88 resultados para Power spectral density analysis
To be able to determine the grain size obtained from the addition of a grain refining master alloy, the relationship between grain size (d), solute content (defined by the growth restriction factor Q), and the potency and number density of nucleant particles needs to be understood. A study was undertaken on aluminium alloys where additions of TiB2 and Ti were made to eight wrought aluminum alloys covering a range of alloying elements and compositions. It was found from analysis of the data that d = a/(3)root pct TiB2 + b/Q. From consideration of the experimental data and from further analysis of previously published data, it is shown that the coefficients a and b relate to characteristics of the nucleant particles added by a grain refiner. The term a is related to the maximum density of active TiB2 nucleant particles within the melt, while b is related to their potency. By using the analysis methodology presented in this article, the performance characteristics of different master alloys were defined and the effects of Zr and Si on the poisoning of grain refinement were illustrated.
Many studies on birds focus on the collection of data through an experimental design, suitable for investigation in a classical analysis of variance (ANOVA) framework. Although many findings are confirmed by one or more experts, expert information is rarely used in conjunction with the survey data to enhance the explanatory and predictive power of the model. We explore this neglected aspect of ecological modelling through a study on Australian woodland birds, focusing on the potential impact of different intensities of commercial cattle grazing on bird density in woodland habitat. We examine a number of Bayesian hierarchical random effects models, which cater for overdispersion and a high frequency of zeros in the data using WinBUGS and explore the variation between and within different grazing regimes and species. The impact and value of expert information is investigated through the inclusion of priors that reflect the experience of 20 experts in the field of bird responses to disturbance. Results indicate that expert information moderates the survey data, especially in situations where there are little or no data. When experts agreed, credible intervals for predictions were tightened considerably. When experts failed to agree, results were similar to those evaluated in the absence of expert information. Overall, we found that without expert opinion our knowledge was quite weak. The fact that the survey data is quite consistent, in general, with expert opinion shows that we do know something about birds and grazing and we could learn a lot faster if we used this approach more in ecology, where data are scarce. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Equilibrium adsorption data of nitrogen on a series of nongraphitized carbon blacks and nonporous silica at 77 K were analyzed by means of classical density functional theory to determine the solid-fluid potential. The behavior of this potential profile at large distance is particularly considered. The analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms seems to indicate that the adsorption in the first molecular layer is localized and controlled mainly by short-range forces due to the surface roughness, crystalline defects, and functional groups. At distances larger than approximately 1.3-1.5 molecular diameters, the adsorption is nonlocalized and appears as a thickening of the adsorbed film with increasing bulk pressure in a relatively weak adsorption potential field. It has been found that the asymptotic decay of the potential obeys the power law with the exponent being -3 for carbon blacks and -4 for silica surface, which signifies that in the latter case the adsorption potential is mainly exerted by surface oxygen atoms. In all cases, the absolute value of the solid-fluid potential is much smaller than that predicted by the Lennard-Jones pair potential with commonly used solid-fluid molecular parameters. The effect of surface heterogeneity on the heat of adsorption is also discussed.
The application of nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) to determine pore size distribution (PSD) of activated carbons using a nongraphitized carbon black, instead of graphitized thermal carbon black, as a reference system is explored. We show that in this case nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherms in activated carbons are precisely correlated by the theory, and such an excellent correlation would never be possible if the pore wall surface was assumed to be identical to that of graphitized carbon black. It suggests that pore wall surfaces of activated carbon are closer to that of amorphous solids because of defects of crystalline lattice, finite pore length, and the presence of active centers.. etc. Application of the NLDFT adapted to amorphous solids resulted in quantitative description of N-2 and Ar adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black BP280 at their respective boiling points. In the present paper we determined solid-fluid potentials from experimental adsorption isotherms on nongraphitized carbon black and subsequently used those potentials to model adsorption in slit pores and generate a corresponding set of local isotherms, which we used to determine the PSD functions of different activated carbons. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The basis of this work was to investigate the relative environmental impacts of various power generators knowing that all plants are located in totally different environments and that different receptors will experience different impacts. Based on IChemE sustainability metrics paradigm, we calculated potential environmental indicators (P-EI) that represent the environmental burden of masses of potential pollutants discharged into different receiving media. However, a P-EI may not be of significance, as it may not be expressed at all in different conditions, so to try and include some receiver significance we developed a methodology to take into account some specific environmental indicators (S-EI) that refer to the environmental attributes of a specific site. In this context, we acquired site specific environmental data related to the airsheds and water catchment areas in different locations for a limited number of environmental indicators such as human health (carcinogenic) effects, atmospheric acidification, photochemical (ozone) smog and eutrophication. The S-EI results from this particular analysis show that atmospheric acidification has highest impact value while health risks due to fly ash emissions are considered not to be as significant. This is due to the fact that many coal power plants in Australia are located in low population density air sheds. The contribution of coal power plants to photochemical (ozone) smog and eutrophication were not significant. In this study, we have considered emission related data trends to reflect technology performance (e.g., P-EI indicators) while a real sustainability metric can be associated only with the specific environmental conditions of the relevant sites (e.g., S-EI indicators).
This paper investigates the performance analysis of separation of mutually independent sources in nonlinear models. The nonlinear mapping constituted by an unsupervised linear mixture is followed by an unknown and invertible nonlinear distortion, are found in many signal processing cases. Generally, blind separation of sources from their nonlinear mixtures is rather difficult. We propose using a kernel density estimator incorporated with equivariant gradient analysis to separate the sources with nonlinear distortion. The kernel density estimator parameters of which are iteratively updated to minimize the output independence expressed as a mutual information criterion. The equivariant gradient algorithm has the form of nonlinear decorrelation to perform the convergence analysis. Experiments are proposed to illustrate these results.
Bifurcation analysis is a very useful tool for power system stability assessment. In this paper, detailed investigation of power system bifurcation behaviour is presented. One and two parameter bifurcation analysis are conducted on a 3-bus power system. We also examined the impact of FACTS devices on power system stability through Hopf bifurcation analysis by taking static Var compensator (SVC) as an example. A simplified first-order model of the SVC device is included in the 3-bus sample system. Real and reactive powers are used as bifurcation parameter in the analysis to compare the system oscillatory properties with and without SVC. The simulation results indicate that the linearized system model with SVC enlarge the voltage stability boundary by moving Hopf bifurcation point to higher level of loading conditions. The installation of SVC increases the dynamic stability range of the system, however complicates the Hopf bifurcation behavior of the system
Grid computing is an emerging technology for providing the high performance computing capability and collaboration mechanism for solving the collaborated and complex problems while using the existing resources. In this paper, a grid computing based framework is proposed for the probabilistic based power system reliability and security analysis. The suggested name of this computing grid is Reliability and Security Grid (RSA-Grid). Then the architecture of this grid is presented. A prototype system has been built for further development of grid-based services for power systems reliability and security assessment based on probabilistic techniques, which require high performance computing and large amount of memory. Preliminary results based on prototype of this grid show that RSA-Grid can provide the comprehensive assessment results for real power systems efficiently and economically.