could not be discerned from the large tumor bulk. Nevertheless, the treatment regularly increased CTLp levels of patients, maintained it at higher levels for protracted periods and, in 3 patients, restored host surveillance of EBV replication, reducing the plasma EBV burden. Taken together, these results provided a rationale to further explore EBV as a target of immune intervention of NPC. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5x10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) Of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.
Chryseobacteria are gram negative organisms, formerly known as Flavobacteria, which rarely cause infections of burn wounds. This article documents three casts of Chryseobacterium infection in burn wounds and adds to the other two cases that have been reported in English literature. Two patients died, with one of the deaths linked to a Chryseobacteria bacteraemia. In two patients, there was an associated history of first aid treatment with untreated water. Patients whose burn wounds are suspected to be infected with Chryseobacterium require wound excision and coverage in combination with antibiotic therapy such as ciprofloxacin, vancomycin and rifampicin. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
We describe the use of a murine model to evaluate resistance against subsequent challenge following a primary infection with oncospheres of Echinococcus granulosus. Mice (Kunming strain) were infected with hatched oncospheres of Echinococcus granulosus; 21 days later a second challenge was given by a different route of infection. A primary infection by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection stimulated 100 and 90.5% protection in terms of reduced cyst numbers against a secondary infection given subcutaneously (s.c.) or intravenously (i.v.) respectively. A primary infection given s.c. followed by i.p. or i.v. challenge resulted in 84.0 and 100% protection, respectively. Intravenous infection followed by i.p. or s.c. challenge resulted in 98.5 and 69.4% protection, respectively. With the i.v. route of infection, almost all resultant cysts were present in the lungs. The data show that a primary infection with oncospheres can induce total or a high degree of protection against a subsequent challenge and confirms that natural (concomitant) immunity can be stimulated in the intermediate host as the result of a primary infection. This may explain the decline in hydatid infection in sheep older than 2 years in hyper-endemic areas such as those found in Xingjiang, China. These older sheep may have been earlier infected and have subsequently self-cured, with the primary infection stimulating an immune response that protects the intermediate host animals from further infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Blood smears from 27 turtles (15 Emydura signata, nine Elseya latisternum, and three Chelodina longicollis) from southeastern Queensland (Australia) were examined for infections by hemoprotozoan parasites between January and June 1999. Infections were found in 26 (96%) of the turtles. Twenty five (93%) were infected with the adeleorin coccidian Haemogregarina clelandi, eight (30%) with the hemosporidian Haemoproteus chelodinae, 11 (41%) with the kinetoplastid flagellate Trypanosoma chelodinae, and eight (30%) with a novel Trypanosoma sp. Despite the high prevalence and intensity of infections, there was no evidence of clinical disease in any of the turtles.
High levels of mortality in the Mediterranean bath sponge industry have raised concerns for the future of sponge farms. Healthy sponges feed predominantly on bacteria, and many harbour a wide diversity of inter- and extra-cellular symbiotic bacteria. Here we describe the first isolation and description of a pathogenic bacterium from an infected marine sponge. Microbiological examination of tissue necrosis in the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile resulted in isolation of the bacterial strain NW4327. Sponges infected with strain NW4327 exhibited high levels of external tissue necrosis, and the strain was re-isolated from infected sponges. A single morphotype, which had burrowed through the collagenous spongin fibres causing severe necrosis, was observed microscopically. Strain NW4327 was capable of degrading commercial preparations of azo-collagen, providing further evidence of its involvement in spongin fibre necrosis, Strain NW4327 disrupted the microbial community associated with R. odorabile and was able to infect and kill healthy sponge tissue. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed that strain NW4327 is a novel member of the alpha-proteobacteria.