243 resultados para REACTION SYSTEM


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An approximate analytical technique employing a finite integral transform is developed to solve the reaction diffusion problem with Michaelis-Menten kinetics in a solid of general shape. A simple infinite series solution for the substrate concentration is obtained as a function of the Thiele modulus, modified Sherwood number, and Michaelis constant. An iteration scheme is developed to bring the approximate solution closer to the exact solution. Comparison with the known exact solutions for slab geometry (quadrature) and numerically exact solutions for spherical geometry (orthogonal collocation) shows excellent agreement for all values of the Thiele modulus and Michaelis constant.


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A reversible linear master equation model is presented for pressure- and temperature-dependent bimolecular reactions proceeding via multiple long-lived intermediates. This kinetic treatment, which applies when the reactions are measured under pseudo-first-order conditions, facilitates accurate and efficient simulation of the time dependence of the populations of reactants, intermediate species and products. Detailed exploratory calculations have been carried out to demonstrate the capabilities of the approach, with applications to the bimolecular association reaction C3H6 + H reversible arrow C3H7 and the bimolecular chemical activation reaction C2H2 +(CH2)-C-1--> C3H3+H. The efficiency of the method can be dramatically enhanced through use of a diffusion approximation to the master equation, and a methodology for exploiting the sparse structure of the resulting rate matrix is established.


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By using a matched asymptotic expansion technique, the shrinking core model (SCM) used in non-catalytic gas solid reactions with general kinetic expression is rigorously justified in this paper as a special case of the homogeneous model when the reaction rate is much faster than that of diffusion. The time-pendent velocity of the moving reacted-unreacted interface is found to be proportional to the gas flux at that interface for all geometries of solid particles, and the thickness order of the reaction zone and also the degree of chemical reaction at the interface is discussed in this paper.


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The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the flow of rarefied gases. In the Macroscopic Chemistry Method (MCM) for DSMC, chemical reaction rates calculated from local macroscopic flow properties are enforced in each cell. Unlike the standard total collision energy (TCE) chemistry model for DSMC, the new method is not restricted to an Arrhenius form of the reaction rate coefficient, nor is it restricted to a collision cross-section which yields a simple power-law viscosity. For reaction rates of interest in aerospace applications, chemically reacting collisions are generally infrequent events and, as such, local equilibrium conditions are established before a significant number of chemical reactions occur. Hence, the reaction rates which have been used in MCM have been calculated from the reaction rate data which are expected to be correct only for conditions of thermal equilibrium. Here we consider artificially high reaction rates so that the fraction of reacting collisions is not small and propose a simple method of estimating the rates of chemical reactions which can be used in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Two tests are presented: (1) The dissociation rates under conditions of thermal non-equilibrium are determined from a zero-dimensional Monte-Carlo sampling procedure which simulates ‘intra-modal’ non-equilibrium; that is, equilibrium distributions in each of the translational, rotational and vibrational modes but with different temperatures for each mode; (2) The 2-D hypersonic flow of molecular oxygen over a vertical plate at Mach 30 is calculated. In both cases the new method produces results in close agreement with those given by the standard TCE model in the same highly nonequilibrium conditions. We conclude that the general method of estimating the non-equilibrium reaction rate is a simple means by which information contained within non-equilibrium distribution functions predicted by the DSMC method can be included in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method.


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Power system real time security assessment is one of the fundamental modules of the electricity markets. Typically, when a contingency occurs, it is required that security assessment and enhancement module shall be ready for action within about 20 minutes’ time to meet the real time requirement. The recent California black out again highlighted the importance of system security. This paper proposed an approach for power system security assessment and enhancement based on the information provided from the pre-defined system parameter space. The proposed scheme opens up an efficient way for real time security assessment and enhancement in a competitive electricity market for single contingency case


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The BR algorithm is a novel and efficient method to find all eigenvalues of upper Hessenberg matrices and has never been applied to eigenanalysis for power system small signal stability. This paper analyzes differences between the BR and the QR algorithms with performance comparison in terms of CPU time based on stopping criteria and storage requirement. The BR algorithm utilizes accelerating strategies to improve its performance when computing eigenvalues of narrowly banded, nearly tridiagonal upper Hessenberg matrices. These strategies significantly reduce the computation time at a reasonable level of precision. Compared with the QR algorithm, the BR algorithm requires fewer iteration steps and less storage space without depriving of appropriate precision in solving eigenvalue problems of large-scale power systems. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency of the BR algorithm in pursuing eigenanalysis tasks of 39-, 68-, 115-, 300-, and 600-bus systems. Experiment results suggest that the BR algorithm is a more efficient algorithm for large-scale power system small signal stability eigenanalysis.


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Messenger RNAs coding for growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases were measured by quantitative competitive and by semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction in whole and dissected chick inner ears. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 1 chick embryonic kinase (CEK) 1 was expressed in all structures examined (otocyst, hatchling whole cochlea, cochlear nerve ganglion, and cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia), although slightly more heavily in the otocyst. The related fibroblast growth factor receptors CEK 2 and 3 were preferentially expressed in the nerve ganglion and in the vestibular sensory epithelium, respectively. FGF 1 mRNA was low in early development, increasing to mature levels at around embryonic age 11 days, while FGF2, mRNA was expressed at constant levels at all ages. In response to ototoxic damage, FGF1 mRNA levels were increased in the early damaged cochlear sensory epithelium. Immunohistochemistry for CEK1 showed that normal hair cells expressed the receptor heavily on the hair cell stereocilia, while with early damage, CEK1 came to be expressed heavily on the apical surfaces of the supporting cells. In normal chicks, the CEK4 and CEK8 eph-class receptor tyrosine kinases were expressed relatively heavily by the cochlear nerve ganglion, and CEK10 was expressed relatively heavily by the cochlear hair cell sensory epithelium. The results suggest that the FGF system may be involved in the response of the cochlear epithelium to ototoxic damage. The eph-class receptor tyrosine kinase CEK10 may be involved in cell interactions in the cochlear sensory epithelium, while CEK4 and CEK8 may play a role in the cochlear innervation.


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Albicidins are a family of phytotoxins and antibiotics which play an important role in the pathogenesis of sugarcane leaf scald disease. The albA gene from Klebsiella oxytoca encodes a protein which inactivates albicidin by heat-reversible binding. Albicidin ligand binding to a recombinant AlbA protein, purified by means of a glutathione S-transferase gene fusion system, is an almost instant and saturable reaction. Kinetic and stoichiometric analysis of the binding reaction indicated the presence of a single high affinity binding site with a dissociation constant of 6.4 x 10(-8) M. The AlbA-albicidin complex is stable from 4 to 40 degrees C, from ph 5 to 9 and in high salt solutions. Treatment with protein denaturants released all bound albicidin. These properties indicate that AlbA may be a useful affinity matrix for selective purification of albicidin antibiotics. AlbA does not bind to p-nitrophenyl butyrate or alpha-naphthyl butyrate, the substrates of the albicidin detoxification enzyme AlbD from Pantoea dispersa. The potential exists to pyramid genes for different mechanisms in transgenic plants to protect plastid DNA replication from inhibition by albicidins.


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We report on the experimental observation of the generalized synchronization of chaos in a real physical system. We show that under a nonlinear resonant interaction, the chaotic dynamics of a single mode laser can become functionally related to that of a chaotic driving signal and furthermore as the coupling strength is further increased, the chaotic dynamics of the laser approaches that of the driving signal.


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I investigated the genetic relationship between male and female components of the mate recognition system and how this relationship influenced the subsequent evolution of the two traits, in a series of replicate populations of interspecific hybrids. Thirty populations of hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii were established and maintained for 24 generations. At the fifth generation after hybridization, the mating success of hybrid individuals with the D. serrata parent was determined. The genetic correlation between male and female components of the male recognition system, as a consequence of pleiotropy or tight physical linkage, was found to be significant but low (r = 0.388). This result suggested that pleiotropy may play only a minor role in the evolution of mate recognition in this system. At the twenty-fourth generation after hybridization, the mating success of the hybrids was again determined. The evolution of male and female components was investigated by analyzing the direction of evolution of each hybrid line with respect to its initial position in relation to the genetic regression. Male and female components appeared to converge on a single equilibrium point, rather than evolving along trajectories with slope equal to the genetic regression, toward a line of equilibria.


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Fed-batch culture can offer significant improvement in recombinant protein production compared to batch culture in the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS), as shown by Nguyen et al. (1993) and Bedard et al. (1994) among others. However, a thorough analysis of fed-batch culture to determine its limits in improving recombinant protein production over batch culture has yet to be performed. In this work, this issue is addressed by the optimisation of single-addition fed-batch culture. This type of fed-batch culture involves the manual addition of a multi-component nutrient feed to batch culture before infection with the baculovirus. The nutrient feed consists of yeastolate ultrafiltrate, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and glucose, which were added to batch cultures of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells before infection with a recombinant Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Ac-NPV) expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal). The fed-batch production of beta-Gal was optimised using response surface methods (RSM). The optimisation was performed in two stages, starting with a screening procedure to determine the most important variables and ending with a central-composite experiment to obtain a response surface model of volumetric beta-Gal production. The predicted optimum volumetric yield of beta-Gal in fed-batch culture was 2.4-fold that of the best yields in batch culture. This result was confirmed by a statistical analysis of the best fed-batch and batch data (with average beta-Gal yields of 1.2 and 0.5 g/L, respectively) obtained from this laboratory. The response surface model generated can be used to design a more economical fed-batch operation, in which nutrient feed volumes are minimised while maintaining acceptable improvements in beta-Gal yield. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A dissociation between two putative measures of resource allocation skin conductance responding, and secondary task reaction time (RT), has been observed during auditory discrimination tasks. Four experiments investigated the time course of the dissociation effect with a visual discrimination task. participants were presented with circles and ellipses and instructed to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of the other shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with this task, participants made a speeded motor response to an auditory probe. Experiment 1 showed that skin conductance responses were larger during task-relevant stimuli than during task-irrelevant stimuli, whereas RT to probes presented at 150 ms following shape onset was slower during task-irrelevant stimuli. Experiments 2 to 4 found slower RT during task-irrelevant stimuli at probes presented at 300 ms before shape onset until 150 ms following shape onset. At probes presented 3,000 and 4,000 ms following shape onset probe RT was slower during task-relevant stimuli. The similarities between the observed time course and the so-called psychological refractory period (PRF) effect are discussed.